-Caveat Lector-

Well Ahab better pick another name for those Arabs have those oil fields
mined and wired and ready to blow......you wonder why they want Alaskan

There is a difference between gentiles for Israel and Zionist going for
Israel and the oil.

We should shake off the Zoinists and deal with the Arab Kings......we
had cheap oil when Rockefellers reigned.

To each his own - I do not have to worry about high gas or oil prices -
so will you worry for me?

Billions of dollars to Israel - Mormons according to this one lady I
know away the outocme of this disaster with glee - then can all climb
mountain in angel suits, kill their prophet and begin again....without
the oil as usual, for you kow who gave that oil to Ishmael and no wonder
masons wear red fez.

Anyway one of the anti Christs is moving out of the oval office and
taking his fellow sodomits with him, hopefuly......

Bet you even adore little twinkle toes Barney Franks who got caught
using male prostitutes forhis own pleasure, at taxpayer expenses and
that is why he came out of his crowded closet?

Saba - so go head and worship my ancestors and I can prove my pedigree.

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