-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Hate crimes against whites blacked out by media


FOR RELEASE Tuesday, January 16, 2001

By now, you have undoubtedly learned all the grisly details of the
most recent "hate crime" atrocity, this one committed in Wichita,
Kansas, where, on the night of Dec. 15, two men broke into a
house, kidnapped the five residents, robbed them, raped the
women, forced the men to have sex with them and the women to
have sex with each other and then shot all of them in the back.  Only
one woman survived, walking naked and barefoot nearly a mile with
a bullet in her back in freezing weather to get help and tell the tale.

Of course you really haven't heard this story before, unless you
happen to read the local press of Wichita.  It hasn't been reported
much of anywhere else, certainly not in the national press or on
national television.

Is this an instance of media bias, of the latent racism that regards
"hate crimes" as unimportant?  Well, not exactly.

The Wichita massacre was not perpetrated by white skinheads,
Klansmen, militia members or neo-Nazis.  In fact, it was not
committed by whites at all but by two brothers, Reginald and
Jonathan Carr, who happen to be black.

All the victims were white.  For that reason and that alone, the
Wichita massacre is not a "hate crime" and indeed is not even a
news item. As far as the media are concerned, it never happened.

The Carr brothers, identified by the surviving victim, are also
charged with kidnapping, robbing and pistol-whipping another man,
also white, a week earlier.  Then on Dec. 11 the Brothers Carr
visited a local musician outside her house and shot her repeatedly.
She also was white.

Were these crimes against whites by blacks motivated by racial
hatred? No one in Wichita, neither police nor preachers nor
politicians, will say so.

A Wichita police captain says it's just too early to tell what the motive

The clergyman at the funeral of one of the victims instructed the
mourners that they should forgive the killers as Christ forgave those
who crucified Him.  The preacher at another funeral said the same.

No one demanded that the "community," let alone the black
community specifically, search their souls for the roots from which
these crimes blossomed.

To date, neither President Clinton nor President-elect Bush nor
President-wanna-be Jesse Jackson has condemned the massacre
or visited the community or dispatched a delegate to display his

The brutal truth -- more brutal than the murders themselves perhaps -
- is that no one gives a damn that six white people were butchered
by two black men.

When three white men in Jasper, Texas killed a black man for
apparently racial reasons in 1998, Mr. Clinton immediately
denounced it and sent a delegate to the victim's funeral, and the
Rev. Jackson arrived before the corpse was cold to preach about
the sins of racial hatred the community harbored.

It is not recorded that preachers at the funeral in Jasper called on
the victim's family to forgive the killers.

It is not recorded that local police at once announced it was too
early to determine motive.

Everyone knew what the motive in Jasper was -- white racism, the
hatred that festered in the breasts of every white person in the
community -- and it never occurred to anyone to suggest that that
kind of hatred or the white men driven by it be forgiven.

Before the year was out, two of the killers in Jasper had received
death sentences, and there is no nationwide movement led by
Hollywood starlets to commute them, as there is for the murderers of
white men like Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The total national news blackout of the Wichita massacre is one
more piece of evidence that the real purpose of "hate crimes" is not
to penalize racial hate but to stigmatize whites as those exclusively
responsible for racial hate.

Every "hate crime" committed by whites receives the kind of national
attention the Jasper incident received, while every "hate crime"
committed by non-whites is ignored and denied.

The Wichita crimes are by no means the only anti-white atrocity.
There are also the cases of Kevin Shifflett in Alexandria, Va. and
Missy McLauchlin in Charleston, S.C. and a score of others.  Most
Americans have never heard of them either.

There is, then, an obvious double-standard on "hate crimes" that
masks the political and racial agenda they serve.  Not only non-white
malcontents like Mr. Jackson and his cronies but also white
authorities -- the police, the clergy, the media -- help perpetuate the

Think about this.

As whites become a minority of the national population in the next 50
years, does the double-standard about non-white atrocities against
whites inspire you with confidence that whites will continue to enjoy
equal justice under law?
Samuel Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist.

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