-Caveat Lector-

So, you thought it was the tar that caused cancer...
by Sol Lightman


Think again.  Cigarette companies will have you believing anything just as
long as you continue to buy their products.  The fact is, although insoluble
tars are a contributing factor to the lung cancer danger present in today's
cigarettes, the real danger is radioactivity.  According to U.S. Surgeon
General C.  Everette Koop (on national television, 1990) radioactivity, not
tar, accounts for at least 90% of all smoking related lung cancer.

Tobacco crops grown in the United States are fertilized by law with
phosphates rich in radium 226.  In addition, many soils have a natural
radium 226 content.  Radium 226 breaks down into two long lived 'daughter'
elements -- lead 210 and polonium 210.  These radioactive particles become
airborne, and attach themselves to the fine hairs on tobacco leaves.

Studies have shown that lead 210 and polonium 210 deposits accumulate in the
bodies of people exposed to cigarette smoke.  Data collected in the late
1970's shows that smokers have three times as much of these elements in
their lower lungs as non smokers.  Smokers also show a greater accumulation
of lead 210 and polonium 210 in their skeletons,though no studies have been
conducted to link these deposits with bone cancer.  Polonium 210 is the only
component of cigarette smoke which has produced tumors by itself in
inhalation experiments with animals.

When a smoker inhales tobacco smoke, the lungs react by forming irritated
areas in the bronchi.  All smoke produces this effect.  However, although
these irritated spots are referred to as 'pre-cancerous' lesions, they are a
perfectly natural defense system and usually go away with no adverse
effects.  Insoluble tars in tobacco smoke can slow this healing process by
adhering to lesions and causing additional irritation.  In addition, tobacco
smoke causes the bronchi to constrict for long periods of time, which
obstructs the lung's ability to clear itself of these residues.

Polonium 210 and lead 210 in tobacco smoke show a tendency to accumulate at
lesions in specific spots, called bifurcations, in the bronchi.  When
smoking is continued for an extended period of time, deposits of
radioactivity turn into radioactive 'hot spots' and remain at bifurcations
for years.  Polonium 210 emits highly localized alpha radiation which has
been shown to cause cancer.  Since the polonium 210 has a half life of 21.5
years (Due to the presence of lead 210), it can put an ex-smoker at risk for
years after he or she quits.  Experiments measuring the level of polonium
210 in victims of lung cancer found that the level of 'hot spot' activity
was virtually the same in smokers and ex-smokers even though the ex-smokers
had quit five years prior to death.

Over half of the radioactive materials emitted by a burning cigarette are
released into the air, where they can be inhaled by non-smokers.  In
addition to lead 210 and polonium 210 it has been proven that tobacco smoke
can cause airborne radioactive particles to collect in the lungs of both
smokers and non-smokers exposed to second hand smoke.  Original studies
conducted on uranium miners which showed an increased risk of lung cancer
due to exposure to radon in smokers have been re-run to evaluate the
radioactive lung cancer risk from indoor air radon.  It turns out that
tobacco smoke works as a kind of 'magnet' for airborne radioactive
particles, causing them to deposit in your lungs instead of on furniture.
(Smoking indoors increases lung cancer risks greatly.)

It has been estimated that the total accumulated alpha radiation exposure of
a pack-a-day indoor smoker is 38 to 97 rad by age 60.  (Two packs a day
yields up to 143 rad, and non-smokers receive no more than 17 rad.)  An
exposure of 1 rad per year yields a 1% risk of lung cancer (at the lowest

Don't smoke.  Or if you do, smoke lightly, outdoors, and engage frequently
in activities which will clear your lungs.  Imported India tobacco has less
than half the radiation content ofthat grown in the U.S.

Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco smoke, has long been known to be
highly addictive.  In fact, doctors and pharmacologists are not in consensus
as to which is more addictive -- nicotine, or heroin.

Many people think smoking marijuana is just as harmful as smoking tobacco,
but this is not true.  Those who hold that marijuana is equivalent to
tobacco are misinformed.  Due to the efforts of various federal agencies to
discourage use of marijuana in the 1970's the government, in a fit of
"reefer madness," conducted several biased studies designed to return
results that would equate marijuana smoking with tobacco smoking, or worse.

For example the Berkeley carcinogenic tar studies of the late 1970's
concluded that "marijuana is one-and-a-half times as carcinogenic as
tobacco."  This finding was based solely on the tar content of cannabis
leaves compared to that of tobacco, and did not take radioactivity into
consideration.  (Cannabis tars do not contain radioactive materials.)  In
addition, it was not considered that:

Most marijuana smokers smoke the bud, not the leaf, of the plant.  The bud
contains only 33% as much tar as tobacco.  Marijuana smokers do not smoke
anywhere near as much as tobacco smokers, due to the psychoactive effects of
cannabis.  Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully linked to
marijuana use.  Cannabis, unlike tobacco, does not cause any narrowing of
the small air passageways in the lungs.  In fact, marijuana has been shown
to be an expectorant and actually dilates the air channels it comes in
contact with.  This is why many asthma sufferers look to marijuana to
provide relief.  Doctors have postulated that marijuana may, in this
respect, be more effective than all of the prescription drugs on the market.

Studies even show that due to marijuana's ability to clear the lungs of
smog, pollutants, and cigarette smoke, it may actually reduce your risk of
emphysema, bronchitis, and lung cancer.  Smokers of cannabis have been shown
to outlive non- smokers in some areas by up to two years.  Medium to heavy
tobacco smokers will live seven to ten years longer if they also smoke


   - E.A. Martel, "Alpha Radiation Dose at Bronchial Bifurcations From
     Indoor Exposure to Radon Progeny", Proceeds of the National Academy of
     Science, Vol. 80, pp. 1285-1289, March 1983.
   - Naoimi H. Harley, Beverly S. Cohen, and T.C. Tso, "Polonium 210: A
     Questionable Risk Factor in Smoking Related Carcingenisis."
   - "Radiactivity: the New-Found Danger in Cigarettes," Reader's Digest,
     March 1986.
   - "Would You Still Rather Fight Than Switch?," Whole Life Times,
      Mid-April/May 1985.

(secret ingredients)
   - "What Goes Up In Smoke?," Nation, December 23, 1991.

   - "The Emperor Wears No Clothes," Jack Herer, HEMP/Queen of Clubs
     Publishing, 1992

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