-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Wed, 03 Jan 2001 14:48:54 -0800
From:                   Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                SNET: Why Is ABC Lying About Mad Cow Disease?
To:                     Surfing the Apocalypse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Armageddon or New Age? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Why Is ABC Lying About Mad Cow Disease?
by Robert Lederman

On 12/26/2000 ABCTV's news show Nightline did a lengthy piece on mad cow
disease-see their transcript at

In the report they went to great pains to claim that:
1. There was not one case in the US
2. US cattle are not fed animal parts, bone meal etc-which is officially
considered the likeliest source of the disease.

There are both knowingly false claims. Hundreds of thousands of animals in
the US are infected. Once you read the quotes below about what US cattle are
really being fed you'll never look at a steak the same way again.

You may recall that ABC investigative reporter John Stossel was reprimanded
recently and forced to publicly apologize for a report he did that used
false data to "prove" that organic food was no safer or more nutritious than
foods repeatedly sprayed with pesticides. Once again ABCTV is up to it's old
tricks, creating a seemingly well-documented news piece that is in reality
nothing more than a vehicle for corporate disinformation.

Here's Nightline's summation of the mad cow story excerpted from their
transcript. Note the claim about cattle feed then compare it to the US News
and World Report excerpt and other related news clips below about what is
really being fed to US cattle. Most European nations and Japan prohibit all
imports of US beef, dairy and many other food-related products based on
public health concerns.

The FDA, EPA and other health related agencies will be in charge of handling
this issue under GW Bush. Considering who he has picked so far as his agency
heads-virtually all of whom are connected to corporate polluters, the oil
industry or the CIA-and the fact that cattle-raising states are his top
financial contributors and political allies it would seem very unlikely that
GW Bush will do anything to rectify this situation.

Perhaps the most ironic aspect of the Nightline piece was that it repeatedly
criticized British and European leaders for deceiving their constituents
about the problem in order to protect their food industries. We know that
could never happen here in the US-right?

Nightline's mad cow story was just the latest effort by the corporate media
to protect the interests of this nation's incredibly corrupt food
industry-America's largest recipient of corporate welfare. However,
protecting profits may only be part of the motivation. Spreading disease via
the food supply is an effective method of Eugenics or population control.

While much of the media can be accurately described as having a CIA
influence, ABCTV carries that influence to the ultimate degree having been
directly owned by a CIA director and a consortium of top level US
intelligence veterans. From 1985-1996 ABC was owned by Capital Cities-an
investment company whose top stockholder was then CIA director William
Casey. It continues to give the intelligence community's version of the
news, particularly in shows like Nightline.

"MICHEL MARTIN Joining us now, Nightline correspondent Dave Marash. David,
Americans do import some beef, so why isn't this a problem here?

DAVE MARASH Well, the real answer is, Michel, that meat and bone meal, the
cattle feed used in the United Kingdom and much of Europe and the rest of
the world, which is the likeliest cause of mad cow disease, is not used as
cattle feed here. As a result, we have never had a home-grown case of mad
cow disease. There have been a couple of cases of animals imported from
overseas that turned out to be infected-principally sheep. They've been
quarantined. And as yet, as I say, no American cases of mad cow disease."

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT Sept. 1, 1997
The next bad beef scandal? Cattle feed now contains things like manure and
dead cats-

"To trim costs, many farmers add a variety of waste substances to their
livestock and poultry feed--and no one is making sure they are doing so
safely. Chicken manure in particular, which costs from $15 to $45 a ton in
comparison with up to $125 a ton for alfalfa, is increasingly used as feed
by cattle farmers despite possible health risks to consumers. In regions
with large poultry operations, such as California, the South, and the
mid-Atlantic, more and more farmers are turning to chicken manure as a
cheaper alternative to grains and hay...Health officials are not as
enthusiastic. Chicken manure often contains campylobacter and salmonella
bacteria, which can cause disease in humans, as well as intestinal
parasites, veterinary drug residues, and toxic heavy metals such as arsenic,
lead, cadmium, and mercury. These bacteria and toxins are passed on to the
cattle and can be cycled to humans who eat beef contaminated by feces during
slaughter. A scientific paper scheduled for publication this fall in the
journal Preventive Medicine points to the potential dangers of recycling
chicken waste to cattle.

"Feeding manure that has not been properly processed is supercharging the
cattle feces with pathogens likely to cause disease in consumers," says Dr.
Neal Barnard, head of the Washington, D.C.--based health lobby Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine, an author of the article...In addition,
some 40 billion pounds a year of slaughterhouse wastes like blood, bone, and
viscera, as well as the remains of millions of euthanized cats and dogs
passed along by veterinarians and animal shelters, are rendered annually
into livestock feed--in the process turning cattle and hogs, which are
natural herbivores, into unwitting carnivores...Animal-feed manufacturers
and farmers also have begun using or trying out dehydrated food garbage,
fats emptied from restaurant fryers and grease traps, cement-kiln dust, even
newsprint and cardboard that are derived from plant cellulose. Researchers
in addition have experimented with cattle and hog manure, and human sewage

UPI Headline: WHO warns mad cow has spread worldwide
Wire Service: OTC (COMTEX Newswire) Date: Sat, Dec 23, 2000

GENEVA, Switzerland, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- World Health Organization medical
experts said Friday the global agency is concerned the mad cow disease and
its fatal human variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease has spread worldwide
through the movement of contaminated materials. "We have concerns that there
was sufficient international trade in meat and bone meal and cattle that
there has actually been exposure worldwide already," Dr. Maura Ricketts, of
the WHO's animal and food-related public health risks unit, told reporters
following an informal meeting of scientific and policy experts from
international agencies. The WHO estimates that between Nov. 1986 and Dec.
2000 about 180,000 animal cases of BSE were confirmed in the United Kingdom
and about 1,300 in other European countries primarily France, Ireland,
Portugal and Switzerland. Moreover, Germany and Spain reported their first
cases in November of this year."

Is The Cause Prions or Pesticides?
What may be an even bigger case of public deception is that many scientists
now believe mad cow disease is caused by organophosphate pesticides rather
than by infected cattle feed-which nevertheless remains a very serious
public health concern. These pesticides are in everything from baby food and
vaccines to head lice medications used on school children. Organophosphate
pesticides-which were invented by the Nazis for the purpose of chemical
warfare-are also exactly what the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and NYC
Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani ordered massively sprayed on NYC last year during the alleged West
Nile Virus crisis.

SEE: http://www.mercola.com/2000/dec/17/bovine_spongiform_disease.htm
entitled: Insecticide Causes Mad Cow Disease

Important evidence to support this theory is that deer and elk herds which
feed on grass rather than commercially-produced feed are also experiencing
an epidemic of mad cow disease.
SEE: http://www.cfia-acia.agr.ca/english/anima/heasan/disemala/cwdmdce.shtml

"Chronic wasting disease was first seen in Colorado, in 1967, in deer
belonging to several research facilities. Since then, the disease has been
diagnosed in captive and wild deer and elk in northern Colorado and southern
Wyoming. Recently, CWD has also been found in farmed elk in Nebraska and
South Dakota. In the 1970's, CWD occurred at the Metro Toronto Zoo, in a
mule deer that had been imported from a zoological park in Colorado. The
mule deer was humanely destroyed and incinerated. In 1996, CWD was diagnosed
in Saskatchewan in a game ranched elk that had been imported from the United
States. All animals that had been exposed to the disease were humanely
destroyed. Chronic wasting disease has recently been diagnosed in a ranched
elk in Saskatchewan. The elk's dam had been imported from the United

FROM: www.mad-cow.org
U.S. Government Researchers Find Mad Deer Disease, Like Mad Cow Disease, Can
Infect Normal Human Brains-Public Health and Farming Groups Demand FDA
Action To Protect Humans and Animals from Fatal Disease in U.S.

"Washington, D.C.-- Public health advocates are demanding that the Food and
Drug Administration close loopholes in animal feed regulations to prevent
the spread of U.S. mad cow-type diseases -- now at epidemic levels in
Western deer and elk - that might infect people who eat meat. In a letter
sent today to the FDA, the Center for Food Safety (CFS), the Humane Farming
Association and families of U.S. victims of the human version of mad cow
disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), are demanding new efforts to
protect public health and food safety. The FDA was asked to respond to a
legal petition filed in January 1999 that would change U.S. animal feed
regulations to prevent the spread of U.S. mad cow-type diseases already
occurring in deer, elk, sheep and humans, and suspected in pigs and cattle.
Under current FDA regulations, animals known to be infected with mad
cow-type disease such as deer, elk and sheep, can be legally fed to pigs,
chickens and pets, which in turn can be rendered and fed to cows. Billions
of pounds of slaughterhouse waste in the form of rendered animal by-products
are fed to U.S. livestock every year as fat and protein supplements, despite
this practice being the known route of transmission of British mad cow
disease. A fatal "mad deer" disease called chronic wasting disease is
occurring at epidemic levels in deer and elk in Western states and on game
farms, CFS legal director Joseph Mendelson wrote in the letter to the FDA.
This may already be claiming human lives as is suggested by the alarming
appearance of unusually young victims ofCJD."

Headline: Stop factory farming and end BSE, UK scientists say
Wire Service: RTna (Reuters North America)
Date: Mon, Dec 4, 2000

"LONDON (Reuters) - UK scientists urged Europe on Monday to help farmers
move away from intensive agriculture, saying the end of factory farming was
the only way to kill mad cow disease. The scientists, who advised and
criticized the UK government at the height of Britain's mad cow crisis, told
EU farm ministers that tests for bovine spongiform encephalopathy were not
sensitive enough to guarantee BSE-free beef."

Here's a good example of the kind of deception US officials specialize in
when balancing public health concerns against the interests of their bosses
in the food industry.

Headline: U.S. does not share EU's mad cow fears
Glickman Wire Service: RTna (Reuters North America)
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2000

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumers do not share Europe's "hysteria" over
mad cow disease because of an effective U.S. regulatory system, said U.S.
Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman on Wednesday. "The European Union is
struggling to rebuild consumer confidence in Europe's beef after fresh
outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease in
France and Spain."There seems to be a hysteria over there," Glickman told
reporters after attending a food bank event with President Clinton. Mad cow
disease was "something that we have avoided in our country through having an
effective regulatory system," he added. BSE's human form, known as new
variant Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, has killed more than 80 people in Britain
and two in France. There is no known cure for the deadly disease that wastes
away the brain. Spain reported its first case of the disease on Wednesday.
Although no cases of BSE or mad cow disease have ever been found in the
United States, four Vermont sheep in July tested positive for a disease
related to BSE. The USDA is seeking legal authority to seize about 350
Vermont sheep suspected of having TSE, or transmissible spongiform

New York Times, Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Biologists Say Hunters Should Beware of Brain Disease

"Likening the situation to the early days of the mad cow epidemic in
Britain, some biologists say American hunters should be warned about a
similar malady that has infected wild deer and elk in parts of Colorado and
Wyoming. The malady is called chronic wasting disease. While no cases of
human disease have been directly traced to deer or elk meat, there is a
growing body of evidence to suggest that it could happen. And with the
hunting season in full swing, a number of scientists are calling for more
action to warn hunters about the potential problem...The best available
science shows that chronic wasting disease can infect human tissue but
wildlife officials are carrying on with "business as usual," said Dr. Tom
Pringle, a biologist in Eugene, Ore., who closely follows T.S.E. worldwide
and independently studies the disease. "Who'd want hamburger from a cow
where 15 percent of the herd had mad cow disease?" Dr. Pringle asked. "Who'd
want mutton from a sheep where 15 percent of the sheep had scrapie? To me it
looks like Russian roulette for hunters."

Also see: NY Times 12/1/2000
As Mad Cow Disease Spreads in Europe, Consumers Panic;
NY Times 10/29/2000 British Wrongly Lulled People on 'Mad Cow,' Report Finds

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (718) 743-3722

West Nile Virus, Bush, Giuliani, Manhattan Institute, Eugenics Info

SprayNo archives

Street artist info

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