So today I checked out this red worms stuff re McDonald's being forced
to use red worms in their hamburgers and then decided that soy, now
supposed to cause cancer - etc., and then added the mad cow disease and
I wonder.

There is such a thing as espionage and sabotage and rumour mills working
overtime - we have mad cow disease and is the beef industry being

Clintons have interest in Tyson Check and they are buying out the big
beef company that was nearly run out by federal government for it is
said plant had e coli problem - now Tyson buys it up and the English
cattle slaughtered and millions more cattle being slaughtered - and now
McDonalds - this old item on the web made me thing.

For in 1978 a lot of things happened.....Wendy Hamberger was attempting
to get organized and boy that House of the Sun in Florida - anyway,
quite a few people bought into Presutti Chin in Columbus and they all
went busto - but the feeling was "who the hell ever heard of a square

I think somebody is really sabotaging the meat industry - it is noted
the these meat processing plants hire a lot of immigrants - cheap help,
etc., union busting - and yet we are to buy the food at top dollar?

Like raising gas is someone trying to raise the beef prices way up - for
some of these hamburgers are now selling for ninety-nine cents,

So this story  find interesting - but why would this worm story be
starting again?  Nobody likes McDonalds it seems - shoot outs, and a
natural tendency to hate McDonalds.....Italians hate them and now they
have a pork hamburger supposedly - so there goes the non pork eaters

Interesting item here - but cattle are being slaughtered all over the
world - especially older cattle it is reported - red worms in McDonald
Hamurgers?   Instead of soy?

Reference here to Jack on the Box - weren't they  affected by lots of
bad meant last year....but Tyson Chicken, who freezes and thaws and
refreezes chicken - a Clinton investment buying out the burgers - and
Burger King was it sabotged maybe by some of these
competitors......reason I wondered is today they sell us Presidents like
they do a pound of ground round......domestic sabotage?



Claim:   McDonald's hamburgers contain worm meat.
Status:   False.
Origins:   Common sense should tell us this rumour is false. Pound for
pound, earthworms cost more than beef -- it doesn't make sense to use a
filler that's more expensive than what's being replaced.
Ah, but rumors don't rely upon common sense. It's the "yuck!" factor
that gets us.

The earthworm (sometimes kangaroo meat) additive whisper has bedeviled
McDonald's. (In some locales, the local Jack in the Box is fingered
instead of McDonald's.) Officially dating back to 1978 (it    might well
be older -- one reader recalls hearing it in 1973 or 1974) and of
uncertain origin, this tale has a long tradition of being believed. By
one common account, CBS's 60 Minutes dug up the worm scandal; in fact,
it never had.

Adding credibility to these tales, many corporate rumors include the
names of television news or talk shows -- either the rumor was
investigated and found to be true by [name of investigative show] or the
CEO of whichever company appeared on [name of talk show] and admitted
[horrifying thing]. One wonders at all these CEOs with something to hide
showing up on talk shows. One also wonders at the prescience of those
who book the guests, for one wouldn't think a chat with the relatively
anonymous CEO of a large corporation would make for that interesting a

As to what kind of damage a rumor like this can do, the experience of
one owner of four McDonald's in Atlanta, Georgia, was typical. Back in
1978 he saw his sales plunge by 30% and consequently had to lay off
about a third of his employees. Corporate rumors aren't victimless.

McDonald's did what they could to refute the lie. From the 27 November
1978 issue of Newsweek:

At an Atlanta press conference, McDonald's officials, backed by a
regional officer of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, denounced the
rumors as "completely unfounded and unsubstantiated," and swore that the
company's hamburgers contain nothing but beef.

The 1 October 1982 Financial Times confirms the involvement of the Feds
by saying that "the story gained such wide circulation that McDonald's
held a press conference to rebut it and even obtained a letter from the
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture attesting to the pure beef content of its

Perhaps the final word on this subject should belong to Ray Kroc as
quoted in the 30 April 1992 issue of Time:

Ray Kroc, who bought McDonald's from Mac and Dick McDonald in 1955,
added his own assurances: "We couldn't afford to grind worms into our
meat," he countered. "Hamburger costs a dollar and a half a pound, and
night crawlers six dollars."

Barbara "would you like fries with that?" Mikkelson

Last updated:   5 July 1999
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