Below the following abstract may be found a selection of papers about the
Dark Star Theory.  In a nut-shell, this theory postulates that the Sumerian
civilisation's description of a planet in an elliptical orbit around the Sun
has a basis in reality.  Certain astronomical papers have been published
pin-pointing its presence in the Oort Cloud.  Contrary to the previously held
beliefs that Nibiru is a terrestrial world, it can be shown that it is, in
fact, a failed star, known as a brown dwarf.  This Dark Companion of the Sun
has its own planetary system, home to the 'gods' of the ancient world. 
Building upon the scientific and mythological foundations of the Dark Star
Theory, I have offered detailed, and radical, new evidence that its last
appearance in the planetary solar system was in the guise of the Messianic
Star, heralding the advent of Christ.
Although the mythologies of Greece and Egypt are well known to most, the
remarkable level of scientific understanding of the world's first
civilisation, in Sumer, is less well appreciated.  Their scientific knowledge
of astronomy, cloaked in the language of myth, included testimony of a
celestial entity orbiting the Sun which still remains unknown to our
astronomers.  Until recently.  The Sumerians described a fiery 'planet' which
follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun, remaining hidden to observers on
Earth for millennia at a time.  It is currently at its furthest point from us
but, even at the incredible distances involved, our scientists are now
capable of detecting its presence.  Its vast size causes comet orbit
perturbations which have been analysed thoroughly by two independent
astronomers, Drs. Murray and Matese.  Its approximate location, size and
distance are now known, yet it has eluded our telescopes.  But it is being
hunted down, and it may simply be a matter of time before the theoretical
basis for its existence is confirmed.  Unbelievably, we appear to be living
in a bizarre binary star system. The data provided by the astronomers matches
the mythology handed down to us from the Sumerians exactly.  But this has
been missed by many because of their incorrect understanding of Nibiru's
nature. The case for the 12th Planet has been made through the remarkable
scholarship of Zecharia Sitchin, but our understanding of the nature of stars
and planets, and what lies in between, has changed greatly since publication
of his thesis in 1976.  He could not have realised that the Sumerians were
correct when describing a 'planet' which had many star-like properties.  This
mythical entity isn't a planet in the conventional sense, but a failed star
known as a 'brown dwarf'. Further widely-held assumptions about the timing of
Nibiru's occasional perihelion passages between Mars and Jupiter are
erroneous.  Its orbital period is variable, with the periodicity of 3600
years serving only as a mathematical and religious archetypal fit.  Nibiru
did not appear at the time of the Exodus, but in 3760 BC, at the start of the
Nippurian calendar and Hebrew count of years, as Sitchin initially argued.  I
can now show that Nibiru last appeared in 25 AD. The 12th Planet is the
Messianic Star, and its appearance was noted by the famous Roman writer,
Seneca.  Astronomers, anxious to resolve the mystery of Seneca's anomalous
description of this star, have taken on face value his assumption that this
'piercing red' star was Sirius itself.  Yet it couldn't have been, as Sirius
is white.  However, his testimony fits the predictions of the Dark Star
Theory precisely.  The brightness of Nibiru at perihelion in Canis Major
outshone the brightest star in our skies.  Its bright red countenance spurred
Seneca to write his treatise on celestial fiery phenomena, which in turn led
to an ancient astronomical tradition known as the 'red' Sirius anomaly. The
appearance of the Dark Star near Sirius occurred prior to the disappearance
of the Duat below the horizon.  As such, most of Nibiru's short perihelion
passage went unseen on Earth.  But its initial birth in the sky, as Horus
born from Isis, was symbolically enacted by the baptism of the Christ Figure
on the 'Day of Lights'.  This event was celebrated by Early Christians as the
Epiphany, on 6th January.  The significance of this date would later be
replaced by the fabled visit of the Magi to Bethlehem.  The Messianic Star is
the common root of these two, seemingly unrelated, events, and reveals the
Church's discomfort with the prominence of John the Baptist in the story of
the Messiah.  Gnostic Christianity, as well as the re-emergence of Roman
Mithraism, were the direct result of the appearance of the Messianic Star. 
Egyptian religions enjoyed a revival, as John's Isian mission undoubtedly
shows.  Yet, all these 'cults' were later persecuted and reformed, to the
point where their celestial origins have almost been lost.  Such is the
historical controversy surrounding the Winged Disc. One is left in little
doubt as to why the followers of ancient monotheistic religions found
Nibiru's alleged existence so difficult to bear.  The Dark Star has 7 moons,
and the seventh harbours life.  In fact, the very same seeds of life which
came to Earth 4 billion years ago.  They found their source in the primordial
oceans of Nibiru's moons,  and were transferred to this planet through the
celestial collisions described in the Babylonian creation myths of the Enuma
.  The Sun's sister 'star', as dark and inconspicuous as it is, plays
host to alien life, the origins of which are common with our own life on
Earth  ("...On Earth, as it is in Heaven").  On the seventh moon of Nibiru,
known to the Sumerians as Dilmun, live the Annunaki, and their story is
inextricably linked with our past.  Sitchin's work on our origins may yet be
proven correct.
The Dark Star Theory explains the modern science and ancient mythologies
which back up these many claims.  It produces predictions about what
scientists will discover when they catch the Dark Star in their telescopes. 
It shows how the heretical knowledge of Nostradamus allowed him to describe
its next close passage, and the environmental catastrophe that will result. 
It offers proof that NASA may have been  aware of the Dark Star decades ago,
and even sent Voyager 1 towards it in order to confirm its presence.  It
shows how the eminent scientist Dr Carl Sagan has made many references to
this Dark Star, and studied Sumerian mythology before Sitchin's own findings
were released. Most crucially of all, the Dark Star Theory places the
emergence of Christianity within a completely new framework, and expands our
understanding of its roots and message.  This great monotheistic religion
found its origins within the polytheistic, pagan beliefs of the Egyptians and
Mesopotamians regarding the Winged Disc.

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