-Caveat Lector-


January 17, 2001
17:52 (Israel time)

Saddam Hussein calls Arab countries to enable his army to pass
through to fight Israel
By Daniel Sobelman, Ha'aretz Correspondent and Reuters

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called for the annihilation of the
state of Israel and for the establishment of a "Palestine state from
the river to the sea", in a televised speech marking the Gulf War's
10th anniversary.

Saddam emphasized his support of the Palestinians in their
struggle against Israel. Saddam also called on the Arab states to
enable his army to pass through their land on its way to annihilate

Meanwhile, hundreds of Palestinians marched in praise of Iraqi
leader Saddam on Wednesday, the 10th
anniversary of the start of the Gulf War.

"The Palestinian and the Iraqi peoples are in the first trench against
Zionism, imperialism and aggression," read one of the banners
waved by the crowd.

Despite Iraq's impoverishment since the war, Saddam makes
generous payments to the families of Palestinians killed and
wounded in their 16-week uprising against Israeli occupation.
Many Palestinians consider Saddam a hero for resisting the
powerful U.S.-led military coalition which ejected Iraqi troops who
had invaded neighboring Kuwait. Palestinian babies are named
after him.

Wednesday's demonstrators marched to the main United Nations
office in Gaza City, urging the international community to lift
sanctions imposed after the invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

They called on the Iraqi leader to repeat the Scud missile strikes
he launched against Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities during the Gulf
War. "Dear Saddam, hit Tel Aviv," they said.

© copyright 2000 Ha'aretz. All Rights Reserved


    The constant identification of U.S. enemies as the
    reincarnation of Hitler's absolute evil may help
    solidify public opinion during war, but it makes the
    conduct of foreign policy in the post-war world
    extremely difficult when the personality in question
    refuses to go quietly.  This is a lesson for U.S.
    dealings.... Demonizing the enemy is fine, if you can
    crush him.  If not, you are left negotiating
with the devil, which is not only politically
embarrassing but reveals underlying strategic
weaknesses for all to see. --Stratfor.com

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