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From: "Cyberdude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "roundtable" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Military Ballot Mystery
Date: Sunday, November 19, 2000 2:52 AM

ELECTION 2000, Day 11
Mystery, intrigue surround military ballots
Today's Florida deadline raises
questions about absentee irregularities


By Jon E. Dougherty
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Already parents are saving newspaper clippings and
writing reports to file away for grandchildren in an
effort to accurately recall and document for them what
is shaping up to be "the year the courts chose our

Many chapters have yet to be written, however, because
the saga is ongoing. Even now -- ten days after the
Nov. 7 election -- America still does not have a new
president. Recounts in Florida, lawsuits, petitions
for legal opinions and threats of new litigation
continue to be exchanged between the campaigns of
Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

As long as the campaigns remain so bitterly divided,
so too do the American people, as charges of voter
fraud, improper judicial rulings and partisanship
dominate the media coverage and the words spoken -- or
shouted -- between supporters of both candidates.

Behind the headlines and away from the cameras,
however, the Election Day 2000 drama is still being
played out, often just one story at a time.

Military may sway election
Florida, with its 25 electoral votes, will almost
certainly decide the election. By late yesterday, Bush
was still leading the vice president by a slim, albeit
incomplete, margin of 300 votes.

As both campaigns wage a battle in court over ballots
already cast, officials in the Florida secretary of
state's election office, the Republican and Democratic
parties, as well as much of the nation, now wait to
see the results of the absentee ballot vote.

Particularly crucial to the Bush effort, analysts say,
are votes coming in from overseas and domestically
deployed military personnel. In 1996, GOP presidential
candidate and former Sen. Bob Dole managed to garner
the lion's share of the 2,300 overseas military
ballots. The Texas governor is expecting that most of
the military vote will come to him this time.

But, as WorldNetDaily reported even before the
election, dozens -- and perhaps thousands -- of
military members have complained that they either
never received requested absentee ballots or those
ballots were delayed -- sent by slower fourth-class
mail instead of first-class mail -- or have been lost
after the service members sent them back in.

One particular case epitomizes the anguish,
frustration, intrigue and, in some military circles,
mistrust of the way military absentee ballots have
been handled in this election.

Early this week, WorldNetDaily was contacted by a
woman reader whose friend has a son aboard the USS
Hayler -- a destroyer that arrived at its home port of
Norfolk, Va., on Tuesday.

According to her report, the sailor said "nobody
aboard" had been given an opportunity to cast an
absentee ballot this year, including him. The reader
said the sailor had his mother contact the local
voting registration board to check on his absentee

When she did, the reader said, the voting registrar
told the sailor's mother that they had received her
son's ballot in September, even though the sailor
adamantly insisted he had never received a ballot and
had never cast a vote.

WorldNetDaily contacted the Navy about the report, and
Cmdr. Greg Smith, a Navy public relations spokesman,
said he contacted the ship's executive officer about
the matter. Smith said the Hayler's "XO" denied that
sailors weren't given the opportunity to cast absentee

"The XO said no" to the report, Smith said. "In fact,
he said every sailor that wanted to vote got a chance
to vote [and] all ballots were mailed in 10 days prior
to the election being concluded."

Some even requested write-in ballots, Special Form
186, Smith said.

After Smith's denial, WND recontacted the woman reader
to relay the information. She said she had since been
in contact with the sailor's mother, who said both he
and several others were prepared to talk to
WorldNetDaily anonymously to personally confirm that
they had not had a chance to cast ballots.

The next day, however, the woman reader contacted WND
and said that no one onboard the Hayler would be

"Somebody must have 'talked to' those sailors, because
now big-time paranoia has taken over," the reader

Indeed, the day after WND contacted the Navy about the
initial report, none of the sailors was prepared to
speak to WND any longer, and the mother of the sailor
who reported the discrepancy even asked the woman
reader to "lie" about the previous information she had
given her, "to keep [her son] from being discovered."

Vote intentionally suppressed?
Others in the military continue to tell their absentee
ballot stories, though most are not nearly so cryptic.

A Marine officer who is aboard the USS Tarawa -- the
assault ship mentioned in a previous WND report as
having mail left aboard until earlier this week --
said he also has not received a ballot. Worse, after
taking an informal "poll" in his sector, he found that
13 others had sent in ballot requests but only six had
received them.

"But I believe their ballots never left the ship in
time to make it to the election," the sailor said in
an e-mail message. "The other seven never received
their ballots."

Navy officials have told WorldNetDaily that in extreme
circumstances, personnel could request Special Form
186 -- a write-in ballot used specifically for
military voting purposes. However, the Tarawa sailor
said though he "heard about the write-in ballot about
a week before the election ... I never saw a write-in
ballot here," adding that "it's not like that
information was often repeated over here."

He went on to say that "mail on the Tarawa is
atrocious," and that the ship goes "several days
without receiving mail, even in relatively 'friendly'
areas." When he wrote his message Nov. 11, he said it
had been "about 12 days since we got mail, and we
still have two more days before we get more, which
isn't definite."

Navy officials have said the Tarawa was among vessels
assigned emergency duty to assist the stricken USS
Cole following the terrorist attack that left the ship
crippled and 17 sailors dead.

The Marine officer acknowledged the situation, saying
he understood "we have very few friends in our region
of the world." But critics have said the Cole attack
should not have made much difference by Election Day
-- Nov. 7 -- because the destroyer was bombed three
weeks earlier, on Oct. 12.

A Navy spokesman yesterday told WorldNetDaily that
"about a half-dozen absentee ballots" were contained
in mailbags picked up from the Tarawa on Monday. The
spokesman added that the mail was then flown to
Bahrain and, "as far as I know, flown out to the
United States on Tuesday."

Because of the increasing number of ballots that
either did not make it to military personnel in time,
were not flown back to the U.S. on time or were never
sent at all, some critics have suggested a plot to
suppress the military vote because it is historically

Sam Wright, a lawyer in Washington, D.C., who has
researched military absentee ballot issues and
problems for two decades, said he didn't think the
ballots were being intentionally suppressed, but
rather that the problem lies in "attempting to get the
military to vote in the 21st century the same way
everyone voted in the 19th century."

Wright, who is also a captain in the naval reserve,
said that as far back as 1952, President Harry S.
Truman complained about an outdated military absentee
ballot system.

However, Wright said, "it is curious that in the 1992
election -- when Republicans were in charge -- we
didn't seem to have problems like this, and there was
a big effort made to encourage and facilitate voting
by the military."

In one irony, Wright said, a Sept. 1992 Washington
Post article "criticized the Department of Defense and
the Federal Voting Assistance Program, suggesting that
it was just a plot to get George Bush, the elder,

Reduced number of ballots?
On top of the apparent delivery problems surrounding
military balloting, other evidence suggests that
perhaps the long-awaited absentee ballots from
personnel overseas may not show up in Florida in the
numbers suggested.

Published reports said the number of ballots received
during the 1996 election numbered about 2,300.
According to officials with the U.S. Postal Service,
however, so far in Florida, the number processed since
the election doesn't come close.

According to Enola Rice, a spokeswoman for the USPS,
from Nov. 8 to Nov. 15, only 581 overseas military
absentee ballots have been delivered through Florida.

Rice said she could not speak to the numbers of
ballots heading to Florida that reached the U.S. via
San Francisco or New York City. USPS officials
promised to check those figures, but did not contact
WND with them.

Monica Hand, a public relations spokeswoman for the
USPS, told WorldNetDaily that all military mail coming
from the Mideast -- where the Tarawa is stationed --
goes through New York.

As for whether the Tarawa and other Mideast ballots
could make it to appropriate county election officials
in Florida and elsewhere on time to be counted today,
Hand said all the mail first would have to be
separated before being sent on its way.

"All military mail is [sorted in] with regular
first-class mail," Hand said, suggesting that once it
was received and processed, it would be immediately

The current figure of 581 Florida absentee ballots
from military personnel jibes with an earlier figure
reported Wednesday by the Village Voice. According to
that report, by late Tuesday, postal officials in
Florida said only 447 military ballots had been

"At that rate," the Village Voice said -- quoting a
Washington Post analysis -- "the amount of military
ballots [by today's deadline] would end up at an
underwhelming 750 -- a far cry from the originally
projected 2,300.

WorldNetDaily tried unsuccessfully throughout the day
yesterday to contact Florida secretary of state
election officials to find out how many military
ballots had already been counted.

Also, WND has tried repeatedly to solicit comments
about the military ballot problem from the Bush
campaign without success.

Broken system
Regardless of whether Clinton administration officials
purposely directed postal workers to delay military
ballots, whether Clinton operatives in the Pentagon
are trying to suppress vote counts for Bush as some
believe, or whether military balloting is simply
antiquated, Sam Wright says it needs to be fixed.

"I've been researching this problem and trying to work
to get it fixed for 20 years," he said. "We've made
some improvements in the states since then, but there
is so much more to be done."

He said because military personnel have to rely solely
on civilian and military mail systems, "it simply
takes weeks to get a turnaround."

Wright said he liked the idea of a pilot program
instituted by the Pentagon and four states earlier
this year. In that program, about 50 personnel voted
electronically using encrypted e-mail software.

Critics say that is an option, but electronic systems
-- while faster -- can also break down. And, if this
year's voting problems eventually are proven to
involve foul play, Americans probably won't want a
potentially corrupt administration in charge of
counting all the ballots in a single -- potentially
hostile -- voting bloc.


Military Didn't Get Ballots, Plan Class-Action Suit
David M. Bresnahan
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2000

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Attorneys for disenfranchised
military personnel plan to ask a judge to either let
them vote late or allow them to refuse to pay taxes
for the next four years. Large numbers of military
personnel have complained that they did not receive
absentee ballots in time to vote, and now they are
taking action in court.

"What we would like to do is ask for injunctive relief
and ask for these people to have their ballots flown
to them immediately and allow them to vote and be
counted in this election, regardless of what state
they're in," attorney Philip E. Jones told NewsMax.com
in a phone interview.

"It's not a principle of Democrat or Republican. It's
the principle of the right to vote. "In the
alternative, if the judge doesn't allow that, we're
going to ask for injunctive relief in the form of
allowing these people not to have to pay their taxes
for four years because they've been disenfranchised
from the political system by denying them their right
to vote for the next four years. That's taxation
without representation," said Jones.

Jones said he would file the class action suit on
Monday, initiated by three members of the military
serving in Japan. Two are from Florida and one is from

He is inviting other members of the military to join
in the suit, which he is handling without cost to
participants. He said he was eager to document as many
cases as possible of members of the military who were
denied their right to vote.

"It is our position that denial of the right to vote
constitutes not only a violation of one's fundamental
constitutional rights, but taxation without
representation," Jones explained.

"We're getting in reports and allegations of
widespread cases of this," said Jones.

Florida Servicemen Were Shipped Out Before Election

He is investigating complaints that a large number of
military were suddenly, and without advance warning,
sent on a training mission the day before the
election. The large contingent was stationed in
Florida and did not request absentee ballots because
they were supposed to be in Florida on Election Day.
The sudden orders prevented them from voting.

"Of course, that can probably be explained off as
'needs of the Army, or Air Force,' or whatever the
case may be, for training purposes. But it certainly
looks suspicious," said Jones.

He said many other complaints by servicemen and
servicewomen were being received. Parents are also
sending in reports of requesting absentee ballots for
a son or daughter in uniform and the ballots not being
received. Jones is asking these people to complete a
sworn affidavit and fax it to his office as soon as

Was there an organized effort to prevent the military
from voting?

"It certainly seems like there's been a lot of service
members who did not get their ballots worldwide who
requested them," said Jones.

The case will be filed in federal court on Monday, and
Jones is calling for military around the world to
notify him if they have been prevented from voting so
he can demonstrate to the court the full extent of the

There is no expense for members of the military to
participate in the legal action because Jones is doing
the work pro bono through Campbell & Jones, Attorneys
at Law, San Antonio.

"We need all parties to this suit to fax us a
notarized statement stating they applied for their
ballot through the appropriate channel and did not
receive the ballot in time to vote, or did not receive
it at all.

"If any parties saved a certified receipt showing when
they requested their ballot, it will be very helpful.
Also, if there are any military orderly room records
annotating service members' requests for ballots, we
could use copies of those, or sworn affidavits from
the appropriate supervisor," Jones explained.

Affidavits may be faxed to Jones' office at (210)
227-4229, 24 hours a day. Jones can be reached at
(210) 224-1923. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* * *
David M. Bresnahan is a free-lance journalist who also
hosts "Investigative Journal,"
http://InvestigativeJournal.com, a nationally
syndicated radio program. E-mail:


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