-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 21:19:05 -0800
From: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hidden emitters in cars to cause an accident

Part I-E1:  The Microwaves, Radio Waves' Hidden Emitters in Cars
and the invisible operatives can remotely power these hidden
emitters to attack a driver after they secretly enter a target's
car <Back to Index>


                  Author:  Alan Yu

Editor:  John Yu

The invisible operatives can secretly enter a victim's car to
cause car accident on highway to get rid of citizens whom the
involved LEO dislike.

The electromagnetic waves or low radio waves emitters in cars can
be remotely controlled (powered) by these invisible operatives
within a short distance.  Thus, the invisible operatives must
enter a victim's car to nearby the hidden emitter in order to
create car accident on streets or highway.  However, these
invisible operatives will fly away the victim's car with their
equipment before the created car accident happen to avoid
themselves being injured in the staged accident.

How could these invisible operatives in victim's car contact with
involved LEO of surveillance station/system?

1. The vehicles have been secretly installed ID-chips which can
emit low radiation wave and it can be tracked by satellites to
locate the vehicle on Earth.

According to a Washington Times article on Oct. 11, 1993, ID-chip
devices (which only cost $25 dollars and can emit low radio
waves) had been available. This kind of ID-chip can be implanted
in animals and in humans or installed in vehicles, be it a car,
boat, or a plane. Furthermore, these ID-chips are designed to be
tracked by satellite (see details on Part I-C of my webpage).
Therefore, this shows that the security officers have already
linked every vehicle in America.

2. The US has built the GWEN system in 1980s.  There are 58
towers in the GWEN system by 1993 (and will build more after
1993).  Every tower can emit VLF to cover the circular area of
250-300 miles radius).  Currently, this GWEN system constantly
emit VLF (very low frequency - a kind of electromagnetic wave) to
cover all of America from these 300 feet (or 500 feet) height


Cross Currents by Dr. Robert Becker (p. 193)

The GWEN towers transmit electromagnetic waves in the VLF range
between 150 and 175 kHz.  Dr. Becker reported, "The VLF range was
selected because its signals travel by means of ground waves --
electromagnetic fields that hug the ground -- rather than
radiating into the atmosphere.  The signals drop off with
distance, and a single GWEN station transmits to a 360-degrees
circle radiating out from it to a distance of about 250 to 300

Thus, these electromagnetic waves will be everywhere in America
constantly and can cover all of America from 500 feet above the
ground to the ground (it will go down to penetrate the level
basement of every house, public building) as a wireless web.
Also, the ID Chips has been secretly installed in every vehicle.
Thus, the involved LEO of surveillance station/system can track
any vehicle (car, boat, etc.) and keep touch with the invisible
operatives in a victim's vehicle.

According to power beaming system patent, these electromagnetic
waves can be converted into DC power to power a remote device.


There is a description of the patent of "power beaming system."
(see page 116 on the Angels Don't Play This HAARP)

US Patent Number:  5,068,669

According to this patent, the present invention relates in
general to the transfer of energy by means of electromagnetic
waves to power a remote device. This idea is to convert
microwaves to DC power, which can be done very efficiently and
cost effectively with the right kind of transmission system
capable of focusing the power into a narrow beam.

Thus, some of the common electronic parts which installed in
homes (e.g. household appliances), offices/buildings, car, boat,
plane, etc. should have been re-designed to incorporate new
functions (as concealed emitter which can be remotely activated)
while still preserving their original function. After the
invisible operatives secretly enter people's home/office, car,
boat, plane, etc., and use the above technology of power beaming
system, a nearby invisible operatives would be able to activate
concealed emitter in buildings/offices or people's homes (e.g.
household appliances), car, boat, etc. within a short distance.

These concealed emitters can be remotely controlled (powered) as
emitter for microwave or radio wave weapons (of electromagnetic
waves). For example, after the invisible operatives carry a
psychotronic generator to secretly enter people's home, the
concealed emitter of the TV, the computer monitor, or the
microwave oven in people's home can be remotely activated by a
nearby invisible operative within a short distance. After the
above household appliances are remotely activated by a nearby
invisible operative, the psychotronic generator, which produces a
powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through
the TV, monitor, incandescent lamps to injure the victim who use
the above appliances at victim's home.

"The Mind Has No Firewall" by Timothy L. Thomas Parameters,
US Army War College Quarterly, Spring 1998, Vol. XXVIII,

Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal
Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that "psy" weapons are under
development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted
by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:

* A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful
electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone
lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps.

First, I should say that I arrived at the above conclusion based
on experiences of victims whom I had interviewed, reported cases,
and my own personal experiences of being harassed and injured
with radio and electromagnetic wave on motor vehicles & above
household appliances (These motor vehicles includes privately own
cars, public transportation, school bus, etc.).  Some victims
have also reported of hearing "microwave voices" in motor
vehicles.  It only because the invisible operatives can secretly
follow the victim to enter any motor vehicle, boat, plane, etc..

So, my descriptions of these situation are based on what had
occurred to people & how these situation can occurred in motor
vehicles - the facts and truth.

Also, I would like to point out that my major was not in science
but in finance.  So, I might not have enough professional
knowledge to properly explain how some of these high-tech devices
work.  But it won't change the facts that these hidden emitters
do have these functions in cars.

Fortunately, I have very strong observation ability developed
while serving as independent commander of a military unit (early
in my military career) and my own self education in this area.

So, I can always find the main (key) point in almost every
situation. If someone disagrees with my descriptions of how these
hidden emitters of microwave (or radio wave weapon) work, it is
only because I didn't have enough professional knowledge to
properly express what I know and experiences of many victims and
myself.  However, it won't change the facts that the concealed
emitters of microwaves (EMR & the radio waves weapon) have been
installed in cars for a long time.  Thus, after the invisible
operatives carry the special psychotronic generator to secretly
enter a victim's car, the invisible operatives can use the
psychotronic generator to produce microwave radiation which can
be sent through the concealed emitter in car (e.g. one concealed
emitter is in the axis of the steering wheel and can be used by
invisible operatives to emit the power microwave radiation to
force driver falling into asleep to cause a car accident).

With my best knowledge, I will describe these events in details,
so the readers can understand the capabilities of these hidden
emitters and how these emitters can be used for different
purposes (i.e., emitting radio wave or electromagnetic wave).

I swear in the name of God that I tell the truth and describes
all the facts to my best knowledge.

Now, I would like to express my opinion about the concealed
emitters of electromagnetic waves (microwaves) and/or radio waves
as follow: The microwave & EMR (electromagnetic wave) emitters
can be installed into motor vehicles because it can be remotely
powered within a short distance by the invisible
operatives/little spirits/bees (who secretly enter the motor
vehicles) to cause a car accident.  They would like to use the
concealed emitter because the concealed emitter is normal size &
can be used to produce strong microwave than the invisible
carried tiny weapon (because the weapon become tiny in the
invisible electromagnetic field).

Let me explain how it works with my best knowledge.

The small specially designed emitters beam the microwaves, radio
wave, etc. After the specially designed emitters are installed in
the car, these concealed emitters can be remotely powered to emit
different waves as its' different function.  Thus, the invisible
operatives (who carry the special psychotronic generator to
secretly enter the victim's car) can remotely power the concealed
emitter from the axis of steering wheel to emit microwave
radiation to force the driver falling asleep.  The invisible
operatives also can use the concealed emitter in the power supply
of high beam to emit the strong radio wave to attack the driver's
heart to induce heart-attack.

To read driver's thoughts or deliver microwave voice, the
invisible operatives can use mind machine (or advanced mind
reading technique) and microwave voice device on the driver.

The receiver (which will pick up the invisible operatives'
contacted signals) from a car can be installed at the
intersection of street (such as the light pole which locate each
main intersection of streets, roads or the shoulder on the
highway).  Thus, the invisible operatives who secretly enter
people's car can keep touch with the surveillance station/system.

However, the advanced mind reading technique is mainly used by
these invisible operatives currently.  The advanced mind reading
technique allows the target's thoughts to be read by the
invisible operatives immediately as the target is thinking.

How can the involved LEO & operatives achieve this? The need use
two technologies:

1. Invisibility technology: After using invisibility technology
on their personnel & equipment (e.g. mind machine, microwave
voice device , & their basic equipment use for flight, etc.), it
will make these operatives & equipment to become invisible & tiny
(see details on my webpage Part II-A). Therefore, the invisible
operatives can secretly enter people's home from interdimensional
travel or hitch a ride with another collaborator's car to
approach the target's home (then the invisible operatives can
secretly fly into the target's home with their equipment from
nearby neighbor's home of a target).  After the invisible
operatives enter a target's home, some of them will stay at the
target's home for surveillance and some of them can follow the
target to enter the target's car to spy on the target in car or
read the target's mind (and follow the target everywhere from the

2. Voice Synthesis (the advanced microwave voice device):
according to inside information, the device can be used to clone
the target's brain electric impulses which express thoughts,
language. The invisible operative will use the voice synthesis to
clone the target's brain electrical impulses and directly deliver
it to an nearby invisible operative's head to know the target's
thoughts immediately. Now, I would further explain it more
details with following words.

The electrical impulses in the brain of every human, which
describes the thoughts (brain waves) of a person, use the same
signal. This means that if we can transfer the electrical
impulses of PERSON A directly into the brain of a PERSON B, then
PERSON B (brain) will understand the thoughts of PERSON A as if
he was reading PERSON A's mind. This is just like microwave voice
technology, which directly delivers electrical impulses (which
describe voices in brain) into the human brain; this allows the
person receiving the electrical impulses to "hear" voices with
his brain, without actually hearing anything with his ears (see
Part I-A2 on my main page for more details on microwave voice

(attachment)- Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE

In the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed- energy weapons
currently being deployed include, for example, a microwave weapon
manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as
'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO (i.e., VOICES
HUMAN TARGET ((a kind of Microwave voices device --Alan Yu note).
This process is also known within the U.S. Government as
"Synthetic Telepathy." (it means this device can be used to clone
a target's brain electrical impulses which express one's thoughts
or language and deliver it to another nearby operative's brain to
know the target's thoughts or words immediately-Alan Yu note).

This psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at
the November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference (same meeting as
above Nonlethal weapon conference).

Thus, the advanced mind reading method is that two invisible
operatives/little spirits will fly around a target. One invisible
operative will use Voice Synthesis to clone the target's brain
electrical impulses which express one's thoughts or language and
deliver it to another nearby invisible operative's brain to know
the target's thoughts or language immediately. This is another
function of Voice Synthesis and that's why the Voice Synthesis is
also called "Synthetic Telepathy" within US government. The
technique described above is currently the latest and most
advanced mind-reading technique.  Within GWEN system), this type
of mind reading technique can be used by invisible operatives to
read any target's thoughts anywhere in America.

Furthermore, they can use the special psychotronic generator
through the concealed emitter (in the axis of steering wheel) to
send the enough microwave radiation to interfere with the
driver's brain and cause the driver to fall asleep while driving
to cause car accident.

After the invisible operatives (who track the victim in car)
follow the victim to walk on outside of car (e.g. shopping
center), they can also remote power the concealed emitter of
radiofrequency weapon on light pole (power line) to attack the
target's heart to induce heart-attack or heart-failure on a
target to die as if by natural causes.  Life controllers
(invisible operatives) will do this to get rid of those citizens
who know of life controllers' crimes, or oppose life controllers'
interests. Those whom the life controllers did not have good
control over, or just disliked by the life controllers are also

Now I would like to show some information below:

Mr. Lundis, a very religion gentleman who work at the church
every Sunday as a volunteer, told me that Since 1983 the US
automobile had been designed to emit signals which can be picked
up by satellite.  He told me that the authority can monitor you
wherever you go (on the car).

(According to news report there are implantable/injectable
ID-chips (size of grain of rice) can be used to track animals,
cars, and even human. If they have installed these ID-chips in
cars to track it, who can find these ID- chips).

Furthermore, the original entire nation surveillance system
program of US is designed to "wire" the car, boat (should also
have wired the airplane with the latest technology) house, etc.
in America (please see detail in the chapter of "Surveillance and
Mind Control" by Blanche W. Cook in the book Uncloaking the CIA
edited by. Howard Frazier 1978).

Comparing with above information, I believe what Mr. Lundis said
was credible and is based on his best knowledge.  Furthermore,
The news of ID chips also support Mr. Lundis words. This proves
that the national surveillance system indeed has existed for a
long time.

This is why they installed signal emitters in the car (so, they
can send signals to satellite).  Their purpose should not be only
to find where people are because it's too simple & nonsense.
The real purpose should be to contact their invisible operatives
who read people's thoughts in their cars.  After receiving
information from their invisible operatives in people's cars,
involved LEO of surveillance station/system can know what the
drivers are doing, where the driver is going, and what the
driver's purpose when he/she gets there. Therefore, there's no
privacy in one's car (Press reported a injectable ID-Chip only
cost twenty dollars.  It should have been installed in many cars,
so these cars can be tracked by satellite.)

I'll deduce that the concealed emitter must be installed in the
front of the car between the driver seat & engine (e.g., inside
the steering wheel).  The above situation should have existed for
a long time, and the hidden emitters have been installed in every

If the microwave emitter is indeed installed in the cars, then
the axis of steering wheels should be one of the most probable
area which the radiation waves emitters are installed.  That's
because the axis of steering wheels face the head of the driver
(also, the area of the steering wheel rarely needed to be
repair).  So, the microwaves can be directly emitted onto the
driver's head to force a drive falling asleep..

Furthermore, I have found a heavy & thick hexagonal metal in the
axis of my steering wheel which is connected with a "electric
magnet" (it's made with a iron bar).  The thick & rounded
"electric magnet" isn't a necessary equipment and is connected
with the horn.  That's because they can easily use a wire in
place of the electric magnet (since they especially use the
electric magnet as a part of circuit of the horn instead of using
a wire, it has shown the electric magnetic have other functions).

Also, the heavy & thick hexagonal shape metal is completely
useless in there except to connect with the electric magnet to
increase or change the electromagnetic field.  (The electric
magnet is fixed with the special design, hidden in the axis of
steering wheel, then connect with the hexagonal heavy metal).  I
had already removed this hexagonal metal and insert a
nonconducting material in its place.  I hoped it could block the
electromagnetic wave from being emitted.  I couldn't remove the
electric magnet.  It is held fixed in its place by special
design.  This

prevent anyone whom might doubt the need of a electric magnet's
being in the car's steering wheel and try to remove it.

The hexagonal metal is about 2 lbs. & look like as below:

      /         \
     /   /--\    \
    /   |    |    \
   /     \--/      \
   \               /

There's something look like (black) rubbers but can be used to
complete the circuit.  The similar type of rubber can be found in
video game controllers and is used to complete the circuit when a
button is pressed.  These kind thing (look as rubber) hold this
hexagonal metal on six points also connect with a piece of
triangular shape metal (hold at same six points) on button.  The
piece of triangular metal look like as below:

                    |   |
                   / o   \
                  / /- \  \
                 / |    | _ \
                /   \- / \____\

This piece metal is used to hold the hexagonal metal at a fixed
position & then connect both (The hexagonal metal & the electric

I took apart my car and checked because on several occasion while
driving on the highway, I suffered from abnormal dizziness.

Although I had enough sleep the night before and was full with
energy, I experienced sudden abnormal dizziness without any
warning although I drove only for half hour.  This abnormal
dizziness almost caused me to loose consciousness (hence almost
going into a sleep like state).

I had also experienced this type of abnormal dizziness once when
I had only driven a short distance on local street (for about
twenty minutes).  After reviewing the conditions which these
abnormal dizziness occurred and information concerning hidden
emitters, I strongly suspect that there are some hidden emitters
on my car and can be used to force the driver to fall asleep.
After I found the above electric magnetic parts in my car, I
believe these are parts of the hidden emitter of electromagnetic
wave or microwave radiation.  That's because microwave radiation
(at the right frequency) or VLF (very low frequency
electromagnetic wave) can induce dizziness and cause the target
to loose consciousness.


In 1977, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified
a report describing how vast advances in Soviet psychotronic

The DIA report also said that the Soviets discovered that secret
microwave radiation can be used to induce in unsuspecting
victims: "headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual
disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness,
depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of

The above information has proven microwave radiation can be used
to induce dizziness.

After I put in the nonconducting material to cover the electric
magnet, I also covered it with few pieces of other metals.  I
hope I can block any waves which the electric magnet might emit
out (Before I block this electric magnetic, I have experienced
dizzy situation a few time although I only drove on highway for
only half hour.  The dizziness comes suddenly without any warning
or other bodily discomfort.  After I removed the above parts and
block the electric magnetic, I did not experience these strong
abnormal dizziness situation even after driving for over two
hundred miles). Some people might say that this magnet is a
sensor to determine the position of wheel.  I disagree with it.


I had learned how to maintain a car to keep it working in the
best condition during my military service.  That's because I
learn to drive in the military.  In the military, they teach you
how to maintain your equipment before teaching you how to use it.
So, I learn how to drive with the motto of "learn how to maintain
the car before you learn how to drive". Also, I was certified for
car maintenance in Taiwan.  That's because I have paid tuition to
learn such kind of technique in "Auto repair and maintenance
school" of Taipei.  I received my certification after I passed
the examination and before I immigrated to the US.  So even
though I am not a mechanic but I do know much about a car.

Not only can I perform the routine maintenance job for my car,
but also engine tune up, and cooling system flush.  These kind of
maintenance knowledge allow me to know which parts has usefulness
and which don't.

Those people who think that the electric magnet is only a sensor
showed that they didn't check this parts and think what its
usefulness is. That's because the rounded bar magnet is fixed
with steering wheel and also has a small hole to connect with
another piece of triangular metal.

The piece of triangular metal is already enough to be used for
sensor (Therefore, I don't believe the electric magnetic were
used for sensor. That's because they can only use the piece of
triangular metal to determine the position of wheel).  So it's
obvious.  If they can only use the piece of triangular metal to
determine the position of wheel then they won't need the
hexagonal metal.

What is the function of the hexagonal metal?  I don't think
there's any reason for needing the thick and heavy metal which
weight about 2 lbs. to be installed there.

Also the piece of triangular metal connected with the black
materials in six point of the hexagonal metal then contact with
the electric magnet.

The black materials (look as rubber) can be used to complete
circuit which you can find in the controller of video game.
This can increase the electric field & face to the driver's face.
( I will suspect this is one of emitter [to increase or change
the magnetic field].

However I don't know what is inside of steering column because I
could not to open it by myself. In some of my previous posts, I
have mentioned that some corrupted law enforcement officers
misled the government that these emitters are only used for
surveillance.  However, some hidden emitters can also be used to
injure and even kill the driver because it was designed to be
part of the Life Control Surveillance System.

It's obviously that the above electric magnet plus the hexagonal
metal can be used to emit different frequency as microwave
radiation, electromagnetic waves.  That's the main point.

Even the electric magnet can really be used as sensor.. as they
said. From the view point of other functions, you can say that
the hidden functions of this parts plus the hexagonal metal are
used to produce the electromagnetic waves, microwave radiation,

I deduce that the above metals and black material are the parts
of the concealed emitter which can be remotely activated by a
nearby invisible operatives to emit the microwave radiation on
driver with power beaming system technology (or the invisible
operatives will use the psychotronic generator through the
concealed emitter to beam strong microwave radiation on driver).

However, my car drives fine after I removed the thick & heavy
hexagonal metal.  We know that manufactures always advance their
production method & reduce the unnecessary parts in a product to
reduce the cost.  So, this kind situation is very unusual if any
partS is useless but include in a product.

Everyone can check your car in the axis of steering wheel to find

Second evidence is in the steel frames which divide the driver's
door & the passenger's door.  I describe it as below:

There's a wire connect with the back door to supply the
electrical power to door light in my car.  This wire extent from
the steel frame between two doors (The driver's door and
passenger's door are separated by the steel frame.)

This steel frame is used to hold the seat belt also there's space
inside to install wires.  I found the wires which supply the
electrical power to the door light, are split four wires.

Strangely enough, one of the four wires is connected to some
thing inside the steel frame which was covered in the steel frame
like a box. So people can't see it.  However, this wire supply
the electrical power to something in the box.  I already
disconnect this wire & still drive as normal.

The diagram as below:

         | |   | Steel frame
         | |   | between the door of driver & passenger.
         | |   |
         | |   |
Back     | |   | Something inside of the steel frame
door     | |_ _| but covered with pieces metal as a box.
Light  - |   ! |
         |   ^ |
        4 wires

   A wire connect with the thing as plug ( The ! as a plug locate
in diagram & the wire ^ connect the plug as a outlet.)

Both side of the steel frames which divide the driver & passenger
doors, have the same thing.  If they install hidden microwave
emitter on both side of the frame, it can be used to locate the
passengers in car accurately (microwave imaging devices can be
used look inside the human body for contraband hidden in even
more intimate places -see "The Pocket Radar Revolution", "New
Scientist", 12 August).

I have already disconnected the wire connected with the steel
frames on both side. Now I can drive my car without feeling of

The third evidence is as below:

There's a wire carry electric power whether is negative or
positive charge.  This wire has a rounded hook to connect a screw
then contact with the body of car.  This wire is hidden in the
body side of car near the driver's feet.  This wire is covered
with plastic & rug which use glue to fix it in place & avoid it
from being removed.

Both side near the front door, have the same wire to contact the
body of car.

Car diagram:

                / wheel       |  |   |                 \
       _______ /     _        |  |   |                  \________
                    ( *)      |  |   |  Steel frame
                    /  EMR    |  |   |
                  /  waves    |  | ! |
                              |    ^ |   A wire carry electric
^ wire---@ screw                         power supply unknown device in
                                         frame as a box.

Even I took away these wires, I found that the body of car is
still carrying one of charge (electric).  So it should have other
wire which carry on charge then connect with the body of the car.
These wires connect with car body & always carry one of charge of
electric power (in negative or positive charge) because it came
from the battery.

So it promise that any other wire contact (or remotely controlled
to contact) with the car which is carrying the other charge (
negative or positive charge) then can supply the electric power
as normal.

Based on power beaming system patent, the invisible operatives
can remotely transferred the electromagnetic wave as DC energy to
power the hidden emitters in people's car, boat, home, etc.
within a short distance.  Therefore, the invisible operatives can
remotely power any hidden emitter to attack a target after they
secretly enter the victim's home/office, car, boat, etc. and
nearby the hidden emitters.

The wire in the steel frame should be used exactly as what I

If they try to make a car accident then the electric magnet in
axis can be used a concealed emitter by invisible operatives to
emit large amount of electromagnetic waves to cause driver to
become extremely dizzy and lose consciousness (either use power
beaming system technology or use the special psychotronic
generator through it to send the strong microwave radiation).
Since the invisible operatives can follow a target everywhere, it
has explained that why a mind control victim can be delivered
microwave voices to a victim in his/her home/office, car/bus,
boat, street, etc.  That's because the invisible operatives will
carry the microwave voice device to follow a victim and deliver
microwave voice on a victim from his home, car, boat, etc.

(attachment) The Body Electric by Dr. Robert Becker

In 1973, Dr. Sharp serving as a test subject himself, heard &
understood spoken words delivered to him in a echo free chamber
via a pulsed-microwave audiogram (an analog of the word's sound
vibrations) beamed into his brain.

After I block the electric power on above wires, nothing has gone
wrong & I can drive as normal.

However, the invisible operatives still try to create car
accident on me to kill me.  Their goal is to prevent me to
continuously expose their secrets of life control device,
weapons, hidden emitter, illness/death inducing technique,
invisibility technology, and how could the invisible operatives
create a car accident on a victim, etc. Therefore, the invisible
operatives who secretly enter my car have carried new device to
emit the special ELF on me few times.  This special ELF can cause
an unaware target suddenly fall asleep in a few seconds and the
feeling is different with the microwave radiation.  Fortunately,
I am an aware person and have real knowledge on these invisible
operatives and their technology. Thus, I can keep alive.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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