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Subject: [Activist_List] U.S. Military and Corporate Recolonization of the Congo
Date: 17 Jan 2001 18:25:51 -0000
From: "Eric Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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U.S. Military and Corporate Recolonization of the Congo

by Ellen Ray

The United States’ involvement in Congo since before independence from Belgium in
June 1960 has been steady, sinister, and penetrating. Most notable was the CIA’s
role in the overthrow (September 1960) and later assassination (January 1961) of
Congo’s first Prime Minister, the charismatic (and socialist) Patrice Lumumba. The
full extent of U.S. machinations was not known for years,1 but the failure at the
time of the United Nations to protect Lumumba was patent. And questions continue
to linger over the mysterious plane crash in September 1961 that killed U.N.
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold as he was flying to the border town of Ndola to
meet with Moise Tshombe, president of the breakaway Katanga Province. The plane
fell from the sky, killing all aboard.2 Is it any wonder that in Congo today there
is little trust of Washington or respect for the United Nations?


In October 1996, the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of
Congo-Zaire (ADFL), commanded by and composed mainly of Tutsi military forces from
Paul Kagame’s Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA), along with Tutsi refugees from Zaire
and some Congolese patriots,3 all under the titular leadership of Congolese exile
Laurent Kabila, crossed into Zaire from Rwanda and Burundi. In May 1997, after
only seven months of fighting, they had overthrown the 30-year dictatorship of
Mobutu Sese Seko.4 While marching west across the vast expanse of the country,
divisions of this army had wreaked terrible vengeance on the Rwandan Hutu exiles
encamped since 1994 in eastern Zaire, where they had been driven from Rwanda by
the RPA on the heels of the horrendous massacre of hundreds of thousands of
Rwandan Tutsis, encouraged and supervised by extremists in the Hutu-dominated

In Kinshasa, with Kabila named President, key cabinet posts and the new Congo army
and security forces were immediately staffed at the highest levels by Rwandan

By July 1998, Kabila realized that the Congolese people would not support the
excesses of the Rwandan "foreigners" throughout their government. He also
recognized the extent to which he had become a puppet of his Tutsi "allies," and
after confirmed reports of atrocities by Tutsi military against Hutu exiles in the
east, and later in the west of the country, had become too prevalent to ignore,
and after he had uncovered an apparent Rwandan plot to assassinate him and stage a
coup in Congo, Kabila ordered the Rwandans to leave.

Less than a week later, on August 2, 1998, Ugandan and Rwandan regular troops
invaded Congo with regrouped, well-trained rebel forces, and began the war to
overthrow Kabila that goes on to this day, despite a shaky, much-violated,
U.S.-supported cease-fire. Rwandans and Ugandans control most of the east of the
country, and there has been a de facto partition, a gross violation of Congolese

Yet Rwanda is a tiny, impoverished nation, and Uganda is not much larger or
richer, while Congo is one of the largest, richest, and most populous nations in
Africa, which at one time had its most powerful army. How did this happen? Could
impoverished Rwanda and Uganda have orchestrated, armed, and financed such
operations on their own?

Is it a coincidence that Rwandan strongman Paul Kagame was trained in the United
States?5 That the Rwandan army received, and continues to receive, training in the
U.S.? That the Pentagon has had Special Forces military training missions in
Rwanda and Uganda for more than five years? That vast segments of the Congolese
infrastructure, particularly the mining companies,6 have been taken over by U.S.-
and western-linked multinationals, working with the Rwandan and Ugandan rebels and

The U.S. Role

The Mobutu era began with ardent U.S. support, financial and military. From 1965
to 1991, Zaire received more than $1.5 billion in U.S. economic and military aid.7
In return, U.S. multinationals increased their share of the ownership of Zaire’s
fabulous mineral wealth.8 On the foreign policy front, Zaire was a bastion of
anti-communism during the Cold War, in the center of a continent Washington saw as
perilously close to Moscow’s influence. As the State Department put it, "Zaire has
been a stabilizing force and a staunch supporter of U.S. and western
policies...."9 Mobutu’s corruption and brutality were ignored for thirty years. It
was only when the plunder of western-owned assets and the ruination of the country
were nearly complete, when Mobutu’s stolen billions had become a world-wide
embarrassment, that the U.S. began to seek an acceptable change.

By this time, the U.S. was deeply involved in both Uganda and Rwanda, and very
close to Paul Kagame. In 1990, Kagame, a Rwandan exile serving as a colonel in the
Ugandan army,10 was training at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, when he dropped out of the program and rushed back to
Uganda to take command of the rebel army that invaded Rwanda.11

After three years of civil war in Rwanda, a power-sharing peace accord was
negotiated, only to collapse in 1994, when an airplane carrying Rwanda’s Hutu
president, Juvenal Habyarimana, was shot down, with all aboard, including
President Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, killed. A still secret 1997 U.N.
investigation implicates Kagame in the assassinations. Warnings of a coming
bloodbath, set off by the attack, were ignored, and a horrendous 89-day massacre
of 500,000 Tutsis—and 50,000 Hutus—followed.12 Kagame’s movement then turned on
the Hutu-dominated government, and took power. The massacres began again, this
time of Hutus. More than a million Rwandan Hutus, both militia and civilians, who
escaped the killing, fled to eastern Zaire.

U.S. officials, according to the Washington Post, were pleased with Kagame and
"deeply relieved that the rebels had halted the massacres, thus ending pressure
for a U.S.-led intervention."13 As one writer observed, "America’s unease about
its own attitude to the massacres in the spring of 1994 was one reason why it
later sided with the triumphant victims."14 The U.S. "became increasingly close to
the Rwandan government and the army that backed it.... Washington pumped military
aid into Kagame’s army and U.S. Army Special Forces and other military personnel
trained hundreds of Rwandan forces."15

At the same time, the U.S. kept tabs on the refugees in eastern Zaire, while
mounting what was called a "humanitarian operation" in Rwanda, but which also
included training of the Rwandan military in combat, counterinsurgency,
psychological operations, etc. (see sidebar). One U.S. official interviewed by the
Washington Post contended that "the United States is focusing disproportionate
military assistance on Rwanda as part of the creation of a ‘zone of influence’ in
East Africa...."16 An African writer has referred to this zone of influence as a
confederation of "military princedoms [which] have appeared in Rwanda, Uganda,
Burundi, and, to a lesser extent, in Ethiopia and Eritrea."17 These U.S.-supported
military regimes are characterized by "the repeated use of force in putting their
internal and external policy strategies into effect." They are "obsessed with
security" and they "clone themselves" by joining forces "with their own
diasporas...whose citizenship is disputed .... [They] attract the services of
‘rebels,’ dissidents, and others, who serve as a screen for their intervention" in
fragile and unstable neighboring countries.18 The role of the Rwandan and Ugandan
princelings, Kagame and Museveni, in neighboring Congo is a classic example of
U.S. meddling.19

The Fall of Mobutu, The Rise of Kabila

Still unclear is the full extent of U.S. military support for Kagame’s move, via
Kabila, against Mobutu and Zaire (and their bloody retribution against both Hutu
militia and Hutu civilian refugees in the camps). "Many Africans," the Wall Street
Journal noted, concluded that "the Zairean rebellion was the brainchild of
Washington from the very start."20 In August 1996, six weeks before the RPA and
Kabila’s forces moved into Zaire, Kagame had visited Washington to discuss with
Clinton administration officials the dangerous threat to his regime in Rwanda from
the Hutu refugee camps in eastern Zaire, harboring militia among the civilians.21
Both Kagame and U.S. officials later claimed unconvincingly that he left
"disappointed" in not having instigated direct U.S. action. It was clear to the
U.S., in any case, that Kagame was prepared to act,22 and that this was certainly
in the U.S. government’s interest.

Kagame acted quickly after his visit to Washington. Kabila, a former Marxist
exile, who had been recruited by the Tutsis, had been brought to Goma some time
earlier, to be the national Congolese figurehead of an "insurgency" against
Mobutu’s army. And in October 1996, when the full-scale incursion began, much of
eastern Zaire was immediately taken. The camps were attacked, and many of the
refugees were driven back to Rwanda or killed. It is unlikely that Kabila himself
took part in the actions against the refugees, but there is no question that he
had made a deal with the Devil: "Kabila’s army is closely controlled by Rwandan
officers who dominate its upper echelons. Kabila relied heavily on the
well-trained Rwandan officers, along with Rwandan, Angolan, and Ugandan troops, to
push Mobutu’s army aside. But in so doing, he made a deal with people intent on
bringing the 1994 ethnic war in Rwanda onto Congolese soil."23

Kabila maintained his headquarters in Goma, in eastern Zaire, near the site of
many of the camps. In the first months of the fighting, the U.S. denied any ties
to Kabila and also denied that any foreign forces were fighting with him.24
Diplomatic signals, however, got crossed: At the start of the rebellion, in
October, "U.S. ambassador to Rwanda, Robert Gribbin, denied in the face of
mounting evidence that the Rwandan army had any role in the action in eastern
Zaire. But at the same time, in Mobutu’s capital, Kinshasa, American envoy to
Zaire, Dan Simpson, was denouncing the uprising as a Rwandan and Ugandan
‘invasion.’ "25 The London Guardian noted, "U.S. policy initially was divided
between offering active support for Rwandan intervention and looking the other
way.... In practice, it did both: the Pentagon helped out while the State
Department pretended it wasn’t happening."26 That the U.S. "helped out" is
unquestionable; the motive for doing so is what we must address.

• A South African pilot in September 1996, "flew a planeload of assault rifles
from Pretoria to...Burundi, where he was met by... an official from the U.S.
Embassy there. The weapons...were destined for Uvira...in Zaire, the birthplace of
Mr. Kabila’s revolt."27

• In November, "senior officers from the U.S. Embassy in Rwanda were seen leaving
Mr. Kabila’s residence in Goma."28

• By spring, a State Department official, Dennis Hankins, was ensconced in a local
hotel in Goma "as the first full-time American diplomat posted to the capital of
the rebel alliance...."29

• In April, the House passed a resolution calling on Mobutu to step down.30

Kabila Arrives

Despite U.S. approval of and involvement in the overthrow of Mobutu, U.S. support
for Kabila from the beginning was mixed at best, and hostility later intensified,
as he became increasingly estranged from his Rwandan and Ugandan Tutsi mentors.
After arriving in Kinshasa on May 19, 1997, Kabila’s new government and teams of
ecstatic Congolese began to clean up the capital and restore the country’s
infrastructure, bringing a semblance of normalcy to their lives, despite armed
confrontations between newly appointed local police and rapid deployment squads.
According to UNICEF, 15,000 young soldiers patrolling Kinshasa did not speak the
language and were strangers to the city. Locals refused to have anything to do
with them.31

These "faceless" army and security forces, being reorganized under instructions
from Rwanda and including many unidentified soldiers working for state security
services, were regarded as "foreigners" by the people and viewed with distrust.
Lt. Col. James Kabarebe, who became Army Chief of Staff, had been head of the
Rwandan Republican Guard before he led the forces that overthrew Mobutu.32 Many
other key figures had similar backgrounds. Jackson Nzinza, a Ugandan Tutsi who
became Congo’s Chief of National Security, had been the head of Rwanda’s Internal
Security Organization, allegedly responsible for numerous political murders, an
activity he continued to practice in Congo. Bizima Karaha, Kabila’s Foreign
Minister, was another Rwandan Tutsi, whose uncle is a member of the Rwandan
Parliament.33 Col. Ibingira, who later became Commander of North Kivu, was deeply
involved in massacres of Hutu refugees.34

During the 15 months between the May 1997 entry into Kinshasa and the August 1998
start of the current war, the U.S. became openly critical of the Kabila
government. Most complaints voiced were related to ongoing murderous assaults on
the Hutu refugees, who were not being protected properly in the U.N.-run camps or
by Doctors Without Borders, who were also present. But there were other
undercurrents, related to Realpolitik.

In April and May of 1997, as the downfall of Mobutu was imminent, reports of
massacres which had occurred during the march to Kinshasa began to appear with
regularity, although it was often unclear just who the perpetrators had been. The
AP reported on May 22 that "one of Kabila’s soldiers" had shown a reporter a mass
grave. The June 1 Boston Globe reported massacres of refugees who had "tried to
flee troops led by then-rebel leader Laurent Kabila." On May 28, 1997, State
Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said "Kabila lacks democratic credentials."
The AP report noted that "skepticism is strong among U.S. officials about the
willingness of Kabila, once associated with leftist causes, to lead Zaire to
democracy."35 At the same time, other Clintonites appeared optimistic. "U.S.
officials are generally pleased with Kabila’s actions since his forces deposed
Mobutu two weeks ago. He has included opposition elements in his government and
has promised free elections within two years."36 There were reports of mass graves
in Kisangani, and U.N. efforts to investigate "have been blocked by forces
affiliated with Kabila’s Rebel Alliance." Still, some U.S. officials continued to
believe that "alliance forces involved in wrongdoing were acting independently of
Kabila." On June 3, a USAID team arrived in Congo to assess its assistance needs,
particularly "funds to help Congo meet the challenge of holding national elections
in April 1999, the target date set by President Kabila."37

The next month Kabila’s Foreign Minister, Bizima Karaha, visited Washington and,
as evidenced by a lengthy interview he gave to UPI,38 did little to enhance
U.S.-Congolese relations.39 He was in Washington to ask the Clinton administration
for help in reconstructing the country. But, as UPI noted, he was "not bringing a
message the Clinton administration wants to hear."

For one thing, the U.S., with its typical monomania for "free and fair elections,"
even in the wake of the overthrow of thirty years of relentless dictatorship, was
insisting that elections take place within two years, which, admittedly, Kabila
had announced when he took over. Karaha referred to the pledge as merely "a goal,"
one which he doubted could be reached, given the continuing instability in the

Karaha was also vehement in ruling out any participation in the new government by
opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi, Mobutu’s last prime minister.40 "The United
States," UPI noted, "one of the few nations to recognize Tshisekedi’s brief
appointment to head Mobutu’s government during some of the fiercest fighting, has
pointed to the opposition leader as exactly the type of figure that should be
included in Kabila’s administration." Karaha, with perhaps less diplomacy than
might be expected from a foreign minister, called Tshisekedi a "provocateur" who
"wants to create anarchy and chaos...an enemy of the people and of the

The handwriting was on the wall. A senior official told the UPI reporter "that
Kabila can ‘kiss goodbye’ any hopes of American help if the positions taken by
Karaha on elections and on Tshisekedi prove accurate reflections of the policies
Kabila plans to pursue."

War Crime Allegations

The demand that the massacres committed during the overthrow of Mobutu be fully
investigated and that the perpetrators be identified and punished was raised, but
the U.N. and the Clinton administration never revealed what they knew—that these
were Tutsi revenge killings. A few reports conceded that the atrocities were
committed by troops beyond Kabila’s control.42 The media attacks against Kabila
were relentless, always ignoring the astonishing degree to which foreign nations,
Rwanda and Uganda, exercised absolute control over the Congolese military and
security services.43

Kabila responded cryptically to calls from human rights organizations demanding
investigation into the massacres, claiming that countries and international groups
must assume some of the responsibility. "All the forces...including in the name of
sending humanitarian assistance, are [also] responsible...for these great
violations." He stopped short of conceding that Rwandan troops, in fact, committed
mass killings in their sweep across the country. But he hinted at complicity by
both the U.S. government and certain human rights groups.44

An October 1997 Human Rights Watch report with the International Federation of
Human Rights Leagues stated, "Kabila’s troops, particularly Rwandan allies,
segregated and executed young men, former Hutu government officials and Hutu
intellectuals." They accused the U.S. of ignoring the massacres to "hasten a
conclusion to the region’s three-year refugee crisis."45

An exception to most media coverage was a revealing Washington Post investigation
by Scott Campbell, placing much of the blame on Paul Kagame’s Rwandans, and noting
that, while the Defense Department admitted training RPA troops inside Rwanda,
"knowledgeable witnesses told me they had seen U.S. soldiers in the company of RPA
troops on Congolese territory on various dates including July 23rd and 24th of
this year... Massacre sites continue to be cleaned up and potential witnesses
intimidated... Rwandan officers and troops remain in the Congo in the same areas
where they participated in massacres, representing a lethal threat to any who
would dare collaborate with the U.N. team."46

Campbell concluded by urging that "Kabila and the international community...
insist that Kagame withdraw his troops from Congolese territory and investigate
anyone suspected of killing civilians. Armed Hutu soldiers and militia must also
finally be disarmed and brought to justice."47

It became apparent that the Clinton administration would welcome Kabila’s
overthrow, and perhaps had always envisioned such an outcome. The desired scenario
was floated in World Policy Review, where, in the summer of 1998, just before the
second Congo invasion, Frank Smythe savaged Kabila, calling him a "thug," and
stating that "Voices from all quarters say that the Kabila regime is corrupt. Even
his former allies in Rwanda, Uganda, and Eritrea have begun asking whether they
should have recruited another Zairean to lead operations in eastern Zaire."48 The
notion that Paul Kagame was sensitive to charges of official corruption is
laughable, but Smythe’s article confirmed that the die was cast.

At the same time, much "shiny new military hardware was appearing at Kigali
airport in Rwanda."49 It was not long before what the western press would dub
"Africa’s First World War" began.50

Ouster, Attempted Coup, and Invasion

Only four months after President Clinton’s March 1998 trip to Africa,51 Kabila
ordered all Rwandan and Ugandan Tutsi troops and military instructors out of the
country. On July 28, 1998, they began to leave, taking much of what was left of
the DRC treasury with them.

Kabila later described a foiled assassination attempt against him as the factor
that precipitated the ouster, as well as the Tutsi killings of Hutu refugees,
which had spread to the central Equatorial region.52

On August 2, only four days later, Rwanda and Uganda invaded Congo from the east
with ground troops from their regular armies. And just two days after that, in
what must have involved months of forward planning, there were two airborne
invasions by Rwanda in the west, and Ugandan troops simultaneously landed in the
south and occupied the ports.

An attempted coup was under way.

While some "rebels" were involved in the invasion (mostly former Mobutu officers),
"Rwandan and Ugandan soldiers...constitute the major portion of those troops which
are combating Kabila’s government," according to a statement at the time by
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.53 Nevertheless, it was months before Uganda
and Rwanda admitted that their soldiers were involved in the invasion. (The U.S.
has yet to confirm its participation.)54

The early fighting in western Congo almost reached Kinshasa. For nearly a month,
Rwandan troops controlled Kitona airport, and Ugandans in the southwest held the
Inga dam, cutting electricity and water into the capital.55 In mid-August, when
the invaders totally defied a demand from the Organization of African Unity to lay
down their arms, Zimbabwe and Angola, and later Namibia, decided to send troops to
Congo to assist the government in beating back the assault. It was only after
fierce fighting, with vital military support from the Angolans and Zimbabweans,
along with spirited defense from the local populace in Kinshasa, that the rebels
were repulsed at the gates of the capital. Ultimately, by the end of August, they
were driven back to the eastern regions.56

Life in the Occupied Zone

The battle in eastern Congo is another story, one that still rages, despite more
than a year of cease-fire efforts. In North Kivu, South Kivu, and Haut-Congo
provinces the invaders have been able to occupy vast reaches of territory, at
present more than half of the entire country. (Congo is more than one-fourth the
size of the U.S.) The isolated infrastructure of this area, encompassing most of
the mineral wealth of Congo, has remained under the effective control of rebel
groups, as proxies for the Ugandans, the Rwandans, and the various mining firms
and their private security forces.

Since the invasion, for almost two years, the fortunes of the "rebel" groups,
themselves riven with splits and recriminations, have been inextricably tied to
the mercurial and deteriorating relations between Uganda and Rwanda, all competing
for Congo’s fabulous mineral wealth. Personal relations between the Ugandan and
Rwandan leaders were close for many years, ever since Kagame, as an exile in
Uganda, was a rising star in its army. He helped Museveni come to power. By the
summer of 1999, however, relations were so strained between the two countries that
their troops fought a bloody three-day battle in Kisangani. Rwanda had attempted,
unsuccessfully, to take control of the Haut-Congo capital, where the Ugandan army
and rebels have their headquarters.57

The Rebel Surrogates

One branch of the Congolese Union for Democracy (RCD), based on the border with
Uganda, is headed by Ernest Wamba dia Wamba, a former university professor who was
brought from exile in Tanzania and appeared in public three weeks after the
attempted coup. By all reports, he is a Congolese nationalist who is in favor of a
non-military solution, but whose ambition to be the leader of Congo has him, in
some analysts’ opinion, in "over his head." Wamba dia Wamba first operated out of
Goma with the protection of Rwandan Tutsi and former Mobutu troops. When
political-military differences became severe, in April 1999, ousted by the
military faction and in fear for his life, he moved the headquarters of his group
to Kisangani and renamed his operation RCD-ML. He is now under the protection of
the Ugandan army.

Rwanda backs the military branch of Wamba’s former group, still in Goma and now
led by Dr. Emile Ilunga, from Katanga, Kabila’s home province. Ilunga’s faction is
now called RCD-Goma. The security chief for this branch is Bizima Karaha, Kabila’s
former foreign minister.58

Yet another group, the Movement for Congolese Liberation (MLC), in the north
central region, is also backed by Uganda, led by Jean-Pierre Bemba, a young
businessman during the Mobutu era. His group is composed of some former Mobutu
officers and soldiers. Curiously, his father, Saolona Bemba, a very wealthy former
close associate of Mobutu, was put in jail in Kinshasa when Kabila took power. The
elder Bemba somehow transformed himself into Kabila’s political ally and is now
the DRC Minister of Economy and Industry (even as his son plots the overthrow of
the Kabila government).59

The rebels are definitely not welcome in most of the northeast half of the country
they control. "[T]he men seeking to overthrow the President of Congo, Laurent
Kabila, have been decidedly unpopular even as they conquered nearly half this huge
country. They are linked too closely with Rwanda, which provides the rebels with
troops and arms but is despised by many ordinary Congolese."60 The London
Economist had earlier acknowledged that "The second rebellion in two years is
unpopular with most Congolese. In 1996, the rebels [here meaning Kabila’s forces]
held crowded rallies at which they recruited young fighters. In the eastern Kivu
province which the rebels [here meaning Kabila’s opponents] still hold, and in the
towns outside Kivu which they have captured...rallies have been...sparsely
attended...rebel leaders have been booed, and there have been no lines of young
men eager to join."61

Abuses, indeed atrocities, by the RCD and other rebel groups in North and South
Kivu have been well-documented. "Reports from South Kivu strongly suggest the
danger of large-scale violence among different ethnic groups there. Among several
alleged massacres and atrocities is the burial alive of 15 women in Kivu province
by rebels, apparently in suspicion of contacts with Mayi-Mayi forces."62 Mayi-Mayi
are a local tribe that supports Kabila because of their antipathy for the Tutsi

Another conflict—this one in the rebel-controlled area bordering on Uganda—is a
Ugandan-instigated war between the Hema and the Lendu tribes. Long at peace,
albeit tensely, they began battling fiercely when Ugandan forces took control of
the region and paid the Hema to step up the level of warfare.63 The fighting has
been described as "massacres on a chilling scale."64 The Ugandans have used the
fighting as an excuse to send more regular army troops into the area.65 Many other
examples of infighting among rebel groups and their sponsors are surfacing.

Although it is "generally agreed that the rebels are thoroughly detested in the
areas they have now occupied for more than a year,"66 the Congolese army has been
unable to dislodge them.

So, "de facto partition" has come to Congo.67 Money is a major factor. As Le Monde
Diplomatique noted, "the well-equipped Rwandan and Ugandan troops [with the
rebels] are paid in dollars."68

And the dollars are flowing. Eastern Congo, virtually annexed by Uganda and
Rwanda, is one of the most mineral-rich areas in the world. (See sidebar, pp.
8-9.) Gold and diamonds and rare strategic minerals are flowing into the two
countries, earning vast sums for their treasuries.

The border between Congo and Rwanda is "a mere formality."69 The international
mining companies that operate in Kivu protect the Rwandans, who "have a monopoly
on the mining and marketing of those minerals."70

The West has ignored the blatant theft of Congo’s sovereign natural resources.
Some believe this is because its bona fides were so shattered by its apparent
indifference to the 1994 atrocities. Paul Kagame was politically sophisticated
enough, some analysts noted, that, since 1994, he has "played on Washington’s
sense of guilt about the genocide."71 Le Monde Diplomatique agreed: "The genocide
of the Tutsis is now invoked to play on the international community’s sense of
guilt and persuade the United States to look with a kindly eye on what is nothing
less than a plan to conquer and control the resources of the Congo."72 Others
believe, instead, there is an overwhelming coincidence of interests for all of the
parties involved—greed.

The Lusaka Accord

Less than two months after rebels had taken control of eastern Congo and were
moving toward the diamond mines in the southwest near Angola, Susan Rice began to
press for a cease-fire. After two days of discussion with Kabila in Kinshasa,73 on
November 1, Rice went to Zambia for talks with President Frederick Chiluba, the
anointed mediator. In Lusaka, Rice pressed her point. "There is absolutely no
military solution which is viable."74 Given the unending U.S. military support for
Rwanda and Uganda, Rice knew well why a military solution was impossible for the
Congolese, half of whose country was under foreign occupation.

But more than eight months were to elapse before any agreement was reached. With
the crucial support of Angola, Zimbabwe, and Namibia, Congo was able to halt any
further rebel advances and to protect the vital southeast, Katanga, with its
diamond mines. (Rebel groups and their Ugandan and Rwandan sponsors were
constantly squabbling, having splits, and moving headquarters, and the Rwandans
and Ugandans were fighting each other.)

Moreover, the Americans’ hand-picked peace broker, Chiluba, was hardly neutral.
Frederick Chiluba, president of Zambia, was known to allow UNITA to transit
through Zambian territory in their constant forays against Angola. Chiluba was
also discovered to have extensive interests in the internationally outlawed UNITA
diamond trade, the main source of financing for the rebel group. UNITA was not
only wreaking havoc, as it has for 25 years, in Angola, Congo’s close and critical
ally, its troops were now fighting the DRC in Congo as well, alongside the Rwandan

By the end of the year, pressures on Kabila to enter talks were overpowering, even
though it had become clear to the world that Congo had been invaded and occupied
by foreign powers and was not in the throes of a civil war.75

In January 1999, Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Angola agreed to an
African-sponsored cease-fire framework, but since the rebel groups had not been
invited to the meetings, nothing would be meaningful until they agreed.

The wheeling and dealing intensified through the spring of 1999. Numerous meetings
were held under the auspices of the Organization for African Unity and the
Southern African Development Community.76 Nevertheless, it took U.S. pressure on
the participants—including Nelson Mandela’s good offices (splitting still further
what were once the united frontline states)—to forge an agreement that would
satisfy the rebels. This was not difficult, given the impressive level of U.S.
military and economic support for Rwanda and Uganda, as well as for the South
African government.

In June, foreign and defense ministers gathered in Lusaka, later joined by their
nations’ leaders, and by July 7 new terms of the cease-fire accord had been
announced. Clinton’s special envoy for Africa, Howard Wolpe, who was in Lusaka for
the duration, noted, somewhat ominously, "Our sense is that the key players have
come to comprehend how enormously costly this is not only to the people of the
Congo but to the entire region."77

Of all Congo’s allies, Angola has the most serious stake in the outcome of the
war. UNITA forces have been using southern Congo to attack Luanda’s troops since
Mobutu’s time and had long before joined with Rwandan Tutsi fighters. In late
August 1998, only weeks after the war began, UNITA representatives met with
Kagame. Some UNITA fighters were also captured in "rebel" skirmishes.78 Further
complicating the situation, "UNITA has reportedly received South African arms,
shipped to Mozambique and flown on South African aircraft to Angola by way of
Zambia."79 After decades of support for UNITA, the U.S., according to U.N.
Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, now proposed to "throw its weight behind" efforts to
"tighten and enforce sanctions" against them.80

The effect on Namibia has also been significant. In August, a separatist group in
Namibia’s Caprivi Strip, previously inactive, launched a series of military
attacks made possible by supplies and other assistance from UNITA. Their
"suspected motive," the New York Times noted, "is to punish Namibia for its role
in the Congo war."81 As recently as February 2000, UNITA troops were attacking
Namibian border villages.82 Namibia has "a growing problem with UNITA along its
border with Angola and in the breakaway Caprivi Strip.... Caprivi separatists
reportedly receive aid not only from UNITA, but also from Botswana and Zambia."83
In addition, Zimbabwe’s contributions to the Congo war effort played a major role
in the devastation of its economy and the likely ouster of President Robert

When everyone sat down in Lusaka, the rebels dampened U.S. enthusiasm by refusing
to sign the accord (unable to agree on who would sign it on their behalf).84 It
would take another month and a half before the RCD rivals agreed that both
factions would sign.85

It was just at this moment that Richard Holbrooke began to take center stage. In
August, Clinton administration horse-trading with Senate Republicans had abandoned
funding for U.N. projects overseas that supported abortion programs in exchange
for confirmation of Holbrooke as U.N. ambassador. In the meantime, his Africa
staff had been shepherding the accords to their signing, maintaining a constant
pressure on Kabila to accede.86

The agreement called for a step-by-step withdrawal of foreign troops, including
the rebels, within 180 days, rather than immediately, as the African-sponsored
version had required. This meant that the rebels would stay in Congo. In any case,
that deadline was never met. The foreign troops never left.87

Cease-fire violations since then have become rampant. By mid-November each side
accused the other of violations. Susan Rice continued to insist, "Lusaka is the
only viable way. It can and must be implemented."88 She then announced that
Richard Holbrooke would travel to the region in December. When he did, he
"acknowledged that unlike the Balkans, where military might and billions of
dollars have been devoted to peacemaking, NATO was not available to impose a
settlement."89 Nevertheless, he was both threatening and patronizing. The OAU, he
insisted, must "get its act together," or the U.S. would not support a
peacekeeping operation at all.90

This was a reference to another critical provision of the accords, calling for the
deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping force within 120 days, another unmet
deadline. The U.N. force has only just been authorized, after a special session of
the Security Council in January.91 Albright, Holbrooke, and company, had learned
to be less publicly ham-handed since their manipulations of the Rambouillet
meetings on Yugoslavia had been widely exposed, and the Security Council sessions
were relatively open and smooth, paving the way for U.N. approval.92

Nevertheless, the U.S. role continues to grow, even as the U.N. prepares to deploy
a woefully inadequate 5,000-man peacekeeping force.93 The Pentagon is already
giving military advice to the U.N. on that force. It is, in the words of
Holbrooke, giving "the United Nations the benefit of U.S. experience in such
matters."94 Direct participation of U.S. personnel remains a touchy subject, after
the debacle in Somalia, also under Clinton’s watch. Unfortunately, former South
African President Nelson Mandela has not only offered to send South African troops
to Congo, but has also publicly urged the participation of U.S. forces there, a
certain recipe for disaster.95

What It Really Means: Balkanization

The U.S. shaping of, and insistent support for, the Lusaka accords only highlights
what has been clear for some time. The agreement was not a good deal for the Congo
government, and Kabila was forced to accede only because of the implicit threat
that refusal would be met by even greater assistance to the rebels and the
potential dismantling of the entire country.96 In stark contrast to the
resolutions of the OAU and the SADC, and to the earlier draft agreement before the
last gathering in Lusaka, the final accord did not even recognize the legitimacy
of the DRC government or President Kabila.97

When the agreement was signed, U.S. envoy Howard Wolpe noted, "it’s a very
important beginning to have all the parties together, collectively laying out a
road map."98 But the map is of a partitioned, divided Congo, contrary to the OAU
Charter and a throw-back to the Berlin Conference of 1885, when the western powers
drew the boundaries of African nations with impunity.

More than a year ago, the New York Times launched what can now be identified as a
major propaganda campaign to legitimize the Balkanization of Africa, much as the
re-Balkanization of Yugoslavia was promoted in the West during the 1990s.99 On
January 12, 1999, when the Lusaka accord lay well in the future, a front-page
article by Ian Fisher with Norimitsu Onishi entitled "Congo’s Struggle May Unleash
Broad Strife to Redraw Africa," appeared. Its rhetorical trick was to lay the
responsibility for the current borders on meddling European colonialists,
implying, despite OAU recognition of those borders as inviolate, that the
redrawing of those boundaries by African combatants might be more legitimate: "The
borders of African nations, set up arbitrarily by the Europeans who colonized the
continent a century ago, are supposed to be inviolate. Yet Congo is now split in
two, perhaps for good."

While the article paid lip service to the "stability" lent to the continent by
respect for those boundaries, it planted the seeds of doubt: "The borders
established [at the Berlin Conference] had little to do with geography or the
lines that separated ethnic groups."

A few days later, the Times campaign continued, more directly. A long article on
January 16 by Howard W. French was entitled "The African Question: Who Is to
Blame? The Finger Points to the West, and Congo Is a Harsh Example." While some
recognition was given to the generally exploitative legacy of "European
subjugation and rule," the imposition of boundaries was stressed: "colonial
subjugation brutally ended Africa’s sovereign evolution toward modern
nation-states." An African scholar at the State University of New York at Buffalo
was quoted: "The example I like to think of is if an African imperial army had
marched into Europe in the Middle Ages and required Germany, France, and England
to live together by force of arms. It would have unleashed untold mayhem...."
"Almost every time the Europeans created a state," French wrote, "ethnic groups or
previously existing African polities were split by the new borders, undermining
the new states’ claims to legitimacy in the eyes of their inhabitants."

Permanent Division?

Most recently, the Times, while never openly endorsing partition, has lauded the
"relative stability" of the current division of Congo100 and has opined that the
main mission of the U.N. peacekeeping force will be to "provide security in
relatively stable zones."101

It is not unlikely that the boundaries of a two-Congo Africa have already been
set—imposed yet again by the western powers.

for footnotes see:



Remember Jam Echelon Day?


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Eric Stewart

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