-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 02 January 2001
Federalist #01-01.brf

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link to -- http://www.Federalist.com/current2001.asp

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(Publisher's note: Welcome to the New Millennium and the dawn of new a
new American era!)


More than 150,000 discriminating conservative men and women are
reading this sponsor message. That is why your organization should
sponsor an upcoming issue of The Federalist, the nation's most widely
read conservative e-journal.
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Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
Faith & Family
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
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Political Futures
For the Record
Policy Pages
Reader Comments
The Last Word
Two Cents


"We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven
can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of
order and right which Heaven itself has ordained." --George Washington


"A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as
an honest Man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no
moral obligations bind, can have any real Good Will towards Men? Can
he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the
very bonds of Society?... The Scriptures tell us 'righteousness
exalteth a Nation.' " --Abigail Adams


"Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a
moment." (Proverbs 12:19)

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
(Romans 12:12)

"Teach them [God's commandments] to your children, talking about them
when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie
down and when you get up." (Deuteronomy 11:19)


"Two thousand years of failure have not taught some reformers that you
can't stop sin by declaring it illegal.  Two thousand years have not
taught them that you can't save a man's soul by force -- you can only
lose your own in the attempt.  Drunkenness and gambling and secularism
and lechery -- various hopeful churchmen have earnestly tried to
outlaw them all; and what is the result?  A drunken nation, a gambling
nation, a secularist nation, an adulterous nation. And, often, a
ruined Church." --Joy Davidman


"America was not born of a single people or a single tradition or a
single movement. Rather, our nation was born of a single idea -- one
that transcends the mere material attachments of other ethnicities.
Our nation was born of the peculiar notion that all men were born to
be free. Thus, America is the best expression of the highest
aspiration of mankind. Best we safeguard such a sacred trust for all
other nations with all the fervor and ardor we can muster. Therein
lies the American spirit." --Teddy Roosevelt

"Look back in history, and not the new revised history of the public
schools, but at human history as it really unfolded; and you will find
that when nations began to kill their own children, those nations are
doomed. We not only kill our own young, we shout our delight in this
dark activity as some sort of new and wonderful act of liberation from
the stultifying mores of the past. Since the Scriptures warn us
against harming children, this is a very specific way to mock God and
scream our defiance at the heavens, fists clenched tightly around a
condom, that symbol of the age. And we wonder why our children kill?"
--Michael Peirce


"Today, it is the case that many Americans seem unsure whether
violations of oaths to family, to country and Constitution, and to God
are serious matters. They aren't sure if character -- if truth-telling
-- in our leaders matters." --William Bennett


"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men,
the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the
government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to
control itself." --James Madison in The Federalist


"What America lacks today is statesmanship. It seems that our present
leaders no longer inspire us with confidence, but reading our
preferences in various opinion polls, their method is to win election
through flattery. In other words, they tell us what we want to hear."
--J.R. Nyquist


"What President Bush will need is an agenda that catches fire without
blowing up. Is such a thing possible? Yes, if Bush understands that
bipartisanship need not be mush. The most successful feat of
bipartisan governance in modern times occurred, after all, during
Ronald Reagan's first term. Reagan's agenda did not pass because Tip
O'Neill wanted him to succeed. It passed because Reagan's staff
identified rank-and-file Democratic members of Congress who supported
tax cuts, spending restraint, and the defense buildup." --National


"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so
formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women."
--Ronald Reagan


"The role for leadership in a well-founded republic is to lead people
back when they constantly stray, as constantly they will, from its
heritage. To lead them back to the first principles that sharply limit
what leaders are to do. Often, in the case of a republic such as ours,
it is the job of leaders to lead people away from the locus of
leadership itself, away from government, back into civil society:
back, if you will, into de Tocqueville's America." --George Will


Conservative Republicans in Congress will be well equipped for the
coming days of confusion if they will bear in mind The Federalist
definition of "bipartisan" as a policy or program that, once it fails,
can be blamed on Republicans.

(Editor's note: We extend wishes for blessings and every success to a
friend of The Federalist, former California Assemblyman Steve Baldwin,
and to his family, as Steve takes on new challenges and opportunities
as Executive Director of the Council for National Policy.)


Points by which the average SAT score of a home-schooled student
exceeds that of other U.S. students : 81 (Harper's Index)

(NOTE: For our subscribers with WWW access, if the URL line breaks,
please select, copy and paste the entire link address into your
browser's target address field.)

College Campus Security Statistics

Defending The Scouts

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments, link to:

"Is it safe to assume that the election amounts to a Gore-gone

"In Brief 00-51/52, you criticized Al Gore for attributing a quote
from Edwin Markham to Al Gore senior. I'm no Al Gore apologist. I know
that he has an almost pathological problem with the truth.... But, how
many fathers have taken and used the words of great writers and poets
in speaking to their sons? If my son later says that his dad often
said those words to him, does that make my son a liar and a usurper?"
Editor's Reply: It does if you are pathological liar reading from a
prepared script, which quotes -- word for word -- a 19th century poet.
Perhaps, though, Gore was just a chip off the old block!

"Today I am no longer am a Democrat.  I registered as a Republican.
Been a Democrat all my voting life and now I have thrown liberals over
my 'left' shoulder and I will carry the Republicans on my 'right'."

"I don't remember how I stumbled upon The Federalist but in lieu of
what has happened since November 7th it is the only thing that has
kept up my hopes and let me retain my sanity.  I have been bringing
copies into my local gun club for dissemination after Wednesday night
trap league."

"We have three boxes that we can use to maintain our freedoms: The
Soap Box, The Ballot Box and The Cartridge Box. Time is running out on
the first two!"


Excerpts from a reader survey in "Transgender Tapestry" magazine:

  I am:
  (_) male
  (_) female
  (_) male to female
  (_) female to male
  (_) helping professional
  (_) other

  And I consider myself a:
  (_) man
  (_) woman
  (_) third (4th, etc.) gendered
  (_) nongendered person
  (_) intersexed person
  (_) cross-dresser
  (_) transvestite
  (_) transgenderist
  (_) I do not consider myself transgendered
  (_) I'm not sure whether I'm transgendered
  (_) pre-operative transsexual
  (_) postoperative transsexual
  (_) nonoperative transsexual
  (_) androgyne
  (_) butch
  (_) femme
  (_) other

  My sexual orientation is:
  (_) heterosexual
  (_) bisexual
  (_) gay man
  (_) lesbian
  (_) asexual
  (_) pansexual

  I am attracted to (check all that apply):
  [_] women when I present myself as a woman
  [_] men when I present myself as a woman
  [_] men when I present myself as a man
  [_] women when I present myself as a man
  [_] transpeople
  [_] the individual, regardless of their gender

(T- days 18 days until eviction of the Clintonistas -- and
President-elect George Bush takes office!)

-- PUBLIUS  --

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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