VOMIT UK 48/00
Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 25 November 2000

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right of
reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic
Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the
machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are. Almost every
institution in the UK is corrupt. While the final blame lies with the Member
of Parliament and the Prime Minister, Freemasonry is invariably involved
along with the courts, the police and local government. Everything we publish
is aimed at the detection and prevention of crime especially in the public
sector. We act in the public interest.

Front page " Railway chief resigns with £1m payoff" and "Pensioners cheated
of millions by computer". An English public that allows itself to be cowed by
a Scottish Mafia in Westminster and robbed by Irish Public Works Contractors
will be happy to grind along making ends meet while the Judaeo/Masonic
Faction laughs all the way to the bank. Let the beggars on horseback squander
public money and become covert millionaires with bank accounts in the
Seychelles, Cyprus, Switzerland etc. It is obscene that a man who must accept
some responsibility for the railway disasters should walk away with a
million-pound award.
Vote Labour but get rid of Blair, Brown, Irvine, Mandelson, Prescott and
Straw. We would draw attention to the heavy-handed and life-threatening raids
by policemen between August and November 1999 against Norman Scarth in Leeds,
Maurice Kellett in Northumbria, Peter and Pat Prankerd in Cornwall, Peter
Hayward in Kent and James Todd in Thames Valley. None of the victims have had
their complaints investigated by the Police Complaints Authority, the Police
Authorities and the Chief Inspector of Constabulary O'Dowd. This is the
Stalinist face of New Labour whose leader, the Gargoyle, finds Russia's
Putin, former head of the secret police, a man he can do business with. Blair
never learns. He introduced BP to a Russian "entrepreneur" who swindled BP
out of nearly £400 million.
Same paper, page 28 "Considering that his is only one of 659 constituencies,
the Prescott electorate can count itself privileged to have gobbled up 5 per
cent of all national road improvements."
Comment: The writer (Giles Coren) makes the assumption that Prescott is
sweetening up his electorate whereas it is just as likely that Prescott wants
to cut two minutes off his travelling time. Why does the Labour Party put up
with this man? He is so bright that when someone mentioned his syntax he
thought that syntax was what one paid when visiting a brothel in a foreign
port. Who in their right senses would make Prescott a gift of a car valued at
over £20,000? The fact that Prescott declared the gift does not mitigate what
was either a serious misjudgement or acceptance of a bribe. The same debonair
attitude saw him avail himself of the hospitality of a wealthy London
developer. It does not appear to strike anyone as a serious misjudgement.
Rumour has it that fellow MPs fear Prescott but not on account of his
intellectual strengths. Pete Sawyer, in the Sunday Times (19.X1.2000),
demonstrates that the UK interest in Sierra Leone is confined to securing a
share of the diamonds. Yet Prescott visited Sierra Leone. Prescott reminds us
of the pelican. A greedy old bird is the pelican. Its beak can hold more than
its belly can. Prescott is the person who overturned a government ban on
Freemasons holding planning jobs. One result of that was that we had a police
marksman intent on shooting us. Why do ordinary decent members of the Labour
Party put up with this working class fat cat who has lost the plot and makes
a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth?
May we advise those people who waste our time and theirs seeking sponsorship
and donations that we are not Santa Claus. Furthermore we heartily disapprove
of the parasites that offer help to victims in return for an advance fee.
Voluntary donations are not our concern. We return all donations. There are
several competent people who will assist victims in return for an agreed
percentage of any awards to the victims. We have nothing to say to all the
clever victims who, from time to time, use us secure in the knowledge that
they can succeed without publicity from us. People convinced against their
wills are of the same opinion still. Their only weapon is publicity. We have
no time for the faint hearts that try to hunt with the hounds and run with
the hares. If they come out fighting they may bring about change.
La Stichbury, formerly of the Metropolitan Police, advertised a public
meeting in Dorchester to deal with complaints against the police. The Croleys
reported on the fiasco.

The Croleys, Mike and Julie, decided to attend the meeting to raise questions
about corrupt police involvement in their persecution arising from blowing
the whistle on a solicitor, believed to be Andrew Jackson, the gas mechanic
who had put the lives of residents at his caravan site at risk by his penny
pinching. Imagine the white collared Scrooge stooped in front of a gas fire
with a screwdriver and spanner doing a £10 per hour job.
So the Croleys went to the public meeting and arranged to meet a reporter who
had been sacked by a local newspaper on account of her exposure of
The public meeting was held in Room 3 of Dorset County Council, a council
that is riddled with corruption and cocooned by Dirty Harry Barnes, its IT
chief, chairman of Dorset's Magistrates and Provincial Grand Master of
Dorset's dirty corrupt lodges.
The the three victims (
) were confronted by the members of the Dorset
police Authority and jittery Chief Constable Jane Stichbury. A voice from the
depths of this corrupt congregation ordered them to leave because the meeting
was not open to the public. So Stichbury has invented a new type of public
meeting which is not open to the public.
Peter Harvey, secretary to the Police Authority and formerly Chief Executive
of Dorset C C, soiling his underpants, then approached Mrs Croley presumably
because he recognised Alyson Carol, a freelance reporter. They should have
ignored Harvey who has been accused repeatedly of having committed criminal
offences. However Mrs Croley took the opportunity of asking why his bent
authority took six months to investigate a police assault on her 12 year-old
son. She added that the cowardly copper had said to her son that he would get
him on his own - away from his mates - and would wipe that smile off his
face, once and for all. Everything was recorded on tape.
She asked Harvey also why Stichbury had chickened out of a meeting with her
to discuss victims of Freemasonry. Harvey then said, "Are you Mrs Croley".
When she answered in the affirmative another jackass, Superintendent Brazier,
intervened to ask if he could be of assistance. Mrs Croley resisted the urge
to reply "Yes. Drop dead you crooked piece of sh-t." She had had experience
of Brazier. Brazier insists that he is not a Mason but claims that
Freemasonry is just like a swimming club. Extrasensory perception?
There followed a heated discussion involving Brazier, Alyson Carol and Mrs
Croley. It was pointed out that Turners, solicitors, of 1 Poole Road,
Bournemouth and their gas fitter partner, Romeo Jackson, had a symbiotic
relationship with bent policemen. This relationship had resulted in serious
problems for the police and the Croleys. Alyson Carol also raised the
question of the Coulter case where Stichbury again went back on her word. The
Coulter scandal was due to police officer Burke (Branksome Lodge) attempting
to ensure that his brother benefited from retaining Mr Coulter's Jeep which
had been stolen by a third party. That resulted in Chief Constable Aldous and
his deputy May taking early retirement with a greatly enhanced pension and
David Dolton, solicitor, dying allegedly by his own hand.
Burke, the copper,
was later caught shoplifting in Boots. He punched the security officer. He
may be in line for promotion in Cleveland as a zero tolerance superintendent.
Brazier virtually insisted upon a further meeting with the protestors. They
intend to take him up on his offer. The brazen one was interrupted in his
performance when he was called into the Committee Room.

Letter to the Times on 1 May 2000 from Reverend Doctor Alan C Clifford,
Norwich Reformed Church, Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 2JL.
*** While the Bishop of Oxford's endorsement of Judaism promotes tolerance,
surely it is self-contradictory for a Christian bishop to profess that Christ
is the only saviour of the world and then suggest there are other paths to
salvation. How can he acclaim the claims of the Church and then recommend an
alternative belief system which denies those claims?
While the Jewish roots of their faith are acknowledged by true Christians
post-apostolic Judaism rejects the connection. So how credible is Bishop
Harries's faith? Whom would it convince? Indeed what would customers think of
a Rover director who recommends them to buy a Renault?
By all means allow customer choice, but let us have confidence in our own
product or have the integrity to resign. ALAN C CLIFFORD. ***

Comment: How dare you criticise us Jews, Alan? We are God's chosen people and
we are never wrong. We may be racist but we don't care just as long as the
anti-racist lobby allows us to quietly follow our own agenda like lemmings.
From the Jewish Chronicle of 3 November 2000 as reported by Joy Wolfe. See
last paragraph.
<<< More than 300 Masons were at Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue last
Sunday for the annual service of the Masonic Province of Hertfordshire.
The service which normally takes place in historic St Albans Cathedral, was
for the fist time held in a synagogue.
The dignitaries, in full masonic regalia, walked in procession through the
synagogue, led by Borehamwood minister, Rabbi Alan Plancey, Hertfordshire
provincial grand master Michael Jones, and other leading freemasons from the
county, including five assistant grand masters.
The service - led by the Reverend Norman Gale, emeritus minister of Hampstead
Synagogue, and Rev Eli Suffrin, youth and community minister at Borehamwood -
included renditions of "Baruch Haba" and "Ma Tovu" by the synagogue choir, as
well as a recitation of Psalm 23 and a reading from Kings, both in English.
Addressing the congregation, Elkan Levy, former president of the United
Synagogue, referred to a masonic meeting which he had attended the week
before in Israel, attended by Arabs and Christians as well as Jews.
"The harmony demonstrated at that meeting symbolised the harmony of
freemasonry everywhere."
He said that he also regretted the tendency in Britain to "vilify
freemasonry," and contrasted the image in the press with the "real principles
of masonry - which are brotherly love, relief from suffering and truth."
Terry Wolfe, who is both a freemason and a member of Borehamwood Synagogue,
commented: "it was a proud day for our community and for freemasonry, and a
truly memorable occasion." >>>
Comment: Elkan Levy got it right when he said the real principle of
freemasonry was relief from truth. We wonder if any of the speechmakers
believed what they expect us to believe. The next Holocaust will start in the
USA. We must ensure that the British National Party is strengthened if only
as a counterbalance to the Judaeo Masonic Faction. We will be forced to fight
fire with fire. What would readers do if they had no legal protection?
In earlier issues we reported how Valentine Powell (Phone 01962 882085 Fax
01962 886990) of Pudding Farm could be recognised when he was feeding the
pigs. He was the one wearing a hat. Our latest report is headed "The corrupt
High Sheriff of Hampshire". If Powell disagrees with that description we will
publish his defence. The report also refers to his "bent Under Sheriff
Kennedy of White and Bowker, Solicitors, Winchester" (Phone 01962 844440 Fax
01962 842300). We make the same offer to Kennedy with a view to establishing
the facts. The police who submitted irrefutable evidence to the Crown
Prosecution Service investigated Kennedy. The CPS said that it would not be
in the public interest to prosecute Kennedy. The Masonic Mafia in the CPS
protected a brother. It will probably claim that Kennedy was ill. There is no
law in this country. Soon we will be deprived of the limited benefits of a
jury trial. Mr Coulter's solicitors are now seeking information about a case,
Clewley v. the High Sheriff of Hampshire, heard on Monday 23 October 2000 in
Winchester County Court.
The Daily Express editorial for 20 November 2000 reads as follows.
<<< Hunt out police Masons
HOME SECRETARY Jack Straw must win his battle to make police officers reveal
whether they are members of the clandestine organisation, the Freemasons.
Public confidence is being dented by secrecy over the Masonic culture. Even
if much of this is down to paranoia, membership must be revealed.
Secret affiliation to any organisation only encourages divided loyalty, which
has no place among the defenders of law and order.
Police chiefs claim that legislation to enforce disclosure is taking a
sledgehammer to crack a nut. But attempts to get officers to volunteer the
information have patently failed. On average only 36.6 per cent of police
officers responded to letters asking them to make declarations for a register.
For too long, allegations of Freemasonry have featured in a number of high
profile police scandals. While never proved it would serve both the police
and the public if this organisation finally came out into the open. >>>
Comment: The editor should have allowed for the fact that most police Masons
would not be able to read the letter asking them for a declaration.
All this talk about registers is a smokescreen. Why pick on the police? The
chief culprits are the politicians. They should be obliged to declare their
affiliations when they decide to stand for election to Parliament. Clean up
Parliament first. Freemasonry will then be proscribed. The Labour government
in the sixties repealed the act requiring Masons to register with the "Clerk
of the Peace". Let us start with a public register of Mason MPs. Don't
conceal the register in the office of a Masonic civil servant. This stinking
government has had over three years to curb Masonic corruption but the
evidence suggests that it has promoted the immunity of Masons from
Note that the several police raids referred to above were primarily targeted
on victims of Freemasonry and that neither Blair nor Straw took any action
when the victims were blocked from making complaints against the police. The
prime movers in the criminal attacks on us were Thames Valley Police and Lord
Wilson of Tillyorn backed by OFGEM Director General, Callum McCarthy. These
Masons must be exposed and prosecuted.
The above is the title of a book. Maurice Kellett (Ph 0191 526 4555) should
phone 0191 469 7634 and speak to Jim Richardson. David Turner of Holly Bush,
Weston Lane, Winterslow, Wiltshire SP5 1RL (email
) received a summons on 23.XI.00 to attend Chippenham Magistrates Court at
2.15 p.m. on 5 December. He is due at the same time on the same date at
Cardiff Magistrates Court (Fitzalan Place, Cardiff). We have found the Inland
Revenue and its solicitors seriously corrupt. The DTI Insolvency Service is
also corrupt. 40 years of experience tells us that the Inland Revenue has no
claim against Mr Turner. The charlatans will try to bankrupt him and make him
Aide memoire - NSPCC, Irish Mafia, Karen Buck, MP, Chiltern (sewage) Water, A
Published by J M Todd/Misbourne Farmhouse/Amersham Road/Chalfont St
Giles/Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031

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