-----Original Message-----
From: wilford bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: truthsteward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 8:14 PM
Subject: [piml] Fwd: NEA In Their Own Words

Just how does it all add up? Here are the bones, which make up the skeleton which supports the system which teaches YOUR children, to be good and loyal Socialists. This is not confined to any peticular school system, this is National Policy.


To: "ParanoidTimes"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 


NOTE: This is a portion of a transcription of a five-year-old old audiotape. Spellings of proper names cannot be guaranteed - many phonetic guesses were made.


1906 - On June 30, the National Education Association becomes federally chartered or incorporated under H.R. 10501, Public Law 398. The National Education Association has been founded in 1857, but until 1870 was called the "National Teachers' Association."

1912 - The NEA begins to promote the training of teachers in sex education and sex hygiene.

1913 - The NEA establishes the Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education, which had a membership including several young rebels of the era. The Commission produced a report in 1918 containing seven cardinal principles or objectives for the education of every American boy and girl, including ethical character.

1915 - The Educational Trust, known as the Cleveland Group (because its first meeting was in Cleveland), meets for the first time. Among the members of the group are George Strayer, professor at Teachers College, and NEA President from 1918-1919; Elwood Cubberly, Dean of Stanford University School of Education and leader of the Educational Trust; Charles Judd, a colleague of John Dewey, who received his Ph.D. from Wilhelm Wunt in Leipzig in 1896. In David Tiack's and Elizabeth Hansot's "Managers of Virtue," printed in 1982, Judd is quoted as urging the Cleveland conference to attempt, "the positive and aggressive task of a detailed reorganization of the materials of instruction in schools of all grades." Tiack and Hansot will also write, "There were placement barons, usually professors of educational administration in universities such as Teachers College, Harvard, University of Chicago, or Stanford who had an inside track in placing their graduates in important positions. One educator comments after spending a weekend with Cubberly in Palo Alto that, 'Cubberly had an educational Tammany Hall that made the Strayer-Engelhard Tammany Hall in New York look very week.' And one principal recalled Strayer's law for dealing with disloyal subordinates as 'give 'em the ax.' " This was the beginning of a plan to use the credentialing process of teachers to control education.

1932 - The father of progressive education, John Dewey, was made the honorary President of the National Education Association.

1933 - Dewey co-authored the first humanist manifesto.

1934 - Dewey authored "A Common Faith," in which he proclaimed, "It is impossible to ignore the fact that historic Christianity has been committed to a separation of sheep and goats, the saved and the lost, the elect and the mass. Those outside the fold of the church and those who do not rely upon belief in the supernatural have been regarded as only potential brothers, still requiring adoption into the family. I cannot understand how any realization of the democratic ideal, as a vital moral and spiritual ideal in human affairs, is possible without surrender of the conception of the basic division to which supernatural Christianity is committed."

1934 - In July at the 72nd annual meeting of the National Education Association, held in Washington, D.C., in a report titled, "Education for the New America, " Willard Givens, who will become executive secretary of the NEA in 1935 and serve for 17 years, said this: "A dying laissez faire must be completely destroyed and all of us, including the owners, must be subjected to a large degree of social control. An equitable distribution of income will be sought, and the major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order." Givens had submitted similar language in the report of the Committee on Education for the New America of the Department of Superintendents of the National Education Association at the Department's meeting in Cleveland on February 28 of 1934.

December 1934, the NEA Journal editor, Joy Elmer Morgan, writes an editorial calling for government control of corporations.

1938, on June 29, the "New York Herald-Tribune," covering the National Education Association convention in New York City reports: "Dr. Goodwin Watson, professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia University, begged the teachers of the nation to use their profession to indoctrinate children to overthrow conservative reactionaries directing American government and industry. He declared that Soviet Russia was one of the most notable international achievements of our generation.

1940, the National Education Association begins promoting the "Building America" social studies texts which a California Senate Investigating Committee on Education will later condemn for its subtle support of Marxism or socialism, contrary to American values.

1942, in December, the National Education Association Journal editor Joy Elmer Morgan writes an editorial, "The United Peoples of the World," explaining a world organization's or world government's need for an educational branch, a world system of money and credit, a uniform system of weights and measures, a world police force, and other agencies.

1946, in January, the National Education Association Journal publishes "The Teacher and World Government" by Joy Elmer Morgan, editor of the "NEA Journal" from 1921 through 1955, in which he proclaims: "In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation. At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher and the organized profession."

1946,In April the "NEA Journal" prints: "National Education in an International World," by L. Candel of Teachers College, Columbia University, who comments: "The establishment of the United Nations Education, Cultural and Scientific Organization marks the culmination of a movement for the creation of an international agency for education which began with Comminius. Nations that became members of UNESCO accordingly assume an obligation to revise the textbooks used in their schools. Each member nation, if it is to carry out the obligations of its membership, has a duty to see to it that nothing in its curriculum, courses of study and textbooks is contrary to UNESCO's aims."

1946, In August, the NEA sponsors a world conference of the teaching profession -- representatives from 28 nations are present -- which drafts a constitution for a world organization of the teaching profession. "The organization will hold its first regular meeting in August 1947 in Glasgow, Scotland and will be a mighty force in aiding UNESCO." These are the words of William Carr, Associate Secretary of the NEA's Education Policies Commission.

1947, in October, the National Education Association Journal includes "On the Waging of Peace," by NEA official William Carr, who states: "As you teach about the United Nations, lay the ground for a stronger United Nations by developing in your students a sense of world community. The United Nations should be transformed into a limited world government. The psychological foundations for wider loyalties must be laid. Teach about the various proposals that have been made for strengthening the United Nations and the establishment of world law. Teach those attitudes which will result ultimately in the creation of a world citizenship and world government. We cannot directly teach loyalty to a society that does not yet exist, but we can and should teach those skills and attitudes which will help to create a society in which world citizenship is possible."

1948, "Education for International Understanding in American Schools: Suggestions and Recommendations" is produced by the NEA with partial funding by the Carnegie Corporation and contains the following statements: "The idea has become established that the preservation of international peace and order may require that force be used to compel a nation to conduct its affairs within the framework of an established world system. The most modern expression of this doctrine of collective security is in the United Nations Charter. Many persons believe that enduring peace cannot be achieved so long as the nation-state system continues as at present constituted. It is a system of international anarchy, a species of jungle warfare. Enduring peace cannot be attained until the nation-states surrender to a world organization the exercise of jurisdiction over those problems with which they have found themselves unable to deal singly in the past."

1952, the National Training Laboratories (NTL) becomes a part of the National Education Association. The NTL was founded in 1947 and sponsored by the NEA's Division of Adult Education Service. In 1968 the NTL will separate from the NEA and become an independent organization, and it will later, in 1986, be called the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science.

1962, "Issues in Human Relations Training" is published by the National Training Laboratories of the National Education Association. In this book the editors write that human relations, or sensitivity training: "...fits into a context of institutional influence procedures which includes coercive persuasion in the form of thought reform or brain-washing." The book also includes information about "change agent skills and unfreezing, changing and refreezing attitudes," and in David Jenkins' essay in the book, he explains that the Laboratories conducted by the NTL have recently moved from an emphasis on skill training to sensitivity training. He declares that the trainer has no alternative but to manipulate. His job is to plan and produce behavior in order to create changes in other people. The manual also states, regarding children, that "although we appear to behave appropriately, this appearance is deceptive. We are pseudo-healthy persons who can benefit from sensitivity training."

1962, April 26, the "Tulsa Tribune," after learning that the NEA had a file on its editor under "Critics of Education," printed an editorial asking, "What is the function of the National Education Association? To improve the education of America's children or to stifle criticism of present educational methods?"

1962, In October ,the "Chicago Sun-Times" publishes an editorial stating, "that the National Education Association advocated federal aid has surprised us at times but no longer. For control -- real control -- over the nation's children is being shifted rapidly to the National Education Association. That organization has about completed the job of cartelizing public school education under its own cartel. It is doing so under an organization known as the National Council for Accreditation of Teachers Education, an agency whose governing council is tightly NEA-controlled. The manner in which the NEA is usurping parental prerogatives by determining the type of education offered is very simple: control the education and hiring of teachers. NEA has no apprehension regarding federal control of public schools as a consequence of federal aid. It has control itself. It is extending that control over colleges and universities which are all Marxist now. In the NEA scheme of things, it will be a simple matter to extend control over whatever Washington agency handles the funds."

1962,In October 20, the "New York Times" publishes: "McMurren insists he quit to teach," by Wallace Turner, in which he writes that before Sterling McMurren resigned as U.S. Commissioner of Education, Dr. McMurren told NEA head William Carr, "You and I head up the biggest bureaucracies in Washington. The National Education Association has all of the bureaucratic shortcomings and is in danger of moving toward national control of education, not by the federal government, but by the NEA."

1963, In March and April, a special supplement of "AV Communication Review" is published as "Monograph No. 2" of the Technological Development Project of the NEA. The Project is under contract No. SAE-9073 with the United States Office of Education of Health, Education and Welfare, as authorized under Title 7, Part B, of the National Defense Education Act of 1958. The contractor is the NEA, and in this supplement you will find: "Another area of potential development in computer applications is the attitude-changing machine. Dr. Bertram Raven in the psychological department at the University of California in Los Angeles is in the process of building a computer-based device for changing attitude. This device will work on the principle that students' attitudes can be changed effectively by using the Socratic method of asking an appropriate series of leading questions, logically designed to right the balance between appropriate attitudes and those deemed less acceptable."

1967, "Humanizing Education: The Person in the Process," is edited by Robert Leaper for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development of the National Education Association, and contains Carl Rogers' article, "The Interpersonal Relationship and the Facilitation of Learning," in which Rogers declares: "The goal of education is the facilitation of change." Rogers was taught by William H. Kilpatrick at Teachers College where he received his Ph.D. in 1931. As a psychiatrist, he originated client-centered psychotherapy and helped found, with Abraham Mazlo, Ralomey Iraprogov and others, the Association for Humanistic Psychology in 1962.

1967, In October, the NEA "Journal" publishes "Helping Children to Clarify Values," by Lois E. Raths, Merrill Harmon and Sidney B. Simon, in which the authors declare: "The old approach seems to be to persuade the child to adopt the right values rather than to help him develop a valuing process. Clarifying is an honest attempt to help a student look at his life and to encourage him to think about it in an atmosphere in which positive acceptance exists. The teacher must work to eliminate his own tendencies to moralize."

1967, In November, the NEA "Journal" publishes, "The New Social Studies," in which one will read, "Probably the most obvious change occurring in the social studies curriculum is a breaking away from the traditional dominance of history, geography and civics. Materials from the behavioral sciences, sociology, social psychology, are being incorporated into both elemental and secondary school programs." The NEA Executive Secretary, Sam Lambert, comments: "The NEA will become a political power second to no other special interest group. The NEA will have more and more to say about how a teacher is educated, whether he should be admitted to the profession, and whether he should stay in the profession."

In 1968, Elizabeth Coones became the head of the National Education Association, making "teacher power" the rallying cry of her administration. She advocated that teachers organize, agitate and strike. She also promoted the kibbutz concept. On September 23, she addressed the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and stated: "The National Education Association has a multi-faceted program already directed toward the urban school problem, embracing every phase from the Head Start Program to sensitivity training for adults, both teachers and parents."

In 1969, in January, "Today's Education," published by the NEA, contained an article called "Forecast for the '70s" by Harold and June Shane. Their article was a digest of many articles within which you can find the following comments: "Ten years hence, it should be more accurate to term him, the teacher, a learning clinician. This title is intended to convey the idea that schools are becoming clinics whose purpose is to provide individualized psycho-social treatment for the student, thus increasing his value both to himself and to society. Educators will assume a formal responsibility for children when they reach the age of two, with mandatory foster homes and boarding schools for children between ages 2 and 3 whose home environment was felt to have a malignant influence and children would become the objects of biochemical experimentation."

In 1970, July 3, NEA President George Fisher tells NEA representatives at an assembly that "A good deal of work has been done to begin to bring about uniform certification, controlled by the unified profession in each state. A model Professional Practices Act has been developed, and work has begun to secure passage of the Act in each state where such legislation is needed. With these new laws we will finally realize our 113-year-old dream of controlling who enters, who stays, and who leaves the profession. Once this is done, we can also control the teacher training institutions."

In September 1970, in NEA's "Today's Education" editorial, one reads: "The change-agent teacher does more than dream. He builds, too. He is part of an association of colleagues in his local school system, in his state, and across the country that makes up an interlocking system of change-agent organizations. This kind of system is necessary because changing our society through the evolutionary educational processes requires simultaneous action on three power levels."

In 1971, "Rules for Radicals" by socialist Sol Alensky is published. According to Suzanne Clark, in "Blackboard Blackmail," John Lloyd, Executive Director of the Kansas National Education Association, an NEA affiliate, from February 1, 1980 to June 1984, will say that this book by Alensky will become the "NEA's Bible." In Alensky's book, which has an acknowledgment to Lucifer at the front, he asserts that "Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the masses of our people." He continues to say that the radical organizer, dedicated to changing the life of a particular community, must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community, ban the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues. An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent. He knows that all values are relative. Truth to him is relative and changing."

Perhaps not coincidentally, at about this time, Health, Education and Welfare lets contract No. OEC-0-8-080603-4535010, under which portions of "Training for Change Agents" (1973) by Ronald and Mary Havelock, will be developed, and in which one reads: "The advocator-organizer-agitator (ADORAG) and social architect change-agents would receive training in value clarification. Because of his political and ego strength, the ADORAG is relatively invulnerable to the system. He is able to ride or create a crisis to escalate frictions and protests. Knowledge of the law and strategies of confrontation and civil disobedience will be extremely helpful. Three to six crucial school districts in one state would be identified in which inside and outside change teams would work on their projects."

In the spring of 1974, the Federal Office of Education will give a grant of $5.9 million for 500 change-agents to be changed at 21 institutions of higher education around the country. "The Commission on Professional Rights and Responsibilities," a National Education Association brochure No. 163-04940-71, lists among the Commission's purposes to: "gather information about the various individuals and groups who criticize or oppose education and make resumes of their activities."

"Schools for the '70s and Beyond: A Call to Action" is published by the National Education Association and it declares that: "Teachers who conform to the traditional institutional mode are out of place. They might find fulfillment as tap dance instructors or guards in maximum security prisons or proprietors of reducing salons or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But they damage teaching, children and themselves by staying in the classroom."

In 1972, the National Education Association President, Catherine Baron, stated: "We are the biggest potential political fighting force in this country, and we are determined to control the direction of American education."

If you would like verification of this, see "A Relic of the New Age: The National Education Association," by Robert Kagen in "The American Spectator," February 1982.

1973, February 10, in the same edition of "Saturday Review" of education radical feminist leader Gloria Steinhem declares, "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God," the NEA President Catherine Baron pronounces that, "Dramatic changes in the way we will raise our children in the year 2000 are indicated, particularly in terms of schooling. We will need to recognize the so-called basic skills which currently represent nearly the total effort in elementary schools will be taught in one-quarter of the present school day. When this happens, and it is near, the teacher can rise to his true calling. More than a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a conveyor of values, a philosopher. We will be agents of change."

National Education Association President Helen Wise addressed NEA political fund-raisers and commented, "We must reorder Congressional priorities by reordering Congress. We must defeat those who oppose our goals."

1975, the National Education Association Resolutions Committee meets in Washington, D.C. and proposes a resolution that says: "No person should be dismissed or demoted because of sexual orientation." This resolution is typical of the radical types of resolutions on such subjects as abortion rights that the NEA will support in future years. These resolutions will also clearly demonstrate the hypocrisy of the National Education Association which on the one hand will advocate the right to abortion as a matter of privacy but then will support comprehensive sex education which includes a virtual sex organ recital, K-12, ignoring students' privacy rights not to be exposed to this in a public school classroom with other students, male and female, present.

November-December 1975 "Today's Education," the NEA's journal, publishes NEA President John Ryers editorial called "The Uses of Teacher Power" in which he declares: "We must become the foremost political power in the nation."

1976, on February 5, the "Los Angeles Times" published Richard Berholz's article called "Teachers' Group Seeks National System Like Hitler's for U.S. Schools, Reagan Says," in which the future President Reagan says at a Florida rally that the National Education Association really wants "a federal educational system, a national school system, so that little Willie's mother would not be able to go down and see the principal or even the school board. She would actually have to take her case up to Congress in Washington. I believe this is the road to disaster and the end of academic freedom."

The NEA makes available to public schools around the nation a program titled, "A Declaration of Interdependence: Education for a Global Community."

September-October 1976, "Today's Education" publishes NEA President John Ryer's editorial called "Education for a Global Community," describing the National Education Association's Bicentennial Committee theme of world interdependence. In the same issue is also published "The Seven Cardinal Principles Revisited," concerning the NEA Bicentennial Committee's work culminating in the "NEA Bicentennial Idea Book" regarding a "reframing of the cardinal principles of education, 1918, and recommendations for a global curriculum." A report has been prepared by Project Chairman Harold Shane. In this article there is material from the report dealing with the seven cardinal principles including this statement: "There are striking similarities of thought between the 1918 report and the present panel's thinking. For one thing, the NEA Bicentennial panelists emphasize the importance of a global viewpoint. Various statements supported loyalty to the planet as well as to the nation, the need for a world view, world citizenship, and the need for membership in much larger societies, or for recognizing that citizenship is more narrow than chauvinism. The report also said educators around the world are in a unique position to help bring about a harmoniously interdependent global community." Terrell H. Vell of the United States Office of Education was a member of the NEA's Cardinal Principles Pre-Planning Committee, and he was named by President Reagan as United States Secretary of Education in 1981.

1978, November ,"Reader's Digest" published "The NEA: A Washington Lobby Run Rampant," by Eugene Methvan, in which he remarked, "By the early 1970s a young Turk faction had gained control of the NEA and launched into full-scale unionism. When Terry Hearndon became NEA's Executive Director in 1973, he set about building a huge political machine. What is the NEA's ultimate goal? Hearndon is blunt: 'To tap the legal, political and economic powers of the United States Congress. We want leaders and staff with sufficient clout that they may roam the halls of Congress and collect votes to reorder the priorities of the United States of America."

1980,On July 9, the "Washington Post" printed David Broder's nationally syndicated column in which he described his interview with the National Education Association Executive Director Terry Hearndon at the union's annual convention. Broder asked about parents' and voters' concern over the poor quality of public schools and Hearndon replied that the convention speakers and delegates: "don't know what the answer is. We don't have the answers. Our Executive Board spent more time talking about the crisis in urban education than any other topic this year. But we have no answer."

1982, the NEA sued Suzanne Clark for her published criticisms of the labor union. She was legally defended by Concerned Women for America, and in her book, "Blackboard Blackmail," which was endorsed by Dr. D. James Kennedy, she would later relate in that deposition testimony then-NEA President Willard McGuire admitted it would be accurate to say the National Education Association effectively declared war against the New Right, and the lawsuit reasonably could be characterized as an example of that declaration. Dorothy Massey with the NEA admitted she maintained about twelve file drawers on the New Right. But on the advice of her attorney, she refused to produce any information from those files.

1983,On December 2, the NEA withdrew its suit against Suzanne Clark. In her book she quoted Kansas National Education Association Executive Director John Lloyd as stating that the National Education Association "is controlled and run by a group of non-educators, well-paid professional staff who have their own agenda, which is not necessarily in the best interest of public education or of the poorly paid teachers who faithfully serve it." Lloyd is also reported to have revealed that "Rules for Radicals," author Sol Alensky, hired to train National Education Association staff members, integrated radicalism into the union.

1983 on April 5, the "Washington Post" editorial "Political Teaching," accuses the NEA of preparing curriculum materials on nuclear weapons, atomic war and the American arms build-up, which are political indoctrination. The curriculum is called "Choices: A Unit on Conflict and Nuclear War."

1983, In early June, John DeMars, Director of NEA Peace Programs and International Relations, and Sam Pizigotti, Associate Director of NEA Communications, traveled to Nicaragua and made an on-site report which compared Marxist Nicaragua favorably to El Salvador. Their conclusion states that the United States should stop its military aid to the Contras fighting the Marxists in Nicaragua. Why? Because the NEA itself is Marxist.

1983, On November 14, United States Senator Steve Symes writes a letter in which he states: "I am writing you today to alert you to a radical, big labor takeover of the schools in your community. The National Education Association, a union second only to the Teamsters in size and power, is about to seize total control of public education in America. Unless you and I take immediate action on this emergency situation, the NEA will succeed in pushing legislation through Congress that will force compulsory unionization on every public school in the country. This is not an idle threat. It is just one part of the NEA's legislative program for the 98th Congress adopted at its July 1982 convention in Los Angeles. Further, the National Education Association has publicly boasted of its plan to seize control of the agencies and boards that decide who is allowed to teach and what is to be taught. The NEA has become the most powerful special interest group in the United States. Their lobbying has brought about a seventeen-fold increase in federal education spending in the last 20 years. In 1982 their contributions of $1,183,215 and their army of volunteer campaign workers helped elect 222 Congressmen, a majority of the House of Representatives. But instead of using its influence to improve the quality of American education, the NEA has presided over the virtual crumbling of our nation's schools."

1983, the National Education Association distributes "Combating the New Right" which is a training program developed by the NEA western states regional staff. It criticizes Phyllis Schafly, Mel and Norma Gabbler, Howard Philips and other members of the New Right. The program tells a teacher "You are a target of the Far Right" if "you ask students to examine their values, teach sex education, ever indicate it may be okay to lie, teach about values different from those of the students' parents, teach that anything goes, or if you feel it's okay, do it, train your students to be global citizens, teach humanism, etc." A number of NEA state affiliates will follow the NEA lead in this area and produce their own publications such as the Michigan Education Association's "Far-Right Extremists' Attacks on Public Education."

1983 and '84, in the NEA's "Today Education," 1983-84 Annual Edition, you can read this: "The National Education Association believes that communications between certified personnel and students must be legally privileged. It urges its affiliates to aid in seeking legislation that provides this privilege and protects both educators and students." Parents are not to know what communication occurs between their children and these teachers.

1988, February 1-5. the Soviet-American Citizens Summit, a new-age networker Barbara Marks Hubbard, an organizer, is held in Alexandria, Virginia with a delegation of approximately 100 Soviets coordinated by the Soviet Peace Committee. According to a 1985 State Department report on Soviet active measures, the SPC is linked to the Soviet Central Committee's International Department, which was created by Stalin to carry out subversion within other countries. Interesting is the fact that the Education Task Force at the Summit recommended that the National Education Association guide a global computer program.

1988, May 13-16, along with the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, Foreign Policy Association, Global Tomorrow Coalition, International Development Conference, and others, the NEA co-sponsors the American Forum on Education and International Competence. Some of the workshop topics include: "Developing Strategies for Internationalizing State Curriculum," "The United Nations University," "Ten Years of Thinking Globally, Acting Locally," "Will They Use It?" "Implementing Global Education Initiatives: The United Nations in Global Education," "Political Religious Challenges to Global Education." The National Education Association adopted Resolution C34 stating this: "The National Education Association believes that home school programs cannot provide the child with a comprehensive education experience. The Association believes that if parental preference home school study occurs, students enrolled must meet all state requirements. Instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state education licenser agency and a curriculum provided by the State Department of Education should be used."

1990, In October, "NEA Today" prints the comments of Mary Faber of the NEA's Human and Civil Rights Division, and she says: "Both right wing and religious extremists have secured bans on textbooks containing stories about violence and sorcery." And Ms. Faber recommends that teachers report anti-Satanist activity immediately to your local National Education Association. "It's your best defense against what is usually the real aim of such activity -- an attack on public education."

1991 in March, the "National Education Association Today" published an interview by NEA staffer Stephanie Weiss with Planned Parenthood President Fay Waddleton in which the latter expresses her support for school-based distribution of contraceptives and comprehensive sexuality education which would begin well before kindergarten age.

1992, the NEA passed resolutions supporting sex education, abortion and homosexual rights. The NEA has a Gay and Lesbian Caucus and spends millions of dollars supporting political candidates. This labor union is active in many areas not strictly academically related.

1993, on January 23, meeting in Stockholm, the 240 international affiliates of the National Education Association, known as World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, and the American Federation of Teachers, shown as International Federation of Free Teachers Unions, joined to form Education International. Former NEA head and current head of WCOTP, Mary Hatwood Butrell, will be the President of EI. This could mean the NEA and the AFT in the United States will soon merge and attempt to further their goals of nationalizing American education. And what they mean is national goals, national tests, national teacher certification, etc. We've all seen these things happen. Later will come internationalizing Americans and other nations' education.

1993, On June 7, "Forbes" magazine published "The National Extortion Association," by Peter Brenlow and Leslie Spencer. In this article, sharply critical of the NEA, the authors note that: "As the National Education Association has gained in monopoly power, the cost of education has increased while its quality has deteriorated." Does anyone want to argue that point?

1993, July 2-5, at the NEA's annual convention in San Francisco, delegates approved resolutions supporting multi-cultural, global education, abortion rights, and comprehensive school-based clinics. Resolutions were also passed advocating that teachers be legally protected from censorship and lawsuits related to sex education, including education regarding sexual orientation. Resolution B-1 states that: "the NEA supports early childhood education programs in the public schools for children from birth through age 8." From BIRTH! And concerning home schooling, Resolution B-58 indicates that: "Instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state education licensure agency and a curriculum approved by the State Department of Education should be used." President Clinton addressed the delegates and thanked the NEA for: "the gift of our Assistant Secretary," referring to long-time NEA activist and staffer Sharon Robinson who has become United States Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement and who sits next to Hillary Rodham Clinton on the front row of the NEA convention. President Clinton went on to say that he believed his goals for America closely parallel those of the NEA. He further said, "I believe that the president of this organization would say we have had the partnership I promised in the campaign in 1992 and we will continue to have it. You and I are joined in a common cause, and I believe we will succeed."


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