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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Robalini's Note: Leave it to Hunter S. Thompson,
in an article that allegedly is supposed to
involve covering sports, to say more truths
about our current Presidential mess than any
other korporate talking head.

I for one want to start a movement: demand
that Monday Night Football dump Dennis
Miller's ass and hire Thompson.  If they're
going to have someone who's never played in
the NFL babbling about politics, better it
to be a real man like Thompson than that
yuppified wuss whom Dan Fouts can barely
conceal he despises.  Miller, hit the showers
and go back to co-starring in flicks with
Corey Feldman!!!

Anyway, here are Hunter's last two columns for


The fix is in
By Hunter S. Thompson
Page 2 columnist

"(This is) not the work of a wise man, but only a
player and a scribe with a dangerous gambling habit.
... That is a risky mix that will sooner or later lead
you to cross the wrong wires and get shocked, or even
burned to a cinder. On some days you will be lucky and
only break your fingers and make a fool of yourself.
But luck is a very thin wire between survival and
disaster, and not many people can keep their balance
on it.

I have never believed much in luck, and my sense of
humor has tended to walk on the dark side. Muhammad
Ali, one of my very few heroes, once took the time to
explain to me that "there are no jokes. The truth is
the funniest joke of all."

Ho ho. It takes a special kind of mindset to believe
that and still have smart people call you Funny. I
have never quite understood it. -- Hunter S. Thompson,
Fear and Loathing in America

This eerie Presidential election has been a painful
experience for Gamblers. Almost everybody Lost. Even
if you were crazy or dumb enough to bet on a dead-even
Tie, you Lost, because it was 537 votes short of it.
The many Losers don't feel the pain yet, because they
are still in Shock & Denial. There are rumors in
Washington that Gore's most trusted advisors have
sealed him off so completely that he still firmly
believes he Won. ... Which is True, on some
scorecards, but so what? Those cards don't count. ...
George W. Bush is our President now, and you better
start getting used to it. He didn't actually steal the
White House from Al Gore, he just brutally wrestled it
away from him in the darkness of one swampy Florida
night. He got mugged, and the local Cops don't give a

Where did he think he was -- in some friendly Civics
class? Hell no, he was in Florida, arguably the most
Vicious & Corrupt state in the Union. ... Not only
that, but he was brazenly invading Florida, trying to
steal it from right under the noses of the whole Bush
family. It was a bold move & brilliantly done, in some
ways -- but then so was Lee's decision to invade the
North & attack Gettysburg.

Gore was Doomed in Florida, and he knew it about
halfway through Election night. The TV wizards had
already given the state & its 25 precious Electoral
Votes to Gore, which gave him an early lead and caused
wild rejoicing in Democratic headquarters all over the

My own immediate reaction was bafflement & surprise,
and I think I almost believed it. ... But not really.
The more I brooded on it, the more I was troubled by
waves of Queasiness & shudders of Gnawing Doubt. I
felt nervous & vaguely confused, as if I had just
heard a dog speak perfect English for 30 or 40
seconds. That will get your attention, for sure. ...
Some people get permanently de-stabilized by it:
Nothing they see with their own eyes will ever look
quite the same to them again. As in "I know that the
object I'm looking at is an Egg -- but I also know
that if it talks to me like a person, it is not an

There was one exact moment, in fact, when I knew for
sure that Al Gore would Never be President of the
United States, no matter what the experts were saying
-- and that was when the whole Bush family suddenly
appeared on TV and openly scoffed at the idea of Gore
winning Florida. It was Nonsense, said the Candidate,
Utter nonsense. ... Anybody who believed Bush had lost
Florida was a Fool. The Media, all of them, were Liars
& Dunces or treacherous whores trying to sabotage his

They were strong words and people said he was
Bluffing. But I knew better. Of course Bush would win
Florida. Losing was out of the question. Here was the
whole bloody Family laughing & hooting & sneering at
the dumbness of the whole world on National TV.

The old man was the real tip-off. The leer on his face
was almost frightening. It was like looking into the
eyes of a tall hyena with a living sheep in its mouth.
The sheep's fate was sealed, and so was Al Gore's. ...
Everything since then has been political flotsam &

The whole Presidential election, in fact, was rigged
and fixed from the start. It was a gigantic Media
Event, scripted & staged for TV. It happens every four
years, at an ever-increasing cost & 90 percent of the
money always goes for TV commercials.

Of course, nobody would give a damn except politics is
beginning to smell like professional football, Dank &
Nasty. And that's a problem that could haunt America a
lot longer than four years, folks.

I am watching more NFL football this year, but
enjoying it less and less. There is something wrong
with the game, something vital is missing, but I can't
quite say what it is. No weekend goes by without at
least one wild & exciting game, plus one or two
shocking upsets -- but somehow they all seem vaguely
meaningless, like watered down wine or weak whiskey.

I thought I had solved all my problems when I found a
way to watch every game, every Sunday, all at once or
separately. I had everything, right at my fingertips.
I missed nothing. My friends called me "toggle-boy,"
because of my expertise with the channel switcher.
They dropped by every Sunday to drink & mooch &
gamble. It was like an impossible dream come true.
Fred Exley would have loved it.

But still there was something wrong. Even reading the
Sports section began to give me a Queasy feeling. I
came to secretly dread the coming of Sunday, although
I never admitted that to anybody. It was too weird.

Only after long brooding & extended medical analysis
did I discover the obvious answer. It is the dangerous
thinning of the NFL talent pool, a problem not totally
unknown to the world of presidential politics. There
are too many teams and not enough quality players. The
League is destroying quarterbacks faster than the
colleges can churn them out. Every pro team must have
two quarterbacks, because one of them is certain to
get crippled or mashed by some steroid-crazed monster
who weighs 388 pounds and runs faster than Deion
Sanders and is desperate to hurt people. He will lose
his job if he doesn't, and his obvious target is the

Isn't there one patriotic football coach out there
brave enough to point him in the direction of Dubya?
That might be enough to restore my faith in luck, if
not pro football.

There may be Parity in the NFL these days, but it is
the same kind of parity that you find at bush-league
Racetracks and Arena Football League games. The next
MVP of the Super Bowl is just as likely to have been a
full-time grocery store bagger last year as a Heisman
Trophy winner. The teams change names & locations
every year. Even winning coaches go crazy with angst
or get fired on the whim of a new owner. Players come
& go like substitute teachers or half-bright fashion
models. They took to beating their wives in public &
and getting arrested for Murder. But the games go on
like clockwork and the money keeps pouring in. ...
Most stadiums are sold out every Sunday. But only rich
people can afford to attend the games in person. It's
not much different from getting involved in National



Prepare for the Weirdness
By Hunter S. Thompson
Page 2 columnist

"Something is happening here,
But you don't know what it is,
Do you, Mr. Jones?"
         -- Bob Dylan

No sir, not a chance. Mr. Jones does not even pretend
to know what's happening in America right now, and
neither does anyone else.

We have seen Weird Times in this country before, but
the year 2000 is beginning to look super weird. This
time, there really is nobody flying the plane. ... We
are living in dangerously weird times now. Smart
people just shrug and admit they're dazed and

The only ones left with any confidence at all are the
New Dumb. It is the beginning of the end of our world
as we knew it. Doom is the operative ethic.

The Autumn months are never a calm time in America.
Back to Work, Back to School, Back to Football
Practice, etc. ... Autumn is a very Traditional
period, a time of strong Rituals and the celebrating
of strange annual holidays like Halloween and Satanism
and the fateful Harvest Moon, which can have ominous
implications for some people.

  Most of these things are obviously Wrong and Evil
and Ugly -- but at least they are Traditional. They
will happen. Your driveway will ice up, your furnace
will blow up and you will be rammed in traffic by an
uninsured driver in a stolen car.

Autumn is always a time of Fear and Greed and Hoarding
for the winter coming on. Debt collectors are active
on old people and fleece the weak and helpless. They
want to lay in enough cash to weather the known
horrors of January and February. There is always a
rash of kidnapping and abductions of school children
in the football months. Pre-teens of both sexes are
traditionally seized and grabbed off the streets by
gangs of organized Perverts.

Most of these things are obviously Wrong and Evil and
Ugly -- but at least they are Traditional. They will
happen. Your driveway will ice up, your furnace will
blow up and you will be rammed in traffic by an
uninsured driver in a stolen car.

But what the hell. That's why we have Insurance, eh?
And the Inevitability of these nightmares is what
makes them so reassuring. Life will go on, for good or
ill. The structure might be a little Crooked, but the
foundations are still Strong and Unshakable.

Ho, ho. Think again, buster. Look around you. There is
an eerie sense of Panic in the air, a silent Fear and
Uncertainty that comes with once-reliable faiths and
truths and solid Institutions that are no longer safe
to believe in. ... There is a Presidential Election,
right on schedule, but somehow there is no President.
A new Congress is elected, like always, but somehow
there is no real Congress at all -- not as we knew it,
anyway, and whatever passes for Congress will be as
helpless and weak as Whoever has to pass for the "New

If this were the world of sports, it would be like
playing a Super Bowl that goes into 19 scoreless
Overtimes and never actually Ends. ... or four L.A.
Lakers stars being murdered in different places on the
same day. Guaranteed Fear and Loathing. Abandon all
hope. Prepare for the Weirdness. Get familiar with

Good luck, Doc.


Dr. Hunter S. Thompson's books include Hell's Angels,
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fear and Loathing on
the Campaign Trail '72, The Proud Highway, Better Than
Sex and The Rum Diary. His new book, Fear and Loathing
in America, has just been released. A regular
contributor to various national and international
publications, Thompson now lives in a fortified
compound near Aspen, Colo. His column, "Hey, Rube,"
will appear each Monday on Page 2

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