-Caveat Lector-

There'll Be No Civil Liberties At The International
Criminal Court
By Ted Galen Carpenter

Ted Galen Carpenter is vice president for defense and
foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute. He is the
editor of "NATO's Empty Victory: A Postmortem on the
Balkan War" and the author of "Beyond NATO: Staying Out
of Europe's Wars."

Proponents of the new International Criminal Court are
again pressuring the United States to join that
institution as it is about to become operational.
The latest salvo is an editorial in the Washington Post
urging the lame-duck Clinton administration to sign the
treaty establishing the Court before the signature-
deadline passes on Dec. 31. The New York Times
editorial page has said the same and urged the
administration to forward the document to the
Senate for ratification.

The Post pressed the idea that America must take steps
to support the Court -symbolically or practically- or
risk offending other nations. Typically, the Times
focused on rebutting Pentagon fears that, if the United
States becomes a member, American military personnel
might someday be hauled before the Court and accused of
war crimes. Dismissing such concerns as misplaced,
the Times (along with most ICC supporters) pretends as
though that is the only objection to the Court. In
reality, the Pentagon's fears are the least
of the problems with the ICC.

The Criminal Court is a horrific institution from the
standpoint of civil liberties. It would make a mockery
of even the most basic due process guarantees. We have
already had a glimpse of the probable abuses from the
operation of the ICC's predecessors, the special war
crimes tribunals in the Balkans and Rwanda.

Rights that Americans take for granted would be greatly
diluted or absent entirely in ICC trials. For example,
there is no right to a trial by an impartial jury. A
verdict is rendered by majority vote of a panel of
appointed judges. Thus, a 3-2 vote could doom a
defendant to a lengthy prison term - in some cases even
a life term.

If that were not bad enough, some - perhaps all- of the
judges on a panel might come from countries where there
is no concept of an independent judiciary or a
tradition of fair trials. A defendant could even face
jurists who were officials in regimes that were openly
biased against his government or political movement.

It gets worse. There is no protection against double
jeopardy. If a defendant is acquitted of charges, the
prosecutor's office can appeal the verdict to an
appellate body within the ICC. A hapless defendant
could be subjected to prosecution for the same offense
again, and again, and again.

Nor is there any guarantee of either a speedy or a
public trial. The Court could hold indicted individuals
for months or even years before judicial proceedings
get underway. The Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal has
held sessions behind closed doors - supposedly to
protect the privacy of alleged victims of war crimes.

Such nonpublic sessions underscore perhaps the worst
feature of the ICC.

The right of defendants to confront their accusers is
highly conditional. The Court would have the authority
to conceal the identity of witnesses whenever it deemed
that step to be appropriate.

That is an especially pernicious dilution of due
process standards. Frequently, the ability to rebut
testimony depends on knowledge of the witness' identity
and background. Such knowledge may yield important clues
about possible personal malice, a history of
prevarication, or a hidden financial or ideological
agenda. Without that knowledge, cross-examination
must be conducted in an informational vacuum, and a
defense attorney operates at an impossible

Most opponents of the Criminal Court in this country
stress that we should not want to risk having Americans
tried before such a tribunal. That is a valid but
secondary point. People who value civil liberties and
due process of law should not want anyone tried before
such a tribunal.


We have passed the boundary that lies between Republic and Empire.

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