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United States General Accounting Office



    Report to the Ranking Minority Member,

Permanent Subcommittee on

Investigations, Committee on

Governmental Affairs, United States



October 2000



Possible Money

Laundering by U.S.

Corporations Formed

for Russian Entities




United States General Accounting Office

Washington, D.C. 20548

October 31, 2000

The Honorable Carl Levin

Ranking Minority Member

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Committee on Governmental Affairs

United States Senate

Dear Senator Levin:

On February 25, 2000, you expressed concern that foreign individuals or
entities can create U.S. corporations, open bank accounts in the name of the
U.S. corporations, and use these bank accounts to launder money through the
use of correspondent banking services.1 You identified certain corporations
that had engaged in suspicious banking activity indicating possible money
laundering. Each of these corporations had been formed in the state of
Delaware for unknown foreign individuals or entities. The suspicious banking
activity involved correspondent bank accounts and wire transfers of funds
from Eastern European banks through U.S. banks to other Eastern European
banks. You initially requested that we investigate these Delaware
corporations to determine how they had been formed.


1 A bank or other financial organization that regularly performs services for
another financial organization in a place or market to which the other does
not have direct access is referred to as a correspondent bank.

We began our investigation by reviewing relevant statutes regarding the
chartering of corporations in Delaware and records of the Delaware Division
of Corporations pertaining to the corporations that the Subcommittee
identified. We then contacted various registered agents for these
corporations and identified Euro-American Corporate Services, Inc., as a
Delaware-registered agent that together with a related company, International
Business Creations (IBC), created corporations for Russian brokers and
established bank accounts for those corporations. We brought this information
to the attention of the Subcommittee. It focused its request more narrowly on
Euro-American and asked us to (1) describe how it was formed and operated,
(2) determine how Euro-American entered banking relationships with Citibank
of New York and Commercial Bank of San Francisco, and (3) investigate the
extent to which these banking relationships resulted in suspicious activity.

We reviewed state of Delaware, Department of State, Division of Corporations'
files concerning the list of companies the Subcommittee had provided to us.
We contacted Delaware-registered agents for information about those companies
and interviewed the Division of Corporations' Incorporation Section
Administrator, who oversees corporation filings. We also spoke with a member
of the Delaware State Police Intelligence Division. In addition, we reviewed
relevant provisions of the Delaware Code. Further, we interviewed officials
of IBC, Euro-American, Citibank, and Commercial Bank. The Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs,
issued subpoenas to obtain certain bank records of IBC, Euro-American, the
three principals of those corporations, and IBC/Euro-American-created
corporations. We analyzed those bank records. We conducted our investigation
from March to October 2000. It was performed in accordance with the quality
standards for investigations as set forth by the President's Council on
Integrity and Efficiency.

Results in Brief


Euro-American formed corporations pursuant to the General Corporation Law of
Delaware. The corporations were granted corporation status by the state after
Euro-American---as the registered agent---prepared, signed, and filed a
certificate of incorporation containing very limited information. For
example, Delaware law, as in some other states, has no requirement that the
certificate of incorporation contain information about the principals, the
principal place of business, or the specific business activity of the

We also determined that Euro-American had formed three of the Delaware
corporations identified by the Subcommittee, as well as approximately 2,000
others, for Russian brokers. From 1991 through January 2000, more than $1.4
billion in wire transfer transactions was deposited into 236 accounts opened
at 2 U.S. banks: Citibank (136 accounts) and Commercial Bank (100 accounts).
IBC/Euro-American established those accounts for corporations that it had
created. Of the $1.4 billion, more than $800 million was wired from foreign
countries into IBC/Euro-American accounts at Citibank. Over 70 percent of the
Citibank deposits for these accounts was wire-transferred to accounts in
foreign countries. Of the remaining $600 million deposited in Commercial
Bank, over 50 percent was similarly transferred into the U.S. banking system
from abroad. In addition, most of the $600 million was transferred out of the
U.S. banking system. These banking activities raise questions about whether
the U.S. banks were used to launder money.

Additionally, the two banks at which Euro-American established accounts
failed to implement "know your customer" policies for these accounts.
Implementation of effective know your customer policies permits financial
institutions to understand the kind of transactions in which a particular
customer is likely to engage, to identify unusual or suspicious transactions,
and to report such transactions as required by the Bank Secrecy Act.2 We have
referred the information developed to appropriate law enforcement and
regulatory agencies.


2 The Bank Secrecy Act is codified in 12 U.S.C. §§ 1829b and 1951-59 and in
31 U.S.C. §§ 5311-30.



Forming a Corporation in Delaware

The General Corporation Law of Delaware permits "any person, partnership,
association or corporation" to form a corporation "without regard to such
person's or entity's residence, domicile or state of incorporation" by filing
a certificate of incorporation with the Division of Corporations in the
Department of State.3 Every corporation must have and maintain in Delaware "a
registered office which may, but need not be, the same as its place of


3 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §101.

4 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §131 (a).

Each corporation must also appoint a registered agent to "accept service of
process and otherwise perform the functions of a registered agent."5 The
registered agent may be the corporation itself, an individual resident of
Delaware, another domestic corporation or other domestic business entity, or
a foreign corporation or other foreign business entity that is authorized to
do business in the state.6


5 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §132 (a).

6 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §132 (a).

The certificate of incorporation must contain the name of the corporation,
the address of the corporation's registered office in Delaware, the name and
street address of its registered agent at the corporation's registered office
in Delaware, and the name and mailing address of the incorporators.7 Our
investigation revealed that for all the corporations formed by Euro- American
it was both the registered agent and the incorporator. With respect to the
nature of the business of the corporation, it is sufficient for the
certificate of incorporation to state that "the purpose of the corporation is
to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be
organized under the General Corporation Law of Delaware."8 A certificate must
be filed with the Division of Corporations certifying any changes with
respect to the corporation's registered agent or registered address.9


7 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §102. Additionally, if the corporation is authorized
to issue only one class of stock, the certificate of incorporation must also
contain the total number of shares of stock that the corporation has
authority to issue and the par value of each share or a statement that all
such shares are to be without par value. Del. Code Ann. tit.

8, §102(4). 8 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §102.

9 Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, §133.

Bank Compliance Programs Regarding Suspicious Banking Activities and Know
Your Customer Policies

The Bank Secrecy Act requires banks to report suspicious banking activity
relating to potential money laundering to the U.S. Treasury Department.10 The
Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC),
and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are the federal
regulatory agencies that examine banks. To enforce the Bank Secrecy Act,
these agencies have promulgated regulations requiring banks to implement
programs and procedures for recording and reporting large currency
transactions and for detecting, preventing, and reporting suspicious
transactions related to potential money-laundering activity.11


10 31 U.S.C. §5318(g); 31 C.F.R. §103.21; see 12 C.F.R. §§ 21.21 (OCC). Money
laundering is the process of engaging in financial transactions with the
proceeds of unlawful activity to conceal the existence, nature, or source of
those proceeds. Two criminal money-laundering offenses are defined in 18
U.S.C. §§1956, 1957.

11 See 12 C.F.R. §§21.21 (OCC), 219.21-23 (Federal Reserve), and 326.8

Regulators and most banks contacted during a previous GAO review12 cited know
your customer policies as one of an institution's most important means of
detecting suspicious activity to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act.13 Know
your customer policies generally commit a financial institution to verify a
customer's identity, determine the customer's source of wealth, review the
customer's credit and character, and understand the type of transactions the
customer would typically conduct. Implementation of effective know your
customer policies permits a financial institution to understand the kinds of
transactions in which a particular customer is likely to engage, to identify
unusual or suspicious transactions, and to report such transactions to the
U.S. Department of the Treasury.


12 Private Banking: Information on Private Banking and Its Vulnerability to
Money Laundering (GAO/GGD-98-19R, Oct. 30, 1997).

13 While regulatory efforts to establish uniform know your customer
requirements have been discontinued, Congress continues to look for ways to
reinforce current anti-money- laundering laws and, more specifically, to
promote due diligence in customer banking relationships.

Ease of Foreign Entities in Creating U.S. Corporations Engaging in Suspicious
Banking Activities

We identified the registered agents for most of the corporations named by the
Subcommittee. We were able to obtain information from the files of seven of
those registered agents, including Euro-American, concerning approximately
half of the corporations identified by the Subcommittee. Although they did
not provide specific numbers, the seven registered agents told us that a
large number of the corporations in our investigation had been formed at the
request of foreign individuals or entities.

Further, an officer of Euro-American informed us that his company's clients
consist entirely of brokers in Moscow, Russia, who make requests for the
formation of Delaware corporations and that Euro-American had formed
approximately 2,000 such corporations since 1996. In our review of documents
filed by Euro-American with the Delaware Division of Corporations, we found
that an officer of Euro-American had signed the certificate of incorporation
for each company it formed as the incorporator of the company.

The records of the registered agents we reviewed generally contain the name
of the person or entity requesting the formation of the corporation but do
not contain the names of the corporation's principals. Thus, neither state
records nor the records of the registered agents contain the names of the
principals of the incorporated companies. Two registered agents informed us
that they often form corporations in blocks of 10 to 20 at a time to
accommodate single requests from foreign brokers. A registered agent also
disclosed that these corporations are sometimes sold by the brokers to
others, who may, in turn, sell them again.

In conducting our investigation, we reviewed Suspicious Activity Reports
filed by three banks concerning transactions by corporations formed by
Euro-American for Russian brokers. A question raised in the reports concerned
whether banking transactions by these corporations were part of
money-laundering schemes. For example, one report describes the following
transactions by two corporations formed by Euro-American:

Corporation A initiated a series of wire transfers of money on its behalf
through Absolute Bank in Moscow, Russia, to the Bank of New York in the
United States, which had a correspondent banking relationship with Absolute
Bank. The Bank of New York then transferred the funds to Republic National
Bank of New York, which had a correspondent banking relationship with Trust
Commercial Bank in Latvia. Republic National Bank, in turn, sent the funds by
wire to Trust Commercial Bank in Latvia where they were deposited into
Corporation B's account. Approximately $6.8 million was moved in this fashion
from Corporation A to Corporation B during a 2-month period. Using wire
transfers, money was moved in large dollar amounts into and out of accounts
on the same day or within 1 or 2 days.14


14 We have no information concerning either the origin of the funds wired by
Corporation A or the final destination of the funds after they were deposited
into Corporation B's account. Moreover, Euro-American could not provide
information about the owners or the principals of these corporations.

Relationship Between International Business Creations and Euro-American
Corporate Services, Inc.

In 1991, a native of the Republic of Georgia who was residing in the United
States incorporated IBC in Delaware and became its president.15 IBC opened
bank accounts in the United States for corporations formed in Delaware at the
request of Russian brokers. To expand his business, in 1996 IBC's president
created Euro-American to (1) form corporations in Delaware for Russian
brokers and (2) serve as the registered agent for such corporations and open
bank accounts for them when requested. Two former IBC employees serve as the
officers of Euro-American. Euro-American began charging a fee of $350 for
each company it incorporated.


15 IBC was also incorporated in New York in 1996.

Euro-American serves as its own registered agent and lists a street address
in New Castle, Delaware, as its registered address on its certificate of
incorporation. We found that it was the address of Executive Offices, Inc., a
company that provides office space and reception services for business
tenants. An officer of Executive Offices informed us that beginning in
approximately 1997, his company provided a mail drop to IBC, which is
actually located in New York, New York. He later learned of the existence of
Euro-American after he received large quantities of mail for it. He contacted
the Delaware Division of Corporations and was informed that Euro-American had
established itself as a registered agent and had listed as its registered
address the mail drop rented to IBC by Executive Offices. He also learned
that Euro-American served as the registered agent for 708 corporations that
used the address of Executive Offices.

The officer of Executive Offices informed us that he subsequently entered
into a rental agreement with Euro-American. Euro-American rents office space
from Executive Offices, although no one physically occupies the office. As
part of this agreement, Euro-American pays for the services of a common
receptionist shared by other tenants of Executive Offices. The officer
estimated that a Euro-American representative uses the office about 1 day
every 3 months, which he opined was merely a "formality." Further, all
telephone calls and mail are forwarded to Euro-American in New York. An
official of Delaware's Division of Corporations advised the officer that this
arrangement complies with Euro-American's obligations as a
Delaware-registered agent.

Euro-American's Role in Forming U.S. Corporations for Russian Brokers and
Opening Bank Accounts for Such Corporations


According to an employee of Euro-American, Russian brokers who obtain
services from Euro-American generally order the formation of about 10
corporations at a time. Sometimes the Russian brokers furnish names for the
requested companies; at other times, Euro-American simply "makes up" names
for the corporations it forms. The Euro-American employee estimated that,
since its inception, the company had worked with between 30 to 50 brokers in
Moscow for whom it had formed about 2,000 corporations. According to the
president of IBC and the Euro-American employee, Euro-American conducted no
due diligence with respect to any company it incorporated because state law
does not require it.

On occasion, Russian brokers requested that IBC/Euro-American open bank
accounts with wire transfer capabilities for corporations that Euro- American
formed. We have identified two banks at which Euro-American established such
accounts: Citibank of New York and the Commercial Bank of San Francisco.
Euro-American received a fee of $450 from the Russian brokers for each bank
account opened. According to records of Citibank and Commercial Bank,
IBC/Euro-American opened approximately 136 bank accounts for corporations at
Citibank from 1991 through January 2000 and approximately 100 bank accounts
at Commercial Bank from 1996 through 1999.

The president of IBC told us that the bank accounts were formed to move money
out of Russia. The IBC president told officers of both Citibank and
Commercial Bank that he had conducted investigations of the companies for
which he opened accounts. He admitted to us that he made such representations
to the banks but that he in fact had not investigated the companies. He also
told us that Euro-American is currently being liquidated due in part to
concerns about money-laundering issues that were raised in 1999 when the
media reported allegations that Russian organized crime had laundered
billions of dollars through the Bank of New York.

Relationship Between Citibank of New York and IBC/Euro-American


A Citibank account officer at a particular Citibank branch told us that the
president of IBC first became a Citibank customer about 10 years ago when he
established IBC. At that time, IBC's president informed Citibank that he
assisted Russian business clients in opening bank accounts in the United
States. When he established IBC's Citibank account, the president of IBC was
required to provide two forms of identification, such as a passport and
credit card, and documents relating to IBC, such as incorporation papers.
Between 1992 and April 2000, IBC had four accounts at Citibank into which
approximately $280 million was deposited through wire transfers. Virtually
all of these funds were subsequently wired out of the accounts.

The relationship between Citibank and IBC expanded in 1996 when Euro-American
was formed and IBC/Euro-American began referring Russian companies to
Citibank for the purpose of opening accounts. According to the Citibank
account officer, the president of IBC vouched for the newly formed companies
and said that he knew the officers of the companies personally, by
reputation, or as a result of conducting his own investigation. Citibank
opened the accounts based upon the IBC president's representations, with the
stipulation that the customers would personally appear at Citibank with
appropriate identification within 30 days of opening the account. A
Euro-American employee served as a Russian interpreter for those customers
who personally appeared at Citibank to open accounts. Citibank did not
conduct due diligence regarding IBC/Euro- American-referred customers.16


16 We previously reported that Citibank's failure to enforce its know your
customer policy facilitated a money-laundering scheme that disguised the
origin, destination, and beneficial owner of the funds involved. See Private
Banking: Raul Salinas, Citibank, and Alleged Money Laundering (GAO/OSI-99-1,
Oct. 30, 1998).

A Citibank official advised us that the bank closed some of the accounts
opened for IBC clients because the clients had failed to appear personally at
Citibank offices within 30 days after the accounts were opened. He added that
the accounts were fully functional for the initial 30-day period, allowing
wire transfer capabilities, and that all transactions in and out of these
accounts were by wire transfers. Although we do not know the number of
IBC/Euro-American referred Citibank customers who appeared personally at the
bank, our review of records obtained from Citibank indicates that no accounts
of IBC/Euro-American referred customers were closed within 4 months of being
opened. Further, more than $800 million was deposited through wire transfer
transactions from foreign countries into IBC/Euro-American client accounts at
Citibank. Over 70 percent of these deposits was subsequently moved out of the
U.S. banking system through wire transfer transactions to accounts in foreign
countries. According to a Citibank official, these deposits included funds
from Russia; and Citibank no longer opens accounts for clients of
IBC/Euro-American because of concerns over suspicious account activity.

Relationship Between Commercial Bank and IBC/Euro-American


As previously discussed, IBC/Euro-American also opened approximately 100 bank
accounts at Commercial Bank of San Francisco for corporations it had formed
for Russian brokers. We reviewed bank statements made available through the
Subcommittee's subpoena which revealed more than $600 million in wire
transfers into these bank accounts. A Commercial Bank employee familiar with
the records provided to the Subcommittee stated that over 50 percent of the
wire transfers originated from foreign sources. The employee added that most
of the $600 million was subsequently wire-transferred abroad. Our review of
the bank records indicates that the foreign sources included wire transfers
into and from Eastern Europe.

According to the president of Commercial Bank, two Russians purchased about 9
percent of the bank's stock for $1 million in March 1995. One of these
individuals suggested that the bank hire him as a consultant to obtain new
business from Russian depositors. Consequently, the bank entered into an
agreement with East Industrial Financial Society, a corporation owned by this
individual. East Industrial became the only full-time contractor soliciting
business for the bank from April 1996 through March 1998.17 This individual
(hereinafter "the Russian director")18 became a member of the Board of
Directors of Commercial Bank in May 1997.


17 Under the contract, Commercial Bank paid a service fee to East Industrial.

18 We have obtained information that indicates that this individual has had a
close relationship with companies associated with members of the former
Soviet Union's intelligence agency.

The IBC president informed us that another Russian introduced him to the
Russian director in 1996. At that time, the Russian director suggested that
IBC open bank accounts with Commercial Bank for U.S. corporations that IBC
had formed for its Russian clients. As a result, in April 1996 IBC entered
into a contract with East Industrial. The agreement provided that IBC would
introduce potential banking customers to East Industrial, which would
establish accounts for them with the Private Banking Group of Commercial


19 IBC was to receive a service fee for business it introduced to Commercial
Bank based on a percentage of average daily deposits in customer accounts
once certain conditions were met. However, both the Russian director and the
president of IBC stated that no service fees were paid to IBC.

The Russian director, who also served as the Director of Private Banking and
the Director of the International Department at Commercial Bank, resigned
from the Board of Directors and his other positions with the bank in December
1999, effective January 14, 2000. The president of Commercial Bank informed
us that, during the period that the Russian director was a director or
consultant to the bank, 40 percent of total bank deposits was from customers
referred to it by IBC/Euro-American.

Commercial Bank officials stated that they had relied on representations made
by IBC's president that he knew the clients he introduced and that Commercial
Bank had conducted no independent due diligence concerning IBC/Euro-American
referred customers. IBC/Euro-American clients were not required to appear in
person at the bank to open accounts; instead, accounts were opened by mail.
Commercial Bank officials also informed us that the bank filed Suspicious
Activity Reports concerning activity in accounts of IBC/Euro-American clients
and that it stopped opening accounts for IBC/Euro-American in 1999 due to
numerous instances of suspicious transactions by its clients. We were also
told that the International Department would be closed due to problems
relating to the suspicious banking activities of its customers. The
International Department closed on June 30, 2000; and Commercial Bank was
recently sold.



It is relatively easy for foreign individuals or entities to hide their
identities while forming shell corporations that can be used for the purpose
of laundering money. Further, the money-laundering provisions of the Bank
Secrecy Act require banks to identify suspicious activity and to report that
activity to federal authorities. While the banking industry points to
voluntary know your customer policies as implementing the requirements of the
act, in this case two banks violated the principles of those policies. We
previously reported similar violations by one of these banks.20 The
violations by the two banks in our current investigation facilitated the
transfer of approximately $1 billion from Eastern Europe, through U.S. banks,
and back to Eastern Europe by corporations formed for Russian brokers. These
transfers raise concerns that the U.S. banking system may have been used to
launder money. We have referred the information developed to appropriate law
enforcement and regulatory agencies.


20 Private Banking: Raul Salinas, Citibank, and Alleged Money Laundering
(GAO/OSI-99-1, Oct. 30, 1998).

As arranged with your office, unless you announce its contents earlier, we
plan no further distribution of this report until 30 days after the date on
this letter. At that time, we will make copies of this letter available to
interested congressional committees and others on request. If you have any
questions or need additional information, please contact Deputy Director
Ronald Malfi at (202) 512-6722. William McDaniel and Woodrow H. Hunt, Jr.
were key contributors to this case.

Sincerely yours,

Robert H. Hast

Managing Director

Office of Special Investigations



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