Well this information is so old it is outdated - they even have
artificial lightning now but look to Florida and the hurricane seasons,

Now that this is coming out, maybe things will not be so dangerous for
the public many of whom have been killed and lost homes for 30 years?

This information - I had in 1986 from sources plus Colonel Beardon out
of Huntsville, ALA had information on it.....woodpecker signals - so
hope you all remember the day MIR was up there and they woke up the
"scientitsts" and/astronauts to the Woody Woodpecker song....these are
Russian signals.

US Patent office has printed material on this, which War Department
attempted to stop.  Red Chinese report information on their news medias
but not in America.....why?   Too many hungry lawyers waiting to sue
baby sue.

FEMA - note they come in right away to offer money - but have you
noticed how many insurance companies have gone busto or insurance rates
going up?   Farms lost, they burn with drought and then the deluge

It is about warming up Russia and the UN resolution insists these poor
third world countries not share in the expense of this program......we
will pay to destroy ourselves?

So Green House Theory is a bunch of crap; George Bush in 80 period tried
to tell the public this, but nobody caught his message .....

Do know this when this program used to go into force, ship to shore and
planes lost communication......was a spot years in Mexico where people
complained their car motors would turn off.......but what I love  -
nuclear reactors at North and South Poles.....the source of clear, pure


CBS News Reveals Microwave
Weather Control Experiments - Pt 2

By Margareta-Erminia Cassani


In the second of CBS' Special Reports series "Eye on America",
correspondent Jerry Bowen reported on the joint interest of The U.S.
Department of Defense, Sandia Research, and The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) in weather control experiments - namely those
championed by Dr. Bernard Eastlund, a former Star Wars physicist who
claims he can dismantle a raging tornado with a microwave beam shot from
an orbiting satellite in outer space.
>From his home in sunny Del Mar, California, a place that's never had a
tornado occur there, Eastlund explained how by directing a microwave
beam into the cold downdraft of a tornado, he could dissipate the funnel
and render it harmless, thereby saving thousands of lives and property.
Sounds great on paper, or rather on computer generated model, but
Eastlund's theory has several drawbacks, the most immediate being that
of potential air traffic catastrophes of both the animal and human kind
- birds and airplanes could explode in mid-flight if hit by a microwave
Dr. Stephen Schneider, a global warming expert at Stanford University
offered a strong warning for FEMA and Sandia Research, as well as both
the European Space Agency, who funds Eastlund's on the edge research,
and NASA, if they're going to continue to pursue microwaving Mother
Nature: "You better have a fund in place to pay the people who get hurt
when anything goes wrong, without arguing whether you did it or not
because you'll endlessly argue whether you did it or not".
Another critic of Eastlund's theory is scientist John Monteverdi of San
Francisco State University who claims that Eastlund's unproven and
untested theories might work okay in computer models but in reality he's
crossing into dangerous waters and that his tornado nuking experiments
might just make tornadoes worse. "We just don't know enough about the
workings of these supercells to start fooling around with them".
But, Eastlund defends his "brain storm" idea of shooting a microwave
beam into a tornado as nothing more than a "souped up police radar




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