On Thursday afternoon (November 30th), I heard a report that California
election officials have no plans to count over one *million* absentee
ballots "because it wouldn't change how the election turned out", since
Bush lost the Granola State by more than the absentee ballots could make
up---even *with* the absentee vote, the state would still go for Gore.

Granted, it probably wouldn't help Jim Rogan, who--because of a concerted
effort by the DNC to "punish" him for his role as a House impeachment
manager--likely lost his district (27th--Pasadena) by more votes than the
proportional number of absentee ballots from that district might provide.

That having been said, a counting of the absentee ballots *might* have
helped csndidates in *local* races---state senators and assemblymen,
county commissioners, which *could* have hinged on the absentee ballots,
had they been counted.

Spotted Al and his whiney running mate, "Holy Joe" Liberman, have chanted
the mantra "that every vote be counted", referring to the South Florida
counties which are acknowledged Democrat strongholds, but are adamantly
against counting absentee ballots in Florida, and for good reason: the
majority of those absentee ballots are from active-duty military members.
Those military ballots which *have* managed to get counted have gone for
Bush in wildly-lopsided ratios---in some areas, by a 12-to-1 margin!

Apparently, military people have long memories---they remember how this
administration, whose leader once expressed his "loathing" of the
military, has deployed them on worldwide meals-on-wheels missions, often
to countries whose radical terrorists thanked us for our humanitarianism
by slaughtering our Rangers and dragging their bodies through their filthy
streets and by blowing gigantic holes in the sides of our warships,
killing the unsuspecting sailors within.

All the while, Clinton/Gore were slashing military appropriations, denying
the services money for training, spare parts, fuel, and even ammunition
(the billions of dollars worth of sophisticated missiles we rained down on
various parts of the world--for no other reason than to deflect attention
from Clinton's manifold perjuries and Monica's semen-stained dress--have
yet to be replaced.  In other words, Bill Clinton and Al Gore have run our
ammunition locker dry and squandered money which *should* have been used
for replentishments on photo-op trips here, there, and everywhere---the
recent trip to Vietnam, 31 years too late to retrieve Bill's honor, cost
enough to replace at *least* 75 of those sophisticated missiles!).

Why is this important?  Because California has more military installations
than you can shake a stick at.  Many of the overseas-deployed forces,
especially naval forces, are composed of California residents.  It is
likely that three-quarters of those million-plus absentee ballots were
cast by active-duty military people.

Given the lopsided numbers in Florida, it is wholly reasonable to
speculate that 600,000 or more Bush votes might be lurking in those
mailbags---leaving 400,000 or so for Gore.

A difference of 200,000 votes---for Bush.  Last I heard, Spotted Al was
hinging the ligitimacy of his claim to the Oval Office on the fact that he
won the nationwide popular vote . . . by a margin of around 200,000 votes.

Is it any wonder that election officials in a DNC-run, cradle-to-grave
socialist state like California are choosing to ignore over a million
absentee ballots---most of which have been cast by (yuck!) those fascist
*military* people?

David M. Gonzalez, Troglodyte
Wheeling, Illinois

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