-Caveat Lector-

Your Typical Democratic Voter
Neal Boortz
Thursday, Jan. 4, 2001
Has this ever happened to you? You're driving down the road when you come up
behind a car with a Gore/Lieberman bumper sticker. As you pass, you sneak a
quick glance at the driver. You want to see just what type of person wants
to advertise advocacy of the concepts of big government and less personal
freedom. You look at them and say to yourself, "What could they be
For most of these Democratic voters, the answer is "Nothing." They aren't
thinking. They're reacting. We'll admit there are quite a few Democrats who
do think. We can even read their thoughts. It's not hard to do. Here are
some examples:

I'm tired of taking care of myself. It's not fair to expect me to work hard
to provide for my own needs. I'll vote Democratic and let them take care of

Rich people get their money dishonestly. Democrats will get that money back
from those evil rich people through high taxes and spend it on me.

Guns cause crime, and Democrats want to take all the guns away. I also think
wet streets cause rain.

I'm a trial lawyer. Democrats won't allow any laws to be passed that might
make it harder for me to get multimillion-dollar judgments from huge
corporations for imagined wrongs and injuries.

I'm black. Democrats are willing to validate my victim status.

Some people who vote Democratic actually do put some thought into the
matter, but they're in the minority. The truth is people who vote Democratic
show a strong aversion to anything that resembles rational thought.

Here's an example, a letter to the editor that recently appeared in the
Atlanta Constitution written by a computer programmer named Stella

It's too bad that George Will's insightful column, "Bureaucratic
zero-tolerance often arrests common sense" (Dec. 25), comes years too late.
The groundwork for nabbing subway-snacking, Tweety-Bird-toting preteens was
laid when the right wing impeached a president for a private relationship
that had ended without injury to anyone. Had Hidden Law been applied to
President Clinton, as it was to JFK and Rep. Henry Hyde, Americans would
have been spared two years of incivility.

A double standard is being perpetuated by Will's friends in the American
Enterprise Institute: If a Democrat does something wrong, apply bureaucratic
legalism - crucify him or her. If a Republican does it, apply Hidden Law -
wink and call it a youthful indiscretion.

Can anyone show me any hint of a rational thought process in this letter?
This, my friends, is the typical Democratic voter. Chamberlain actually
believes that Bill Clinton was impeached "for a private relationship."

How in the hell can anyone of moderate intelligence, an ability to read and
access to a newspaper not know that Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury
and obstruction of justice, not for a private relationship? This was a man
who swore to God that he would "uphold the laws of the United States" and
then intentionally broke those laws.

Sadly, Chamberlain probably does believe that Clinton was impeached because
he fiddled around with Monica Lewinsky. This, my friends, is why she votes
Democrat. In blunt terms, it's because she doesn't have a clue.

What can the future of freedom be when there are people out there who
"think" like this?

Voting Breakdowns

We now have more statistics from the presidential election. They may
surprise you. Then again, maybe they won't.

. Past winners of the Academy Award (movie stars, producers, directors) gave
40 times more money to Democrats and Greens than they did to Republicans.

. Among the 15 percent of voters who make more than $100,000 per year,
George W. Bush won only 54 percent of the vote.

. Among the 4 percent of the electorate who describe their social status as
"upper class," Al Gore won 56 percent to 39 percent.

. Single people picked Gore over Bush, 58 percent to 37 percent.

. Married people preferred Bush, 54 percent to 44 percent.

. Single women chose Gore, 66 percent to 30 percent.

. Married women's votes were split evenly between Gore and Bush.

. Working women favored Gore by 19 points.

. Stay-at-home women backed Bush by 20 points.

. 80 percent of Jews gave their vote to the Gore-Lieberman ticket.

. 70 percent of gays and lesbians pledged allegiance to Gore.

The Hollywood numbers just confirm what we've known for years: Movie and TV
luminaries have lots of money but not much brainpower. They have more money
than sense - and they're perfectly willing to show compassion with someone
else's money.

And we also see why women simply don't need to vote. They'll come out in
droves to support the candidate who promises to give them more security and
less personal responsibility. They don't give a flying damn about freedom.
Nor do the dependent classes. All they want is what they can get from the

Democratic Sour Grapes

Ohio Democratic Representative James Traficant is in a bit of a pickle. He
committed the cardinal sin. He broke ranks with his party to back Republican
Dennis Hastert for Speaker of the House. House Democratic Caucus rules
prohibit members from helping a non-Democrat in a partisan election.

The penalty for his transgression? The House Democratic Caucus voted last
night to deny Traficant a seat on the House Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee. Laura Nichols, a spokesman for Dick Gephardt,
said, "If he wants a committee assignment, he is going to have to go to the
Republicans. He is no longer a member in good standing."

Traficant has been somewhat of a maverick in the House. He has broken with
party leaders on key House votes more frequently over the past few years.
Now he's being declared persona non grata for daring to support Dennis
Hastert over Dick Gephardt.

What happened to all those Democratic promises of bipartisanship? Simple.
They don't exist. "Bipartisanship" means Democrats getting what they want
from the Republicans. It has nothing to do with cooperation.

Neal Boortz is the hugely popular nationally syndicated radio host.

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