For Immediate Release:


Statement by Director of Christians Against NATO Aggression (CANA 83 Black
Boy Lane London N15 3AP tel/fax 44 20 88 02 21 44)

in the campaign for justice for the peoples of  yugoslavia

"CANA condemns BBC non coverage of negative developments in Kosovo,
including the recent KLA/CIA bombing of the house of the Yugoslav
representative in Pristina Mr Vukicevic, which led to the death of his
driver Goran, who died after six hours with both legs blown off.

"Also the failure to report the death of 4 roma people, heads of families,
in Doshevetz 13 miles west of Pristina on 9th November, & many other
deaths,including six ethnic Albanians & a serbian in one village.

"No words can possibly express the contempt we feel for the BBC's
journalists/official media /new labour party hacks/& media apparatchiks for
their continued acquiescence in state control of output; (their refusal to
consider strike action during the NATO war when NATO bombed the Belgrade
television station was perhaps the lowest point in British journalism ever,
only exceeded by their failure to report the mass demonstration outside the
BBC over that incident.)

"What information has been given to the British public about this continued
pogrom of roma, serb & jewish people from kosovo + the destruction of
churches of Kosovo, (many of them medieval & of immense cultural
value),under the eyes of NATO troops, & with apparently the tacit support of
the UN authorities & an ineffectual M. Kouchner.

" He should resign: these are desperate days of shame for any Europeans with
a residual sense of decency, but not for Tony Blair & Robin Cook who are
both totally shameless.

"M. Kouchner is coming to London shortly, to speak at the LSE on Monday 27th
November. He should be asked questions by LSE students, who should not sit
respectfully like good Germans, as they did when Jamie Shea arrived last

"These NATO apologists, including LSE prof Mary Kaldor & Judge Richard
Goldstone, who headed up the so called independent Kosovo Commission of
Enquiry, have blood on their hands: Mary Kaldor's 'good friend', Jamie Shea
promised NATO troops & police at every street corner, to preserve minority
rights, after the so called 'liberation' of Kosovo.

What is the value of such empty NATO promises now? "


Attached: copy of letter sent to Sir Christopher Bland BBC Chairman
November 2nd 2000. No reply or acknowledgement has been received.

To the Chairman Sir Christopher Bland BBC Board of Governors

London November 2nd 2000

Dear Sir Christopher.

I complain about BBC coverage in relation to the Kosovo crisis,  at least
from the time I began to take an interest in the region, which was from
February 1999.

It appears to me that the Corporation has expressed a degree of bias &
partisanship as to disqualify it from being a  public service broadcaster.
As you are in breach  of your obligations to the public and to Parliament I
really wonder why I should pay any license fee.

During the Kosovo war I wrote a number of letters to the BBC complaining at
BBC disinformation, censorship, &  propaganda, & when I failed to receive
adequate responses complained  to the Broadcasting Standards Council, (BSC).

I attach herewith a letter I sent to the BSC detailing various breaches of
journalistic ethics by the Current
Affairs Staff. The BSC replied that they had no mandate to investigate
failings in news reporting & interpretation.

The misuse of the BBC's position was both in the misrepresentation of news
stories & in the failure to report events. For example, when in May 1999 I
went to Haringey Magistrates to apply for a summons against the PM & other
NATO leaders first the BBC expressed great interest in the story: it was
then killed stone dead.

What happened to me at the Court that morning ( - MI6, or at least some
spook, arriving & insisting she sit with me during the in camera
application, having already squared the stipendiary Magistrate), makes a
story in itself, & were this happening in Chile, or Milosevic's Yugoslavia,
one would imagine a great deal of BBC interest.

In the end only the local freesheet reported the case. It was newsworthy &
in the public interest that you should have broadcast something about my

Time goes by. Milosevic is overthrown, (with the German Govt admitting it
gave £7million to the Opposition funnelling it through the Red Cross -
another newsworthy story not mentioned.) But the BBC learns nothing.

Sunday night 15th October on the Westminster Hour on Radio 4 Andrew Rawnsley
said the Serbs were uncivilised. Thankfully Rawnsley's position is not
shared by everyone in the BBC: it appears that John Humphries & Tim
Sebastian , (the latter did a magnificent job a few days ago  interviewing
George Robertson on 24 Hours TV) have taken over the role of HM Loyal
Opposition, at least in terms of asking questions of the executive which the
public want answering.

 In this sense John Humphries & Tim Sebastian occupy in the broadcast media
the position columnists like AN Wilson, Simon  Jenkins, Auberon Waugh,
Stephen Glover, & Boris Johnson & others  occupy in the  print media:
opposition to the NATO war.

But the editorial line of the major newspapers remains that the Kosovo
bombardment was a great civilising venture: in like
manner the BBC isolate people like Humphries & Sebastian & the new credo is
that Robertson & Cook aren't to be interrupted.

Air time  should be given  to explore the  diplomatic history. The BBC has
not yet given us a single programme telling the public why the war happened.

The Rambouillet draft accords & the now notorious Appendix B have never been
examined on the BBC.

The Alan Little programme "Moral Combat" went some way
in that direction but skated over Rambouillet. What is there to hide? Or,
what is the BBC hiding for the Government? Answer: a mighty lot.

CANA is part of a wider campaign for justice for the peoples of Yugoslavia
&asserts the need for a full public expose of the true nature of the
negotiations at Rambouillet  & the release of biodata on CIA agent William
Walker. (He headed up the monitoring force in Kosovo & arranged the Racack

I think it's about time Panorama journalists started knocking on a few doors
at the Pentagon or Foggy Bottom, & nearer home at Number 10, asking the
sortof questions asked of suspects in the Omagh bombing. It was courageous
your journalists to investigate suspected bombers who live in the Irish
Republic.  I think they have a similar duty to investigate those who occupy
high office here, guilty men who conspired to unleash aggressive war &
bombed passenger trains & television stations & polluted our common European
home with ten tons of DU with a half life of 4.5million years.

At stake is an issue of public morality involving questions of life & death
for future generations & the ecological devastation of a whole region. What
sort of people do this? Answer: not pig farmers, but middle class lawyers
posing as humanitarian crusaders, every  bit as dangerous as IRA or UVF

Yesterday I received a copy of the indictment of the NATO war lords from a
Serbian Court. Looking at the long list of dead & injured I realised that
now I'm in the position of being a citizen of the Irish Republic during the
recent Troubles.   Only this 'Irish Republic' draws its boundaries a bit
wider, & takes in all of western Europe & north America.  Within this refuge
politicians are immune from the rule of law & get away with any crime, as
long as they claim it's political.

I want to know why the BBC has not told us the truth about the NATO air war,
its causes & consequences.

Yours sincerely,

William Spring
c.c.  Governors


Wm Hague

Tony Benn     et al

ADD COPY: CANA in association with CJPY (Campaign for Justice for the
Peoples of Yugoslavia) is arranging a one day Conference A DAY OF TRUTH at
Friends Meeting House Euston Rd London (opposite Euston Stn) on 24th
February 2001. For details contact CANA on 02088022144 or CJPY on

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