-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

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Week Ending: 20 January 2001 / 25 Tevet 5761

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"And now many nations have been assembled against you who say, 'Let her be
polluted, and let our eyes gloat over Zion.' But they do not know the
thoughts of the L-rd, and they do not understand His purpose; for He has
gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor. Arise and thresh,
daughter of Zion, for your horn I will make iron and your hoofs I will
make bronze, that you may pulverize many peoples, that you may devote to
the L-rd their unjust gain and their wealth to the L-rd of all the earth.
[Micah 4.11-13]



:: MARATHON TALKS TO START IN EGYPT: Israel and the Palestinian Authority
(PA/PLO) will begin marathon talks Sunday night aimed at reaching a
framework agreement for a final status agreement before the February 6
elections for prime minister. The high-level negotiations are expected to
last from a week to 10 days and will include large delegations from both
sides. PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat will head the Palestinian delegation.
Israel will be represented by Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami,
Transportation Minister Amnon Lipkin-Shahak and Religious Affairs Minister
Yossi Beilin, as well as by MK Yossi Sarid (Meretz) and negotiator Gilad
Sher. Prime Minister Ehud Barak's "peace cabinet" approved Israel's
participation in the talks Saturday evening, although most members
expressed grave doubts about the possibility of reaching an agreement in
the short time left before the February election.

:: PLANS FOR JERUSALEM: Haifa University Prof. Moshe Amirav and his team
of experts have completed a plan for Jerusalem for Barak that is based on
the US proposal. The plan will serve as a basis for negotiations for
Israel. The plan does not address the issue of the Temple Mount, since
sovereignty over the site must first be agreed upon by Israeli and
Palestinian leaders, Amirav said. A Palestinian team, under the auspices
of PLO representative in Jerusalem Faisal Husseini, has also prepared a
plan. Amirav said the two sides have met frequently, and stressed they are
close to agreement on many points. Amirav said that east Jerusalem would
be part of a demilitarized Palestinian state, and that Palestinian police
there would be armed only with handguns. According to Amirav's plan, east
Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods would be policed by the Palestinian Police;
the Israel Police would remain in charge throughout west Jerusalem; and a
joint Palestinian-Israeli-international police force is proposed for the
mixed neighborhoods and the Old City. The international force would guard
all holy sites in the Old City and deal with tourists there. The
Palestinians said they are willing to participate in some joint security
arrangements, and Amirav said that his Palestinian contacts have accepted
the idea in principle. Israel and the Palestinians have also agreed in
principle to land exchanges in Jerusalem. Amirav said that, in return for
annexing Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem and mixed neighborhoods
such as Beit Safafa, Israel would hand over unpopulated land to the
Palestinians. In this way, said Amirav, the Palestinians would have
territorial continuity. A Palestinian source said the Palestinians will
ask Israel for unpopulated land in west Jerusalem in return for
neighborhoods like Ma'aleh Adumim.

:: "THE TEMPLE MOUNT IS THE HEART": Rabbi Yehuda Amital, co-Rosh Yeshiva
of Yeshivat Har Etzion and leader of the left-wing religious party Meimad,
likens the possibility of giving away the Temple Mount to a Torah law for
which one should "be killed and not violate." MAKOR RISHON newspaper
reports that during his Tenth of Tevet lecture to his students nine days
ago, Rabbi Amital said, "Just like the life of an individual is not the
supreme value, and there are prohibitions [such as idol worship] which we
are commanded to uphold even at the expense of our lives, so too in our
national life there are values for which the society and the state must
place itself in danger. In our national life, there are issues that are
'red lines,' for which we must 'be killed and not violate.'" Giving up our
sovereignty on the Temple Mount can be thought of as one of these, Rabbi
Amital said, adding that a society that places the sanctity of life above
every other single value, "will deteriorate to ethical corruption. Peace,
too, no matter how important it is, is not the sole supreme value, and
there are things which we may not give up even for peace." He also said
that giving away the Temple Mount would lead to the detachment of masses
of Jews from their Judaism, as it would be a break from "historic Judaism."

Meanwhile, public figures, intellectuals and archaeologists sent a sharp
letter of protest to Barak at the weekend, condemning what they say are
serious violations by the Waqf [Moslem authority on the Temple Mount] on
the Temple Mount site that endanger important archaeological evidence. The
letter notes that in recent weeks more than 1,500 tons of rubble was
removed from the site by tractors and loaded on to trucks to be dumped at
undisclosed sites. Experts following the work the Waqf is engaged in say
that there is no control over the areas or the depths from which soil is
being excavated. The group says that in addition to other serious
violations of the permits for development granted to the Waqf, a tractor
fitted with a rock-breaking hammer has been used on the Temple Mount for
the first time.

:: MURDER IN GAZA: Israeli farmer Ronni Tsalah, 34 years old and the
father of an eighteen-month- old son, was found dead Monday morning nearby
his hothouse near Kfar Yam, in the area of Gush Katif. Tsalah had been
kidnapped Sunday night while working in his hothouse; his car had been
taken to PLO-controlled Khan Yunis, where it had been set on fire by a
mob. A terrorist organization allied with Arafat's Fatah claimed
responsibility for the murder.

Meanwhile, the mysterious mob-style assassination of Palestinian TV
director Hisham Mikki in a Gaza City restaurant on Wednesday appears to
have been the work of Palestinian terrorists upset with Arafat's decision
to continue negotiating with Israel and his failure to clean up widespread
corruption within the PA/PLO. A new Palestinian group calling itself the
"Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade" issued a statement saying its "anti-corruption"
unit had killed Mikki for practicing "illegal sex, stealing money and
corruption," and charged Arafat with not dealing with corrupt officials.
the group is made up of dissidents in the Arafat-controlled Fatah
terrorist organization.

:: TERRORIST CAUGHT IN TEL AVIV: An Arab terrorist was apprehended at the
Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv Friday morning. The 37-year-old resident
of Kalandia, north of Jerusalem, later told policemen that he had planned
to kill as many Jews as possible. Four Palestinians were arrested in a
Shomron village Thursday night; they confessed to having thrown firebombs
and large rocks at Israeli vehicles, as well as to having set up
roadblocks against Israeli traffic.

policemen stood facing Majdi Mikawi, 27, who had been convicted in a
lightning trial on charges that he collaborated with Israel. The men aimed
their rifles, and at the sound of “shoot” pulled their triggers. Mikawi’s
body was riddled with 41 bullets. When the shooting stopped, one of the
officers went over to the body and shot it one more time, in the head, for
good measure. Hundreds of excited Palestinians watched the execution,
while large crowds gathered outside the building and cheered when they
heard the gunfire. Besides Mikawi, two others were sentenced to death, and
another two to life imprisonment at hard labor, after a Palestinian
national security court found them guilty of treason and giving
information to Israel. Other bodies of suspected informants have been
found during the week, all near PA/PLO autonomous areas. Former Israeli
defense minister Moshe Arens and former deputy Shin Bet chief Gideon Ezra
blasted the Barak government for continuing negotiations with the
Palestinians while the Intifada continues unabated. "The government’s
response essentially has to be aimed at the violence and the executions of
collaborators being originated by the PA," said Arens. "The first step
which should be taken is to stop negotiations with the while this violence
continues." Ezra said that "first and foremost we have an obligation to
those who risked their lives and gave us vital information. It is
important that Israeli residents see that their lives are not hefker
[worth nothing]. Their information saved many Jewish lives. These
collaborators chose not to throw their lot in with the PA and Arafat but
to work instead with us, providing information about when terrorists would

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