The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU


Fresh reports on DU (depleted uranium) related civilian deaths pouring out
this week from independent sources, should put all people around the world
on highest alert. Most alarming among them is the article by Robert Fisk,
published on January 13, 2000 in  "The Independent" headlined: "I SEE 300
has a duty to inform its viewers/readers about this article. It tells a
chilling story about a Serbian graveyard in the Serbian suburb of Hadzici
near Sarajevo in Bosnia with the remains of  300 Serbian civilians, laid
next to each other, who all died in the last 5 years of cancer related
illnesses. Their suburb was annihilated by the vicious NATO bombing (
American A-10's) spewing DU ordinance indiscriminately over their factories
and houses. When "expert" opinions from the Pentagon paid American
scientist, deny connection between DU ordinance and cancer illnesses among
the American and NATO soldiers, one is  moved to skepticism. When the
Pentagon cannot remember what kind or what quantity of ordinance was used
and there is still no one who dares to clean up the Adriatic sea and the
Danube river, one is moved to suspicion. But, when NATO's European members
deliberately avoid to address these issues, despite substantial evidence to
the contrary, one is moved to nausea. Aside from the hypocrisy, morality and
legality, NATO's rhetoric and its military aggression against Bosnia's,
Yugoslavia's and Kosovo's civilians, had all the elements of racist
anti-Serbian bestiality matched only by Hitler's actions against the Jews.
NATO's recklessness in the use of ordinance filled with DU and possibly
other unspeakable substances, contaminating Europe's environment, its air,
its lands and its waters  -are acts of insanity yet unmatched in history.
The European public must demand the whole truth and must bring to justice
the NATO master-minds and accomplices. People like Madeline Albright, Bill
Clinton, General Wesley Clark, Javier Solana, Tony Blair et al. should be
indicted and tried not only for war crimes but, for crimes against humanity.

Sonja Myers

United Kingdom

Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian
Secretary General

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