-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 134 January, 2001

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"In all times and all places, whatever be the name that the government
takes, whatever has been its origin or its organization, its essential
function is always that of oppressing and exploiting the masses, and of
defending the oppressors and exploiters. Its principal characteristic and
indispensable instruments are the policeman and the tax collector, the
soldier and the prison. "
--Errico Malatesta, 'Anarchy', 1891
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)
--AFIC Ready to Serve President-Elect Bush
--Election Anger Fuels Inaugural Protesters
--January 20th Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc Update and Call
--Every Protester Counts
--How the Republicans Stole the Election
--The Kennebunkport Hillbilly
Linked stories:
        *BUSH v. GORE [Supreme Court ruling]
        *Great printable posters for the Inauguration protests
        *Bush prepares a government of reaction and militarism
        *Drug Companies' Tests in Poor Countries Raise Ethical Questions
        *Canada considers mandatory voting
        *Judge says illegal phone taps can be used in bomb trial
        *Micro-broadcasters dealt a blow
        *Big government invades the Internet
        *Family ties, political bias linked US Supreme Court justices to Bush camp
Begin stories:
AFIC Ready to Serve President-Elect Bush

By Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2000 -- The Armed Forces Inaugural
Committee is standing by, ready to serve President-elect
George W. Bush.

Nearly 5,000 service members will take part in the nation's
54th presidential inauguration on Jan. 20. A core group of
military planners, logisticians and operations officers has
been working for months to make military support happen.

The AFIC paves the way for two groups responsible for the
inauguration. The Joint Inaugural Committee runs the
inaugural ceremony on the Capitol grounds. The Presidential
Inaugural Committee, a nongovernmental organization from
the president-elect's party conducts the inaugural events.

The PIC decides whether or not to have a parade, schedules
inaugural balls and decides who will attend the
inauguration. Once the invitation list is set, the military
facilitates the movement of those people, he said.

The AFIC has been up and running since January. Working in
temporary offices at L'Enfant Plaza in a General Services
Administration building, committee members have been
readying the stage and coordinating DoD support for the 10-
day inaugural period, Jan. 15 to 24.

DoD guidelines outline what support the military can
provide. The AFIC has a $4.1 million operating budget
allocated over two fiscal years. The military identified
post-inaugural homes for its big-ticket purchases such as
computers and cameras.

Tradition is the basis of the military support honoring the
new commander in chief, according to Army Brig. Gen. Nick
Perkins, committee deputy director. The military has taken
part in the inauguration since George Washington took
office as the nation's first president.

Military participation reaffirms civilian control of the
military, lends a sense of patriotism to the inaugural
events and showcases the armed forces, Perkins said. The
AFIC pulls together transportation, communications and
other logistical aspects, he said. Active duty and reserve
members from all five services will have a chance to work
on the high-visibility, joint operation.

The logistics team provides everything from more than 100
drivers for VIPs to command post electrical generators.
While the AFIC's focus is on the ceremonial aspects of the
inauguration, the team also makes contingency plans that
take into account bad weather, civil disturbances,
terrorist acts and more.

AFIC officials also coordinate the color guards, military
bands, ceremonial units and others that will participate in
the parade and inaugural ceremony. In addition to the
parade units, about 1,800 service members will form an
honor cordon from the White House to the Capitol.

Service members will also support galas and balls that
occur after the inauguration ceremony. This generally
consists of a joint-service color guard, as well as
musicians. Generally, the Army's Herald Trumpets play
ruffles and flourishes and "Hail to the Chief" at functions
the president attends.

AFIC's Joint Operations Center will be the hub for
coordinating and controlling all the military activities.
The operations section is also preparing for a gamut of
contingencies, everything from a horse going lame to an
assassination attempt.

For more information on the Armed Forces Inaugural
Committee, see: <http://www.afic.army.mil/>

Election Anger Fuels Inaugural Protesters

By David Montgomery and Arthur Santana
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, December 21, 2000; Page A10

The raw wounds left by the presidential election finale have created
enough irritation to unleash one of the largest inauguration protests in
years, according to veteran organizers and police officials.

"This will be by far the biggest counter-inauguration since the 1973
Nixon counter-inauguration," predicted Brian Becker, co-director of the
International Action Center in New York, who has demonstrated at
numerous presidential swearing-in events. "We organize protests not
infrequently, and we know when something has legs and when it
doesn't have legs. This one does."

At the second inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon, police
estimated there were 25,000 to 100,000 demonstrators, including
some who threw fruit and stones at Nixon's car. The total crowd was
about 300,000.

D.C. police are expecting about 750,000 people on Jan. 20 when
President-elect Bush is sworn in, and they said they think many
demonstrators will be content to voice their displeasure peacefully.

Becker's group, like several others hoping to flood parts of the city on
Inauguration Day, had been planning to be in Washington no matter
who won the election. But enough people think the outcome was
illegitimate, he said, that it has cranked up protest passion. Within
hours of the Dec. 12 U.S. Supreme Court decision blocking Vice
President Gore's effort to recount votes in Florida, Becker and other
organizers said, their Web sites were deluged with inquiries.

"There's a tremendous amount of spontaneous organizing going on,"
said Becker, 48.

A rainbow of left-leaning groups had planned to rally on the Mall to
vent outrage at a variety of demons, including racism, the death
penalty and the corporate influence on politics. But complaints that
some Florida votes were not counted, including those of many African
Americans, have given demonstrators powerful common issues.

Unlike the street protests against the World Bank in April, no civil
disobedience has been planned, organizers say. They said the
demonstrations will feature signs, chants, giant puppets, skits and a
squad of radical stilt walkers being trained in Philadelphia.

"We are not planning to shut down the inauguration," Becker said. "We
are planning to make it plain that the inaugural route is not the private
property of those who support the death penalty, so we're going to be
well-represented on that parade route."

D.C. police aren't taking any chances with protesters' intentions,
according to Executive Assistant Chief Terrance W. Gainer. He said he
expects fewer than 5,000 unruly demonstrators might try to disrupt the
inauguration, along with thousands of peaceful demonstrators.

In addition to the D.C. force, thousands of suburban and federal
officers will participate in what officials described as an unprecedented
level of security.

The Justice Action Movement, an alliance of Washington area
protesters, yesterday sent D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey a letter
requesting a meeting to discuss plans for peaceful protests. Cmdr.
Michael Radzilowski, who is in charge of special operations, said
yesterday that he would be happy to meet with the protesters.

Half a dozen groups have requested permits, but none have been
granted. A National Park Service spokesman said the agency is waiting
for inauguration planners to make final arrangements before it allots
space to protesters.

The National Organization for Women plans to be there. "It's important
for our own spirit to let people know there is a place to plug in, take
that anger and use it to fuel some additional activism," NOW President
Patricia Ireland said.

The Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Walter Fauntroy plan a "shadow
inauguration" outside the U.S. Supreme Court to swear in those
pledging to uphold the Voting Rights Act.

"We feel the act was violated by George Bush," Sharpton said.
Fauntroy, pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church in Shaw, said he has
witnessed every swearing-in since President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
fourth in 1945, and "I know of no inauguration that has been the source
of greater controversy than this . . . following a shameful election."

Other activists are planning a Voters March to call for election reform
and the abolishment of the electoral college. "Our nation has been
traumatized by what has happened in this election," said Louis Posner,
a New York attorney leading the effort.

Another group, the D.C.-based New Black Panther Party, and its allies
plan to stage a Day of Outrage march, said spokesman Malik Shabazz.

Other local protest efforts are being coordinated by the Justice Action
Movement, a coalition of many who protested the World Bank. They
have been holding public meetings for several weeks at George
Washington University. They scheduled a news conference today to
bring together organizers of various protest efforts.

On Monday, several dozen people attended a Justice Action Movement
meeting. Most were students or young members of progressive
organizations and unions, but several were old enough to have
protested Nixon's inauguration. Justice Action Movement has dubbed
Jan. 20 the "InaugurAuction," a reference to members' belief that the
major parties buy the White House with corporate funds.

"Because of a corrupt political system, we now have a president who is
going to be threatening the lives of many innocent people because of
his support for the death penalty, military policies abroad and free
trade," said Adam Eidinger, 27, a movement organizer.

At the meeting, the group voted not to use violence, vandalism,
weapons, alcohol or drugs. They also decided to remain in small
groups scattered all over the Mall, employing creative visual effects and
stilt walkers to make their points.

After the meeting, several organizers said they suspected a police
infiltrator was in their midst. A man with a goatee looked just like a
plainclothes officer who figured prominently in confrontations with
World Bank demonstrators, according to organizers who said they have

Before ending a brief telephone interview with The Washington Post,
the man denied he was an undercover officer. A police spokesman said
there is no one on the force with the name the man used at the
meeting. Gainer confirmed that the police have infiltrated the
protesters, but he didn't identify anyone.

"They're looking for excuses to shut us down," Eidinger said.

This week, a few members of Justice Action Movement held a practice
InaugurAuction in front of the White House, offering to auction the
building for $10 to carpenters building bleachers for the parade.

"I don't feel this particular election demonstrates ideally what the
presidency is for this country," said Elizabeth Croyden, 30, an actress
and film producer who participated. "It exposes a lot of flaws in the
system, and I'm upset about it. If you don't get involved, how can you
make a difference?"

International Action Center

January 20th Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc Update and Call

Date: Sun, 24 Dec

The Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc has been working hard to make the
January 20th mobilization a success, and so far it looks like interest is
high, as we are currently networking with people from all over the USA who
plan to come to Washington and march with us.  In order to keep people up to
speed on what is being planned we are posting the following information, as
well as re-posting the call for those who may not have seen it.  We also
cannot urge people enough to subscribe to the email list, as it is our most
effective method of communication.

We strongly encourage people to help spread this information as much as
possible, by forwarding it to lists that they may be on (especially city or
regional lists) or by printing it and distributing it, in order to help
continue to get the word out.

If you want to help out or have any questions whatsoever, please do
not hesitate to contact us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The RAAB plans to take part in a variety of actions during inauguration
day.  For a variety of reasons, we cannot at this time disclose the details
for all the events planned for the course of January 20th.  For the moment
the initial assembly point is around the large Class War banner that will be
at Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th St. NW.  However, amongst other things,
there is currently talk of a march which will start earlier than the
International Action Center March.  This is however not yet confirmed.
Therefore, for regular updates on this as well as other events please send a
request to be subscribed to the Barricada e-mail list to

Also, we would like to take this opportunity to make it clear that the
decision to march at the IAC march does not represent an endorsement of the
IAC.  We are simply choosing to use the IAC march as the initial assembly
point for the bloc because of issues of safety and convenience, as the IAC
meeting location will be legal and crowded.  We will however be an
independent bloc with our own banner and our own revindications.  During the
course of the march "For Class War, For a Classless, Stateless Society,"
information about the rest of the days events will be distributed through
fliers and word of mouth.

Needless to say, Washington on January 20th will be a city swamped with all
the branches of the repressive forces of the state, including over 4,000
policemen.  Therefore, we are providing some information that we feel it is
important for people to have in order to minimize the risk of unwanted
run-ins with police and to help those who come to Washington for this day.

-There will be what is being termed a "Hub," for meeting during the day,
although not necessarily a convergence center.  Again, for the address once
it is available, contact Barricada.

-Groups of 25 people or less do not need a permit to demonstrate along the
inaugural parade route.  Inaugurauction intends to eventually disperse into
groups of 25 or less along the parade route and have a presence by being
spread out around the city.  The bloc will decide, through consensus
decision making when the time comes, what direction to take once the march
has ended.  However, it is important that people who intend to come in
"black bloc" are dressed in a manner that would make it at least to some
extent feasible to mix in with the crowd.  For example, patches and easily
identifiable pieces of clothing are not suggested.  This is always the case,
but even more so for January 20th.

-Banners and flags our obviously suggested and welcome, but they may become
a nuisance later in the day if you do not have a place to leave them and
they are large and/or heavy.  Therefore, think about whether you want to
have them with you or not.

-A legal team is in place in case it comes to be needed on the 20th.
Unfortunately, the exact phone number that people need to have on them in
case of an emergency is not yet available.  Once more, for information as
soon as it becomes available, contact us.

-A final note, for those who receive Barricada's monthly magazine:  In the
January issue there is a text very similar to this one.  However since going
to press we have decided to no longer work with the Justice Action Movement.
   They have been showing themselves to be increasingly dominated by
centrists and reformists, collaborating with police and welcoming even
Democrats who clearly state that they are protesting simply because they
feel Bush should not be president in their desperate pandering to the
mainstream.  There has also been a lot of anti-anarchist, anti-Marxist, and
pro-patriotic talk on their discussion list.  Therefore, while we wish them
the best of luck, we are separating ourselves from them as, while we attempt
to be inclusive and non-sectarian, we have to draw the line somewhere.
A Call For a United Revolutionary Presence At The Presidential Inauguration




On Saturday, January 20th, 2001 thousands of people from all over the
United States will converge on the streets of Washington, D.C to protest
against the dictatorship of the corporate class, the circus of US
representative "democracy", and the international death machine that is the
US government.

The demonstration in Washington the day of the presidential inauguration is
a great opportunity to demonstrate our opposition, not only to whoever it is
that may eventually win the presidency, but to the entire state system, from
the dictatorship of capital, to the sham of representative democracy by
making Washington ours during inauguration day and disrupting the ceremony
of the ruling class.  In the spirit of the mobilizations of the past year,
from Seattle, to Washington, to Cincinnati, and everywhere in between, we
are calling for revolutionaries to stand together as a bloc and refuse to
serve as mere numbers for reformist and authoritarian organizations that
don't represent our desires, aims, or aspirations.  Instead, we propose a
demonstration that not only highlights our opposition to the present order,
but also puts forth revolutionary anti-authoritarian alternatives.

Therefore, we are calling for anti-authoritarian revolutionaries to bring
their banners and flags, be they black, red, red and black, black and green,
or whatever else and gather in Washington at 10 am on Saturday, January
20th, 2001 at Pennsylvania Ave. and 14th St. NW under the slogan "Class War
Now...For a Classless, Stateless Society." We are not calling for any
particular tactics, simply for revolutionary anti-authoritarians to come
prepared to march on the Presidential Inauguration and for a festival of
resistance, struggle, and revolutionary alternatives to the capitalist

It will take a lot of work to make this mobilization a success and a show
of force for the North American revolutionary movement.  If you wish to help
make the January 20th initiative succeed , spread the word, organize
caravans to Washington, copy and distribute this call,  make banners and
flags, keep in touch as details of the mobilization become available,
contact us to endorse the call, and come to Washington on January 20th ready
for a festival of resistance.

The Barricada Collective
Sabate Anarchist Collective (NEFAC)
Agitate! (Baltimore)
The Onward Collective (Gainesville)
ABCF People of Color Caucus
Anarchist Black Cross Federation-Houston
Radio Sexto Sol (Houston)
People Against Racist Terror
Anarchist Soccer League (New Brunswick)

Every Protester Counts

J20 Gains Momentum And Media Attention

By Elijah Crane
Dec. 28, 2000, Workers World

Scores of activists from all over the country are mobilizing
to fill the streets of Washington by the busload on Jan. 20
to protest George W. Bush's inauguration.

The all-encompassing issue at hand is the fight against
racism. Specific demands of protesters include: ending the
racist death penalty and freeing Mumia Abu-Jamal; stopping
Plan Colombia and the U.S. bombing of Vieques; supporting
the just struggle of the Palestinian people; the
disenfranchisement of Black voters and others in Florida;
and many others.

"The U.S. ruling class has been caught in the act of a
fraudulent election," said Monica Moorehead, a leading
organizer of the demonstration. "This certainly is not the
first time it has happened. Every election that has taken
place in the U.S. has been bought or stolen. But this is the
first time in recent history that the thievery has been so
blatant and overt.

"There's no denying that thousands of Black voters in
Florida were the targets of a racist attack," Moorehead told
Workers World. "Despite the fact that Florida's ballot
controversy had been headlining the media since Election
Day, neither of the two presidential hopefuls so much as
acknowledged the issue of racism.

"And no amount of rhetoric on 'healing' and 'bipartisanship'
from President-elect Bush and Al Gore, who conceded, can
smooth things over now."

People are angry--from Texas to Florida, from New York to
California--and that is why they will be raising their
voices in Washington at the inauguration protest, she added.


Over 400 groups and individuals have already endorsed the
call made by the International Action Center to protest in
Washington on Jan. 20, or 'J20', as some activists are
referring to it. That number continues to grow on a daily

As of Dec. 20, there were more than 30 organizing centers in
operation in New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Wisconsin,
Illinois, North Carolina and elsewhere.

Even the mainstream media has been forced to recognize this
growing mobilization, resulting in articles and radio
interviews with organizers.

An article in the Dec. 14 edition of the Washington Times
described the way in which the cops are preparing for the
upcoming counter-inaugural demonstration. Police Chief
Charles Ramsey cited last April's protests against the
International Monetary Fund, which shook the city of
Washington, as a reason for deploying not only the entire
Metropolitan police force, but also adding hundreds of cops
from surrounding areas.

Brain Becker, co-director of the IAC, was quoted as saying
that "Charles Ramsey and the police are doing their usual
demonizing of the demonstrators, saying that we will cause
mayhem. The truth is that the police is the lawless group."

Becker has since given numerous radio interviews, including
one to the ABC network. Organizers of the J20 action have
also been interviewed by radio stations in Michigan, New
York and Washington.

The Colorado Daily newspaper was among the media that
highlighted the planned J20 action. In that article, Becker
explained that the protest was in the works long before the
election outcome was known. It was planned to take place
regardless of whether Gore or Bush were inaugurated because
both are strong supporters of the death penalty and other
methods of institutional violence--such as the U.S.
sanctions against Iraq and military aid to Colombia, he

For a complete list of organizing centers, or to sign up as a contact,
readers can visit the Web site www.Mumia2000.org or call the IAC at (212)

Organizers are also planning and communicating through an e-mail
list server called "J20action." Anyone interested in participating in that
ongoing discussion can register at www.egroups.com or click on the link at

How the Republicans Stole the Election

GOP won by planting seeds of deception

December 14, 2000

Now that the adventure is over, it might be instructive to consider
some of the ideas that seeped into the general consciousness. How and
why, for example, did it become established in so many minds that Bush
was the presumptive winner and Gore the apparent loser?

What the Republicans did, cleverly, was to establish effective "memes"
in the minds of the public and the pundits. A meme, so named by the
British evolutionist Richard Dawkins, is like a gene, except that
instead of advancing through organisms, it moves through minds.  Memes
are simply ideas that demonstrate a high rate of survival and

Bush became the "winner" of a dead heat, in the midst of an incomplete
recount, when a premature victory was declared on her own unnecessary
deadline by his Florida campaign co-chairwoman, who also held the
crucial post of secretary of state. Once this bogus "certification"
was final (Ms. Harris signing several copies on TV, including a
valuable souvenir for herself), the Republicans referred to it
endlessly as a valid event, even though it was clearly a shameless
ploy to slam the door before the election escaped. A meme was born.

The other effective GOP meme was the mantra, "we counted, and counted
again, and then a third time." These words were chanted by Baker and
the other Bush spokesmen until many Americans accepted them as a form
of truth, even though it is clear that thousands of ballots were never
counted at all.

Another successful meme was the assault on the honesty of election
judges and the courts in general. They were often characterized by the
GOP as partisan crooks, unless their findings agreed with the Bush
cause, in which case they were patriots.

This led finally to the spectacle of the "states rights" party
applauding the Supremes' federal coup halting the recount because, in
words that will haunt Scalia forever, a recount might cast "a cloud
upon what [Bush] claims to be the legitimacy of his election." Think
about that. In other words, if Gore ended up with more votes, a cloud
would be cast on Bush's claims.

Three days later the Supreme Court majority overruled the Florida
court's attempt to interpret Florida law. John Paul Stevens' dissent
lamented this "lack of confidence in the impartiality and capacity of
the state judges who would make the critical decisions if the vote
count were to proceed," and added, in words that will long be quoted,
"...the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation's
confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the law." The
Republicans were not only more effective creators of memes but were
also better at raising their voices. The Democrats were on the whole
more civil in their public statements.

The GOP had no hesitation in making the dangerous charge that
Democrats were "stealing" the election. This in the face of plausible
evidence that Gore got more votes in Florida, as he did nationally.
Right-wing pundits were stirred to a frenzy. Ann Coulter accused the
Democrats of being "delusional nutcases," called the Florida Supreme
Court "power-mad lunatics," and found that the Democrats had crossed
the "fine line" between "typical Democrat lies and demonstrably
psychotic behavior."

More Americans voted for liars and psychotics than for her candidate?
Really? Comments like these are an example not of opinion but of
behavior. Have you ever  seen Ms. Coulter on television? Even her
conservative stablemates look queasy as her ideological flywheel

The Democrats were just plain outshouted. And Lady Luck rolled the
dice and gave them the butterfly ballot, the Jews for Buchanan, the
election boards that took days off, the hired mob to stop the Dade
recount, the disenfranchised black voters, the illegally franchised
military and absentee voters, the Bush cousin to call the election on
TV, the Bush co-chairwoman to rush it through certification, and the
Bush brother to mastermind operation fail-safe by the Florida
legislature to certify Bush electors no matter who won. Even in Vegas
they'd be amazed by luck this rotten;  the Miami Herald's
statisticians estimated that Gore probably outpolled Bush by about
23,000 votes.

That's why it was so important for the Republicans to stop the count.

It is important, then, to keep in mind that Bush was not obviously the
winner nor Gore obviously the loser. The GOP has captured the election
but may have done itself damage in the process, leaving doubts about
the fairness of its tactics and the  recklessness of its rhetoric.

At the end the Democrats were left with one meme that showed promise:
That they  were the ones who wanted to count the votes, while the
Republicans did not. If memes work like genes in the evolution of
political opinion in America, this one may be the fittest, and may

We can only hope.

Tell me, Conservatives...what part of all of this don't you
The Kennebunkport Hillbilly

(sung to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song)

Come and listen to my story 'bout a boy name Bush.
His IQ was zero and his head was up his tush.
He drank like a fish while he drove all about.
But that didn't matter 'cuz his daddy bailed him out.
DUI, that is.  Criminal record.  Cover-up.

Well, the first thing you know little Georgie goes to Yale.
He can't spell his name but they never let him fail.
He spends all his time hangin' out with student folk.
And that's when he learns how to snort a line of coke.
Blow, that is.  White gold.  Nose candy.

The next thing you know there's a war in Vietnam.
Kin folks say, "George, stay at home with Mom."
Let the common people get maimed and scarred.
We'll buy you a spot in the Texas Air Guard.
Cushy, that is.  Country clubs.  Nose candy.

Twenty years later George gets a little bored.
He trades in the booze, says that Jesus is his Lord.
He said, "Now the White House is the place I wanna be."
So he called his daddy's friends and they called the GOP.
Gun owners, that is.  Falwell.  Jesse Helms.

Come November 7, the election ran late.
Kin folks said "Jeb, give the boy your state!"
"Don't let those colored folks get into the polls."
So they put up barricades so they couldn't punch their holes.
Chads, that is.  Duval County.  Miami-Dade.

Before the votes were counted five Supremes stepped in.
Told all the voters "Hey, we want George to win."
"Stop counting votes!" was their solemn invocation.
And that's how George finally got his coronation.
Rigged, that is.  Illegitimate.  No moral authority.
Y'all come vote now.  Ya hear?

Paid for by the Katherine Harris Foundation for Corrective Plastic Surgery.
© 2000 (Year of the Brat) Mike Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linked stories:
BUSH v. GORE (12/13/00 - No. 00-949)
The absence of specific uniform standards for manual vote recounts,
especially where the evidence shows that vote counting standards varied
or changed within counties, violates the Equal Protection Clause.

Great printable posters for the Inauguration protests

Bush prepares a government of reaction and militarism

Drug Companies' Tests in Poor Countries Raise Ethical Questions
    A Washington Post investigation into corporate drug experiments in
    Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America reveals a booming,
    poorly regulated testing system that is dominated by private
    interests and that far too often betrays its promises to patients
    and consumers.

Canada considers mandatory voting
    As Canada's voter participation rate continues to plummet, election
    officials are considering forcing Canadians to the polls. One
    official comments that "Sometimes, in order to save democracy, you have
to do
    things that might seem to run a little bit against it." (12/19/00)

Judge says illegal phone taps can be used in bomb trial
    A judge has ruled that evidence taken from illegally tapped phones
    may be used in the trial of a U.S. citizen charged in the 1998
    bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa. This is apparently
    the "unless it's really important" exception to the Fourth
    Amendment. (12/20/00)

Micro-broadcasters dealt a blow
    An omnibus budget bill destined for President Clinton's signature
    contains a measure gutting the FCC's plan to open the airwaves
    to low-power, non-profit broadcasters. (12/20/00)

Big government invades the Internet
    U.S. officials are using fears of cyber-terrorism as an excuse
    to extend online surveillance and control over Internet activity.
Family ties, political bias linked US Supreme Court justices to Bush camp


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        -Jim Dodge
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        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
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        -J. Krishnamurti
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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