-Caveat Lector-


Riady to Plead Guilty to Illegally Funding Clinton's Campaign
Thursday, January 11, 2001

Indonesian billionaire James Riady agreed late Thursday to plead
guilty to illegally funding President Clinton's 1992 campaign, and to
pay a record $8.6 million criminal fine, Fox News has learned.
Department of Justice sources told Fox News that Riady has
agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy for concealing
foreign contributions. He will not face jail time.
Riady and his companies, Lippo Group and Lippo Bank, will pay an
$8.6 million fine. He is expected to fly from Indonesia to Los
Angeles for an initial court appearance on Tuesday.
The Justice Department confirmed that Riady will pay a record $8.6
million fine and plead guilty to one felony charge of conspiring to
defraud the United States by unlawfully reimbursing campaign
donors with foreign corporate funds in violation of federal election
The plea agreement was filed today at U.S. District Court in Los
Angeles. Under the terms, Riady, an Indonesian citizen, will
surrender himself to the United States at a court appearance
Tuesday in Los Angeles, according to sources.
He will enter the plea on behalf of himself and, in addition, will enter
a guilty plea on behalf of LippoBank California, a California state-
chartered bank affiliated with Lippo Group. That guilty plea is on 86
misdemeanor counts charging Riady and his former employee John
Huang with making illegal foreign campaign contributions from 1988
through 1994.
The agreement calls for Riady to continue cooperating with
authorities. The Justice Department says he has met with
government prosecutors and agents a half dozen times since
August 2000.
Riady will also waive his right to apply for re-entry into the United
States for two years, except when required by the U.S.
government. He will perform 400 hours of community service and
forfeit any refunds from any political campaign committees.
He's also barred from making, reimbursing or directing any future
campaign contributions in U.S. elections.
Information filed with the plea agreement alleges that between May
1990 and June 1994, Riady and Huang conspired to obstruct the
Federal Elections Commission by reimbursing campaign
contributions with funds obtained from foreigners.
— Fox News' Bryan Sierra and the Associated Press contributed
to this report


THE dipsomaniac and the abstainer are not only both mistaken, but they both make the 
same mistake. They both regard wine as a drug and not as a drink.
- G. K. Chesterton

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