-Caveat Lector-


December 27, 2000

New rules on the horizon

2001 arrives without the manned
 space flights to Jupiter and Saturn envisioned by Stanley Kubrick
and Arthur C. Clarke. The U.S. space program was a casualty of
the end of the Cold War. Could the next casualty be American
constitutional democracy now that we no longer have a foreign
opponent to unify us?

The last election revealed a country split not only geographically
between urbanized areas with large minority populations and the
rest of the country, but also between those committed to the
constitutional process and those who believe the ends justify the

This fissure is not a split over policy issues, such as whether to
privatize Social Security, cut tax rates or build a missile defense
system. The country is divided by the Democrats' claim that their
party's causes are so moral as to place them above the
Constitution. When one party sees its causes so imbued with
morality as to justify any action to retain power, constitutionalism
is dead.

Much has been written about the challenges to the Florida vote,
and readers grew tired of it before the real lesson was learned. The
important point is not that the judiciary decided the presidential
election. The vital fact is that the Supreme Court had to deal with
the astonishing claim that the election of Al Gore was so important
that Democrats were entitled to revote already cast ballots until
Gore won.

Democrats demanded a revote, not in counties that Gore lost but in
counties he carried. In the close election Democrats saw an
opportunity to reinterpret spoiled ballots and ballots that did not
mark a choice for president as votes for Al Gore. There were similar
ballots in every county in the United States, but the revote game
was only to be played by Democrats in three Florida counties.
There was no evidence of vote fraud, except on the part of
Democrats. The attempt to revote was clearly a violation of Florida
law and the U.S. Constitution. To deflect attention from this highly
visible exercise in vote fraud, Democrats conducted a defamatory
campaign, alleging that blacks had been intimidated (in counties
controlled by Democrats) and that ballots (designed by Democrats)
were deceptive and confused the elderly.

In a country with a nonpartisan media, such a visible attempt to
steal an election would have been mercilessly exposed. But
Democrats knew the media would serve as the propaganda arm of
their party. Eight years of Bill Clinton have made clear that the
media judges politicians by their stand on "the issues," not by their
behavior. A stolen election is OK if it is stolen for the right causes.
Consequently, the media served as an amplifier for lies and
defamation. One result is that blacks believe they were
disenfranchised despite hard evidence that a larger percentage of
blacks voted than whites.

Certain of the media's support, Democrats turned for help to the
Democratic Florida Supreme Court. This court actively participated
in the vote fraud. Without authority, cause or legal reason, the
court ignored the state's election rules and U.S. Constitution to
order a continuation of the revote. The Florida Supreme Court
agreed with the media that Gore's election justified the raw use of

Although checked at the last moment by the U.S. Supreme Court,
this blatant use of power to steal an election evoked no shame or
remorse in Democrats. Democrats have passed beyond that.
Democrats are liberated from constitutional process by the sanctity
of their ends. This is the important change.

The Democrats almost succeeded in stealing the election.
Republicans found themselves so much on the defensive that they
were afraid to call vote fraud by its own name. Instead, Republicans
argued the legal and constitutional case for the existing rules and
were accused of using technicalities to frustrate the will of the

In a word, Republicans uncharacteristically stood up to the
Democrats' power play but acquiesced in the pretense that the
issue to be resolved was contending interpretations of election
rules. Republicans lacked the confidence and moral strength to
stand up to Democrats on the issue of vote fraud.

Republican timidity showed itself again immediately following the
party's rescue by the Supreme Court. A bill to permit military
personnel to vote where stationed passed the House by a lopsided
vote of 297 to 114. But Senate Republicans deferred to Democrats'
objections and refused to bring up the bill for a vote. Once again,
Republicans protected their enemies and took no action to counter
Democratic propaganda about disenfranchised voters.

This bodes ill for the future. Unless Republicans can secure a
larger percentage of the white vote, defamatory post-election
campaigns, lawyers and judges will determine future election
outcomes. For Democrats, power has become a divine right
justified by the superiority of their causes.
©2000 Creators Syndicate, Inc.


A large section of the intelligentsia seems wholly devoid of intelligence.
-- G. K. Chesterton

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