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Subject: a good post
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 21:35:45 -0500

[This was forwarded to me this evening.  I don't know the
officer personally, do not even know his name, and didn't
see it on the newsgroup mentioned.  Some might respond to it
with a "natives are getting restless" mentality.   I think
the "natives" are just waking up.  VR]

This message was posted by a ... retired police officer.  He
put it on a newsgroup for the Sacramento Police Department.

Here is what a real cop thinks about "gun control".

I have read with interest many of the posting regarding the
illegal new laws going once again into effect tomorrow
(Jan.1, 2001).  There are some who have mentioned "looking
the other way" when an "honest" (I assume that means no
criminal history) citizen is found to be in violation of the
new laws.  One or two others say that makes the police into
"law breakers" themselves.

I put it to you that your oath of office, and that of every
military person up to and including our elected
representatives has a clause in it which reads "to protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States".  This
oath is then convienently forgotten in the race to obtain
more money, power, prestige, and pandering to the vocal
minorities - to the point where we are now a lousy and
dangerous democracy with the rule of law and the
Constitutional protections as a Republic having been stolen
from us.

Those of you who say ignoring the law makes us "law
breakers" simply haven't a clue.  It is the people who
follow such laws, allow the Constitution to be shredded, our
freedoms by-passed in the name of "making it safe", elected
representatives who connive and sell out our freedoms for
their own agendas that are the law breakers!  And they
should be tried for treason.

You who do not know your own nations history, the
magnificent document called the Constitution that was
created to not only govern us but to PROTECT US from
government, have not an ingling of what I speak.

Our courts are filled with political hacks with their own
agendas as well as elected officials who believe the laws
are what they make them to be.  THEY ARE NOT!  The laws are
what the Consitution says they are and if not specifically
delegated and enumerated in that document then government
has NO AUTHORITY over a citizen.  Alas, 97% of what passes
for laws these days have no basis in Consitutional authority
- they are merely power grabs by people with agendas to
control your life at every level.

I leave you with this thought and one piece of effective
California history.  First the thought - why not start a
national organization of police officers who refuse to
enforce illegal laws?  You say can't be done - bullshit!
What a message to send to these pompous socialists!!!  Think
of it, police officers who are standing up for the
protection of our citizen's rights!  Police officers who
intend to honor their oath to "protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States."

Lastly, right here in California, in fact in San Francisco
(but none of these stout souls live there now I assure you!)
in 1851 and again in 1856.  That word that we police think
is so dangerous (and with some good reason); Vigilantes.
Things were so bad in San Francisco during the above periods
that Vigilante committees were formed to deal with it.  Much
like today, judges on the take, with political agendas, not
enforcing the Constitutional laws, corrupt politicians,
voter fruad (sound familiar?), etc. forced the people to
take action to restore their rights and protect themselves
from tyranny.

Out of this vigilante action came a true hero and honest
man; William T. Coleman.  He made sure that every letter of
the law, even though under Vigilante organization, was
followed.  Fair trials with correct judicial procedure were
given, and sentences immediately carried out per the law.
They held open elections with ballot watchers to enforce
fair and open voting throughtout the city, and generaly
cleaned up the city.

William T. Coleman as quoted by James B. Scherer in "Lion of
the Vigilantes", justified the vigilante committees of 1851
and 1856 by saying:  "Who made the laws and set agents over
them?  The people.  Who saw these laws neglected,
disregarded, abused, trampled on?  The people.  Who had the
right to protect these laws, and administer them when their
servants had failed?  The people."

No government, at any level, has the authoriX-Mozilla-Status: 0009DOMS as given under 
our Constitution!  We have the right
and duty to undo these wrongs, through peaceful means if
possible, through force of arms if necessary!

--- End forwarded message ---

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