Dr. Poley (Ph.D) responded to me letter; he is a brilliant man but he
seemed to agree that I made a point....believe it is serious point of
law and Bush I worry about because remember Gore in that intimidating
walk to him on stage....

Go get that bunch...wish I could help.   I think Gore and Clinton are a
national disgrace.

Colleen Jones akaSaba

Bull's eye. Since the human-discretion recount of "ambiguous ballots" has
never been evaluated against the actual intent of voters it is a
psychometric exercise with NO PROVEN VALIDITY whatsoever.

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> To determine the intent of the law is one thing, but to determine the
> intend of thousands of voters, some who probably were street people drug
> in by Al Gore and now you know they go into MRDD (Mentally  Retarded)
> and drag people who have IQ of 10 to polls, as they do in Ohio (this
> started under CFR Celeste then Govenor - people with minds of less than
> 5 taken to vote).......but this ruling from a Judge, in a circuit court
> is a circus.
> The intent of the voters as opposed to the intent of the law.....will
> have to contact each voter personally to discover what their intent
> was.....and that includes the dead seaman on the USS Cole, some of whom
> may not have had their votes counted, having been thrown out by democrat
> thieves.
> Saba
> That judge is to - let us say he lacks knowledge of the intent of the
> law - the intent is to give each voter one vote for each candidate and
> if they are so mentally challenged hey do not know for whom they are
> voting, they should as for assistance ....
> Politics
> FOX News Election Coverage
> Story Archive
> Video Archive
> Dimpled Chad Count, Judge Rules  
> Wednesday, November 22, 2000  
> In a major victory for Al Gore's presidential campaign, a Florida
> circuit judge ruled Wednesday afternoon that Palm Beach County must
> consider dimpled chad in its manual recount.  
> Marta Lavandier/APWednesday: Two New York men wearing Bush and Gore
> masks rally in front of the Stephen P. Clark Goverment Center in Miami. 
> Democrats had asked Circuit Judge Jorge Labarga to force the county
> elections board to use a broader definition of a valid ballot. The
> dimpled ballots could help Gore gain hundreds of votes in the critical
> recount. 
> "Since the will of the people is the paramount consideration, and the
> purpose of our election laws is to obtain a correct expression of the
> intent of the voters ... that intention should be given effect," Labarga
> wrote in the court's ruling. 
> By contrast, the county election supervisors must reject any vote in
> which they cannot discern the voters' intent. 
> Labarga's decision came on the heels of a ruling in Miami-Dade County
> that works in George W. Bush's favor: Election officials in the state's
> largest electoral district unanimously voted to stop all hand counting
> of presidential ballots. 
> Labarga's ruling means that Palm Beach County's canvassing board, which
> has two Democratic members, must consider up to 2,000 questionable
> ballots that had been set aside while the judge considered the case.
> Bush, who holds a 930-vote lead over Gore statewide, is battling in
> court to halt the hand recounts as error-prone. 
> By Wednesday morning, workers had recounted all but 102,000 of the
> 462,350 ballots cast in Palm Beach County on Election Day, and Burton
> said he expects the job to be finished by the end of the day. The
> canvassing board plans to meet Friday and Saturday to go through the
> objectionable ballots and, if necessary, workers would return Sunday to
> finish up the hand count. 
> Palm Beach has worked since 1990 under a rule saying at least one corner
> of a chad — the bit of paper that gets pushed through on a punchcard
> ballot — must be dislodged for a ballot to count. 
> But Democratic lawyer Dennis Newman said 557 "dimpled" ballots for Gore
> and 260 for Republican George W. Bush have been left out of the count. 
> Dimpled ballots have an indentation, possibly showing a voter's intent
> to select a candidate, but are not pushed all the way through. 
> Meanwhile, the Palm Beach Post reported on Wednesday that Dennis Newman,
> one of Gore's leading men in pushing for the counting of dimpled chads
> in the election results, was vehemently opposed to them being use in the
> final tally of a 1996 election in which he represented a Democratic
> Congressional candidate ahead by a slim margin of votes. 
> The Post quoted Newman as making arguments similar to those of
> Republicans today, arguing to the Boston Globe that too much handling
> led to distorted results, saying "I don't think they are handled with
> kid gloves." 
> Given the narrowness of Bush's lead, those dimpled ballots in Palm Beach
> county could make a big difference in the presidential race. On Tuesday
> alone, officials set aside 1,979 questionable ballots, including dimples
> and others. About 30,000 ballots were thrown out during the initial
> machine counts, including about 10,000 on which no vote was registered
> by the machines. 
> On Tuesday, no new official numbers were released. Gore had gained three
> votes with about one-fifth of the 531 precincts counted in this county. 
> Miami-Dade Stops Hand Recount 
> "I do not believe we have the ability to conduct a full, accurate
> recount" under the Sunday deadline fixed by the state Supreme Court on
> Tuesday night, said Lawrence King, chairman of the Miami-Dade canvassing
> board, in explaining the board's surprising decision to stop the hand
> recount in the county. 
> Instead, the three-member panel voted to submit the machine recount from
> Nov. 8 as the county's final tally. 
> Gore adviser William Daley immediately attacked the ruling: "We hope the
> counts continue. That's what the Supreme Court wanted," he told
> reporters in Washington. He indicated the campaign would seek an appeal
> in the courts. 
> The most likely route was the state circuit court, though Gore's legal
> team was considering an appeal directly to the state Supreme Court,
> several official said. 
> The Bush camp took the ruling as a long-awaited sign that the county was
> coming to its senses. 
> "All Americans should breathe a sigh of relief that finally, common
> sense has taken over in Miami-Dade County," said Bush spokesman and
> Montana Gov. Marc Racicot. "We would encourage ... Palm Beach and
> Broward counties to follow this precedent." 
> Miami-Dade had been on track to complete a hand recount of its 654,000
> presidential ballots by Dec. 1. But late Tuesday, the state Supreme
> Court said the manual tallies must be completed by this Sunday. 
> Colin Braley/ReutersWednesday: Miami-Dade County election workers
> protest after the county's canvassing board decided to halt the full
> count of ballots and only hand-count 'undervote' ballots. 
> The Miami-Dade decision came after Republicans protested the panel's
> vote earlier Wednesday to count only the 10,000 votes that didn't
> register a presidential choice when put through a machine. 
> The board's action was seen by both camps as a setback for the Gore
> campaign, which was hoping to make major vote gains in the Miami-Dade
> recount. 
> With the White House at stake, Gore hoped to pick up more votes in
> Florida to overcome George W. Bush, who held a 930-vote lead statewide
> before hand counts began in three Democratic-leaning counties. 
> Miami-Dade started its manual tallying on Monday, several days later
> than Palm Beach and Broward counties. By Tuesday night, the county had
> hand counted only 135 of its 614 precincts — with Gore picking up 157
> votes. 
> Broward May Be First to Finish 
> Meanwhile, the full hand recount of 588,000 Broward County ballots
> neared completion as the state Supreme Court ruled that counters' days
> of tedium and tallies were not in vain. 
> Broward County appeared poised to be the first of the three counties to
> complete the process when the counting resumed Wednesday. With all 609
> precincts and 41,500 absentee ballots tallied, Gore received a net gain
> of 56 votes from the county. 
> There was even talk of counters working Thanksgiving to ensure the job
> was done by the Sunday 5 p.m. deadline. 
> "I'm very pleased that the Supreme Court of Florida has decided that the
> voters who wanted to make a difference in the 43rd president of the
> United States will be heard," said Suzanne Gunzburger, a Democrat and
> Broward County canvassing board member. 
> Canvassing board chairman Robert W. Lee said there were 1,000 to 2,000
> ballots with dimpled or partially removed chads — the tiny pieces of
> paper in punchcard ballots. 
> — The Associated Press contributed to this story  
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