-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:31:25 -0800 Nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>-Caveat Lector-
>We are a nation of shirkers. We collectively shirk our responsibility
>to protect and care for each other. We have no ligitimate excuse. We
>reaped the consequences. The public trust has been ravaged by
>unspeakable government misfeasance. Scandal is the civic norm. We, in
>our naive folly, increasingly opt for the "lesser evil." Sometimes,
>that's exactly what we get.

SOMETIMES???  Where have you been????  I agree that we have grown fat,
dumb and happy and that we are afraid to look too closely at either the
founding fathers or the document that they founded this country with.  We
lack the guts to call it like it is and rebel.  THe founding fathers were
no different than we are, they just got fed up sooner.

 Privatization of public responsibility
>metastasizes through out society. Reliance on government contracts has
>so ravaged the private sector that no employee feels secure. Public
>reliance on government protection has so corrupted society that we can
>no longer depend on each other for even common courtesy, let alone
>mutual aid.

Let George do it!  Or Al!  Or Bill!  Yup, we do seem to lack the guts to
act for ourselves.

> Mass media mind control more or less sucessfully shifts
>the blame for our mutual socio-pathology onto relatively defenseless
>scapegoats. We suffer ever more greatly as these trends feed on each
>other, and on us. We who refuse to care for each other have been
>bankrupted and left to die by an avaricious and uncaring medical

You forgot GREEDY.   No money no medicine.

>We who refuse to clean up after ourselves are choking on each other's
>fumes. We who refuse to teach each other are dragged back from an
>otherwise promising future by the collective ignorance that our
>education system so lovingly nurtures. We who refuse to protect each
>other are at the mercy of a legal system whose very business is crime.
>And a lucrative business it is.

Not only lucrative, but also a way of demonizing those among us who are
willing to make changes.  Most think that if you are charged with a crime
you muct be guilty.

>By this point in history, all but the most naive of us have stopped
>expecting cops, public or private, to all behave like Boy Scouts.
>There has been simply too much evidence to the contrary. In the gray and

>murky zone where law enforcement overlaps with organized crime, an
>underground empire has arisen. It is a world where the so-called "War on
Drugs" is
>often a war on rival drug dealers, and always a war on the poor.

It is also a way to distract us from the real problems by blaming our
troubles on "Drugs", and ramping up the police to a military force that
enforces social order through "No Knock" warrants, forfeiture without
conviction, and "justified shootings".

>It is a world where "National Security," excuses war crimes and genocide
is a
>salable commodity. It is a world where justice is for sale and cops
>are for rent.=20

What do you think the Gulf War was all about?

>A family business, Wackenhut Corp., was founded by one time FBI man
>George R. Wackenhut, in 1954

He learned it from Old Man Rockefeller and the Pinkertons (ask the
descendents of the coal miners).  None of this is new.  How long we will
put up with it now that a majority of Americans have it in their face is
another matter.

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