"We know that in 1976 President Select Bush was convicted of DUI (driving
under the influence) in Kennebunkport Maine. The Daily Brew has learned from
reliable sources that after that conviction, Bush regularly operated his
family's King Air (about a 4 million dollar twin turboprop), as a civilian.
However, to maintain his FAA license, Bush, like all licensed pilots, would
have had to submit his medical exam by a Aviation Medical Examiner at least
every 2 years. Persons filling out that exam are REQUIRED by federal law to
disclose any DWIs at the time of the pilot's aviation medical examination.
Any false or misleading statements on that form are federal offenses. Pilots
who have DWIs must have their medical flight clearance revoked for 3 years
(and The Daily Brew understands back then it was 5).! Then they have to apply
for reinstatement, and give reasons why they feel they have recovered from
their alcoholism (such as treatment records). If Bush filed a flight plan
between 1978 and 1981, that would constitute prima facie evidence that Bush
had a valid pilot's license after 1978. If the FAA issued President Select
Bush a medical certificate after 1976, the Daily Brew believes that would
constitute prima facie evidence that Bush committed perjury in filling out
his medical certificate." --Brew, 1/8/00


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