-Caveat Lector-


Scientists study slave settlement

Archaeologists' dig at Cumberland Island site unearths significant
part of Georgia history

Web posted  Jun. 29 at 12:18 AM
By Gordon Jackson
Morris News Service

CUMBERLAND ISLAND, Ga. -- A group of 27 chimneys jutting
from the ground like monoliths are the only visible evidence of a
slave community that once thrived on Cumberland Island.

As many as 300 slaves lived in the community until they were freed
at the end of the Civil War, but much of what is known about the
life of blacks on the island has not been documented.

An archaeological dig in the past six weeks at the site called The
Chimneys, however, has revealed a wealth of information to
researchers. In fact, archaeologists say the site is one of the most
significant and well-preserved slave settlements anywhere.

``It's very unusual to find a site in this good of a state,'' said David
Brewer, an archaeologist with the National Park Service. ``This is
one of the best unexcavated sites in the world.''

The main goal for the archaeologists is preserving the chimneys,
but they had to dig first to check out the land surrounding the

The property has been held by private landowners for years and
has not been disturbed by any development. It has been under the
protection of the National Park Service since the island was
declared a national seashore in 1972.

``You just don't find a site like this anymore,'' said John Cornelison
Jr., a park service archaeologist.

Despite only digging around five of the 27 chimneys because of
limited funding, the project has answered many questions about life
on the island among slaves, researchers said.

For instance, the archaeologists uncovered evidence that the
slaves were segregated by marital status and gender - with married
couples living in one part of the village, single men in another area
and single women in another.

The dig also revealed the slaves' quarters were segregated by job
skills as well, with overseers living in different areas from laborers
or craftsmen.

A large number of gun flints found at the site indicate the slaves
had weapons so they could hunt for food on the island, Mr.
Cornelison said. A large number of buttons from military uniforms
found show the slaves wore surplus uniforms as clothing, he said.

Researchers could also determine much about life in the village by
what they didn't find.

``We found no manacles or anything else ,'' Mr. Cornelison said.
``We generally believe Robert Stafford treated his slaves pretty
good, as good as you can treat somebody you are holding against
their will.''

Of course, there weren't many places for slaves to go on the island
and they had little or no contact with the outside world, Mr.
Cornelison said.

The researchers also have been able to dispel a rumor that Mr.
Stafford, who grew cotton on the island, burned down the slaves'
cabins in anger after the Civil War ended.

There is no evidence of ashes indicating the cabins had been

Mr. Stafford was born on the island in 1790 and lived there until he
died in 1877. He inherited the land from his father, Thomas
Stafford, who settled on the island prior to 1783, said John Mitchell,
museum curator for the Cumberland Island National Seashore

There is no reference to the area being called The Chimneys until
after the island was designated a national seashore, which
indicates the name was likely coined by the park service, Mr.
Mitchell said.

Other items found at the site include pipe stems, hand-painted
marbles, bottles, ornate pottery shards, an 1819 half dollar, fishing
weights, a metal lice comb, a broach and an earring.


Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom,
must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting
it. - Thomas Paine

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