-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Being 'Borked'



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

By Linda Chavez
Copyright 2001, Creators Syndicate

My relationship with a battered Guatemalan woman -- who was also an illegal
alien -- ended my chance to become secretary of labor.

I don't remember precisely when Marta Mercado moved into my home or how long
she lived there a decade ago. She is one of dozens of people in need who I
have helped over the years -- just as I was helped by family and friends
during times of crisis in my childhood. Some of those I've aided stood with
me on Tuesday when I asked that my nomination be withdrawn.

I don't recall how much money I gave Marta during the time she lived with me,
though I do remember giving her money in several hundred-dollar increments to
spend or send home to her daughters in Guatemala.

I also remember her being helpful around the house, picking up after my
teen-age sons with whom she shared the lower level of my home. I remember
making telephone calls to find English classes for her, driving her to the
local mall where she tried to find work, teaching her how to use the bus,
encouraging her to return to Guatemala and giving her money for her ticket. I
remember once Marta got lost returning from English classes and called from a
phone booth for help, but she couldn't explain where she was. The entire
family scoured the community until we found her, scared and cold.

The most vivid recollection I have of Marta, however, involves an incident in
which she returned home bruised and beaten after several days away. Marta had
a key to the house and came and went as she pleased -- although I was usually
there when she left or returned, since I worked from home at the time. We
would often exchange pleasantries or talk for a few minutes about her
daughters in Guatemala or her own schoolwork. But on this particular day, she
tried to conceal her face as she brushed past me. Nonetheless, I noticed that
her eyes were blackened, and her lips swollen and cut.

I asked what had happened and whether she needed to go to the hospital.
Tearfully, she told me in faltering English that she had been assaulted. I
persuaded her that we had to call the police and that she should report the
incident. I placed the call and sat with her in the living room while the
officer interviewed her. I also spoke with a battered-women's counselor on
her behalf.

I regret many things about the way in which I handled the events of the last
few weeks. I should have disclosed my relationship with Marta to the Bush
transition officials before I was nominated. When I did talk to them about
Marta for the first time on Jan. 6, however, I told them I knew she was in
the country illegally while she was living with me.

In mid-December, to refresh my memory, I spoke to a neighbor who employed
Marta when she lived in my home -- an act that has now been portrayed in the
most sinister light, even used to accuse me of a possible felony. I should
have told the Bush staff earlier about my conversation with my neighbor -- a
phone call that lasted only a few minutes and took place when I was one of
several candidates being discussed for the job. My neighbor did most of the
talking during our brief exchange, in which she discussed several
foreign-born domestics who worked for her, their legal status and whether she
paid taxes on their wages.

I stressed that she should truthfully answer questions from the FBI during
the course of any background checks if I were to be nominated -- something
about which she needed little instruction, since she is a prominent
Washington attorney. But one thing I do not regret is taking Marta into my
home at the request of one of my friends who knew of her plight. I would do
it again today. And if there is any consolation in having lost out on the
chance to become secretary of labor, it is knowing how well Marta is now

The battered woman who came to live with me a decade ago -- an illegal alien,
separated from her children, penniless and speaking little English -- is now
a confident, middle-class, suburban housewife married to an American citizen.

I have not led a perfect life -- a standard that increasingly seems expected
of candidates for high-level government appointment. No aspect of a nominee's
personal life, no matter how intimate and irrelevant to the job in question,
goes unexamined. No incident in one's life, regardless of how long ago, goes
unexplored. And if a Cabinet nominee fails to disclose -- or recall -- a
matter as trivial as a traffic fine or a visit to a marriage counselor
decades earlier, the failure will be interpreted in the worst possible light.

The greatest danger, of course, is to those whose political views make them
the special targets of powerful interest groups. In my case, the AFL-CIO
decided to oppose my nomination as soon as my name appeared as a potential
candidate for labor secretary. AFL-CIO staff and other interest groups began
poring through my voluminous writings over two decades as an editor,
columnist and commentator in search of "damaging" quotes. They then
distributed material taken out of context and used it to imply that I held
positions or opinions that I did not, as any fair reading of my words would

During my days as secretary of labor-designate, I spent most of my time
preparing to answer attacks on my record. I was fully prepared to defend
every word I had written, every policy position I had taken in a long, public
life. Democrats and interest groups openly warned that they would try to
"Bork" my nomination, referring to their successful efforts to defeat Supreme
Court nominee Robert Bork on the basis of his long "paper trail" on
controversial issues. I never got that chance.

Instead, my opponents went on a search and destroy mission, willing to use
anything in my past, even acts of kindness, to derail my nomination.

Linda Chavez is a syndicated columnist and former secretary of

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