-Caveat Lector-

First lady to receive $8 million for White House memoir

The Associated Press
12/15/00 9:51 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- New York Sen.-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton agreed Friday
to accept $8 million from publisher Simon & Schuster for a memoir dealing
with her eight tumultuous years in the White House.

The huge advance is more than any member of Congress has received for a book
and comes close to matching the $8.5 million Pope John Paul II got in 1994
for a nonfiction work. The first lady's advance beats the $7.1 million
received this summer by General Electric Chairman Jack Welch.

"This personal perspective on our recent history promises to be one of the
most remarkable books of our time," said Carolyn Reidy, president of the
publishing house's trade division. Simon & Schuster has published Mrs.
Clinton's other three books.

The memoir will be published in early 2003.

A White House official also confirmed the deal late Friday.

The first lady will earn $141,000 a year as a senator. She and President
Clinton leave the White House with an estimated $10 million in legal bills
and a $1.7 million mortgage on their home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Also, the first
lady wants to purchase a home in Washington, D.C., where she will spend time
while in the Senate.

The Clinton book set off a fierce bidding war this week in publishing
circles. Just what Mrs. Clinton will say, however, is a matter of
speculation. She has indicated she would write about her husband's
impeachment and his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. How
candid she is on such personal topics will probably determine how big a
seller the book is, publishing industry analysts said.

Reports of a big advance being negotiated for the first lady's book already
had some watchdog groups complaining that it raised ethical questions. They
likened the advance to the $4.5 million book deal signed by former Rep. Newt
Gingrich, R-Ga., in 1994 when he was the incoming House speaker.

Controversy over the Gingrich deal prompted the House to change its ethics
rules and ban members from accepting book advances, though they may receive
sales royalties. In the Senate, book advances are not included among
restrictions on outside income as long as the arrangement is "usual and

Although Mrs. Clinton has not yet been sworn in as a senator, aides say she
is complying with all Senate rules. The first lady has also indicated she
intends to donate a portion of the money to charity.

The Clinton camp has maintained that the book contract was reached after a
competitive auction involving eight publishers who trekked to Washington to
hear a pitch by the first lady in the White House.

"The book's value is being determined by the market," Clinton spokesman
campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said Thursday.

Simon & Schuster has published Clintons other three books: "It Takes a
Village," which outlined her views on children's and family issues, "Dear
Buddy Dear Socks" a collection of letters written to the first pets and most
recently "An Invitation to the White House" a tribute to 1600 Pennsylvania

Simon & Schuster is owned by Viacom, which owns the CBS television network.
They have interests in Washington. Among them is fighting a federal
regulation that prohibits one company from owning stations that reach more
than 35 percent of U.S. households.

Among the other bidders for the memoir were Talk Miramax and Penguin Books.

Gingrich's arrangement with Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins came under
scrutiny when it was revealed that the deal was signed after Gingrich met
with Murdoch and a top lobbyist for his Fox television network. At the time,
the Federal Communications Commission was looking at whether Fox was
foreign-owned, in violation of its rules.

Facing bipartisan criticism, Gingrich eventually retreated from the deal and
settled for a token $1 advance in addition to royalties.

Other senators have written books, but they usually generate little money or
broad appeal. The man Clinton is replacing, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
has written 18 scholarly books. In his most recent financial disclosure
form, Moynihan reported earning $944.68 in royalties.

Vice President Al Gore was paid $8,500 last year for a new foreword for his
book, "Earth in the Balance," which he wrote as a senator, and $850 for
reprints for an introduction to "Silent Spring," Rachel Carson's classic
environmental book warning of the dangers of pesticides.

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