-Caveat Lector-

do not blame the domestic jews or the domestic moslems or
christians.....these are zionist who care little whether the relics of
the holy land and rock of dome are blown off the face of the earth.

Understand now why King Faisal was murdered withone one year of saying
the Zionists were the enemies of the domestic jews and arabs.  Murdered
by a black from Berkley.

Now suddenly in Witchita how many pepole, all white murdered by blacks?
And who is that that threatened to loose these people on white
America.....black negro Americans claiming to be moslems who know
nothing of the Koran....this Black House of Israel, black Jews that
lived beside Jonestown - led by a murderer later arrested when he
returned to America?

These blacks during 60 period threated to cut off heads of people - so
now are the arabs to be vilified and we will identify the domestic
moslems in Holy Land with true followers of Islam?   Blacks murder a man
who was to become a priest and 5 other people - raped and sodomized the
women and execution type murders.....murdered a cellist - but oh, no
mention these people were black - would not want to offend Jesse Jackson
or Al Sharpton or Black Panthers?

Why would Black Nationalists tell the news media they wanted the heads
of the McClellan Commitee - the Kennedys worked on that committee trying
to put away Jewish Mafia only we were led to believe they were all

Its the big picture that counts and Ehud is true to form -threatning to
assassinate or execute any opposition and you wonder what really
happened to the USS Cole?

Just remembre the USS Liberty and you will know......Ehud aka Brug went
to Stanford a think tank and now he attempts to terrorize the domestic
jews and domestic moslems and christians....well it will not work.

So Clinton has approved War Criminal Trials?   He is a wanted man in the
Balkans for he and Albright have been tried as War Criminals and one
could add Barak to that list......

Same tactics used against JFK?   Military executions ordered by whom?

Times are changing and Barak has joined CYAfor he is afraid....imagine
he will dress like a woman again, only this time he will escape with his
purse and find a place of refuge for those arabs do not look to me like
they are fearful of the likes of him........his tactics are salme as
Putins - and look to RubyRidge and Waco to see what has happened in
America under Clinton, Barak, Putin - and Blair and do not forget the
USS Liberty and the HIV polluted Aids invested blood Clinton sold which
ended up all over Europe and now becomes worse in white Russia?

None dare call this murder or genocide?   And these men, these vicious
assassins, Clinton, Blair, Ehud Barak, Putin of KGB - all in same boat -
Manchurian Candidates who sing out of same song book, but they sure as
hell are not the Morning Stars......they are the Grim Reapers.

Evil is as evil does.......might do well to remember our men who died in
WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and all over the world to the Gulf Was and now
dying from war in Balkans - to whom no national monument was ever built
in their honor....no shrine for WWII soldiers....

Hatemonger was right about one thing, whoever he is -60 million or so
died in that war and not just 6 million - all through my manuscript I
had to go through and changei it to I had 55 million, for I had been
brainwashed virtually into believing only 6 million jews died.

So who does control the propganda these days and who would censor anyone
not thinking as ADL????    Well  check out FBI hate list and remember
that the ADL has created and supported these hate foundatoins and this
one jewish foundation in particular has put 3,000 groups on hate list
which is a crime unto itself and they should be sued for billions of

55 million and more died in WWII - many left home to never return,
marching to a song written by Irvining Berlin - he didnot fight in the
war, he was a political propagandist who got off easy and made fast

Keep Your Powder Dry for Bush must know more about what is planned than
he is telling us........never under-estimate a gentleman C for Bushs
real problem is he is not a gifted speaker.    Beats the hell out of
Clinton and Gore, in my opinion that is.


So the South Has Arisen......like a Beautiful Dreamer Wake Unto Me they
are rising and maybe in the spring some of this planned chaos will be
met with opposition - finally - and maybe Jesse Jackson and these killer
Black Panthers and the likes will be sent to prison - like the ones Gore
and Clinton sent out to intimidate Mrs. Bush, carrying Uzis at her

Have feeling Mr. Sharpson in his 300 dollar suits and Jackson with his
300 dollar mouth
could all end up in slammer - and remember like King, they use this
bible calendar and believe me, by their fruits I shall know them.

Beware of those who say they are jews and are not - Joseph Lieberman is
Zionist/CFR.......presidential material in waiting, as Clinton was
Presidential maaterial in wating, for these are the ones who are

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