-Caveat Lector-

 Political MindControl: Proof Bush did not win election

 Early Calls

 1) Major pre-election polls had Gore leading in Florida the night of
 Nov. 6.
 Florid- 922) (http://dailynews.yahoo.

 2) On Election Day, November 7, Voter News Service correctly
 through exit polls that matched with early results that Gore won the
 state of Florida by a safe margin of 5%. At 7:53PM VNS issued the
 bulletin: FLORIDA PRESIDENT RACE -- GORE WINS. The networks
 immediately called the state for Gore.
 .htm )

 3) A mortified Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, shortly thereafter left
 his family in Austin to make some calls. Then George W., after
 consulting with his advisors including his brother Jeb, called
 reporters to his hotel suite and told them the networks had made a
 mistake in calling Florida. "I'm upbeat," he said. At 10:13PM the
 networks recalled the state and put it back into the "too close to
 call" column. (http://www.herald.com/content/tue/b

 4) At 2:18 AM the networks began declaring George W. Bush the
 president. They had done so after Fox News called Florida. Who
 the decision to incorrectly call Florida for Bush over at Fox, thereby
 creating the lasting myth that Bush won? John Ellis, who also happens
 to be George W. Bush's first cousin.

 Irregularities -- Palm Beach County

 5) An illegal ballot design (the infamous "butterfly ballot") confused
 many residents of Palm Beach County into undervoting, overvoting, or
 accidentally voting for Pat Buchanan. Regarding the spin about how
 it's because they are stupid old people: voters started complaining
 about this at 7:05 AM on Election Day. DNC HQ calls were jammed due to
 the high volume of calls. Rep. Robert Wexler, the local Congressional
 Representative, received a deluge of calls, and on Election Day, even
 VP Candidate Joseph Lieberman called the local office to see what was
 going on down there. The elections supervisor issued a warning midway
 through the day warning people of the confusion.
 Confusion. html)

 6) The odds that all those Palm Beach County residents voted for
 Buchanan intentionally rather than Gore is approximately a trillion to
 one. Statistical models bear this out when you compare them to the
 Buchanan vote in other counties. Looking at any graph you see a huge,
 disproportionate spike in Buchanan votes. Pat Buchanan himself agrees
 that the majority of these votes were not cast for him.
 (http://www.bestbookmarks.com/election) (http://madison.hss.cmu.edu/)

 7) Many Palm Beach county voters who mis-voted but caught it
 immediately and asked for another ballot were told they could not have
 another ballot by poll workers, in violation of county rules. (NPR,

 8) Socialist Party candidate David McReynolds received
 abnormally high
 vote totals in Palm Beach County. His name appears directly below
 Buchanan's name on the butterfly ballot, in a position that could
 potentially draw erroneous votes from Democratic votes. McReynolds
 received 302 votes in PBC. Statewide, in the other 66 counties, he
 received 316 votes combined. McReynolds got virtually as many votes in
 Palm Beach County as he did in the entire rest of the state of
 Florida...nearly 50% of the statewide total!

 9) After the handcounts were completed, after using a stricter
 standard than neighboring Broward County, the deadline was
 missed by
 an hour or two. Could the count have been delayed because of stall
 tactics used by overzealous GOP observers?
 GOP_of_s ta lling_for_time+.shtml)

 Irregularities -- Miami-Dade County

 10) Miami-Dade has a recent history of election fraud. In 1998,
 elect Xavier Suarez was stripped of his election victory by a Florida
 appeals court, reinstating Joe Carollo as mayor of Miami, finding that
 massive fraud had robbed him of victory at the polls four months
 prior. A trial court judge had previously ruled that the election was
 tainted by ``massive, well-conceived and well-orchestrated'' absentee
 ballot fraud in which even a dead man voted.

 11) The very same scandal-tainted Xavier Suarez currently sits on the
 executive committee of the Miami-Dade Republican Party and was
 specifically involved this year in helping to get out the Republican
 vote. He admitted on November 8th that "he helped fill out absentee
 ballot forms and enlist Republican absentee voters in Miami-Dade
 County" (http://www.feedmag.com/te

 12) Despite tough rules put in place after the fraud-plagued Miami
 mayoral election, rules designed to keep absentee ballots out of the
 hands of campaign operatives, GOP workers obtained hundreds of them
 from voters during their aggressive drive to increase turnout for
 George W. Bush. An estimated 500 to 600 completed ballots were
 collected by Bush volunteers or dropped off at campaign offices in
 Little Havana, Westchester and Hialeah, according to GOP campaign
 officials in charge of the absentee vote.
 8937. htm)

 13) The Miami-Dade Canvassing Board decided to abruptly stop
 the hand
 count after mobs of Republicans paid for by Bush and other GOP
 operatives including that of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay
 their building. Rep. John Sweeney, R-N.Y., was one of the
 of the Miami fight against the recount, and after hearing the decision
 to change a vote tally, Sweeney uttered a three-word order to his
 troops: "Shut it down."
 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A63455- 2000Nov27.html)

 14) Gore gained 157 more votes than Bush in the partial hand
 which were not added to the tally by Florida Secretary of State
 Katherine Harris.

 Irregularities -- Volusia County

 15) On Election Night, a computer glitch showed a Socialist Party
 candidate had more than 9,000 votes, while Vice President Al Gore had
 minus 16,000. Those numbers were sent out over the Internet, picked up
 by local newspapers and subsequently reported by major networks on
 Election Night. The socialist eventually ended up with 9 votes in the
 (http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/11/11/volusia/index.html )

 16) Then, during Wednesday's recount, a forgotten ballot bag
 from a county poll worker's trunk. Two days later, three other ballot
 bags emerged later from the county vaults without their tamper-proof
 seals intact.
 (http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/11/11/volusia/index.html )

 Irregularites - Seminole County

 17) 2,100 incomplete GOP absentee ballot requests were
 fixed/altered by GOP workers invited into election offices by the GOP
 elections supervisor while similar Democratic absentee ballot requests
 were rejected.
 ml) (http://www.campaignwatch.or g/update.htm)

 Irregularities -- Broward County

 18) Broward County elections officials are investigating the
 possibility that a handful of voting machines malfunctioned Nov. 7,
 now that the hand recount has been completed.
 (http://www.herald.com/content/archive/news/elect2000/decision/04 2

 Irregularities -- Duval County

 19) A 40,000-vote error in the Duval count was one of two significant
 miscalculations the Voter News Service made in Florida on November 7.
 online/stories/111300/met_4597444.html )

 20) Many of the 27,000 presidential ballots in Duval County that were
 disqualified were in predominantly black areas. Nearly 42 percent came
 from four districts alone, ones that are overwhelmingly Democratic,
 where voters there favored Gore by about 80%.

 Irregularities -- Hillsborough County

 21) VNS Reported higher than usual numbers for Bush in six
 in the Tampa area which was one of the reasons they pulled the
 from Gore to the undecided column on Election Day. An exit poller said
 that a sampling of six precincts in Tampa included "too many
 Democrats". (St. Petersburg Times; St. Petersburg, Fla.; Nov 9, 2000)

 Irregularities -- Martin County

 22) Martin County Supervisor of Elections Peggy S. Robbins
 allowed GOP
 operatives to take flawed absentee ballot forms home and correct them.
 Altering an absentee ballot application is a third-degree felony in
 02.ht m)

 Irregularities -- Nassau County

 23) Predominately Republican Nassau County inexplicably decided
 report its original election returns rather than its recount tally to
 the secretary of state for certification, thus stripping Vice
 President Al Gore of 51 votes.
 (http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/11/24/deutsch/index.ht ml)

 Irregularities -- Bay County

 24) A Bay County resident alleged the Republican Party of Florida used
 "unlawful and heavy-handed actions" to encourage people to vote by
 absentee ballot. The GOP apparently used the state seal, in violation
 of state law, on letters urging voters to seek absentee ballots.
 (http://www.newsherald.com/articles/2000/11/14/lo111400g.htm) (St.
 Petersburg Times, Nov 30, 2000)

 Irregularities -- Escambia County

 25) A forged absentee ballot may have been part of an broader
 voter-fraud scheme.

 Irregularities -- Overseas Ballots

 26) Some Florida residents serving at a U.S. Air Force base in
 received two absentee ballots for this year's presidential race.

 Irregularities - Statewide

 27) The distribution of archaic voting machines were in
 Democratic Counties. At least another 4,942 votes would have been
 registered for Gore if the punch-card and mark-sense voting machines
 had been randomly distributed throughout Florida.

 28) When the first machine recount was completed on Nov. 9,
 there were
 highly non-random corrections to the vote count for Gore, but just in
 the counties which were already voting heavily for Gore. Graphs
 showing this discrepancy indicate that there may have been an
 undercount of the votes for Gore in those counties in the initial
 machine count. The re-count corrections in the Republican show a nice
 bell-shaped curve, which is what you would expect if the distribution
 of corrections was random, which is expected if the original count was
 strictly fair. The distribution of the corrections in the Democratic
 is lop-sided on the right, indicating the magnitude of corrections
 went heavily towards Gore. This is NOT what you would expect if the
 corrections were due to random errors, and indicates some other factor
 is involved which is not random (i.e. fraud).

 29) Hand recounts, while denounced exaustively by the Bush
 and the GOP, were used in certain Republican counties that favored
 Bush. (http://www.salon.com/politics

 30) A Miami Herald analysis suggests Gore would have won
 Florida by
 23,000 were it not for statewide irregularities.

 Voter Intimidation and Jim (Jeb) Crow

 31) Black votes statewide have been disproportionally tossed, in some
 county precincts in Duval County the ratio is as high as one in three.
 (http://www.nytimes.com/2000/11/29/politics/29MACH.html )

 32) A disproportionate number of rejected presidential votes in
 Florida came from African-American and Caribbean neighborhoods,
 according to an analysis of election data from Broward, Miami-
 Dade and
 Palm Beach Counties.
 -46819-4 8438,00.html)

 33) A disproportionate number of black votes were tossed in Glades
 County. (http://home.netcom.com/~mecowan/glades.htm)

 34) Registered black college students at Bethune-Cookman
 College in
 Daytona Beach and Tallahassee's Florida A&M University said
 they were
 turned away from the polls even though they had signed up in fall
 registration drives. (http://www.sun-
 sentinel.com/news/daily/detail/0,1136,3600000000013302 0,00.html)

 35) In Leon County, highway patrol troopers set up an unauthorized
 checkpoint near a polling place in the town of Woodville
 sentinel.com/news/daily/detail/0,1136,3600000000013302 0,00.html)

 36) Many black voters were inexplicably not on the voter lists at the
 polling locations.

 37) Many reports of voter intimidation surfaced in Hillsboro County.
 3WRE3N LFC&live=true&tagid=ZZZOMSJK3 0C&subheading=US)

 38) The FBI has been investigating allegations that some voters,
 primarily Haitians with limited or no English speaking or reading
 ability, were duped into voting for Bush by misleading "palm cards"
 that made them think they were voting for Gore.

 39) In Miami, Haitian-Americans said they weren't given mandated
 ballots in Creole, or were denied help from poll workers.

 40) In Healdsburg County, police were stopping African American
 voters, asking for ID's and asking, "What are you doing here?"
 (http://www.allegedirregularities.com/profil ing/)

 41) Many were asked a litany of questions even though they were
 on the
 voting rolls and had ID's. The questions had to do with whether they
 had been convicted of a felony, when was the last time they voted,
 etc. Only African Americans appeared to be asked these questions.
 (http://www.allegedirregularities.com/profi ling/)

 42) Four ballot boxes in heavily black precincts were alleged to not
 have been picked up.
 sue_ov er_alleg ed_flaws_in_Fla_voting+.shtml)

 43) A polling place was demolished without notice.

 Racist and Hate Group Intimidation

 44) Protesters have been infiltrated by Neo-Nazis, the KKK and
 hate groups. A major Neo-Nazi website encourages people to
 attend its
 "No More Gore" rallies.

 Other Intimidation

 45) Several Democrats were punched, kicked and trampled by
 goons during the court-ordered Miami-Dade recount. Death threats and
 other assaults have also occurred, specifically towards Rep. Robert
 Wexler, and Palm Beach commissioner Carol Roberts. A certain website
 also published the home phone numbers of the Florida Supreme Court
 Justices, and one can assume the possibility of death threats may have
 reached even to that level. (http://www.msnbc.com/news/494375.asp)

 Cyber Jim Crow

 46) Due to a "computer glitch", approximately 12,000 voters across the
 state were mistakenly identified as having out-of-state felony
 convictions, thereby making them ineligible to vote. Although 8,000 of
 these so marked were able to fix the problem through an arduous
 process of restoring their rights through the Florida Office of
 Executive Clemency, 4,000 remained ineligible to vote by Election Day.
 Those falsely marked as felons included a disproportionate number of
 African Americans, more disproportionate than the standard ratio of
 conviction rates between blacks and whites would allow.
 (http://home.netcom.com/~mecowan/voter_r olls.htm)

 47) The source of this so-called "glitch": Database Technologies, a
 division of ChoicePoint; hired by Florida Secretary of State Katherine
 Harris. Harris hired Database Technologies to identify people
 registered in other counties, those who have died, or those who are
 felons. In 1999 the FBI suspended their contract with DBT because of
 suspected ties of the company founder to drug smugglers, despite the
 fact that one year prior, a respected former DEA agent and
 narcotrafficking specialist was hired as Vice President.

 48) ChoicePoint's founder, Rick Rozar, died from an accident in
 According to Guardian Observer reporter Gregory Palast, he was
 fire for misuse of personal data in state computers." ChoicePoint is a
 very private firm with tight Republican ties.

 49) The computer glitch that disenfranchised the 4,000 Floridians
 stemmed largely from Texas state records that erroneously included
 people with misdemeanors as having felonies.


 50) The Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, is George W. Bush's

 51) Katherine Harris, Florida's Secretary of State and the person in
 charge of certifying Florida's electors, was George W. Bush's Florida
 co-chairwoman as far back as October 1999.
 (http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/11/13/harris /index.html)

 52) George W. Bush is son of the former President who was head
 of the
 CIA. The CIA has experience in overturning elections and pulling off
 coup d'etats in third-world countries.
 (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/chile/ind ex.html)

 Scorched Earth and Other Endgames

 53) Despite the fact that Gore most likely won, if he succeeds is any
 of his legal battles and wins the popular vote in Florida, the Florida
 Legislature may decide to ignore this fact and railroad through their
 own set of Republican electors, in violation of the will of the voters
 and perhaps the will of the State Supreme Court of Florida.

 54) If this fails, Republicans on Capitol Hill, led by House whip Tom
 DeLay will initiate what he calls a "doomsday scenario" whereby they
 would attempt to reject Florida's electoral votes if they feel it is
 tainted (i.e. belonging to Gore), in violation of the will of the
 voters in Florida and the rest of the country. Some Republicans have
 even called for a boycott of the Inauguration should Gore prevail, in
 an apparent scorched-earth policy aimed at crippling the Presidency
 right from day one. (http://washingtonpost.com/wp-
 srv/onpolitics/elections/congress20.htm) (http://www.vny.com/cf/News/

 Relevant Character Issues (Aside from the Obvious Ones)

 55) Bush won't accept defeat. "...Even if he loses, his friends say,
 he doesn't lose. He'll just change the score, or change the rules, or
 make his opponent play until he can beat him..." as reported in Gail
 Sheehy's "The Accidental Candidate" in the October 2000 issue of
 Vanity Fair. (http://gailsheehy.com/Politic

 Doomed Anyways

 56) Al Gore was character assassinated by a powerful Bush
 opposition machine which utilized a database of every public
 in Gore's 26 years in public service with which to twist every
 variance and use it to tarnish him as duplicitous and untrustworthy.
 Opposition research has never been used to this magnitude before.
 (http://www.time.com/time/campaign2000/story /0,7243,59665,00.html)

 Vendetta, Inc.

 57) In many respects this whole election is about payback for a
 for Clinton (and by proxy, Gore) and what they have done to the
 stocks". The corporate power players abide and abet, because
 they are
 delighted at the prospect of grand-scale deregulation of business,
 services and industry, 'bringing the business special interests into
 politics so they can take over the regulatory bodies of government and
 regulate themselves'.
 (http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,406082,00.ht ml)

 Political MC: Proof Bush did not win election
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