-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Rothenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 15, 2001 11:00 PM
Subject: [CCNN] 54 Socialists in the United States Congress

>54 Socialists are in the United States Congress
>      The Chuck Morse Show
>      Boston's Radio VOICE of REASON.
>      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      54 Socialists are in the United States Congress
>      This Republic honors the right to free speech, expression, and
>association. These rights, the hallmark of a free society, are
>protected through time honored Constitutional guarantees. An American
>citizen is free, for example, to be a Socialist, a Communist, a Nazi,
>a member of the KKK, or a member of any group, as long as he obeys the
>law and doesn't act in a manner that would threaten the freedom,
>safety, and liberty of his fellow citizens. This principle is the
>foundation as well as the price of freedom.
>      Congressmen, however, swear on a Bible to preserve, protect and
>defend the Constitution of the United States. They are elected and
>compensated to fulfill that sacred oath both in letter and in spirit.
>Affiliation, therefore, with an organization that advocates a
>political system that blatantly contradicts the Constitution, while
>not illegal per se, has the effect of eroding faith and trust in our
>government, society, and the rule of law. A Congressmen who affiliates
>with an International Socialist organization is really no different,
>in this regard, than a Congressmen who, theoretically, would join an
>organization that advocates a Monarchy, or a government based on laws
>of racial supremacy. The Democratic Socialists of America, the
>organization in question, advocates an authoritarian political system
>that is antithetical to American Constitutional principals. This poses
>a major contradiction for an elected Congressmen who also happens to
>be a member of such an organization.
>      There are, presently, 54 Congressmen who are members of the
>Democratic Socialists of America which bills itself as the largest
>organization in America to be affiliated with the Socialist
>International. These Congressmen represent the extreme political left
>of the Democratic Party. This is, lets be clear, not comparable to
>participation in the old left, Stalinist apparatus which, during the
>Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration in the1930's and 1940's, set up
>secret Communist cells who were spying for the Kremlin. A Congressman
>who is a member of an organization like the DSA has, again, done
>nothing illegal per se. However, he nonetheless signs onto, witting or
>otherwise, a political philosophy and methodology that is
>un-Constitutional and, therefore, un-American. While the purpose of
>this article is not to impugn the patriotism of these Congressmen, and
>while they, no doubt, sincerely believe that their international
>authoritarian faith is pro-American, they, nonetheless, should be
>identified and their record and actions studied and scrutinized.
>Following is a list of Congressmen who are presently members of the
>Democratic Socialists of America:
>      Bernard Sanders-VT, Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Cynthia A. McKinney-GA, Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Peter DeFazio-OR, Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Maurice Hinchey-NY,Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Major Owens-NY.Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Nydia M. Velazquez-NY, http://www.house.gov/velazquez/
>      Lane Evans-IL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Maxine Waters-CA, http://www.house.gov/waters/
>      Earl Hilliard-AL, http://www.house.gov/hilliard/
>      Eni Faleomavaega-AL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Ed Pastor-AZ, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Lynn C. Woolsey-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      George Miller-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Nancy Pelosi-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Fortney "Pete" Stark-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Henry A. Waxman-CA, http://www.house.gov/waxman/
>      Xavier Becerra-CA, http://www.house.gov/becerra/
>      Julian C. Dixon-CA, http://congress.org/congdir.html
>      Esteban Edward Torres-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      George E. Brown-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Bob Filner-CA, http://www.house.gov/filner/
>      Diane DeGette-CO, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Corrine Brown-FL, http://www.house.gov/corrinebrown/
>      Carrie P. Meek-FL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Alcee L. Hastings-FL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      John Lewis-GA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Neil Abercrombie-HI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Patsy Mink-HI, http://www.house.gov/mink/
>      Luis Gutierrez-IL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Danny Davis-IL, http://www.house.gov/davis/
>      Julia Carson-IN, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      John Olver-MA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Jim McGovern-MA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Barney Frank-MA, http://www.house.gov/frank/
>      John Tierney-MA, http://www.house.gov/tierney/
>      David Bonior-MI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Lynn N. Rivers-MI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      John Conyers-MI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Bennie G. Thompson-MS, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Melvin L. Watt-NC, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Donald Payne-NJ, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Jerrold Nadler-NY, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Charles Rangel-NY, http://www.house.gov/rangel/
>      Jose E. Serrano-NY, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      John LaFalce-NY, http://www.house.gov/lafalce/
>      Marcy Kaptur-OH, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Dennis Kucinich-OH, http://www.house.gov/kucinich/flash1.htm
>      Stephanie-Tubbs-Jones-OH, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Sherrod Brown-OH, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Elizabeth Furse-OR, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Chaka Fattah-PA, http://www.house.gov/fattah/
>      William Coyne-PA, http://www.house.gov/coyne/
>      Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo-PR, http://congress.org/congdir.html
>      Robert C. Scott-VA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      James A. McDermott-WA. http://www.house.gov/mcdermott/
>      The DSA website contains the same old Marxist jargon of
>yesteryear. It states as a basic principal, "We are socialists because
>we share a vision of a humane international social order". This is
>nothing more than a transparent euphemism for world government. This
>is re-enforced by links, on their website, to such world government
>advocacy groups as the World Federalist Association. They call for
>"democratic planning" and "market mechanisms" to achieve an "equitable
>distribution of resources". This so-called "democratic" planning, with
>the elastic euphemism "democratic" laced thorough their literature,
>and the "distribution of resources" is, of course, a euphemistic way
>of advocating total, authoritarian government with absolute control
>over property and the "mode of production". The DSA favors the
>gradual, Fabian approach to world socialism as opposed to their
>Leninist-Communist counterparts who call for outright violent
>Revolution as a means of conquering the world. The Fabian Socialists
>of the DSA plan on world conquest through legislation. This is why an
>extremely jaundiced eye should apply to DSA Congressmen. Last I
>checked, none of these powers are granted by our Constitution, the
>same Constitution that these Congressmen pledged to uphold with their
>sacred honor.
>      In fact, the DSA stands for nothing more than re-hashed
>Communism. This same Communism was responsible, according to the
>recently published "Black Book of Communism", for the murder of over
>100 million souls worldwide. In the name of "the people" these evil
>totalitarian ideas, when enthroned, have caused more poverty, misery,
>hate, and death than any known in the history of man. We should watch
>the actions of these 54 Socialist Congressmen if we value freedom. We
>should examine each one of them and publish their voting record and
>rhetoric for all to see.
>      Charles A. Morse is a nationally syndicated talk show host, the
>author of "Thunder Out of Boston" and can be heard on the American
>Freedom Network Chuck is a contributing writer for Enter Stage Right ,
>Sierra Times and the Etherzone.
> But if the watchman sees the sword coming and
> does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and
> the sword comes and takes the life of one of
> them, that man will be taken away because of
> his sin, but I will hold the watchman
> accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)
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>is distributed under fair use without profit
>or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
>Under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by
>the 105th U.S. Congress this letter
>cannot be considered "spam" as long
>as it  includes:
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