-Caveat Lector-

The following flyer was prepared by the pro-Democracy campaign
coalition (www.ippn.org) for distribution at inaugural events
this weekend.  Please forward, with or without the footnotes!

The Florida Disaster:  Before, During and After

As with other famous US controversies, the Florida election scandal
will be debated for years.  A promising quality to this scandal is
the massive amount of evidence documenting injustice that is now
available.  Circulating this evidence can help prevent the rewrite of
our history.  Here is a condensed historical record, as of 1/16/2001.


-The Florida Secretary of State, Kathryn Harris, hired the
services of Choicepoint Inc. to "clean up" the Florida voter rolls in
advance of the election at a taxpayer cost of $4 million.  The initial
list of voters this firm recommended be "cleansed" from the rolls
included 8,000 residents of Florida who had only committed misdemeanors
in other states (i.e. drunk driving in Maine). As the Miami Herald
reported, most counties did not use the flawed list; a new list without
this error was prepared.

-However, a team led by London journalist Gregory Palast reviewed
records in 10 counties in early December and found a 15% misidentification
rate resulting in 7,000 additional legal voters removed from the voting
rolls.  Palast's team also found 1,700 "cleansed" voters who had regained
their right to vote in other states after serving a sentence, and could
not be barred from voting by Florida law for offenses they did not commit
in Florida.  In the largest pro-Bush county, Hillsborough, 54% of the
names on the "scrub" list belonged to African-Americans.

The company that did the cleansing received an award from a conservative
"voting rights" organization based in Virginia, the Voting Integrity
Project.  Established in 1996, the VIP has been exposed as a conservative
front group in exposes by Salon and Slate magazines (12/8/00, 4/4/00).

-According to an NAACP lawsuit, thousands of citizens who registered to
vote in a new polling place (or for the first time) were not added to rolls
by county officials in time to allow them to vote in the election.


-Problems reported on election day included "spot-checks" of
cars driving to vote in African-American areas and requests that Latino
voters produce additional IDs beyond the one required.  Some precincts
reportedly ran out of ballots or closed while legal voters were in line.

-By far the largest documented problem was the absence of voters from
the voting rolls.  For some of these voters, the problem could be
addressed by precincts placing a call to the county election office.
Due to the large number of problems, these help lines were jammed and
many voters had to wait for hours to be approved to mark a ballot.
Many gave up.  Some precincts had laptop computers to allow precinct
workers to directly access voting rolls. However, of 28 precincts in
Hillsborough and Miami counties provided with laptops, only one was a
"majority-black" precinct (source: NAACP lawsuit filed on 1/10/01).

-Confusing ballots resulted in a whopping 41,000 "overvotes" for
multiple presidential candidates in Duval and Palm Beach counties
alone.  Some Florida counties had error-checking voting equipment that
made it impossible for a ballot to be submitted with multiple votes.
The counties with error-prone equipment were disproportionately in
Black and Hispanic areas, a clear violation of US civil rights laws.


-All of the counties were immediately asked to conduct ballot
recounts due to the closeness of the race. Five smaller counties in
mostly white areas of Florida used partial hand counting in order to
produce the most accurate count. However in the larger urban counties
the ballot recounts were delayed and impeded by court cases,
unsubstantiated accusations of fraud, a coordinated national media blitz
to discredit hand counts, and by paid demonstrators flown to Miami from
DC congressional offices just before Thanksgiving.

-Some counties were pressured, again by a national media blitz, into
counting overseas ballots for George Bush that were clearly postmarked
after election day.

-Even Pat Buchanan and his campaign manager Bay Buchanan stated that
Gore would have won the election if Palm Beach county votes intended for
Gore did not end up going to Buchanan.

-The Supreme Court of the United States eventually took up the case of
Bush v. Gore.  By an incredible stretch of legal doctrine, they applied
arguments involving the issue of "equal protection" to the differing
standards in hand counting of ballots.  However, they failed (along with
the Gore legal team) to raise the serious "equal protection" problems
associated with differing voting equipment.  The differences in
equipment-related errors that were SIXTEEN TIMES the errors that the
Supreme Court cited, in their 7-2 ruling, in their use of the equal
protection argument.

-The arguments on equal protection that swayed the Court were developed
by lawyers with close ties to the Bush administration and funded in part
by a private foundation with a long history of supporting "eugenics"
theories, dating back to the use of these theories in Nazi Germany.

-Hand recounts conducted so far by the media (from 12/18/00 to 1/3/01
in six counties) have already given Gore enough votes to overtake Bush
by over 300 votes.

[For 22 references, and a version of this article that can be
printed and copied onto a single letter-sized sheet of paper, please
see the Organizers' Collaborative "myths" project at www.13myths.org]


Before the Election
1.  See article by Gregory Palast, the Observer of London, December
10, 2000.  Note that Choicepoint and DBT Technologies are related,
through a recent acquisition.  Online
reference:  http://www.observer.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4103063,00.html

2.  Slate article on VIP:
see Voting Integrity Project annual report at
http://www.voting-integrity.org/ar/vip_ar99.zip and Salon article,

3. Registered Voters' Names Failed to Appear on Voting Rolls

During the Balloting
1. Broward County -- Problems at Polls Prevent Hundreds from Casting Votes
(Miami Herald, 11/8/00)
Ballots Ran Out According (St. Petersburg Times, 11/9/00) --
Florida Cops Accused of Harassing Black Voters --
Voting Scrutinized All Over Florida --

2. NAACP vs. Kathryn Harris et al, http://www.aclufl.org/naacp_v__harris.html.
See also www.lawyerscommittee.org.

3. Racial Patterns in Ballot Equipment (NY Times, 11/29/00) --

After Election Day

1. Volusia Elections Votes for Manual Recount (Orlando Sentinel, 11/9/00)
-- http://orlandosentinel.com/news/1109vol.htm

Miami Protesters Disrupt Ballot Count --
ml   (also the
Wall Street Journal, November 27, 2000)

2.  Overseas vote totals padded  (Miami Herald,

3.  Buchanan Says Disputed Florida Votes Are Gore's --

4.  RWWATCH email digest, send blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
see 12/22/2000 issue.

5. Bush Lawyer Ted Olson was the lead attorney for the Center for
Individual Rights (CIR) in the 1996 lawsuit against Affirmative
Action, Hopwood v. U. of Texas.  According to IRS tax returns obtained
by the Institute for Democracy Studies, the CIR received funding in
1996 from the Pioneer Fund, a foundation based in New York City which
funded the book The Bell Curve.

Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Bush advisor Attorney C. Boyden
Gray all were actively involved in anti-affirmative action groups.
Scalia was the founding faculty advisory to the Federalist Society in
1992 when he was a law professor at the University of Chicago.  Gray
was a co-chair of the Society for many years and is now the board
chair of the corporate lobbying powerhouse Citizens for a Sound Economy.

Thomas has been a member of the Federalist Society and an advisory
board member of the arch-conservative Lincoln Institute, which is made
up of African Americans who have supported Apartheid in South African
and opposed statehood for Washington, DC among other positions.

Finally, Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist was involved
in a group that challenged the voting credentials of minority residents
of Phoenix during the 1960s.  See:

Olson & Hopwood: http://www.wdn.com/cir/dr-96-1.htm
Scalia & Olson:  Center for Individual Rights and Pioneer Fund:  see "The
Federalist Society and the Challenge to a Democracy Jurisprudence,
available from Inst. for Democracy Studies, 212-423-9237.
Pioneer Fund Funding see
Clarence Thomas:  see http://www.cco.org/right/blackconserv.html
Rehnquist:  see http://www.post-gazette.com/columnists/20001202roddy.asp

6.  See www.democrats.com for Lake, Broward, Hernando, Gadsden, and
Hillsborough recount results.

Organizers' Collaborative      PO Box 400897, Cambridge MA  02140
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         www.organizenow.net

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