----- Original Message -----
>   Quite a realistic description of western European vultures gorging
> on economic corpses of Baltic states.
>   Regards, Igor 
> >
> > http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/jan2001/swe-j03.shtml
> >
> >
> >                 WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe
> >
> >                 Sweden strives to deepen EU
> >                 penetration of Baltic states
> >
> >                 By Steve James
> >                 3 January 2001
> >
> >                 Use this version to print
> >
> >                 The Swedish government took
> >                 over the presidency of the
> >                 European Union on January 1,
> >                 2001. Besides pursuing the EU
> >                 agenda set out at the Nice
> >                 summit, the social democratic
> >                 administration led by Goran
> >                 Perrson's will attempt to
> >                 advance Swedish business
> >                 interests within the framework of
> >                 EU enlargement. This means
> >                 pushing forward Swedish and
> >                 Scandinavian plans to
> >                 incorporate the Baltic states of
> >                 Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,
> >                 along with Poland and North
> >                 Eastern Russia, into the EU
> >                 sphere of influence.
> >
> >                 The presidency of the EU
> >                 Council is shared between all the
> >                 member countries on a rotational
> >                 basis. For six months the national
> >                 government with presidential
> >                 responsibility hosts and chairs
> >                 EU conferences at governmental,
> >                 ministerial and working group
> >                 level. The same government also
> >                 produces statements explaining
> >                 how it is going to promote
> >                 general EU programmes on
> >                 enlargement, foreign or social
> >                 policy. To ensure the dominance
> >                 of the big European powers, the
> >                 presidency works with the
> >                 previous and successor
> >                 presidencies in a "troika." This
> >                 has meant that the largest EU
> >                 countries-Britain, France,
> >                 Germany, and Italy-are never
> >                 out of a presidential position,
> >                 even though presidential slots
> >                 were allocated alphabetically.
> >                 Enlargement has given rise to the
> >                 present system whereby no three
> >                 small countries ever hold the
> >                 presidency in succession.
> >
> >                 The EU presidency nevertheless
> >                 gives any national government
> >                 the opportunity to bang its own
> >                 drum and to push forward its
> >                 interests. The British presidency
> >                 in 1998, for example, gave the
> >                 Blair Labour government the
> >                 opportunity to promote the EU in
> >                 Britain, and use the weight of the
> >                 EU to push its own interests in
> >                 Africa. Of 80 foreign policy
> >                 statements issued by the British
> >                 presidency, and reported on their
> >                 website, 24 were on Africa. The
> >                 early 1999 German presidency
> >                 was distinguished by a crisis
> >                 triggered by the resignation of
> >                 the EU Commission in
> >                 opposition to German plans to
> >                 modernise the EU's bureaucratic
> >                 structures.
> >
> >                 Finland's presidency of late 1999
> >                 sought to promote the EU's
> >                 "Northern Dimension" through
> >                 which Finland, and Sweden in
> >                 particular are seeking to
> >                 dominate the Baltic states and
> >                 North Eastern Russia. Finland
> >                 hosted a "Northern Dimension"
> >                 conference notable for the fact
> >                 that no leading foreign minister
> >                 attended, because general
> >                 European interests were more
> >                 concerned with the developing
> >                 crisis in Chechnya.
> >
> >                 Portugal's presidency, in the first
> >                 half of 2000, was dominated by
> >                 disputes between the "small" EU
> >                 nations and the leading powers
> >                 over whether sanctions imposed
> >                 in the aftermath of Jörg Haider's
> >                 Austrian Freedom Party's
> >                 accession to power could be
> >                 overturned. Portugal led the
> >                 small nations' campaign to
> >                 present the sanctions as an
> >                 unwarranted interference in a
> >                 country's internal affairs.
> >
> >                 Jacques Chirac hailed the French
> >                 presidency, in the last six months
> >                 of 2000, in particularly
> >                 chauvinist terms. "A great
> >                 country like ours always has the
> >                 ability to exert influence and
> >                 give a lead to Europe. The
> >                 exercise of the presidency
> >                 reinforces this ability. So this is a
> >                 most important time in our life as
> >                 a nation, a propitious time for
> >                 taking the initiative and for
> >                 action," he pontificated. The
> >                 main markers of the French
> >                 tenure were the promotion of an
> >                 independent EU military force
> >                 and the conclusion of the Nice
> >                 summit, whose principal impact
> >                 will be to increase the influence
> >                 of the large countries during the
> >                 process of EU enlargement.
> >
> >                 Immediately prior to Stockholm
> >                 taking on the presidency,
> >                 Swedish Foreign Minister Anna
> >                 Lindh and British EU
> >                 Commissioner for External
> >                 Relations Chris Patten have
> >                 penned an article in the
> >                 Financial Times calling for
> >                 concrete EU action on the
> >                 Northern Dimension. That
> >                 Patten, a former Conservative
> >                 government minister and the last
> >                 British governor of Hong Kong,
> >                 should associate himself closely
> >                 with the Northern Dimension,
> >                 hitherto primarily a
> >                 Scandinavian concern, is
> >                 significant. Following the Danish
> >                 referendum rejecting adopting
> >                 the euro in September, Britain
> >                 has attempted to develop tactical
> >                 alliances with EU members not
> >                 in the euro zone-principally
> >                 Denmark and Sweden-as a
> >                 counterweight to France and
> >                 Germany. Britain also sought
> >                 Swedish support at the recent
> >                 Nice summit in defence of its
> >                 national vetoes on tax and
> >                 welfare policies.
> >
> >                 Patten and Lindh stressed that the
> >                 Northern Dimension was a
> >                 crucial aspect of EU policy on
> >                 Russia. Russian nuclear waste,
> >                 the problem of Russia's
> >                 Kaliningrad enclave, which will
> >                 be wholly surrounded by the EU
> >                 should Poland and Lithuania
> >                 successful negotiate EU entry,
> >                 and how to direct infrastructure
> >                 funds to the Northern region all
> >                 demanded resolution.
> >
> >                 "The Northern Dimension must
> >                 be seen as an all-European
> >                 commitment, just as much as EU
> >                 policies towards the
> >                 Mediterranean and the western
> >                 Balkans," Lindh and Patten
> >                 wrote
> >
> >                 Beyond diplomatic
> >                 considerations in the increasingly
> >                 fractious internal EU relations,
> >                 British interests in the region
> >                 revolve around potentially
> >                 lucrative contracts in disposing
> >                 of nuclear waste and debris from
> >                 the collapsing remains of the
> >                 ex-Soviet nuclear fleet and oil
> >                 exploration in the Barents Sea.
> >                 British companies have also
> >                 acquired significant assets in the
> >                 ongoing privatisation of the
> >                 Baltic countries infrastructure
> >                 and transport companies. United
> >                 Utilities has recently taken
> >                 control of the Estonian capital
> >                 Talinin's water supply. GB
> >                 Railways acquired the country's
> >                 regional railway Edelaraudtee,
> >                 while RailAmerica bought out
> >                 the state-owned national
> >                 operator Eesti Raudtee.
> >
> >                 The Scandinavian countries are
> >                 by far the biggest investors in the
> >                 small Baltic States, however.
> >                 With common borders and sea
> >                 links, Scandinavian capital has
> >                 been pouring into the
> >                 neighbouring Baltic states, for
> >                 example, foreign capital is
> >                 particularly attracted by
> >                 Estonia's extremely low wages.
> >                 Other factors are proximity to
> >                 European markets and relative
> >                 political stability. Favourable
> >                 privatisation terms mean 80
> >                 percent of Baltic enterprises are
> >                 expected to be in overseas hands
> >                 by 2002/3.
> >
> >                 The Swedish Skandinaviska
> >                 Enskilda Banke, dominated by
> >                 the plutocratic Wallenberg
> >                 family, now controls three of the
> >                 leading banks in each of the
> >                 Baltic states. As of July 2000,
> >                 out of $2.2 billion in foreign
> >                 direct investment (FDI) in
> >                 Lithuania 18.1 percent was
> >                 Swedish, 13.4 percent American,
> >                 9.9 percent Finnish, and 9.7
> >                 percent Danish. In Latvia by
> >                 1999, Sweden was the largest
> >                 single investor followed by
> >                 Estonia, Finland, Germany,
> >                 Britain, and Denmark. Denmark
> >                 is the biggest single Latvian
> >                 investor (14 percent) followed by
> >                 America (10 percent), Germany
> >                 and Sweden (8 percent each),
> >                 Russia and the UK (7
> >                 percent)-out of a total
> >                 cumulative FDI of $1.88 billion.
> >
> >                 Of all the Baltic states, Estonia
> >                 shows Scandinavian
> >                 predominance most clearly. By
> >                 September 2000, of $2.5 billion
> >                 FDI, 39 percent was from
> >                 Sweden, 31 percent from
> >                 Finland, 4.5 percent from the
> >                 USA, 4.3 percent from Norway,
> >                 4.1 percent from Denmark and
> >                 only 2.7 percent from Germany.
> >
> >                 Poland, by contrast, is
> >                 principally attracting large
> >                 amounts of German and US
> >                 investment. Of an estimated $38
> >                 billion total, Germany accounts
> >                 for 15.6 percent, the US 13.2
> >                 percent, France 9.9 percent,
> >                 Netherlands 8.3 percent and Italy
> >                 8.2 percent. Unlike its
> >                 penetration of the Baltic states,
> >                 Sweden is in 14th position
> >                 amongst investors in Poland with
> >                 only 2 percent of FDI.
> >
> >                 See Also:
> >                 European Union summit in Nice
> >                 increases weight of larger
> >                 countries
> >                 [13 December 2000]
> >                 Rightwing violence in Sweden
> >                 [29 November 2000]
> >
> >                            Top of page
> >
> >                 Readers: The WSWS invites your comments.
> >                         Please send e-mail.
> >
> >
> >
> >                        Copyright 1998-2000
> >                       World Socialist Web Site
> >                         All rights reserved
> >
> >
> >

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