-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Just what was it that Congress changed because of FDR’s request? Congress
amended the October 6th 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act! This act was amended
in the following ways:

1st. Congress made the amendments to the 1917 act retroactive to March 4th,
1933 to cover any thing FDR may have declared prior to Congress meeting on
March 9th, 1933.

2nd. The distinction between enemies of the United States and the citizens of
United States was changed so that “We the People”, were included in the
definition of the enemy, and were to be treated no differently. All
distinctions between the two groups were totally voided and every man, woman
and child was made an enemy of their government.

3rd. The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 was amended to read “during times
of war or during any other national emergency declared by the President….”
Thus the war powers not only included a period of war, but also a period of
“national emergency” as defined by the President of the United States. When
either of these two situations occur, the President may:

“[T]hrough any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate,
regulate or prohibit under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe by
means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange,
transfers of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by
the President and export, boarding, melting or earmarking of gold or silver
coin or bullion or currency by any person within the United States or
anyplace subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

What can the President do now to the We, the People, under this amended act?
He can do anything he wants to do. It's purely at his discretion, and he can
use any agency or any license that he desires to control us. All that is
required is for the President to declare a “national emergency” whether it
is real or imagined. The United States Federal government had ceased to be
the Constitutional Republic designed by the founding fathers and arrived at
the constitutional dictatorship feared by the Anti-Federalists 146 years

In an article entitled Law and Antilaw © 1995 and posted at the Constitution
Society website it becomes a little clearer what the Emergency and War Powers
order means to the American public.

“…[T]he Emergency and War Powers order. This act, codified as 12 USC 95(b),
effectively declared the Constitution suspended and conferred dictatorial
powers on the President, a situation which continues to this day.”

We are now nearing the end of the year 2000. Remember that this order is
still in effect and will continue to remain so unless and until Congress acts
on it to repeal it. The article Law and Antilaw continues:

“Following this there was a long train of unconstitutional legislation and
executive orders, made possible by intimidation of the federal courts…”

“Senate Report 93-549, written in 1973, said ‘Since March 9, 1933, the
United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.’ It goes on
to say:”

“These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of federal law. These
hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers,
ordinarily exercised by Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens
in a host of all-encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken
together, confer enough authority to rule this country without reference to
normal constitutional process.’”

“Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize
property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities;
assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all
transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private
enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control
the lives of all American citizens.’”

The 1973 Senate Report 93-549 also contains a very telling statement in its
introduction. That statement is as follows:

“…[I]n the United States, actions taken by the government in times of great
crisis have from, at least, the Civil War, in important ways shaped the
present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency.”

It is immediately apparent what the War Between the States had to do in
shaping the permanent state of national emergency. The Senate report
deliberately uses the words “Civil War” to define the great crisis. The
Senate report could not possibly mean anything that happened in the Southern
government from 1861 to 1865 since they had left the Union of States and were
existing under their own constitution. It is therefore, the actions of
Lincoln and his cabinet with the complicity of the Congress that the Senate
report is referring too. The Senate in 1973, fully realized they had in place
everything needed to repeat the dictatorial events first used by Lincoln and
as I have shown, Lincoln was the model for the present code.


The title for this article “Why the Government Fears an Armed Population”
was not chosen lightly. It helps explain why, for at least the last 67 years,
the President of the United States has not acted in the dictatorial manner of
Abraham Lincoln. Yet, we have to wonder how many times in those 67 years the
man sitting in the Oval Office hasn’t contemplated implementing the Emergency
and Wars Act and was stopped from proceeding by the thought of over 80
million armed citizens refusing to yield. Volumes could probably be written
in speculation concerning the 8 years of the Clinton presidency, and we will
never know how close we may have come to a return of the terror experienced
by American citizens under the Lincoln dictatorship. The problem is that the
situation exists for ANY president to act as a dictator under whatever
circumstances he or she deems advantageous and you can be sure they will act
using the catch phrase of “public policy”, “public welfare”, “public
safety” or “public good”.

Certain factions of the Federal government continue to prepare for the
eventuality of using the Emergency and Wars Act of 1933. How else are we to
understand reports like the FBI’s, Project Megiddo, which contains statements
condemning American citizens for fearing that government will abolish private
property rights and private gun ownership, when that is exactly what is
happening. They ridicule Americans for their fear that all national, state
and local elections will become meaningless! We just watched for 36 days as
votes were manipulated into oral arguments between the law and “being fair”.
They claim that educating your children at home is a “right wing
conspiracy.” Then they claim that supposedly educated people are too stupid
to follow arrows on a ballot while getting these same people to stand in a
public forum, before national television cameras, and admit their STUPIDITY
as if it was the norm!

We can be sure that the reason behind the assault on our rights and in
particular the recent all out assault on the 2nd Amendment is in part due to
the desire of some in government to fully realize the purpose of the
Emergency and Wars Act of 1933. Thereby being totally free to quickly enslave
the American people by force. It is, therefore, reasonable to ask how will
this be attempted? Since the model of circumventing the Constitution and
assuming the position of dictator was the Lincoln Presidency, we can
rationally assume the model for assaulting the American public can be found
in the “Indian wars” waged by the same government and its willing Generals
immediately following the “Civil War.” Therefore, it may behoove us to study
the means by which those “campaigns” were waged. We can also be fairly sure
that the means used to subjugate the South at the conclusion of the war
between the states and up to the beginning of the 20th century has not been
lost in the back annals of the government bureaucracy. It would be
interesting to know if the recent troop deployments in Bosnia and Somalia
have been “tests” to see if it would be possible to subdue an angry public
by military force.

In this article I have deliberately refused to use the terms Republican or
Democrat. The reason being that anyone even remotely familiar with history
will know which political party Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR were affiliated
with. I also wanted to make it perfectly plain that the situation we find
ourselves in, is strictly a bi-partisan attempt to circumvent the
Constitution and the Rights of the American public. Therefore it is
legitimate to ask who is our real enemy? We can not throw a blanket over this
question with a pat answer and say “the government”. People are people and
many that work for the government support the Constitution and Bill of Rights
with the same fervor as many of us do. The same can be said for the military,
police, judicial system at the local, state and Federal level or any other
organization we can name.

We need to LISTEN to what people say and JUDGE their intent by their ACTIONS.
If we have public servants who take the oath to uphold the Constitution and
then find reasons to enforce adoption of laws that are clearly contrary to
the same Constitution, then THEY ARE TRAITORS!!! We need to stop looking at
the outward appearance of men and women and judging them by their social
standing or job description. When a person’s intent is to uphold the
Constitution their actions will proclaim it; the converse is equally true AND
doubt that there are a growing number of Americans who are becoming aware of
the situation. These Americans are not as well organized or as well funded
yet. Our numbers are growing and this will cause us to become organized and
better financed. Believe it or not we are gaining support from within the
very government that seeks to enslave us.

Brian Puckett, founder of Citizens of America, wrote and posted an excellent
article entitled What are Rights?. At the conclusion of this article he

“Allowing government officials alone to define when an activity transgresses
the ‘harm’ restrictions regarding rights, or allowing any narrowing at all
of the scope of activities associated with a right, puts that right on a
slippery slope to oblivion. This is because those who work for the government
automatically tend to usurp, as much social power as possible, and the
ability to limit human activities is a key component of social power.”

The truth of Mr. Puckett’s words are in the fact that the “slippery slope”
is in place in the form of the Emergency and Wars Act of 1933. The government
will continue to “usurp as much social power as possible”. The question is
are we going to keep our rights intact? If we are, then we must come to the
conclusion that the only rights we will have are those we are willing to
fight for. The time is now. I don’t know if our new President will be a
friend or foe of the Constitution, but I am fairly sure we have been given a
reprieve for at least 4 years and we had better use the time wisely.

i Brutus, To the Citizens of the State of New York ,18 October 1787
ii Brutus, Ibid.
iii Charles Adams, When in the Course of Human Events, (Maryland 2000),
Chapter 3
iv Charles Adams, Ibid, Chapter 3
v Charles Adams, Ibid, Chapter 3
vi Brutus, Ibid
vii Brutus, Ibid
viiiBrutus, Ibid



Tim Case is a featured writer with KeepAndBearArms.com. You can see his other
recent writing projects at http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com/Case.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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