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>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:26:28 EST
>Subject: Fwd: MY ARTICLE
>    Please read this article and then help me make it public.
>                Ralph Epperson
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>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:19:10 EST
>Subject: MY ARTICLE
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>by Ralph Epperson
>I have found evidence that this entire Presidential election has been planned 
>years in advance by those who want to abolish the Constitution. If I am 
>right, then this article of 12 pages is one of the most important you will 
>ever read.
>Notice that I said I have found "evidence" because this evidence is not proof 
>that this "election crisis" will be manipulated in such a way as to abolish 
>the Constitutional Republic our Founding Fathers created for us. The 
>information that I discovered could be "disinformation."
>But there is reason to believe that this is exactly their plan, and the 
>evidence that I have found will follow in the article I have written. 
>If I am right, the only way we can prevent them from bringing their plans 
>into fruition is EDUCATION! WE MUST MAKE THIS AS PUBLIC AS WE CAN. Therefore, 
>I am asking you to send this to everyone you can think of, including the 
>media. I am hoping that the planners will read this and then say: "Postpone 
>the plans, Epperson has figured it out!" In fact, that is the only hope we 
>The evidence is strong that I am right!
>If I am right, we will have saved a Constitutional Republic. If I am wrong, I 
>will have at least provided you with the information that there are people in 
>the United States that wish to abolish our Constitutional Republic. And that 
>will make us all a little more alert to just such a scenario being played out 
>on us in the future.
>Thank you for your interest. 
>MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!               Ralph Epperson
>I am an historian who has researched THE CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY for 
>37 years. I have written three books, nine booklets, and produced a variety 
>of video tapes, totaling 56 hours, on the subject. Jim Marrs in his 
>"best-selling" book entitled RULE BY SECRECY quotes from my research quite 
>But I am not here to sell books, I am here to discuss the possible motives 
>for this Presidential Election Crisis of 2000.
>Let's pretend that you didn't like the Constitution of the united States of 
>America because you believed that it was "outmoded" because it was "written 
>for an agrarian society," and that it couldn't "respond to modern problems" 
>You would want to make your views as public as possible to gain popular 
>support to get America ready for the changes you envision as being needed to 
>replace the document.
>You would obviously need to create a popular following and to do so, you 
>would  need to you create an organization of like-minded people to make your 
>views known to the world. You would gather these people together to let 
>America know that you are people of importance and power, not some "vast left 
>wing conspiracy:" (If Hillary Clinton can create a pretend "vast right wing 
>conspiracy," I can certainly create a pretend "vast left wing conspiracy!")
>Those fellow believers would have to be:
>     "prominent citizens such as present and former senators and 
>repre-sentatives,   cabinet members, officials of national and state 
>political parties, governors, l awyers, scholars, journalists, and business 
>leaders" (page xiv of the book 
>so that the people would believe that your concerns were valid when you made 
>them public.
>You would need to give that organization a prestigious title like THE 
>And to fund your activities, you would need to secure donations, and the 
>easiest way to secure large amounts of money is to convince prestigious 
>foundations such as  "the Brookings Institution, the Ford Foundation, the 
>Rockefeller Foundation, The Dillon Fund, and the Hewlett and American Express 
>foundations" to support you and your "prominent citizens." (page xvi)
>You would certainly wish to use some of that money to publish a 334 page book 
>entitled REFORMING AMERICAN GOVERNMENT that would tell the American people of 
>your concerns and solutions.
>Then you would need to create a "crisis" to convince the people of America to 
>change their Constitutional government because "such a significant shift in 
>our Constitution is unlikely to come about except as a result of a crisis 
>that is very grave indeed."
>Now, let me say that all of the above has been accomplished. 
>I was not pretending.
>All of the above is real.
>There is a "vast left wing conspiracy" that was created to share its concerns 
>about the Constitution of the united States of America, and then to offer its 
>solutions. (Yes, Hillary, there is a "VAST, LEFT WING CONSPIRACY," a real 
>(One of the reason I know it is real is because your husband, Bill Clinton, 
>told us it was real on national television in 1992!
>It was during his nationally broadcast "Acceptance Speech" after he accepted 
>the Democrat Party's nomination as their candidate for the Presidency. (If 
>you want to read it, Bill Clinton put his acceptance speech in his book 
>entitled PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST, ISBN 0-28129-2193-3, starting on page 217.)
>He praised two men who had gotten him into politics: former President John 
>Kennedy and Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor he had at Georgetown University 
>between 1964 and 1968.
>The Professor had written a book entitled TRAGEDY AND HOPE (ISBN: 
>0-913022-14-4) while Bill was a student there (1966) in which he says this 
>(we know that Bill read the book. It was "required reading for Quigley's 
>students") :
>     "The business interests [in another part of the book, Dr. Quigley called 
>them "an i  nternational network"] expected to control both political parties 
>    Some of them intended to contribute to both and allow an alternation of 
>the two
>    parties in public office in order to conceal their own influence, inhibit 
>any     exhibition of independence by politicians, and allow the electorate 
>to believe they     were exercising their own free choice." (page 73)
>It is presumed that if this "international network" wanted a "crisis that is 
>very grave indeed," they could create it!
>Yes, Hillary, there is a "VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY!")
>They have gathered together such a list of "prominent citizens."
>They have raised the necessary funding from "the foundations."
>They have published such a book.
>Now all they need to do is to "create the crisis."
>And it is my contention that they just did: THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF THE 
>YEAR 2000!
>I am convinced that THE ELECTION CRISIS OF 2000 is a well conceived plan by 
>these "prominent citizens" to accomplish a very specific goal:
>The COMMITTEE was formed in 1982, and the 200 "prominent citizens" met "in 
>Washington and in regional settings around the country to examine the 
>political system and to search for ways to improve its performance."
>They published such a book as this entitled REFORMING AMERICAN GOVERN-MENT, 
>(ISBN 0-8133-7114-7), a review of 40 articles written by 29 of its members.
>This book was published in 1985 by a group calling itself THE COMMITTEE ON 
>THE CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM, just such a group of 200 "prominent citizens" 
>(page xiv.)
>These articles expressed their "concerns and solutions," and a review of what 
>they have written is very revealing, because their conclusion is that THE 
>CONSTITUTION IS OUTMODED and needs to be replaced!!
>I will try and detail their concerns just as briefly as I can so that the 
>reader can see that this election of the year 2000 might be the very one that 
>they were claiming was necessary to accomplish their goal.
>The following is a statement, drafted by the COMMITTEE in 1983:
>     "Except in times of great crisis, the government is now unable to act in 
>a timely    manner -- or at all." (page 69)
>Let me start by quoting the article written by Lester Thurow, a professor of 
>economics at MIT:
>     "Fundamentally, America must alter its structure of government. The men 
>of 1776     [called this nation's "founding fathers"] may have de-signed a 
>set of checks and   balances that succeeded for the nation's first 200 years, 
>but they did not    anticipate the dilemmas of the 1980's." (page 37)
>It certainly could be said that whatever "dilemmas of the 1980's," a series 
>of unspec-ified Constitutional crises that did not materialize in "the 
>‘80's", were nothing at all compared to the crisis of the 2000 year
>But it is certainly clear that Prof. Thurow believed that something must 
>happen to "alter America's structure of govern-ment."
>Professor James Burns, a professor of political science at Williams College, 
>saw that only "a series of national and worldwide crises" could cause the 
>"American people" to "feel an urgent need for a change." (page 59)
>He furthered his concerns with this statement in another of his articles:
>     "I doubt that Americans under normal conditions could agree on the 
>package of  radical and ‘alien' constitutional changes that would be 
>required. They would do
>    so, I think, only during and following a stu-pendous national crisis and 
>political   failure." (page 162)
>Another who wrote about a "crisis" was C. Douglas Dillon, the co-chair of the 
>Com-mittee on the Constitutional System. He was the Secretary of the Treasury 
>during the Kennedy Administration (his name is on your 1963 paper currency.) 
>(The book entitled REFORMING AMERICAN GOVERNMENT failed to mention that Mr. 
>Dillon used to be the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, called 
>"America's Invisible Government!") (Obviously an oversight!)
>This is how he saw it:
>     "Such a significant shift in our Constitution is unlikely to come about 
>except as a     result of a crisis that is very grave indeed." (page 29)
>James M. Burns, again:
>     "The framers [of the Constitution] have simply been too shrewd for us. 
>They have   outwitted us. They designed separated institutions that cannot be 
>unified by  mechanical linkages. If we are to ‘turn the founders upside
>-- to put   together what they put asunder -- we must directly confront the 
>constitutional  structure they erected." (page 160)
>So these "prominent citizens" believe the Constitution is outdated, and that 
>it must be eliminated if this nation is to handle some sort of unspecified 
>Mr. Dillon  then offered his solution to the Constitutional "crisis:"
>     "That can only be remedied by a truly significant shift -- a change to 
>some form of    parliamentary government that would eliminate or sharply 
>reduce the present  division of authority between the executive and 
>legis-lative arms of government."   (page 29)
>Lloyd Cutler, a counsel to President Jimmy Carter, and co-chair of THE 
>COMMIT-TEE, zeroed in on just what the "parliamentary government" would do 
>with the Con-stitution: IT WOULD REMOVE IT!
>     "A parliamentary government may have no written constitution, as in the 
>United  Kingdom." (page 13)
>And Mr. Cutler told us that they needed to create a way to change the form of 
>our government: 
>     "We need to find a way of coming closer to the parliamentary concept of 
>‘forming    a government,' under which the elected majority is able to carry 
>out an overall  program and is held accountable for its success or failure." 
>(page 16)
>Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., served as Special Assistant to President John 
>defined the new governmental form:
>     "The parliamentary system is to be defined by a fusion rather than by
>separation of powers. The executive is drawn from the legislative majority 
>and     can count on automatic enactment of its programs." (page 51)
>That means to me that our next President will come from the Legislative 
>branch of our government, not from direct popular vote.
>So, if the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2000 was created to give the American 
>people "a very grave crisis" to change our form of government to a 
>"parliamentary form," this is how they did it:
>America has gone to counting its votes in computerized counting machines. I 
>can remember the election of 1964 because I believe it was the last one that 
>was counted manually. 
>I was a member of the California Young Republicans during that campaign who 
>were assisting Senator Barry Goldwater win the California Republican Primary. 
>His opponent in this election was former New York Governor Nelson 
>Rockefeller. We were concerned that the rumors of vote fraud all over 
>California could be true, so many of us volunteered to visit the precincts 
>where we felt a miscounting of the ballots could take place. We announced our 
>purposes to the vote counter in charge after we arrived, and then informed 
>them that we had legal authority to be in presence of the vote counters while 
>the votes were being counted.
>We were allowed to watch the actual counting of the paper ballots.
>I am not sure but I believe that this was the last time any ballots in 
>America were counted by hand.
>Now if the "vast left wing conspiracy" is real (I am providing you with the 
>details of its existence) wants to elect a candidate that was not the choice 
>of the electorate, all they would have to do is to rig the computer boxes 
>that count the vote to physically certify another candidate as the winner.
>These voting machines sit in warehouses for about 23 consecutive months while 
>they wait for the election every 2 years or so. They could easily be rigged 
>so that they would give the candidate of choice a rigged result. 
>I have been told that the counting machines are tested before they are used 
>by some sort of official ballot count where the machines count a 
>predetermined ballot run before they are used to actually count real ballots. 
>It would be no problem to rig the counters to give an accurate count on the 
>trial run, then a rigged count on the actual count, to the election officials.
>The question that must be asked is how do we know that the machines are not 
>rigged? In 1964, we could physically watch the votes being counted. We cannot 
>watch these ballots being counted in the year 2000.
>Now, lets examine how they would rig a nationwide election.
>The voter in a Presidential election does not cast his vote for a 
>Presidential candidate. He votes for delegates to the Electoral College, a 
>Constitutionally required check on the democracy. It was the intent of the 
>Founding Fathers who created this nation to place the last "check and 
>balance" on "the will of the majority." 
>It will be remembered that it was not "the people" who created the federal 
>govern-ment, it was the "united States of America." And to protect the 
>smaller states, they provided them with a slightly weighted advantage in the 
>electoral college: each state is assigned one elector for each U.S. senator 
>and representative. Since each state, no matter what it's population, has two 
>senators, they get one vote for each senator, and this provides them with a 
>small advantage over the bigger states.
>The electoral college is then required to meet in December of the election 
>year to cast their ballots for the President of the United States. 
>This is the final check on "the democracy."
>These electors can cast their votes for another candidate if they should ever 
>question the results of the election, or if they question the honesty of the 
>candidate receiving the majority of their respective state.
>Now, let's pretend that one candidate is announced as "the winner of the 
>Electoral College" prior to the vote of the Electoral College, but the 
>candidate elected by that College in December IS NOT the candidate previously 
>This election would certainly be challenged in court, and this entire process 
>could take months, if not years, to finally declare a new President.
>A prolonged election such as this one of the year 2000 certainly could seem 
>to fit the needed "crises that is very grave indeed."
>In fact, one of the two major political candidates in the 2000 election has 
>already told us about the "crises" that is coming. 
>This candidate's name is Al Gore, the Democrat Party candidate for President, 
>who wrote a book in 1992 entitled EARTH IN THE BALANCE, (ISBN: 0-395-57821-3) 
>in which he also wrote about some needed changes in our civilization. This is 
>how he phrased it on page 48 of his book:
>     "Our challenge is to accelerate the needed change in thinking about
>relationship to the environment in order to shift the pattern of our 
>civilization to a   new equilibrium. 
>This change in thinking will also follow the pattern described in Chaos 
>Theory, with little change evident until a threshold is passed, and then, as 
>key assumptions are modified, a flood of dramatic changes will occur all at 
>He continued with this quote on page 355:
>     "The model of change we use in designing and implementing our strategy 
>should  be based on the assumptions that there is a threshold we must cross 
>and that    not much change will be apparent and obvious until we reach that 
>threshold, but  when it is finally reached, the changes will be sudden and 
>So, Al Gore is telling the American people that there is a "needed" 
>"threshold" com-ing, that will lead to a series of "dramatic changes" that 
>will "occur all at once."
>Notice in that quote on page 355 that "WE" are using a "strategy" that we 
>"designed and implemented." That confirms the fact that whatever "THRESHOLD" 
>we are to cross, it has been planned and this nation WILL cross it!
>So, this election crisis of the year 2000 is not an accident! It was 
>So the only thing we need to locate is a date for this "threshold" to appear, 
>and I believe this date has been set for us.
>President George Bush Sr., while President of the United States, spoke to the 
>United Nations on October 1, 1990, ten years before the election of 2000. 
>(Source: New York Times, October 2, 1990, page A6.) This is what he said as 
>he gave us a probable date (actually a year in time) for the "crisis" to 
>occur. This is what he said:
>     "The year 2000 marks a turning point" towards a "new world order."So, 
>George  Bush supplied the American people with the year that this 
>"threshold," this   "crisis that is very grave indeed" will occur:
>THE YEAR 2000
>They have told us:
>    1.  Their concerns.
>    2.  Their solutions and
>    3.  The date of their "needed crisis that is very grave indeed" to give 
>us      their solution.
>Now, what must we do about it?
>The only practical answer I have is that we need to make this information 
>just as widely known as possible!!
>The one thing that a "CONSPIRACY" cannot stand is the light of the truth.
>I will be trying to make this as public as possible.
>I am hoping that you will do all you know how to assist.
>If you want to discuss this, I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
>through my mailing address:
>    Ralph Epperson
>    P O Box 536
>    Tucson, Arizona 85730
>Oh yes, one more thing. If you read about my "jumping off of a 16 story 
>building" because I wanted to fly, I DID NOT DO THAT! I get a nosebleed when 
>I climb a ladder!
>May God bless America!
>--End of article--

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