-Caveat Lector-

>[The following is sent forth anonymously to prevent diverting attention from
>its contents.]
>Eleven score and four years ago, "our fathers brought forth on this continent
>a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
>men are created equal." But however noble our intentions were in the
>beginning, however much we inspired our sons and daughters and others with
>the idea of Liberty, we buried the seed of decay in our very own
>Constitution, became the spear-bearers of slavery, and created the opposite
>of Equality.
>At this dramatic hour ending this bloodiest century the twentieth, we are
>forced by history to submit to merciless self-examination, for even the wild
>beasts of the forest interpret the signs of the times far better than we do,
>compelling us to face up honestly to Nature's god and not to run away from
>the question,  "What are you doing? What have you done, and what are you
>going to do?"
>Our American deprivation has reached its basest point and cannot go any
>further. The worst part of it is that we do not even know our true condition,
>most of us not even suspecting that there could be anything inherently wrong
>with us-the glorious U.S. of A.-at all! Our general ignorance is topped only
>by our almost fatal lack of knowing ourselves: We are not only unconscious of
>the fact that we have a problem but have no idea whatsoever how utterly
>miserably we compare to other nations. Our being victorious in a war of
>cessation against our former home country England, than against our own
>South, then in two world wars and finally in the cold war, has become the
>worst teacher we could ever get; we have been spared the rod, and became
>spoiled beyond recognition. "Spoiled" here is meant in the sense of a
>psycho-passive condition of the American people that exposes them to the
>worst kind of mass hypnotism in world history, a hypnotic sleep so deep in
>fact that we did not wake up to the reality of what was going on neither
>after Lincoln was murdered nor when McKinley was murdered nor when Joe Hill
>was murdered and with him the American socialist movement, nor when Kennedy
>was murdered, nor when Martin Luther King was murdered; nor did any one of us
>wake up during WW1 nor WW2, nor during McCarthy's days, nor during the cold
>war, nor during Vietnam and our conquest of South America, nor after the fall
>of the Berlin Wall, nor at our attacking Iraq, destroying Yugoslavia, and
>sowing seeds of war elsewhere worldwide, from East Timor to Israel, still
>We have permitted an ever increasing demon to take control of our lives, our
>thoughts, our whole outlook on life, and sink into the quagmire of most
>profound misconceptions, of overestimating ourselves to an extreme degree and
>fatally and dishonestly underestimating others, and isolating and separating
>ourselves, our country, from the rest of the human family-be it Europe, the
>Arab world, Asia, or the United Nations-and removing ourselves totally from
>any control or sphere of influence of any higher ideal of the laws of God or
>of social justice. That is what is left from our much-praised "Liberty":
>freedom from our conscience and freedom from all human decency. We ourselves
>permitted this to happen, it has been we who were bartering away our
>birthright for a mess of pottage, for a little sweet hypnotic sleep. Those
>who rule us are masters to blame all or any evil happening to America to
>anti-American devils, Satans who, strangely, came to earth for the sole
>purpose of blaspheming against the holy United States. Most of us, certainly
>subconsciously, believe at least a little from this American-made Potemkin
>village for the mind. We managed to succeed the English, masters of
>xenophobic arrogance against all those "unfortunate humans" who were
>"accursed by God to dare to have a different native language than
>English"-just test yourself how you react when hearing a non-English word out
>in the street or in a supermarket! Do you smile and are friendly in your
>heart, or do you look serious and even offended that "an inferior subhuman
>non-Anglo" "dares to speak a non-English language in our presence"? Then, we
>also have from our Englishness many other medieval forms of brutality, not
>possible or even imaginable elsewhere; a servant-master, "higher versus
>lower" mentality that means brutalizing everybody "below" you, threatening
>people if they do not please you; in short, we as a Nation, even when we are
>just among ourselves, behave as slave keepers. Then we are surprised that
>when visiting Paris, waiters in restaurants à la ville de la lumière may
>simply overlook us as soon as they detect our arrogant faces and
>commandeering voice, our total reluctance to descend "to the same level with
>a waiter" by saying at least a small "merci", let alone an unheard of "s'il
>vous plait". The American (English) idea of a restaurant is that a waiter is
>a person who is below you, so he or she is a slave or personal servant of
>patrons who, at least by word or thought or mimicry, can kick him or her
>around at their discretion. That such an attitude is wholly unacceptable and
>an absolutely deadly insult not only in France but all of Continental Europe
>(imagine this, a simple waiter counts as a normal human outside the U.S., you
>cannot kick him or her around!) may surprise you but it is a fact. And the
>fact that you do not know such things just proves the point how absolute and
>total our homemade American isolation is-today in the year 2000, in the
>heydays of the Internet when access to information is the easiest in the
>history of mankind.
>But thanks to the powers that be (We are this power! We ourselves are to
>blame, no one else!), we do not know anything even about ourselves, our own
>country, and you can take any simple daily event in the United States. For
>example, the flash floods destroying Carolina last year. That almost all of
>Carolina was destroyed remained simply unreported nationally, only the local
>stations showing some video hinting at the true dimensions of the
>devastation. There is no use to gloss over our situation and make it look
>better as it is by pointing out that in some little esoteric publication,
>unknown to everybody in the wider United States, all the news or crying shame
>possible in the U.S., gets reported. And it absolutely does not matter if a
>publication is bigger or happens to be even the biggest of all print media-if
>a news item is not on television, it does not exist. Of course, being "on TV"
>does not always mean that something gets reported. Mostly we (American
>television) put the news on the screen, but in a way that you either cannot
>understand it or will definitely misunderstand it. We simply castrate a news
>item until nothing else but useless and meaningless catchwords remain, and if
>it be potentially still capable of wreaking havoc (i.e. alerting the people),
>we just simply cut it down to 30 seconds, or broadcast it at 3:00 in the
>A.M., or distort it by attaching it, similar to a rider attached to a
>proposed law in Congress, to some murder report or something else that would
>destroy its news worth. Or go and listen to American Radio: Do you hear in
>any of the "normal" broadcasts anything else but commercials and other
>unneeded --? You do? Then you must be listening to fascist propaganda and
>other madmen, you know all their names. But whatever the contents of radio
>broadcasts made in the USA, the unbearable drivel of commercials hammering
>away the rest of our sanity is surely something that is different from our
>much-praised "freedom of speech." There is no freedom of speech in America.
>That is the very first thing you learn when you go to an American university
>and attend a journalism class. They tell you first thing that in 1905 or so
>the so-called "vicious libel" laws were passed in Congress, meaning that in
>practice all the stipulations of the Constitution guaranteeing "freedom of
>speech" became abolished because, as soon as you "slander" or "calumniate"
>anyone (and they also tell you, I am serious, that it does not help if your
>"calumny" was true, on the contrary: the more truth there is a news item, the
>more calumnious it is from a legal standpoint!) with your jail sentence
>getting all the longer. (There being obviously only three kinds of people in
>America, just like in the former Soviet Union: Those who were in prison,
>those who are right now in prison, and those who will be in prison!)
>We dig our own grave. It is a national pastime with us to treat one another
>in every possible way as long as it is opposed to the Bible (Mark Twain said,
>the best we can do for Christians is to make them read the Bible), by
>basically shouting at one another: "You are my servant!" with the other guy
>shouting back, "No! You are my servant!" Our Englishness tells us, "I am your
>master, and you are my slave." Most of our European friends who do not
>understand the wicked subtleties of the English language, would be most
>surprised-nay, shocked-to learn that normal discourse between Americans-a
>discourse with one asking a question and the other simply answering it-is
>simply not possible in America. If you ask anyone anything, usually he or she
>would answer back with a counter-question. The reason for conversations, at
>least among us Anglo-Americans, is to find out who is the weaker one,
>intellectually or possession wise or in any other respect, and then put down,
>ridicule, or simply curse and threaten that other one, perhaps even beating
>him up, which is very normal with Americans who see constant killings and
>mayhem on TV and thus think that losing their self-control is a normal thing
>or generally acceptable among humans. Again, our thinking is that everything
>is based on the philosophy of higher and lower. "I am high above you and you
>are far beneath me!" This is our concept of life, this is why we murdered, in
>American North America alone, twenty-six million of our brothers bearing the
>red skin. "We are white! We are superior!" That was and still is our mania,
>and we would be very offended if Martin Luther King came to us and pointed
>out that we were but fascists. How did we ever dare to think that we were
>more than an Indian? Or a black brother of mine? Is not the same divine
>spirit living in all Nature? Is not everything sacred? Well, for us, white
>blasphemers against God and All Nature, obviously nothing is. The oneness and
>unity of all things is obviously unbearable for us, an anathema we cannot
>bear, so as soon as we encounter any thing or person, we must subjugate and
>oppress it. And we repeat our society's pattern, which is, that the "same
>level" between two Americans is not imaginable, and as soon as just two of us
>meet, they instantly try to put down one the other, and this is the pattern
>we apply, also in world politics, to other nations. And our fellow humans
>resent us, and rightly so, for to a European or Asian, an American is a
>politician whose very first action entering your country is to try to force
>you to copy and imitate his way of living and his ideals. For example, we
>almost started a trade war against Europe for decades now, because the EU
>(European Union) dares to defy our will and refuse to buy and import American
>beef, (inedible because of the growth hormones, growing in the U.S. a
>generation of fat pig humans-look at our obesity, that almost half of us
>Americans have overweight!) an "unheard of arrogance" on the side of the
>European Union! So much about the "evil," or "anti-Americanism" of other
>nations. And so much also about the likely horror that will hit us after
>election. We will blame each other-again, in our typically American way-for
>whatever result we do not like. If Nader wins-you heard me right, hear me
>out-our lunatic fringe will go berserk, and nazi will accuse the plutocrat
>and vice versa that the other guy was guilty. All these games are fit,
>perhaps, for inmates of a bedlam. No normal human would resort to excuse his
>or her behavior by resorting to insanity and blaming whatever is happening to
>him or her on another person or circumstance. Our karma is self-made,
>self-induced, blaming on you or he or she will not help. But this does not
>mean that we should not try to endeavor to change this karma. We can change
>our karma because we created it. The karma of a fascist plutocracy enslaving
>us is-I am most sorry, comrades-is no exception; all of us are responsible
>for it, all of us have the power to abolish it. We ourselves created, or
>permitted a fascist plutocracy to hijack our government. Just as we ourselves
>pushed ourselves into that black gaping hole, it is we ourselves who have to
>climb out of it. It is we who did wrong and it is we who have the power to
>mend it. Yes, it is we who have the power: We are the People.
>Still, many of us might not understand why we need to get active, for as they
>see it, there is no crisis at all. "The economy is blooming," they say,
>meaning that the handful of people owning this empire are doing well,
>extremely well, much better than anybody else on the planet. Because they
>belong to this one percent of the population or to the few percent of others
>living off directly from the billionaire rich-their buddies and
>mistresses-they cannot see themselves and America but from the standpoint of
>"counting our blessings!" There are still many others who are comfortable and
>fatally more who see their only way out not in abolishing exploitation but
>trying to become exploiters instead. And all, especially of course those who
>have no other means to generate hope for themselves, practice the ancient
>Anglo-American art to "blench and varnish deformities with faire colours", as
>Milton put it. But we long surpassed our forefathers who in comparison were
>but toddlers in stretching the truth. Our home made American self-deception,
>reinforced by everything Hollywood can muster, is powerful enough to
>brainwash the entire planet, let alone dangerously overweight, mentally
>undernourished, and spiritually starving American couch potatoes who have the
>added advantage of taking in the hypnotism in the far more effective original
>English language-no dubbing or closed caption needed! "All's well, sleep
>on!", this is the first hypnotic command, but a large part of it is not only
>not reporting about America anything "negative ", so-called-any piece of news
>that could undermine the power of the money power-but, to suppress anything
>positive about foreign countries as well because that would undermine U.S.
>superiority of the  myth of "America the elect" and worse, could be used
>against the American "system" (in the sense of regime or the totality of the
>body politic), but to also suppress negative news from and in foreign
>countries because that could also threaten the masters of New Atlantis. For
>example, the series of unheard of natural disasters destroying large parts of
>Asia, Europe and America especially during the last decade, were in essence
>fully and absolutely suppressed as a news item in the United States. If you
>cannot accept that statement because you may have read in this or that paper
>or seen on this or that TV channel this or that one-liner on extreme cold or
>heat or this or that video perhaps from an airplane crash, then please go to
>Europe and watch, just for one short week, any local channel there and then
>come back and tell me that the world was not in a crisis unimaginable and
>unheard of, with natural disasters going even beyond biblical proportions!
>It must be obvious even to an idiot that the mantra of "All's well! Sleep
>on!" cannot be effective if the screen in front of you shows half a million
>dead bodies floating in the floods of Bangladesh, or, European demonstrators
>ridiculing or chasing away a-to Americans, impotent, to Europeans,
>civilized-police who is neither in riot gear nor looks threatening nor do
>they launch an instantaneous all out attack commando style on demonstrators
>with the utmost brutality, pepper spray, tear- and poison gas, as is and
>obviously always was natural with American "law enforcement" (nice word,
>"law", and "enforcement", put together! Isn't this truly lovable, this system
>of forcing, coercing, like madman savages from the stone age?) e.g. in
>Seattle last year where, during peace times, they dared to launch a real war
>on unarmed demonstrators, brutalizing, beating up, maiming and torturing them
>before, during and after arrest. The utmost brutality of our law enforcement
>is an absolute outrage and those who knew the Soviet Union and the
>sheepishness of Russians enduring all that torture without rebelling against
>it for seventy years, have some justification to ask: What are we, Americans,
>actually thinking? Do we believe that it is normal for a state, a country, a
>nation, to resort to such means "to conduct a dialogue" (if using pepper spr
>ay pointblank on the face of a young girl-as it happened in Seattle-who was
>not even demonstrating, or batons and jackboots on the back and spine of old
>women who were just passers-by, can be called "conducting a dialogue" at
>all!!) with its own people; and further, do we believe that we should view
>such open fascism and dictatorship and most savage inhuman slave or dog
>treatment as normal and acceptable or something we should better swallow like
>some bitter medicine and then just forget about it? Where is our great heart
>for freedom, for Liberty? Is this Liberty what happened in Seattle? Do we
>plan on accepting what this fascist state dared doing, dares doing, is going
>to dare doing every time our black-clad fascist police---true buddies of the
>SS---storm in riot gear a home and drag some brutalized miserable human dying
>of cancer, handcuffed, into one of the six police cars, for smoking
>marijuana, and then putting away the unfortunate victim behind prison bars
>for years, locking him or her up together with murderers perhaps?! There are
>do any of us understand what that means? This means that if you are a
>European and happen to ever find out about this-(unlikely that you do because
>an even more miserable human rights record for the U.S. than what there was
>for the Soviet Union, was and always will be an absolute state secret of the
>U.S., especially in Europe if our secret services can help it, and they
>can)-and you also are a sane person and have even a semblance of human
>dignity, you will actually never come to America even for a visit, delete
>America from your address book, go over to the other side of the street when
>you see Americans, to avoid them, and generally start thinking and doing the
>very opposite of what Americans would (it matters not what issue), and
>recommend to your government to get out, as soon as possible, of any alliance
>or even cooperation with the U.S., and to your European newspapers and TV
>stations to stop reporting from and about the United States kneeling down!
>"All's well! Sleep on!" blurts our brainwashing machine against these truths,
>and we "get lost in that hopeless little screen," the hypnotism from which
>never stops repeating this seemingly objective, "Yes, but" sleeping pill: "We
>may have small problems-yes, others have that too, or we may have even major
>problems sometimes, just like everybody else, but we are still the world's
>first and most powerful democracy, the richest nation on earth, and in
>addition, which cannot be beat, we are America!!, superior to all, home of
>the free, land of the brave where the whole world is coming to, escaping to,
>making pilgrimages to, the most coveted jewel in the diadem of God, God shed
>his grace on thee! And whoever tries to smear our reputation must be mad or
>an enemy of mankind!" Sure, it is easier to believe this fairy tale we grew
>up with, the saddest part of it being that there were once, really, patriots
>who wanted to build here, in a free country as they imagined, a new beginning
>for mankind. And because finding out the real truth may lead to the loss of
>our ideals-a real danger to any soul-we instinctively shrink from and
>suppress the truth even before ourselves rather than admitting that something
>is inherently wrong with America. But it is. Commercialism rules every aspect
>of our lives, and the nation is deprived of a very natural and imperative
>universal health care, universal pensions for the elderly, and universal
>college and university education for the young. We cannot pose as moral or
>ethical leaders to other nations as long as we base our lives on competition
>instead of cooperation; as long as we fight and subdue and exploit and
>destroy Mother Nature - and pollute meanwhile the entire planet - instead of
>work-ing in harmony with it; as long as we put to jail and even death those
>millions whom we ourselves have made poor, crazy and miserable; as long as we
>do not legalize drugs and make them a medical rather than a criminal issue
>and its sale a state monopoly of the U.S. government; as long as we do not
>abolish the medieval barbarism and unheard of sadism of capital punishment,
>abolished everywhere in Europe; as long as we permit capitalism to dominate
>all our laws and constitutions pushing all responsibility for everything that
>goes wrong on the people themselves but giving all fruits of their labor to
>those exploiting the people; as long as we keep this political system that
>was designed for a small aristocracy to rule and exclude the have-nots even
>from voting; as long as we do not abolish the two-party knock-out electoral
>system and introduce proportional representation instead; as long as we
>permit money to rule Capitol Hill by way of lobbyists; as long as we permit
>money to decide the fate of presidential elections; as long as we permit the
>total tyranny of laissez-faire mass media to rule our lives and minds; as
>long as we do not make a stand to establish free channels of elec-tronic mass
>media to tell these truths and open the eyes of the American public.
>A traveler may notice with surprise the incredible similarities between the
>former Soviet Union and the present United States. Yes, America and Russia
>are truly similar, the only major difference being that America is still in
>her Soviet phase. The polite or not so polite evasion that claims, "I am not
>interested in politics!" is typically Soviet. Until the fall of the Berlin
>Wall you could hardly get any other answer out of East Europeans when asked
>about their lot. The fact that a great number of Americans gives us TODAY the
>same evasive reply (more often than not accompanied by a nervous or confused
>or embarrassed look or smile suggesting that you had touched upon some
>obscene or dangerous topic better not mentioned let alone discussed) surely
>says something about American political "culture". (The Latin word "culture"
>is a reference to things of the spirit and as such not applicable to the
>dirtiest business which is politics, especially if it is American.) Worse, in
>the United States people give you the same scared look today as did back then
>so-called "communist" (better: red fascist) subjects in East Europe. In a
>sense Americans are even more afraid than East Europeans during the heydays
>of the Soviet Empire, for I have never seen, not even during the times of
>Stalin, an East European who would have looked askance and full of fear even
>at a relative of his standing next, when asked a political question. Today,
>in America, when people hear a political question directed at them, they
>suddenly turn around to look behind their backs, almost scared to death, with
>their affrighted eyes scanning for some invisible danger or enemy. What, what
>are Americans afraid of? What scared them into a mindset that they have to
>turn and look around nervously when asked a political question? Is there the
>KGB around? Are they being persecuted by the GESTAPO? Or could it be that
>they had such bad experiences with the FBI or CIA that they had to be afraid
>of an American policeman, secret or otherwise? Especially when we were in the
>"land of the free" where we had nothing to fear, and our own "law
>enforcement", so-called, was naturally "on our side"?
>Americans seem to feel such questions as highly intrusive, their English
>culture preventing them from speaking or thinking openly. "Openness,"
>"Glasnost" à la Gorbachev that brought down the Soviet Empire, is not their
>cup of tea. America is the most secretive society I have seen, and I have
>seen many. This prevents them from communicating even among themselves. They
>are the antithesis of communication (openly telling you what they think or
>how things truly are, as in true political discourse, is unimaginable among
>Americans) representing, individually and collectively, a nation of
>disinformation. We Americans do not communicate with, we disinform each
>another. Conversations are not meant to pass on information or warnings to
>one another, they serve the exclusive purpose of a) misleading b) terrorizing
>c) ridiculing a fellow human. To obtain information about any given subject
>is almost impossible in our country, just as having a normal, decent
>conversation with your normal fellow American without immediately exposing
>yourself to often serious or unacceptable abuse. With the element of self,
>the animal self in humans, entering into and dominating every thought of us
>Americans, even a simple conversation is made to serve to "take advantage" of
>the person you are talking to, by arranging the conversation in a way that
>you always put yourself above him while you at least humiliate if not totally
>destroy him verbally. Open criticism of anything is unacceptable, and
>therefore there is also no hope for progress. That you behave as a true
>friend in Continental Europe would do i.e. telling the straight truth and
>nothing but the truth however unpleasant it may be for your friend or for
>yourself, is unimaginable in our great and majestic land of ours. The truth
>is pornography in this country----the most obscene thing you should never
>ever mention; and our American method for dealing with such an aberration as
>daring to speak out the truth, is quite simple, we kill him. Especially if a
>truth happens to be a very special one of paramount importance, like the
>truth spelled out by Abraham Lincoln. Does any one of us still know why
>Lincoln had to die?
>Lincoln had to die because he was doing the very same thing Nader is doing
>today. Yes, the Civil War was about slavery, but what Americans today either
>never knew or completely forgot is that Lincoln just as well took on the
>slavery of money, the slavery we are kept in or driven into by big
>corporations. Listen to this, this is an original quote from Lincoln, his
>voice sounding as if he would speak to us today:
>"I see in the near future a crisis that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble
>for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been
>enthroned, and an era of corruption on high places will follow, and the money
>power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the
>prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and
>the republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety
>of our country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my
>forebodings may be groundless."
>"Monarchy itself is sometimes hinted at as a refuge from the power of the
>people. In my present position I could scarcely be justified were I to omit
>to raise a warning voice against the approach of returning despotism. It is
>not needed nor fitting here that a general argument should be made in favor
>of popular institutions; but there is one point with its connections, not so
>hackneyed as most others, to which I ask brief attention. It is assumed that
>labor is available only in connection with capital; that nobody labors unless
>somebody else owning capital, somehow by the use of it, induces him to labor.
>Labor is prior and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor
>and could not have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior
>to capital and deserves much the higher consideration. I bid the laboring
>people beware of surrendering the power which they possess, and which if
>surrendered, will surely be used to shot the door of advancement for such as
>they, and fix new disabilities and burdens upon them until all of liberty
>shall be lost."
>"In the early days of our race the Almighty said to the first of mankind, 'In
>the sweat of the face shall thou eat thy bread,' and since then, if we except
>the light and air of heaven, no good thing has been or can be enjoyed by us
>without first having cost labor. And inasmuch as most good things have been
>produced by labor, it follows that all such things belong of right to those
>whose labor has produced them. But it has so happened, in all ages of the
>world, that some have labored, and others have without labor, enjoyed a large
>portion of the fruits. This is wrong and should not continue. To secure to
>each laborer the whole product of his labor, as nearly as possible, is a
>worthy object of any government."
>"It seems strange that any man should dare to ask a just God's assistance in
>wringing bread from the sweat of other men's faces."
>"This country with its institutions belongs to the people who inhabit it."
>[These are Abraham Lincoln's own inimitable words in his Message to Congress,
>1861, and on pages 498-500 of H.J. Raymond's "The Life, Public Services and
>State Papers of Abraham Lincoln," published by Derby & Miller, New York,
>Anyone speaking today like this would be labeled "a communist." We made sure
>at the turn of the Century that a deadly antagonism was raised against every
>thing in the line of socialist endeavor-nothing could have been worse. That
>the Soviets were not bona fide socialists because socialism-like the
>kibbutzim in Israel-is in truth a highly voluntary effort to which you
>absolutely cannot force people, and also a very spiritual or religious idea,
>and what the Soviets did was straight and pure fascism which they painted
>red. Just like the red fascist and money-fascist Chinese with whom our own
>Mammon-controlled U.S. government are in cahoots, regardless of the dangers
>from such a liaison to both the American and Chinese people.
>May Nature's god have mercy on our souls. May we throw off the incubus upon
>us of despair, inaction and unfaith (from our hearts, our homes, our temples
>of worship) and realize that it is, and always was, right political action at
>the basis of being capable of caring for our children and securing the future
>for our children's children and everything that lives. May we realize that it
>is the framework and condition of a society that shapes, to a large degree,
>the images or consciousness that energizes everything we do. May we realize
>that it is naught but the political system itself we live in that determines
>or destroys an intact family; enables or disables a labor movement that is
>powerful enough to liberate enslaved labor, stop the outrageous outlawing of
>Labor Unions, and do all that is needed for the working people, including
>OWNERS OF THIS COUNTRY; secures world peace; guarantees or prohibits freedom
>of worship; it is the political system that secures or stonewalls for
>ourselves and posterity a future where there is no struggle for existence,
>only joyous service. Such future is, despite all the propaganda of
>desperation, no utopia and well within our reach; all we need is the right
>political system for its fundament. It can and must be done in America first.
>There is no need for turmoil or upheaval or natural disaster for the cleaning
>out of our own Augean stable, all we need to do is to re-establish a
>righteous political system, our old American system of the people, by the
>people, and for the people-the political system which our dollar aristocracy
>started to abolish as soon as Lincoln was murdered and completing the
>complete takeover by the money power in America right after McKinley was
>assassinated. But, how do we do that? It is easy! All we need to do is to
>VOTE! Vote into power the great man both capable and willing to form a truly
>"more perfect Union," the one all America and also the whole world was
>waiting for! We have such a great man now among us, with the added tragedy
>that 70% of our people do not even know his name.
>Do you think it matters if we do not win? It absolutely does not. Even defeat
>is victory from a higher standpoint, so just vote, do the right thing for
>righteousness' sake!
>When we first came to these shores (Spaniards, English, French (we came
>driven not only by our lust for gold but also by our sense of superiority. We
>dragged along our distorted European Christianity, and in the name of Jesus
>we established a hierarchy that was the very opposite of a natural order.
>Jesus never meant that he who was more saintly should oppress more but taught
>that on the plane of Spirit we were all one, and to illustrate this truth he
>washed the feet of the humblest disciple. He wanted to tell us that there
>existed an the essential unity of all Nature, and that there was no such
>thing as higher or lower, only older and younger; but, being older did not
>mean a more comfortable position, only more labor, self-sacrifice and service
>for all, for, "Whosoever be your Master let him be your servant." But, of
>course, we never wore such a subtle, Buddhist interpretation of Christianity
>on our sleeves. We did the opposite. In the very name of Jesus who not only
>never judged a sinner but chided those who tried to cover up their own shame
>by finding impurity in others, we massacred masses of humanity, and while we
>burned at the stake so-called witches----hundreds of thousands of innocent
>women and children-----in Europe, we made sure that our own inhumanity of the
>New World brand remained second to none and diligently murdered 26 million
>Indians in America. We killed of course also millions of our brethren who
>wore the black skin, and became the champions of slavery.
>Since Rome has fallen, no empire under the Sun displayed such Mastery in
>slavery, as did America. In many respects, to be a slave in ancient Rome was
>preferable to the condition of a slave in America of the year 2000. The slave
>of Antiquity was at least well fed and kept, often as a family member, and if
>he or she became ill or old they were neither refused medical treatment on
>the grounds that they had no insurance, nor were they fired from their jobs
>nor shipped off to a care home out of sight. Almost the very opposite of
>modern American wage slavery which is the furthest perfection of applied
>The most insidious of American slavery is its state of being concealed. It is
>a state secret of such magnitude that it is both unmentionable and
>non-credible. And nobody, even those who know that only caring for the least
>of us can save us, are ready to accept the fact that we----everybody----is a
>slave, a wage slave in America. And a type of wage slave which is by far the
>worst on the entire planet.
>For an American to understand any of this, it is imperative to having spent
>quite a few long years outside the U.S., and getting away totally from
>everybody who speaks English, and staying away especially from everything
>that could be termed by this horrible contradiction in terms, "American
>culture". Culture is a thing of the spirit----every child knows that in
>Europe----and as in America there are only things which are the opposite of
>spirit, there is no such thing as "American culture." You could say,
>"American civilization", true, but, why would you want to find or use or
>invent words or phrases which aim at putting us, uncouth savage slave keepers
>and slaves, dangerous madman and mass murderers, on some or any pedestal of
>merit? America did not deserve that. America is right now in the Roman phase
>of barbarism of a Nero and Caligula, with the difference that both these
>human monsters were mild and gentle infants in comparison to our own American
>conductors of the global holocaust, present and past. What is Nero, the
>terrible emperor who burnt down Rome, his very own "eternal city", and
>murdered his own mother, in comparison to the Ford Motor Company, General
>Motors, Dupont, ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph), or Standard Oil
>(today EXXON) who all of them had conspired and put their mighty economic
>power and technological know-how to building up the nazi war machinery of
>Germany, before and even during WW2, even after Pearl Harbor? With some of
>their number, as the leaders of the houses of Morgan and Dupont, even
>conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government, and Roosevelt considered them
>having arrested but fearing to trigger an unheard of national crisis, he just
>leaked the story to the press to defuse the plot----and but nobody was
>Let us realize the immensity of the issue. The devastation is not only
>material, psychological and mental but also spiritual-yes, spiritual because
>we also have a spiritual crisis on our hands worse than anything we ever had
>before. We are torn between the Scylla of dogmatic exoteric religion and the
>Charybdis of atheism-the unscientific and uninspired denial of the Center of
>Being-that has arisen as reaction to all the bloody carnage of the Crusades
>and Inquisition, and the chains and shackles of dead letter laid on the
>people by the Church and churchianity blocking the progress of Humanity and
>the sciences for thousands of years. But while we shed our straitjacket of
>dogmatism, we also shed our moral inhibitions and permitted ourselves things
>which were never permitted in Europe, not even today. In Europe, both the
>Church and emperors and kings and tyrants always viewed money as evil and
>therefore had it under their control and used money lenders often only to
>behead them if they dared to charge a too high interest; here in America we
>not only permitted everything in regard to money, including that it rules us,
>but we also permitted to destroy our sense of morality. You can sense a
>lowering of the moral tone when coming from Europe to America today; the most
>often spoken words you hear from Americans is, "money", than two four-letter
>words, then "kill"; morally assailable content is all over American
>television dominated by a language of the gutter, constantly using words
>which were unspeakable barely a decade ago.
>What will four more years of a Gore administration or even Bush
>administration bring us, inevitably? A continuation and further unfoldment of
>what is going on right now. There will be, of course, more wars with U.S.
>involvement, fought out on the backs of the American people with money
>pressed from the veins of the oppressed, and a republicrat or demican
>administration may easily destroy the planet in the process-just think of our
>one-sided, anti-Arab policies that bode extremely unwell for peace in Israel.
>Then, the environmental catastrophe is well nigh perfect, and the weather
>catastrophe resulting from our destruction of the environment is everywhere,
>and there seems to be even a combination and cumulation of all kinds of
>interconnected catastrophes: from fire, water, earthquake, tornado, aids,
>Ebola-in Africa, India, Bangladesh, Japan, South America, North America,
>Japan, China, Australia, Europe, Eurasia. War in Israel, war in Palestine,
>war in and against Yugoslavia, war in Chechnya, war against South America,
>war against Iraq-all made in and mongered by the same old "military
>industrial complex" of the USA, the almighty creeping power of which already
>Eisenhower-one you cannot really accuse of "dovishness"-warned against. The
>ozone hole which we caused by our carbon dioxide emissions that deplete and
>destroy the protective ozone layer of the Earth against the Sun's rays and
>which we-the U.S. government controlled by Mammon-are adamant to continue
>despite all international environmental agreements or protocols, despite the
>entire world constantly begging us to stop permitting and defending such
>pollution which, sooner or later, will make the planet uninhabitable, and
>which already for years keeps terrorizing Australia with mass skin cancer,
>and has just now reached the Southern part of Argentina. But you would have
>to watch if not European, at least Canadian television to hear about all this
>at all. We have reached the point, as billionaire leaders of the U.S., of
>absolute moral insanity where endangering or taking a life or the life of
>millions of humans is absolutely natural to us. The attitude of the U.S.
>ruling class to withhold news-even health news vital for the survival of
>their people-is truly mind-boggling, outrageous to the point
>unfathomableness, and a crime against humanity that cannot go unpunished.
>Commercialism, the demon we ourselves raised and gave permission to own our
>government, conducts life threatening mass experiments of genetically
>manipulated or poisoned food on millions of us, taking away our options to
>defend us against it, and preventing us even from knowing which foods sold in
>our supermarkets are NOT poisonous! Now, can you imagine ANY, ANY COUNTRY ON
>PREVENT THEM FROM EVEN KNOWING ABOUT IT? American commercialism, and the
>American-type of recklessness with human lives is THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS
>ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET; it is such a disgrace, indeed, that we should not
>wonder that when traveling in Europe, people spit at us or shove us from the
>sidewalk. We are ourselves to blame-how could we ever permit to be turned
>into Hamletian guinea pigs? If you are still not really shocked or outraged
>because you cannot really detect genetical poisoning with the naked eye and
>therefore, also because you cannot see it on TV, the issue somehow does not
>exist for you, try radioactivity for your lungs, for a change. No, we are not
>talking here about Hershey's chocolate factory just next to Three Mile Island
>and that the whole chocolate production was therefore, actually since
>decades, at least "a little" radioactive-no. There is the much better example
>from our accursed "law enforcement", the simple practice of SPRAYING
>RADIOACTIVITY OVER FIELDS OF MARIJUANA (including South America), and then
>METERS TO ARREST THEM. Now this is done by our own American police the task
>of which would be, should be in any civilized country, to protect our lives!
>To say merely that the most important issues will not be tackled by neither
>Democrats nor Republicans, is not enough. Both parties will continue their
>environmental, political and human destruction full scale and world-wide.
>They will continue KILLING US, in a globalizing manner-that is, not only
>Americans but all countries and nations-not only indirectly but also
>directly. They want to rule us, and they dare to say this adamantly, by
>upholding this most inhuman, barbarous, and cowardly murder in the name of us
>all, the people-capital punishment. Whether we will have a Republican or
>Democrat as president, we will witness, during the next four years, an
>environmental and human catastrophe of such magnitude that the combined
>effects of four more years of them may mean the END FOR ALL HUMANITY. No need
>for prophecy, just look at world news, making sure that you are getting your
>information definitely from another source than American television or
>newspapers. Learn a language if you need to, break out of your American
>cultural, political and human isolation.
>It would seem inconceivable to non-Americans if they only knew that in our
>country, simply because investors think people could "panic", news broadcasts
>simply became abolished. I mean news broadcasts of course in a European
>sense. This means in Europe we mean of course Western Europe, more exactly
>its most advanced and best part, Germany you get absolutely different news
>from and about the world, news that compare somewhat to the Canadian
>satellite news TV station CBC's content. In Europe, you do not need prophecy
>about coming world events, it is enough to switch on TV and see and
>experience in objective in-depth reports (very different from our
>aggressively one-sided and openly manipulative and also unbearable American
>brainwash) the torrent of news about incredible catastrophes and human
>upheavals protests, demonstrations, wars, tempests, on the most massive scale
>all over the planet, LARGELY UNREPORTED IN U.S. MEDIA. So Europeans know
>exactly, and we have not even the faintest idea, that the present reality is,
>as opposed to our apple-pie-wag-the-dog, that THE ENTIRE WORLD IS IN AN EVER
>BLASPHEMY  against God, Mankind, and Nature , and that MORE THAN ALL OTHER
>NATIONS (even if compared to the worst basket cases of Humanity, as India,
>China, former Soviet Union, Albania, South America!!!!!!!!!) WE AMERICANS
>America, the richest nation on earth!), DEPRIVING OUR PEOPLE OF UNIVERSAL
>OF THE WORLD WAR except in the United States! Just think of this crime alone
>for a minute! You have a sick brother or mother and you deny them health care
>unless they pay for it, which they can't on the grounds that the "original
>Constitution of the Founding Fathers saw only one duty for the government,
>national defense!"; and also, "non-WASPs do not need medical coverage, they
>should go back where they came from!", and, "a WASP will always have the
>money for hospital because he saves, or should save, all his life, for
>illness and for education of his children!", and "a WASP does not need
>government handouts!"
>I only ask one thing: Are such Americans Christians? If they are, have they
>ever read their Bible? Have they ever heard of the Ten Commandments, for
>example the First Commandment which demands from us all, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS
>THYSELF? God did not say that if you are poor or not a WASP you should not be
>treated as yourself on the contrary.
>Our situation in comparison to Europe is a disgrace, a shame on America and
>puts us among the outcasts, pariahs of the world. There is not one second to
>waste. If we postpone voting Nader into office now-what will be actually
>different four years from now? Nothing, except that everything will be only
>much, much worse, very likely catastrophic, if we-the whole planet-survive
>that long at all. Perhaps this is the last time that we can vote, who knows?
>Now is the time to save the world, and go out and vote. Vote for Nader. Nader
>is your only chance, my only chance, our only chance. Vote if you are
>American, as if you were the last American. Think of this: "What kind of
>America would this America be if every American were an American just like
>Can we say from all our hearts, Yes, I endeavored today to be as Lincoln was;
>Yes, I did today what I thought Nader would do if he was in my shoes? For our
>hopes are not dead yet, they never shall be, and our dreams live on forever,
>just like Martin Luther eternally in our spirit:
>".And I looked over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there
>with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the
>promised land."
>United States, October 23, 2000

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