-Caveat Lector-


  Gore would have gained votes

  David Damron, Ramsey Campbell and Roger Roy of the Sentinel Staff
  Posted December 19, 2000

  TAVARES -- An inspection of more than 6,000 discarded
  presidential ballots in Lake County on Monday revealed that Vice
  President Al Gore lost a net 130 votes that were clearly his even
  in a conservative GOP bastion that President-elect Bush dominated
  as a whole.

  The tally of uncounted ballots by the Orlando Sentinel was the
  first outside review to be completed in any Florida county since
  the U.S. Supreme Court halted a statewide recount on Dec. 9. At
  that point Bush's ever-fluctuating lead over Gore was just 154
  votes -- and the margin might have been shaved to a mere two
  dozen had the Lake ballots been counted. Similar ballots were
  counted elsewhere.

  The review found 376 discarded ballots in Lake that were clearly
  intended as votes for Gore: In each case, an oval next to his
  name was filled in with a pencil and the voter mistakenly filled
  in another oval next to a spot reserved for write-in candidates,
  writing in Gore's name or running mate Joe Lieberman's there as
  well. Another 246 such ballots showing clear votes for Bush and
  running mate Dick Cheney were thrown out. Had all such ballots
  been counted, the result would have been a net gain of 130 votes
  for Gore.

  Bush spokesman Tucker Eskew said the Sentinel was engaged in
  "mischief making" by treating "illegal votes" as legal votes. He
  argued that a 7-2 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court agreed such
  tallies should not count, and the Sentinel would only be
  irresponsibly "inflaming public passions" by playing the numbers
  up as certain or clear.

  "To publish illegal votes as legal votes would be to mislead the
  readers and the public," Eskew said. "These are illegal votes,
  and your paper is publishing them as legal votes."

  The findings in Lake are just one piece in a statewide mosaic to
  be assembled in coming weeks and months as outsiders look at
  ballots that didn't count on Nov. 7. Newspapers including the
  Sentinel are banding together to inspect many of the
  approximately 180,000 ballots cast statewide but not tallied in
  the presidential race either because no vote could be detected by
  a machine or because voters marked more than one choice for
  president. A review likely to be much more tedious than the one
  in Lake began Monday in Broward County, where a study of 6,600
  punch-card ballots began.

  But the Lake numbers are significant even in isolation.
  Republicans had argued all along that Gore's push for recounts in
  heavily Democratic counties like Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and
  Broward was selective and unfair because it would have skewed
  results in his favor. But the Sentinel review shows how he might
  have recovered votes even in a county where Bush beat him by 15
  percentage points.

  And ballots exactly like those rejected in Lake -- and now called
  "illegal" by Eskew -- were counted by canvassing boards in places
  such as Orange and Seminole counties and are now part of the
  certified totals.

  Lake reported 3,114 so-called "overvotes" in its certified
  presidential results, and county officials had been preparing to
  evaluate those ballots as part of the recount ordered by the
  Florida Supreme Court on Dec. 8. By the time the U.S. Supreme
  Court halted that effort the next afternoon, Lake officials had
  already sifted through 91,989 ballots cast countywide to
  segregate the presidential overvotes as well as about 3,000
  overvoted ballots rejected by tabulation machines in other races.

  It was this pool of more than 6,000 ballots examined by three
  Sentinel reporters under a Florida public-records law request.
  Reporters were not allowed to touch ballots, but the newspaper
  paid for three election workers to spend the day holding them up
  for inspection. The process was observed by representatives of
  both parties.

  The count went quickly because voter intent was easily
  detectable. Lake ballots are marked with pencils and tabulated
  with optical-scanning devices. There are no issues of "dangling
  chads" or "pregnant chads" to contend with, as there are in
  counties that use punch-card voting systems.

  If Florida's recounts had continued, the Lake County ballots
  examined by the Sentinel could have swung the presidential
  election, said Bob Poe, chairman of the state Democratic Party.
  When the recount was halted by the U.S. Supreme Court, "we were
  within 113 or 114 votes," Poe said, referring to claims that Gore
  was gaining more ground even that Saturday before the recount was
  halted. "This would have put Gore over the top."

  Bush's official margin of victory was 537 votes, the number
  certified by Secretary of State Katherine Harris two weeks before
  the Florida Supreme Court's last recount order.

  GOP partisans say they don't put much stock in any new numbers
  coming out of Florida now. Bush spokesman Eskew said GOP
  observers watching the Lake review on Monday dispute the accuracy
  of the Sentinel's inspection. They claimed that as many as 29
  votes counted as write-ins for Gore by the Sentinel were actually
  written as "Gore and Cheney'' or Gore and Green Party candidate
  Ralph Nader on the ballot.

  But such ballots were specifically excluded in the Sentinel's
  methodology. The review also found -- but did not count --
  hundreds more questionable ballots that machines tossed aside or
  local election officials deemed invalid. Many of these arguably
  could have been judged as intended for a single candidate.

  Some of those were ballots in which the voter penciled in the
  oval next to the name of more than one candidate, but then tried
  to erase one. On some ballots, the voter nearly rubbed through
  the paper trying to erase a vote.

  Others voted for more than one candidate, sometimes a half-dozen,
  then made X's through most of the names. In many cases, it wasn't
  clear whether they meant to select the candidates who were X'ed
  out, or those who weren't. On other double-voted ballots, the
  voters' intention was spelled out, however awkwardly: Some made
  notations next to one of the votes, including "no," "wrong one,"
  "mistake" and "not."

  These hundreds of more marginal ballots -- which the Sentinel did
  not include in its tally -- also fell heavily in Gore's favor.

  Lake also reported 245 "undervote" ballots, in which counting
  machines could discern no votes. Only 50 of those undervotes were
  separated by election officials before the federal high court
  stepped in. An examination of those ballots by the Sentinel found
  only a dozen that could be counted. Of those, Bush and Gore had
  six each. But those were not included in the newspaper's tally.

  On some, voters had used an ink pen rather than a pencil, and the
  machines were apparently unable to detect their vote. Others
  circled the candidate's name or put an X or check mark next to a
  name or in one case the party designation.

  But on most undervote ballots, there were simply no signs of a
  vote for a presidential candidate.

  The Lake overvote totals put Republicans in an odd spot. It's one
  they may often find themselves in during the next few weeks.

  But regardless of what the overvotes show, Lake's GOP Party
  Chairman Dan Semenza said, "they don't count."

  "You newspaper people are just trying to stir things up."

  Elections experts say Democrats are more likely to be
  undereducated, older, less affluent, or first-time voters -- all
  groups more prone to muddle a ballot.

  So Poe said he wasn't surprised that most of the flawed ballots
  were from Democratic voters, even though Lake is predominantly

  "My people are economically disadvantaged; some people don't read
  very well," Poe said. Many may be immigrants who don't read or
  speak perfect English, he said.

  The reason these votes weren't counted Nov. 7 is somewhat
  confusing. On election night, Lake's canvassing board decided in
  a 2-1 vote not to count ballots that included an unqualified
  write-in candidate. Bush and Gore were not legal write-ins, they

  They made the same decision in the congressional races on the
  ballot and wanted to be consistent, canvassing-board member and
  County Judge Donna Miller said.

  But Catherine Hanson, a Lake canvassing-board member and county
  commissioner, said Monday that if she could do it all again, in a
  race this close she would have looked at and counted clear votes
  that the machines skipped over.

  "We were trying to do our best. It was consistent with what we
  had done in the past," Hanson, a Republican, said Monday. "I
  wouldn't say it was a mistake, but we would have done it
  differently if we know what we do now."

  Copyright © 2000, Orlando Sentinel


  Governor chides media for recount of ballots

  David Cox
  Tallahassee Bureau
  Posted December 20, 2000

  TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Jeb Bush on Tuesday
  questioned the value of efforts by the Orlando Sentinel
  and other news organizations to study some of the
  180,000 ballots cast statewide Nov. 7 but not counted as
  votes in the presidential race.

  Bush said news organizations will fall prey to the same
  problems local canvassing boards did in trying to define
  what was voter intent, what are the standards, should
  the standards be statewide, and how to deal with
  absentee ballots.

  "There's been a concession speech," Bush said, one
  day after he certified Florida's 25 electoral votes for his
  older brother, George W. Bush.

  "There's been a declared victor. We even got the United
  States Supreme Court to intervene in it, which is a pretty
  historic thing. The election's over. So ... go ahead and
  do it, but is that going to rewrite history? I don't think
  so. Should it rewrite history? No. We're a nation of laws,
  and the rule of law prevails."

  A consortium of state and national newspapers,
  meanwhile, continued to grapple with logistical issues
  involved in such a massive effort. The consortium,
  which includes the Sentinel, has not yet decided how,
  or even whether, to proceed with a full statewide
  examination of so-called "undervotes" and "overvotes."

  In addition to the broader consortium, The Miami
  Herald has hired an accounting firm to check ballots on
  which no vote was recorded in all 67 counties. And the
  Sentinel on Tuesday published the first outside study
  of a county's ballots -- which revealed that Vice
  President Al Gore lost a net of 130 votes that were
  clearly intended for him in the GOP stronghold of Lake
  County but weren't counted.

  The Lake County results provoked strong reactions
  from readers, some of whom accused the Sentinel of
  stirring up trouble unnecessarily. Others, though,
  thanked the newspaper for continuing to report on flaws
  in the election process.

  Copyright © 2000, Orlando Sentinel


  Media Count Nets Gore 130 Votes

  Orlando Sentinel Wednesday, December 20, 2000 ; Page A16

  TAVARES, Fla., Dec. 19 -- An inspection of more than 6,000
  discarded presidential ballots in Lake County has revealed that
  Vice President Gore lost a net 130 votes that were clearly his
  even in a conservative, GOP bastion that George W. Bush dominated
  as a whole.

  The tally of uncounted ballots Monday by the Orlando Sentinel was
  the first outside review to be completed in any Florida county
  since the U.S. Supreme Court halted a statewide recount on Dec.
  9. At that point Bush's ever-fluctuating lead over Gore was 154
  votes -- and the margin might have been shaved to a mere two
  dozen had the Lake County ballots been counted.

  The review found 376 discarded ballots in Lake County that were
  clearly intended as votes for Gore: In each case, an oval next to
  his name was filled in with pencil and the voter mistakenly
  filled in another oval next to a spot reserved for write-in
  candidates, writing in Gore's name there as well. An additional
  246 such ballots showing clear votes for Bush were thrown out.
  Had all such ballots been counted, the result would have been a
  net gain of 130 votes for Gore.

  Bush spokesman Tucker Eskew said the newspaper was engaged in
  "mischief making" by treating "illegal votes" as legal votes. He
  argued that a 7 to 2 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court agreed
  such tallies should not count and that the Sentinel would only be
  irresponsibly "inflaming public passions" by playing the numbers
  up as certain or clear.

  News organizations are banding together to inspect many of the
  approximately 180,000 ballots cast statewide but not tallied in
  the presidential race either because no vote could be detected by
  a machine or because voters marked more than one choice for

        © 2000 The Washington Post

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