-Caveat Lector-

>What makes this commentary noteworthy is that the writer is
>Michelle Malkin
>December 29, 2000
>Ignoring a hate crime in D.C.
>Here in the land of pontificators and tolerance preachers, a hateful
>goes unpunished. President Clinton, our lame duck lip-biter, is
nowhere to
>be found. Neither are the chest-beaters at the New York Times.
And the
>rainbow coalition of loud-mouthed minority leaders, always on the
ready to
>exploit racial divisions, seems to have vanished into thin air.
>One month ago this week, cowardly goons firebombed the A-1
grocery store in
>Northeast Washington. No one was injured. But the pipe bomb,
tossed into the
>store's entrance, roasted the front of the building. The vandals also
>spraypainted racist epithets and threats all over the
establishment's outer
>wall. If the owner of the store had been black, and the
neighborhood white,
>this violent incident in the nation's capital would have undoubtedly
>front-page headlines and the nightly news. Instead, it merited a
grand total
>of two stories in the mainstream press -- one in each metro
section of the
>Washington Post and Washington Times -- and a brief editorial in
the Post.
>"It just didn't get a lot of media attention," Lt. Scott Dignan of the
>police told me this week.
>Dignan surmises that the presidential election might have
overshadowed the
>firebombing. But he also notes that the case didn't lend itself to
the "easy
>soundbites" that often accompany other high-profile hate crimes.
>because the victim of this assault is of Asian descent -- Korean
>Frank Han -- and his vocal enemies are members of the
hatemongering New
>Black Panther Party, founded by ex-Nation of Islam official Khallid
>The New Black Panther Party had been boycotting the grocery
story since Nov.
>22, when Han tried to stop a black teenage girl from
shortchanging him over
>an ice cream bar. According to the store owners, the item was 65
cents, but
>the 14-year-old put only a quarter on the counter and then
attempted to
>leave. Surveillance video reportedly showed Han trying to detain
the girl --
>who then initiated a melee by punching Han in the face. Han
struck back in
>self-defense, he says, and the girl's two friends (all of whom had
>school) joined in attacking him. Others entered the scene,
ransacking and
>stealing from the store.
>Instead of condemning the youths for breaking school rules and
terrorizing a
>local, law-abiding business, radical black activists demonstrated
at the
>store chanting "black power," "shut 'em down," and "death to the
>bloodsucker." The Washington Times reported that one "field
marshal" for the
>group shouted into a megaphone: "We will use all means
necessary, any means
>necessary, to shut this store down." Malik Shabazz, a New Black
>attorney, accused the store of "stealing" in an "exploitive
relationship, or
>what some people call 'bloodsucking.'"
>"Bloodsucker" is a pet term of the New Black Panther Party,
hurled at
>Asians, Jews, whites, and anyone else making an honest living
instead of
>carping about racism.
>Shabazz said his group had nothing to do with the firebombing.
Yet, the
>message of the boycotters was the same message the bombers
left at the
>store: "Burn them down, Shut them down, Black Power!" The
group's leader,
>Khallid Muhammad, is infamous for his embrace of race-based
violence. He
>advised the new black-led government of South Africa to murder
all whites
>who refused to the leave the country: "We kill the women. We kill
>babies, we kill the blind. We kill the cripples. We kill them all."
He also
>praised Colin Ferguson, the Long Island commuter train gunman
>slaughtered whites and Asian-Americans in a racist rage.
>From New York to Los Angeles, black resentment against Asian-
>entrepreneurs has boiled into violence. Few dare to denounce it
for fear of
>antagonizing a politically protected group that disguises its hatred
>a cloak of victimhood. This corrupt racial double standard must
>An FBI spokesman told me the agency completed an
investigation into the
>firebombing last week. The incoming Bush administration can
show its
>commitment to civil rights -- and begin the "healing" -- by
prosecuting the
>hate-filled perpetrators in the A-1 grocery store case to the full
extent of
>the law.


Every major horror of history was committed in the name of an altruistic motive. --Ayn 

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