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NEWSFLASH - Ariel Sharon forced Ehud Barak to effective resign tonight and call
new elections.  Recent polls  indicate that if elections were held now Barak
would be easily defeated by any opposition candidate, including Sharon and former
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  At the last minute Arafat publicly called
on Arab members of the Knesset to support Barak.  Immediately upon receiving
the news Arafat's de facto Prime Minister, Nabil Shaath, suggested they could
now reach an agreement with Barak before the election and that doing so would
help Barak win the election.


                   By Alexander G. Higgins

GENEVA (AP - 27 Nov) - U.N. human rights chief Mary Robinson said Monday she
was "shocked and dismayed and even devastated" at the plight of Palestinians
confronting Israeli forces in the occupied territories.

In a hard-hitting report on her visit earlier this month to the Middle East,
Robinson urged establishment of an international monitoring body.

And she said countries that are part of the Geneva Convention on war should "assume
their responsibility" regarding the conduct of forces in the occupied territories.

Yaakov Levy, the Israeli ambassador to U.N. offices in Geneva, said he found
"a lack of balance in      characterization and terminology and even laying blame"
in the report.

"When Israel is accused, the terms are clear," Levy told The Associated Press.
"When reference is made to Palestinian responsibility, the language is vague
- for example, on desecrating Jewish holy sites, the burning down of joint economic

He said Robinson criticized Israel for failing to respect ambulances but failed
to cite Palestinian misuse of ambulances and insignia.

Robinson, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, stressed "the need for
measures to be taken to reduce the
terrible violence."

She demanded that Israel cease construction of new settlements.

Claiming that she tried to keep a balance, Robinson credited Israel for allowing
her to visit and for allowing her to confront Israeli forces with Palestinian

She also noted "a great feeling of insecurity and fear in Israel itself," but
said the U.N. Human Rights Commission, in an emergency meeting last month, instructed
her to focus on the human rights situation of the Palestinians.

And that, Robinson said, is "bleak."

"You cannot separate the human rights situation from the reality of occupation,"
she said.

"That reality means ... the daily acts of discrimination, inequality, humiliation,
powerlessness of occupation," Robinson said. "This has been intensified by the
conflict, intensified by the excessive use of force, by the impact on children,
on medical personnel, the use of the economic levers, the very serious economic

She criticized Israel for using live ammunition against demonstrators and heavier
weapons, including rockets and heavy machine guns.

Levy rejected the term "excessive" force. He said "it is evident to all that
the character of the rioting involves the use of automatic firearms, bombings
of civilian buses in Israel and the lynching of Israelis."

Robinson urged that all cases of "lethal force" used by either side should be
subjected to justice "to avoid impunity."

Among her recommendations:

- "As well as protecting settlers, Israeli security forces should also protect
Palestinians from violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers."

- Israel should pull back its forces from positions that act as "flash points."

- Compensation should be paid to victims of unlawful force, including loss of

Robinson noted that Israel has opposed the establishment of an international
monitoring body, but she hoped it was still possible to win Israeli acceptance.

Robinson said she had seen repeatedly the "deep hurt" in Palestinian parents
over the assertion that they had sent their children out to throw stones and
risk death at the hands of the Israelis.

"I was to a very real extent shocked and dismayed and even devastated by the
impact of the present conflict in the occupied territories in particular," Robinson
said. "It is very clear that it is having a devastating effect on the civilian

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