-Caveat Lector-

Russian Journalists Targeted in Attacks
Corruption Investigator's Face Slashed

By Sharon LaFraniere
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, December  28, 2000; Page A16
MOSCOW, Dec. 27 -- Russian journalists are a worried bunch
these days.

In the past few months, the owner of the nation's only independent
television network was arrested for the second time. One of
Russia's most popular television commentators was pulled off the
air -- he says for criticizing President Vladimir Putin. A Moscow
newspaper was raided by the secret service after it published a
satellite photo of the sunken Russian submarine Kursk.
Yet even in this nail-biting context, the Dec. 16 attack on Moscow
reporter Oleg Luriye attracted notice. This was not because Luriye
is so well known; he is not, although his stories last year about
bribe-paying Kremlin contractors won him a modest reputation as a

The attack caused a stir because there seems to be no
explanation for it aside from Luriye's articles about corruption
among government officials, especially in the Kremlin. It was also
noteworthy because Moscow journalists, though subject to all
kinds of pressure, generally are not attacked with straight razors.
"It was a warning," said Luriye, sipping coffee in a restaurant last
week after his release from a hospital, where doctors stitched up
three slashes across his left cheek. "It was a demonstration of

For Luriye's newspaper, the independent twice-weekly Novaya
Gazeta, it was the second assault on one of its journalists this
year. In July, a reporter who covered cultural affairs died after he
was beaten in the head with a hammer. Novaya Gazeta editors
said that reporter had apparently been mistaken for a colleague
who lived in the same building who was investigating allegations of
high-level corruption involving oil deals.

The assault on Luriye was another reprisal, said Yuri
Schekochikin, who is a deputy both to the newspaper's editor in
chief and to the head of the security committee in the lower house
of parliament. "I think this shows that the authorities are continuing
their policy of intimidating journalists," he said.

"I believe the attack . . . is typical of President Putin's press policy,
where there is room only for officially sanctioned . . . propaganda."
The Kremlin made no immediate response to Schekochikin's

Attacks on Russian journalists are not unusual. Oleg Panfilov, who
runs the Moscow Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations, said
he has counted 68 this year, including six involving Russian
reporters. Most attacks occur in the provinces, not in the capital,
and most are never solved, Panfilov said. Luriye was slashed, he
said, because someone wanted to silence him. He does not rule
out government officials, who he said "are slowly waging war
against journalists."

Luriye, 37, said he had just arrived home from a birthday party for a
friend when he was surrounded by four men. One of them closed
the garage door, shutting Luriye's wife inside. He said he offered
them his watch, wallet and car keys but that they showed not a
flicker of interest and said not a word. Only because his wife
backed the car out through the garage door did he escape greater
injury, Luriye said, adding that he suffered a concussion as well as
facial wounds.

Luriye said he suspects the attack was related to articles he
recently published accusing Alexander Voloshin, Putin's chief of
staff, of illegally enriching himself before he went to work in the
Kremlin through deals involving businessman Boris Berezovsky --
now the target of a criminal investigation. Voloshin has not
responded to Luriye's articles.

Three days before the attack, Luriye said, police officers came to
the newspaper's office and seized his files on Voloshin and
Berezovsky. The night before the attack, on a news program
broadcast by the independent television network NTV, Luriye
accused the Kremlin of singling out Putin's opponents for criminal
prosecution and ignoring allegations about Kremlin insiders.
Luriye said he does not expect the police to find his assailants. He
said officers busied themselves with forms and phone calls but left
the hat of one of his attackers lying in the snow, never tested his
clothes for blood and never dusted the garage-door handle for

Asked what comes next, he said, "I continue to work." He will also
apply for a green card that would enable him to work in the United
States, he said, "just in case something happens again."
© 2000 The Washington Post Company


[On ancient Athens]:  In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security.  They 
wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all - security, comfort, and freedom.
When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to 
them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then 
Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. - Edward Gibbon

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