All pitch classes generated by the prime numbers 2, 3, and
5, up to the index of 60, are represented here (fig. 9). Remember
that all doubles are equivalent, so that 3, 6, 12, and 24 define
the same pitch as 48, for example.
     a. Tones are defined by numbers.
     b. The significance of a number lies only in its ratio with
other numbers.
     c. Numerosity is governed by strict arithmetic economy.
Because Sumerian double meanings were assumed, the numbers 30,
32, 36,... are in smallest integers for this context. This
economy is obscured somewhat by writing ratios as fractions;
mentally eliminate the superfluous reference 60s.
     d. Every number is employed in two senses, as great and
small, displayed here as reciprocal fractions.
     e. The double meanings of great and small require the basic
model octave to be extended across a double octave from 30/60 =
1/2 to 60/30 = 2.
     f. Tones are grouped by tetrachords (that is, in groups of
fours) whose fixed boundaries always show the musical proportion
6:8 = 9:12, defining the octave (6:12 = 1:2), the fifth (2:3,
that is, 6:9 and 8:12), and the fourth (3:4 or 6:8 and 9:12).
     Notice how the arithmetic mean 9 and the harmonic mean 8
establish perfect inverse symmetry (see fig. 10) and define the
standard whole tone as 8:9. These ratios define the only fixed
tones in Pythagorean tuning theory, and they are invariant.
Pythagoras reputedly and plausibly brought this proportion home
from Babylon in the sixth century B.C. In base 60, these
"framing" numbers necessarily are multiplied by 5 into
30:40 = 45:60.
     Notice that Ea/Enki, god 40, defines these frames (DA
falling and G:D rising) in his double role as 40:60 and 60:40 and
thus literally "organizes the earth" (as represented by the
string) into do, fa, sol, do, harmonic foundations of the modern
     g. The Enlil = 50 tones of pitch classes b and f always
belong to the opposite scale, for the god shares these tones with
36 (that is, 30:36 = 50:60 and 30 and 60, "beginning and end,"
coincide); thus, Enlil is free to supervise the system by
reminding us of the symmetry of opposites.
     Enlil's promotion to head the pantheon possibly symbolizes
this insight. He plays a very active role, also generating
several intervals that actually reduce numerosity, whereas
the primal procreator, Anu/An = 60, a do-nothing deity of little
account in Sumer and Babylon, remains purely passive.
     Platonic dialectics, however, emphasize anew the importance
of an invariant t4 seat in the mean, "thus turning Anu/An's
passiveness as geometric mean into the greatest possible
Socratic virtue as "the One Itself."
     h. The falling or descending version of this scale, as
notated [in Figure 9], is in our own familiar major mode. It is
more commonly notated one tone lower, on the white keys of the C
octave. The rising scale on the right, its symmetric opposite, is
the basic scale of ancient Greece, India, and Babylon. It is more
simply notated one tone higher, on the white keys in the E
     My choice of D as reference pitch is dictated by the
necessity of showing opposites simultaneously, in the Sumerian
normative arithmetical habit that Plato later required of his
students in dialectic. Future philosopher-guardians in idealized
cities needed to become expert in weighing the merits of
contradictory claims, requiring the ability to see opposites
simultaneously. Music provided the opportunity to do this, par
excellence, and so childhood training began with it.


      To coalesce the musical opposites shown above into one
Sumerian/Platonic overview, eliminating all octave replication
and laying bare the irreducible structure ("God's only model"),
we need only project these tones into the same tone circle.
     From Plato's mythology (in the "Critias") come "Poseidon and
his five pairs of twin sons" (see fig. 11), aligned in perfect
inverse Sumerian symmetry across the central vertical plane of
reflection. (Poseidon, at twelve o'clock, Greek successor to the
water god Ea/Enki, is self-symmetric, being both beginning and
end of the octave no matter whether we traverse it upward or
downward.) These eleven tones constitute the only pitch class
symmetries up to an index of 60.
     But to coalesce opposite fractions so that the numbers--like
the tones--show the same ratios when read in either direction, we
must expand the numerical double 1:2 into 360:720 (see fig. 12).
If we confine ourselves to three-digit numbers, there is, in
addition to Poseidon's ten sons, only one other pair of symmetric
numbers, namely, 405 and 640 (since 405:720 = 360:640). These are
notated here as C and E to indicate their very slight and
melodically insignificant difference from c and e. This
microtonal "comma" difference of 80:81, barely perceptible in the
laboratory and then only by a good ear, was taken by the Greeks
as the smallest theoretically useful unit of pitch measure and is
approximately 1/9 of their standard whole tone of 8:9. The
whole-tone interval between A and G (in figs. 11 and 12) invites
similar subdivision, and symmetry requires a point directly
opposite our reference, D. This locus is defined by the square
root of 2, lying beyond the ancient concept of number, and so we
must search for an approximation.
     A musically acceptable candidate (its error is actually less
than a comma) now appears at a-flat = 512, or, alternately,
g-sharp = 512, only slightly askew our ideal value and with the
"god ratio" of 4:5 with C or E.
     Plato's Poseidon and his ten sons are shown again (in fig.
12), together with the new symmetry pair C/E and the alternate
a-flat/g-sharp pair (one of which is always missing in the
360:720 octave). My vertical pendulum now swings gently back and
forth to either side of six o'clock as the numbers are read
alternately in rising and falling scale order (that is, as great
and small).
     At 512, where a-flat is not quite equivalent to g-sharp, the
ancients had little choice but to accept this arithmetical
compromise with perfect inverse symmetry.
     How did they rationalize such a complicated, inverse
symmetry, one ultimately defeated because of the compromise?
Remembering the quite ancient correlations of scale and
calendar, let us apply imagination to their problem.
     This base-60 model can be imagined as an appropriate
correlate to the lunar calendar of Sumer and Babylon, as it later
became the map of an idealized circular city in Plato's Laws,
calendar and musical scale being assumed to have a similar
cosmogony. Notice the following correspondences:
     a. The basic seven-tone scale requires the thirty digits in
the 30:60 octave, and 30 is deified as Sin, the Moon, and the
basic octave limit.
     b. The two opposite seven-tone scales and the symmetrically
divided tone circle correspond with Sumer's two agricultural
seasons, in which irrigation during the dry summer complemented
the rainy winter harvest.
     c. In the octave double between 360 and 720, which coalesces
opposites, there are 360 units to correspond with the schematic
calendar count of 12 x 30 = 360 days. (Eventually, astronomers in
India and Babylon defined these units as "tithis," meaning 1/360
of a mean lunar year of 354 days, hence slightly less than a
solar day. Greek astronomers eventually defined the same 360
units geometrically as degrees. Neither development is relevant
to ancient Sumer.)
     d. Tonally acceptable but acoustically inaccurate semitones,
alternately small (24:25) and large (15:16), correspond with the
lunar months embodied in ritual, alternating between 29 and 30
     e. Between a-flat = 512 and g-sharp 512 (in the opposite
sense), a gap corresponds with the excess of a solar year over
360 and the defect of a lunar year of 354 days from 360.  (Five
and a quarter extra solar days are about a 1/69 of 360, while the
gap in the reduced comma is actually about 1/60 of an octave, a
remarkable near-correspondence.)
     Because any successful agricultural society must find some
way to accommodate lunar, solar, ritual, and schematic cycles
with the growing cycle, we need not suppose that Sumerians or
anyone else ever really believed the year contained 360 days.
Only a musicology dedicated to numerical precision and economy
finds 720 days and nights (that is, 360 days and 360 nights)
cosmogonically correct.


     All of the tonal, arithmetical, and calendrical relations
discussed above are coincidences. They exist among base-60
numbers whether or not anyone is aware of them, mainly because 60
is divisible by three prime numbers, 2, 3, and 5, and no others,
and 60 is being used in the way we use a floating-point decimal
     If Sumerian mythology did not offer persuasive evidence that
Sumerians were conscious of tonal implications, then their
establishment of a base-60 system, which included such perfect
models for a lunar-oriented culture and for Pythagorean harmonics
two thousand years later, would be pure serendipity, meaning that
it resulted from "the gift of finding valuable or agreeable
things not sought for." But the most interesting evidence
for Sumerian harmonical self-consciousness is yet to be shown via
Plato's kind of triangular matrices, functioning as "mothers" in
harmonical arithmetic.
     In Plato's Greece, the harmonical wisdom of Babylon and
India was transformed into political theory. Men now acted out
the roles once assigned to gods. Plato's four model cities
--Callipolis (in the "Republic"), Ancient Athens and Atlantis
(both in the "Critias"), and Magnesia (in the "Laws")-- were each
associated with a specific musical-mathematical model, all
generated from the first ten integers. All are reducible to a
study of four primes: 2, 3, 5, and 7.
     In the "Republic" and "Laws," idealized citizens--
represented as number-- generate only in the prime of life. For
Plato, this means that 2 never really generates anything beyond
the model octave 1:2, for this "virgin, female" even number
--with all of its higher powers-- designates the same pitch class
as any reference 1.  (Multiplication by 4, 8, 16,... generates
only cyclic identities, different octaves of tones we already
possess. They are Plato's "nursemaids," carrying tone children
until they are old enough to "walk" as integers; hence, as he
says, his "nurses" require exceptional physical strength.)
     The multiplication table for the 3 x 5 male odd numbers,
however, generates endless spirals of musical fifths (or fourths)
and thirds; within the female octave 1:2, new pitches are
generated at the same invariant ratios. The Greek meaning of
symmetry is to be in the same proportion. Thus, a "continued
geometric proportion" (like 1, 3, 9, 27,...or 1, 5, 25,...)
constitutes "the world's best bonds," maximizing symmetry, which
is obscured by mere appearances when these values are doubled to
put them into some preferred scale order. The multiplication
table for 3 x 5 graphs multiple sets of geometric tonal
symmetries (Plato's only reality) as far as imagination pleases.
     Greece inherited its arithmetical habits from Egypt,
including an affection for unit fractions in defining tunings
(the ratio 9:8 was thought of as "eight plus one-eighth of
itself," and so on). It awoke to number theory only when it
became acquainted with Mesopotamian methods. Thus, the travels of
Pythagoras, whether legendary or not, played an important role.
Those methods apparently were new enough in Plato's fourth
century B.C. to invite his extensive commentary, yet old enough
so any novelty on Plato's part was absolutely denied by
Aristoxenus (fl. circa 330 B.C.) within fifty years.
     Plato is responsible for an astonishing musical
generalization of the base-60 tuning formula as 4:3 mated with
the 5. His 3, 4, and 5 correspond with Sin = 30, Ea = 40, and
Enlil = 50 and remind us that all tones are linked by perfect
fourths, 4:3, which define possible tetrachord frames, or by
perfect thirds, 4:5. The last Pythagorean who really
understood Platonic "marriages" may have been Nicomachus in the
second century A.D.; he promised an exposition but none survives.


     In the second millennium B.C., the Babylonians reorganized
the inherited Sumerian pantheon in a way that very strongly
points toward its Pythagorean future. To avoid destruction by
Enlil, who is disturbed by their confusion and noise, the gods
reorganize under the leadership of Marduk, god 10, the biblical
Baal, to whom all the other gods cede their powers.
     Herein lies a beautiful reduction of Sumerian expertise with
reciprocal fractions to a more philosophical overview of
harmonics as being generated exclusively by the first ten
integers (Socrates' "children up to ten," in the "Republic,"
beyond which age he doubted citizens were really fitted for ideal
     To celebrate their survival after Marduk defeats the female
serpent Tiamat, sent to destroy them, the gods decree him a
temple; the bricks require two years (2 x 360 = 720) to
fabricate. This mythologizes 720, the Sumerian unit of brick
measure, and the smallest tonal index able to correlate
seven-tone opposites into a twelve-tone calendrical octave.
When Marduk's tonal/arithmetical bricks are aligned in matrix
order, we see that the general shape of his temple (with an index
of 720) is an enlarged form of Enlil's temple (with an index of
60); Enlil now confers his fifty names on Marduk. This temple
makes Marduk's face shine with pleasure, we are told.
     Let me conclude our discussion of Marduk's victory over the
dragon, Tiamat.


     It is now a normal part of a child's musical education to
learn to view the scale as a spiral of musical fifths and
fourths, as they are actually tuned--for the convenience of
the ear--and to be shown those tones in a tone circle. That
up-and-down, alternating cycle of pitches inspires, I propose,
the dragon and great serpent lore of ancient mythology
(fig. 13).
     Serpentine undulations are visible to any harpist in the
lengths of successive strings when taken in tuning order (as they
still necessarily are), and the undulations can be seen in any
set of pitch pipes when similarly aligned, as in China. Because
the same tone numbers function reciprocally as multiples of
frequency and of wavelength, they have the same double meanings
today that they enjoyed in Sumerian times. It is entirely
appropriate, therefore, to represent this spiral both forward and
backward, simultaneously, with intertwined serpents.
     In the mythological account, Marduk slays the dragon (which
is presumably the continuum of possible pitches represented by
the undivided string) by first cutting it in half to establish
the octave 1:2. Further cutting presumably "sections" the other
pitches. No numbers larger than Marduk's--meaning 10--play any
role in geometrical sectioning of the string.
     This "serpentine" double meaning--rising and falling musical
fifths and fourths--lies at the very heart of our consciousness
of musical structure. Sumer did not hesitate to make the double
serpent the center of symmetry, as on this steatite vase of
Gudea (fig. 14), priest-king of Lagash circa 2450 B.C., where
they are flanked symmetrically by gryphons.
     Large and unwieldy numbers can be avoided if the 4:5 and 5:6
ratios introduced by Enlil are used to define the seven-tone
scale (in which case all the numbers are of two digits).
Used for the twelve-tone scale, his numbers need only three
digits. Thus, in Sumer, Enlil = 50, base-60 deification of the
human, male prime number 5, grossly reduces our computational
labors from six-digit Pythagorean numerosity (in which a twelfth
tone requires 311 = 177,147) to no more than three, and without
noticeably diminishing melodic usefulness (fig. 15). Only the
five central tones (CGDAE) from the Great Serpent appear in
figure 12, where they are indicated by solid radial lines. All
other tones are owed to Enlil.
      Historically, European music reintroduced this Just tuning
system in the fifteenth century A.D. to secure perfect 4:5:6
triads for its new harmonies without exceeding twelve tones. The
ancients probably loved it more for its arithmetical economy than
for its triadic purity. Microtonalists today, equipped with a
powerful new technology, are again searching for an effective
employment of these ancient Sumerian god ratios.<


     The ultimate origins of music theory, as opposed to the
Sumerian codification that I deduce here, remain lost in the far
more distant past, like the origin of our sense for number. They
are grounded in a common aural biological heritage, some of which
we share with other animals, and are by no means dependent, as
Aristotle noted, on precise numerical definition. As eminent
contemporary musicologist William Thompson explained in
our correspondence, "In adapting to our complex environment, our
sensory ingestive systems have become...forgiving filters,
enabling us to generalize....This, I'm convinced, is a product
of very early adaptive behavior, a part of our survival good that our neural system has developed myriads of
networks which are overachievers when it comes to doing
some simple jobs."
     Socrates never believed in the possibility of perfect
justice. The great aim of Plato's "Republic" was to help readers
become more "forgiving filters" for alternative cultural
norms. There remains a certain fuzziness about a scientific
definition of musical intervals, as there is about the
"Republic"'s days and nights and months and years, and art has
turned that into something for which we all can be grateful.
Sumerian "overachievers" --and these "black-headed people," as
they called themselves, proved historically to be as aggressive
as the great heroes they knew or invented--achieved a tremendous
synthesis of cultural values. They challenge us to do as well.

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