-Caveat Lector-

Carl Amedio wrote:
> In a message dated 11/29/00 2:08:27 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:
> > Subj: Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> > Date: 11/29/00 2:08:27 PM Central Standard Time

Oh that's just great...

What a racket!  Develop a new mysterious never before seen variant of disease
and get rich selling the vaccine.  And while they're at it they get neurotoxic
substances such as aluminum hydroxide, fluoride, aspartame, and mercury in our
bodies, as well as genetically engineered viruses.

No Thanks!

  ~ M

> > Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> >
> > LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - A new vaccine that protects monkeys against the
> > deadly Ebola virus could lead to the development of a similar one for
> > humans, scientists said on Wednesday....
> >
> > For the full text of this story, click here.
> >
> > To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles.
> > For all of today's news, go to keyword News.
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 15:08:27 EST
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - A new vaccine that protects monkeys against the
> deadly Ebola virus could lead to the development of a similar one for humans,
> scientists said on Wednesday....
> For the full text of this story, <A
> HREF="aol://4344:30.L100SkPo.5267278.659995696">click here</A>.
> To edit your profile, go to keyword <A
> HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles">NewsProfiles</A>.
> For all of today's news, go to keyword <A HREF="aol://1722:News">News</A>.

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