-Caveat Lector-

'Duncan, I still believe elephants fly......I saw movie Dumbo when a
child and it left lasting impression and I also believe in Unicorns.

Think you are right about Cold War - biggest hoax of all and it does
track back to Yalta - the good guy, bad guy routine.

So forgive me Duncan - and you can call me anytime - and you can call me
Al ......

Like your magazine for I have been reading it.....

What do you think happened to JFK, Jr......was he removed because he was
about to come forth as a leader....look how Gore tried to look like sex
symbol - but when JFK Jr. walked into a room full of people - as he did
with Blair and Clinton - nobody saw anyone but him.

My favorite song is Waltzing Matilda and favorite line is You'll Never
Take Me Alive, coppers...........

Good magazine,

Saba and you can call me Al.......

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