-Caveat Lector-


>>>Go to the site where there are umteen linques.  And of course, this is revisiting
our "won" war, the one that was supposed to be not like VietNam (9 years) but has
taken on a death of its own in the course of ten (10) years and counting.  No Agent
Orange; just DU.  And, again, the shame of it all, is the Britlanders' use of us,
the US, as a warmonging proxy in its post-imperial period.  April's shennanigans
have been well documented all over the place, almost as well as the Britlanders'
since the Mandate was inked.  Gotta remember the Iron Matron urging on GHWB; gotta
recall Tiny Blur doing the same with Bill Jeff when the prospect of sending American
soldiers into Kosovariraqia arose.  Kinda makes you wonder who's the CinC ...
A<>E<>R <<<

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
January 15, 2001
        Gulf War In Retrospect: the "Isolationists" Were Right
        years ago, George Herbert Walker Bush unleashed the mightiest military
        machine on earth against a poor, Third World country whose only "crime"
        consisted of redrawing the map of the Middle East as originally drawn
        by the British Foreign Office. Iraq has always claimed Kuwait as its
        province," an assertion that history in the main supports. In the aftermath
        of World War I, having promised their Arab allies independence, the British
        went back on their word, and, in signing the Sykes-Picot treaty of 1916,
        implemented the chief axiom of politics: to the victor goes the spoils,
        which the Brits naturally reserved for themselves and the French. It
        was left to Sir Percy Cox to draw the first line in the sand (literally)
        at the 1922 conference of Uqair, creating the state of Iraq – but
        severing Kuwait, previously an adjunct of Basra, which was made an official
        British protectorate, and narrowing Iraqi access to the Persian Gulf.
        So the Iraqi "invasion" – or reclamation, depending on your viewpoint
        – came as no surprise to students of Middle East history, and should
        have come as no surprise to US policymakers, who had advance notice that
        Saddam was on the march – and did everything to encourage him.

Eight days
        before the outbreak of the Gulf war, Saddam summoned April
        Glaspie, then the American ambassador to Iraq, and launched into a
        tirade. He railed about the pernicious role of the British in the region,
        reminded her that without Iraq the Iranians would not be stopped from
        taking over the whole region by anything short of nuclear weapons, and
        complained about the "economic aggression" of Kuwait and the United Arab
        Emirates in agitating for lower oil prices. He made it all too clear that
        he intended to use force to stop what he claimed were Kuwaiti incursions
        onto Iraqi territory in the so-called Neutral Zone. Glaspie replied that
        the Americans, too, had experience with "the colonialists," which indeed
        seems odd given that the US and these very "colonialists" would be jointly 
bombing the hell out of Iraq is a little over a week's time. As for the
        price of oil, Ms. Glaspie opined that "We have many Americans who would
        like to see the price go above $25 because they come from oil-producing
        states." At a time when the US secretary of state was none other than
        James Baker, a Texan who virtually personifies Big Oil, the implications
        of what the US Ambassador was telling Saddam were inescapable. Glaspie
        went on
        to say:
"I think
        I understand this. I have lived here for years. I admire your extraordinary
        efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand
        that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild
        your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like
        your border disagreement with Kuwait. I was in the American Embassy in
        Kuwait during the late 60's. The instruction we had during this period was 
that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue
        is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official
        spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem 
using any suitable methods . . ."
        AND GREEN
If that
        was a diplomatic yellow light in response to Saddam's stated intent to
        use force, then the President's message to Saddam was a green light for
        the invasion. As
        Elaine Sciolino has pointed out in an
        interview with CSPAN, Dubya's daddy didn't even mention the tens of
        thousands of Iraqi troops poised to strike at Kuwait, and never raised
        the issue of Kuwaiti sovereignty or declared his intent to defend it.
        "It was a very, very weak memo," says Sciolino,
        a reporter for the New York Times and author of The
        Outlaw State: Saddam Hussein's Quest for Power and the War in the Gulf,
        "and it is much more dramatic than even April Glaspie's transcript which
        has gotten so much attention. So that Saddam didn't really think that
        there was going to be a huge hue and cry when he invaded Kuwait." Saddam
        thought what Glaspie and her superiors wanted him to think, and the rest
        is history.
"This will
        not stand," the First Bush declared, and soon expanded the war aims of
        the US from simply defending Kuwait to invading Iraq. But a decade later
        Saddam Hussein is still standing, and to the Arab "street" – the
        teeming, resentful Arab masses, seething with anger at the US for its
        Israel-centric policy in the Middle East – he is standing considerably
        taller. After ten years of sanctions, and nearly continuous bombing, the
        Americans and their British allies haven't managed to land a bomb directly
        on their taunting antagonist, nor have they managed to starve him and his 
people out of existence – although this isn't because they didn't
        make a mighty effort.
The barbarism
        of the sanctions is underscored by an aside in Ron
        McKay's excellent piece in the Scottish Sunday Herald on what
        uranium is doing to Basra. Describing the hospitals of Basra, McKay
        writes: "The patients lie on sheetless beds because detergents are banned
        on the grounds that they can be put to dual use – a crude bomb manufactured
        from a box of Persil, presumably."
In the perfervid
        imagination of our deranged rulers, detergent is a weapon of mass destruction,
        it has a "dual use"
        and must be embargoed lest Saddam unleashes the lethal potential of Tide.
        The real purpose of such restrictions is to completely dehumanize and
        defeat the Iraqi people. Imagine life with no clean sheets! But in ten
        years they have not succeeded: politically, Saddam's position is more
        secure than ever, and it turns out that his reported ill health was merely
        wishful thinking on the part of the Iraqi opposition in exile. What US
        and Britain have been able to do is inflict a lot of suffering. The hospitals
        of Basra, McKay reports, "are full of young people suffering from horrendous 
tumors, most of them not even born when the Gulf war ended." While the
        fingernails and hair of children who played in the "depleted" uranium-soaked
        fields of Kosovo fall out, and more
        fall sick and die, the US and the Brits refuse to acknowledge their
        own documented
        worst fears
        about the new weaponry and its effects. What else do we need to know
        before we realize that we are being ruled by moral and mental degenerates,
        who somehow believe that the concept of war crimes cannot apply to them.
The "depleted"
        uranium controversy reminds us how the course of US foreign policy generally
        stays unchanged in its essentials from one administration to the next.
        It was the First Bush who pissed radioactive poison on Iraq, and the Great
        Pants-dropper soon followed up by similarly defecating all over the former
        Yugoslavia. Is the Second Bush even now unzipping, getting ready to unleash
        yet another load of irradiated
        waste products on Iraq from a safe height?
The very
        first words out of Colin Powell's mouth, after it was formally announced
        that he would be Secretary of state-designate, were that he intended to
        "re-energize" the sanctions against Iraq, and he strongly implied that 
Saddam's overthrow was a hope we should do more than wish for. The selection
        of Donald
        Rumsfeld as the new defense secretary, with the ultra-hawkish
        Paul Wolfowitz ensconced as his deputy, ensures that US policy in
        the region will become even more militant and irrational: both Rumsfeld
        and Wolfowitz signed
        a letter urging the Congress to pass legislation arming the divided,
        disoriented, and largely antidemocratic
        Iraqi opposition, and the Clinton administration, in one of its final
        acts, authorized
        the release of $12 million to organize a revolution from within Iraq.
        The plan, which doesn't provide the Iraqi "revolutionaries" with any arms,
        is apparently for the Iraqi National Council to set up distribution points for 
goods embargoed
        elsewhere, and thus set up "liberated" zones controlled by the opposition
        that could be expanded outward.
This foreign
        policy bequest to the incoming administration is received with open arms
        by Bush advisors such as Richard
        Perle, an ultra-hawk who opines that Team Bush (II) will embrace this
        Clintonian initiative. "It's not a question of blocking them in or forcing
        them into a situation they would object to," he said. "My guess is they
        will wish to support the opposition." As to whether this means backing
        up the "liberated zones" with military force once Saddam attacks them
        remains to be seen. But here again we see the essential continuity of
        American foreign policy as hegemonistic, aggressive, and relentlessly
        focused on the oil-rich Middle East. This hasn't changed in ten years,
        or twenty, but there is reason to hope that it can and will change as
        we enter the real new millennium.
When the
        First Bush got up on his high horse and proclaimed the advent of "a
        New World Order," his thin patrician lips forming the syllables of
        this ominous phrase so as to give it an almost lascivious lilt, a great
        many conservatives were naturally repulsed. The phrase offended the stern
        republican (small-r) sensibilities of traditional conservatives, who largely
        advised abstention from the temptations of empire, which they associated
        with an advanced state of decadence. "There are plenty of things worth
        fighting for," said Pat Buchanan, "but lowering the price of gas by ten cents 
a barrel is not one of them." A decade before the attack on the
        USS Cole, Buchanan asked:
        is such a war to end? After destroying Iraq's military and regime and
        driving its army out of Kuwait, who keeps them out? Of the answer is US
        troops, will not those troops become targets of the same terrorists who picked 
off our Marines in Lebanon?"
The fight
        for a foreign policy that puts the interests of America and Americans
        first has engaged
        the conservative imagination ever since the end of the cold war and
        the discovery – or rediscovery – that the main enemy is in Washington
        D.C. (yes, no matter which party is in power). The Gulf war, and
        the Bushian rhetoric accompanying it, heightened their hostility to 
        The Kosovo disaster only confirmed the sneaking suspicion that government
        intervention abroad has the same effect abroad as it does at home –
        only in the case of the US Marines in Lebanon, the USS Cole, and the victims
        of the bombings at US bases in Saudi Arabia, the boomerang effect was 
spectacularly and immediately fatal. It was, after all, the Republican-controlled
        House of Representatives that gave Clinton the most trouble over the Kosovo
        war, and GOP congressional leaders are calling for the US to withdraw from the 
Balkans. The logic of their position will eventually force them
        to call for US withdrawal from the Arabian peninsula. Events in the Middle
        East are fast rendering our traditional policy of unconditional support
        to the House of Saud irrelevant. The sidelining of King Faisal, and the
        rise of the heir apparent, Crown
        Prince Abdullah, will force the US to confront the issue the fuels
        the popularity of Osama bin Laden as an Arab folk hero: the continued
presence of foreign troops on Saudi soil, which is a religious and political
        affront to the great majority of Saudi citizens. Their new king will reflect

        the sentiments of his people, or else risk the loss of legitimacy –
        and the potential end of the House of Saud, which could wind up in the
        same dustbin of history wherein resides the Iranian Shah and his fellow
As a prelude
        to the expected fireworks in the Middle East, Afghanistan may become the
        latest battleground in the Bushian attempt to seize the oil fields of
        the Middle East. The US has been making
        noises about a joint Russian-American drive to drive the Taliban from power,
but Putin is no fool and Moscow, preoccupied with Chechnya,
        is unlikely to get drawn back to that particular briar patch. Putin is
        furthermore very much concerned about American incursions into the Caucasus,

        which is one reason for his
        recent visit to Azerbaijan, the first visit by a Russian leader to
        the region in recent memory. The elaborate game of geopolitical chess
        being played at the top of the world is going into high gear, now that
        an administration that is not only beholden to Big Oil but actually is Big
Oil has taken over the direction of US foreign policy. Afghanistan
        is one door to the oil-rich Caucasus, so is pro-Western Georgia (which now
        to join NATO!) and Iraq is another: which door Dubya chooses is a
        matter of military and political opportunity, as well as chance, but
        one he walks though will involve a major military operation. Remember,
        these are the people who are formally committed to the so-called Powell
        Doctrine, which, in essence, is the principle that US military force
        is not to be considered or applied lightly: once the decision to
        has been made, it must be carried out with "overwhelming force."
        I consider the kind of change we can expect from the new administration,
        I am struck by this theme of continuity that underlies US foreign policy,
        particularly in the Middle East,. Instead of the slow death by "depleted"
uranium poisoning and the effects of the embargo, Iraqis can look forward
        to a quick death in a hail of cluster bombs. This is a particularly obscure
        example of God's mercy, but surely Team Bush (II) can recruit some
Republican theologian into elaborating on it at great length.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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