-Caveat Lector-

Hatch Admits Shielding Reno from Right-Wing


January 08, 2001
With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...
r.shtml?a=2001/1/7/220859">Hatch Admits
Shielding Reno</A>

Hatch Admits Shielding Reno from Right-Wing
Sen. Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, revealed Sunday that
he shielded Clinton Attorney General Janet
Reno from attacks by "right-wing" critics
during her 1993 confirmation hearings.

The admission came while the senator
responded to critics of Bush attorney
general nominee John Ashcroft during an
appearance on "Fox News Sunday."

"I'd like to suggest to them that they
ought to look back to Attorney General
Janet Reno's nomination. A lot of the
right-wing groups started coming out of
the woodwork and I was the one who stopped
them and made it very fair."

Last September, Ohio congressman James
Traficant told Fox News Channel that he
had several affidavits from potential
confirmation witnesses who alleged corrupt
conduct by Reno while she was state's
attorney in Miami, Florida. Traficant said
the witnesses were not allowed to testify
during the Senate hearing on Reno.

"I want to know why, and how long it took
for the FBI to investigate [Reno], if they
gave this information to the Senate,
if the Senate knew about compromises they
had from outside the government?
"Reno's accusers say they gave statements
to the FBI, the Ohio Democrat claimed."I
want to know if the president got that
Traficant added. "I want to know the
timespan from when the FBI went down and
interviewed these affiants on these
particular allegations, and how long it
took for her to be confirmed?

"Based on the affidavits, which he has yet
to release, the Ohio Democrat suggested
Reno was a protege of the Miami mob and had
been stopped by local police for drunk
driving and other personal misconduct
while state's attorney."

Janet Reno was one of the exceptions,"
Traficant complained. "They waived that 72-
hour period from the hearing to the
confirmation. And in a lovefest she became
the attorney general..."



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