So on CNN was interesting item which should boost the sales of McDonald
Hambergers - so McDonalds will not longer use "soys" in their hambergers
- they will now use "red worms"......

So what happened here - the enemy within - did Wendy's get a spy in
McDonalds - or did mad cow disease infect McDonalds and all their board
of directors?

Do you think red worms will fly?

Are they the kind of worms with which you fish? The kind you find
sticking to sidewalks after a rain which are full of dirt?

Or are these little red worms good for us, like asparteme and

Hungry for a hamberger now?   Anyone who eats that slop wil they get Mad
Worm Disease?

Free Mconalds for School Lunches - are they self destructing?

Me, I can live out of a garden and skip the burger.


FDA reports feed makers violating rules to prevent mad cow outbreakI still have a 
little suspicion that all this furor may have something to do with controlling our 
food supplies as has been expressed by others.

Steve M.

      FDA reports feed makers violating rules to prevent mad cow outbreak 

By LAURAN NEERGAARD, Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (January 11, 2001 12:20 p.m. EST - Hundreds of 
animal feed producers have neglected regulations designed to keep mad cow disease out 
of the country, a new Food and Drug Administration report says. 

No cases of mad cow disease have been found in U.S. cattle despite intense monitoring, 
the FDA stressed in saying the violations don't mean the food supply was tainted. 

But armed with results from feed-mill inspections, the FDA is warning that companies 
could face seizures, shutdowns, even prosecution if they continue to violate rules 
meant to keep American livestock from eating slaughtered-animal parts linked to the 
deadly brain disease. 

Many companies in violation already have received warning letters, and some feed has 
been recalled. 

"Today's food is safe," because slaughterhouse inspections have found no suspicion of 
mad cow disease, FDA veterinary chief Dr. Stephen Sundlof said Thursday. 

But the rules are important in case the illness ever appears. Europe's mad-cow crisis 
"is not a result of them not having adequate regulations in place - it was a problem 
of enforcement. And we don't want to end up like that," Sundlof added, promising more 
intense inspections. 

The report comes a week before the FDA, warily watching Europe's deepening mad cow 
crisis, also is scheduled to debate strengthening regulations on blood donation meant 
to keep a human version of the disease from ever striking here. 

Fear over mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, arose in the mid-1990s 
when Britain discovered a new version of the human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 
apparently was caused by eating infected beef. About 80 people have died of the new 
CJD disease in Britain since then, and now France, Germany and other European 
countries are grappling with infected livestock. 

Animals get the disease by eating the tissue of other infected animals, and British 
cows are thought first to have been infected by eating feed made from sheep harboring 
a similar illness. 

So the U.S. livestock industry in 1996 voluntarily banned sheep and certain other 
animal parts from U.S. animal feed. The next year, the FDA formally banned any 
proteins from cows, sheep, goats, deer or elk - animals that get similar brain-wasting 
diseases - from feed for cows, sheep or goats. Poultry or pigs can still eat those 
proteins, but feed must be labeled "do not feed to cows or other ruminants" and 
companies must have systems to prevent accidentally mixing up the feeds. 

Yet FDA inspections found: 

a.. Of 180 renderers - companies that turn slaughtered animal parts into meat and bone 
meal - that handle risky feed, 16 percent lacked warning labels and, worse, 28 percent 
had no system to prevent feed mixups. 
a.. Of 347 FDA-licensed feed mills that handle risky feed, 20 percent lacked warning 
labels and 9 percent lacked mixup-prevention systems. 
a.. Of 1,593 unlicensed feed mills that handle risky feed, almost half lacked warning 
labels and 26 percent lacked mixup-prevention systems. (FDA only licenses mills that 
add medications to feed; unlicensed mills are legal but unused to FDA rules.) 
States are helping FDA inspect the companies, and hundreds are left to inspect. But 
Sundlof pledged Thursday that every company will be inspected. 


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